When an Alpha Purrs (10 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: When an Alpha Purrs
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How it heated her entire body. The moisture of her arousal made her slick, her panties so wet.

He left the spot he’d marked and moved lower, his jaw brushing over the swell of her breasts, dragging at the soft material of the T-shirt.

She hated the fabric that separated them. Wished it would disappear. Then didn’t think at all as his mouth caught the erect nipple protruding through the cotton.

Hot. So hot, and pleasurable.
My god.

The material soon became soaked as he sucked at the tip of her breast, managing to tease the nub and heighten her arousal.

She cried out when he abandoned this erogenous zone but then gasped in anticipation as his destination became clear.

Down. Down. Down her body he traveled, his touch blazing a trail down to the edge of the T-shirt, which had ridden up to her waist during their antics.

He placed a soft kiss on the round swell of her belly. But didn’t linger.

Down some more he moved, even as her breath grew ragged and her fingers clutched at the sheets.

He reached the edge of her panties and caught at the elastic hem. He tugged it with his teeth, dragging it down over one side of her hip. She couldn’t help but glance down as he did it and could have swooned at the image he presented.

Crouched over her, his eyes smoldering with lust—
for me
—his teeth gripped the fabric of her panties.

He held her gaze and yanked some more at the fabric. She sighed. So hot.

So in the way.

Or so she thought.

With a savage yank and a growl, that was utterly too sexy, Arik tore the panties. Turned them into a useless scrap that no longer impeded his access to her.

Which suited her just fine.

He hovered between her thighs, his hot, panting breath fluttering against her exposed sex. She quivered. She couldn’t help it. She also squirmed, her hips trying to invite him to get closer.

He did. His lips brushed at her nether lips, rubbing against them.

She jerked, her lower body bucking, bringing those lips in sharper contact.

A rumbling laugh shook him. “You are delightfully impatient.”

Try delightfully aroused and in no mood to wait.

Thankfully, neither was he. The tip of tongue lapped at her sex. Then again. Each stroke grew bolder, longer, more satisfying.

He parted her sensitive lips and tongued her, teasing flesh. It was wonderful. It heightened her desire. It…paled in comparison when his tongue found her swollen clitoris.

Forget lying still and basking. The electric pleasure when he flicked his tongue against her had her bucking off the bed. He pinned her down, a heavy forearm across her hips all he needed to make her a prisoner to his decadent oral ways.

She cried out, the sounds breathy, incoherent, but encouraging because he didn’t relent. On the contrary, he seemed determined to drive her insane with bliss.

He drew her close to the edge. She hovered on the brink.

He stopped.

She whimpered. “No. No. Don’t stop.”

“I’m not. However, this time, I intend to feel you when you come,” was his gruff response.

Feel it how?

The fat head of his shaft found the entrance to her sex. It pushed, thick and slick with her juices. Her thighs opened wide to accommodate his body. He slid in with decadent slowness, drawing out the pleasure of him stretching her channel, filling her completely.

He sank to the hilt and stopped, the rigid length of him pulsing within her. Her sex pulsed in reply, fisting him tight.

He groaned, and she opened heavy eyelids to see him poised above her, his head thrown back, the cords of his neck taut. Because he held his body braced above her, she could peer down and see where their bodies joined. Flesh to flesh.

A sound escaped him, a guttural expression of need and impatience. She peered at his face to find him staring at her. Eyes glowed a molten gold and, in a trick of light, or because of the passion glazing her sight, appeared less than human.

But utterly captivating.

Their gazes remained locked as he began to move, a slow, steady cadence that brought him deep, so deep, then withdrew until only the tip of him touched. Then slam, back in with a quick thrust that made her gasp. Shudder. Squeeze.

Again, and again, he did this to her. Slow retreat. Fast thrust. Pure pleasure.

With a scream, she climaxed. She gripped his shoulders tight as she did, nails digging into his skin. But he didn’t seem to care as he pistoned her shuddering flesh. His head dipped until his lips rested against the hollow at her throat. He sucked at the skin as his body pumped, drawing out her ecstasy, wringing a second orgasm from her that had her screaming mouth wide open, and yet not a sound emerged.

When he came, it was sudden. His body tensed and thrust deeply, one last time. Mouth open wide over the fleshy part of her shoulder, his teeth pinched the flesh, hard enough she would have yelled if she had breath.

But the pain was fleeting, the pleasure overwhelming, and the sated stupor that came after too relaxing to fight.

This feels right.

She didn’t even protest when he rolled them so that, once again, she lay spooned against his body. Nor did she move away when he nuzzled her hair and softly whispered, “Mine.”

Chapter Fifteen

Arik woke before Kira did and took the moment to study her.

In repose, all the lines of worry eased. She didn’t bear the tension of fear, the crease of confusion, or the taut lips of contrariness. For the moment, she appeared at peace and, given the slight curl at the corner of her mouth, content.
Because I pleasured her.

And he’d pleasure her again. Often.

It was his intention to ensure she wore this look all the time. Well, maybe not always. He did so enjoy it when her fiery nature took over. How attractive she was when she went on the attack, her eyes snapping, her posture aggressive, and her chin tilted stubbornly.

Absolutely gorgeous. But most beautiful of all was her passion. The way she’d seduced him only hours before had proven beyond glorious.

They would do well together. Better than well. Even though she lacked a felidaethropy gene, she held great strength. It would serve her well in his pride. As alpha, he needed a mate who could hold her own.

However, just in case she needed more than words to defend herself, he should probably arm her as well. A sharp tongue could use a sharp knife just in case the claws came out.

Something he’d deal with later. First he wanted to—

Bang. Bang. Bang.

—kill whoever knocked at his door.

If Kira weren’t slumbering, he would have roared at whoever dared disturb him. Wait. She didn’t sleep. One eye crept open, and he saw the moment she realized where she was and with who. A happy smile pulled her lips. The heat radiating from her body increased. Her bottom squirmed against his groin. A certain part of him stirred and said hello. A shared desire sparked their bodies.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

The knock came again. Insistently.

“Bloody hell,” he yelled as he rolled out of bed. “Can a man not enjoy a nap in the middle of the day?”

Let’s go rip whoever disturbs us into shreds.
His lion had ways of dealing with people. Unfortunately, they were kind of messy.

“Answer your door,” Hayder yelled, no longer content to just pound his door.

“What if I don’t want to?” Arik bellowed back, even as he stomped, naked and uncaring, to the entrance of his condo. He’d long ago confiscated keys to his place. Not because he didn’t trust Hayder, but more because his damned mother kept having copies made. The sly lioness would enlist his cousins into tricking Hayder so they could borrow and copy them.

Now he used a thumbprint.
Duplicate that, Mother.

“Dude, what is taking you so long?”

“Ever think to use a freaking phone?” he snapped back as he slapped his thumb on the touch screen display.

“I did, but someone was too lazy to answer it.”

“No respect,” Arik muttered as he flung open the door. He planted his hands on his hips and barked, “What the hell was so important you had to come disturb me?”

“You’re the one who said to contact you if that dude surfaced.”

Instantly all thoughts of killing Hayder and crawling back into bed with his woman vanished. The alpha returned, and he cut the bullshit to go straight to the point. “What happened?”

“Not much since the security we hired headed him off, but that Gregory dude tried approaching her apartment.”

“Did the security team apprehend him?”

Hayder shook his head. “No. Something spooked him off before he got close enough. One of the guards said he took a big sniff then took off running.”

Of course he did. When Arik marked something, lesser predators knew to scatter.

“Did they not give chase? Did you not tell them I wanted this guy captured?”

“Yes and yes.”


Hayder shrugged. “They lost him.”

Nothing could stop Arik’s snort. “Lost him? I thought we’d hired professionals. What did they give us, untrained pups? So much for their reputation as the best. You tell Jeoff, when you speak to him, that I am not impressed.”

He did so love to needle the leader of the Pack. It was something they’d been doing for years.

“Tell him yourself. Jeoff is downstairs in the common meeting room. I somehow didn’t think you wanted him coming up here while you were
. And I didn’t dare leave him in the lobby with your cousins. There are more of them milling than usual.”

Probably because word of his guest had gotten around. Also, who knew how much drama his mother was spreading? When it came to rumors and rabble rousing, she was the pride’s queen.

“Tell that mangy wolf I’ll be down in a few minutes. I need to locate some pants.” Meeting with Hayder naked was one thing. His beta had seen him in the buff many times and didn’t require impressing. But dealing with other alphas meant he needed to project a certain aura, one that didn’t come with a swinging dick—even if he was impressively endowed.

“Pants would be good. A shirt too. And remember, there’s no time for
,” Hayder chided, his implication clear—and unwelcome. “Also, you might want to think about hopping in for a quick shower.”

Wash the scent of his mate from his skin? No. Yet, at the same time, he didn’t want to share the sweetness of Kira’s lust with anyone else.
It belongs to me. She is mine.

Even if she’d probably protest it.

Annoyed with his beta, for many reasons, the key one being because he couldn’t
, he slammed the door shut in his smirking beta’s face.

It sucked he wouldn’t get to relax a little more with his woman. He could have used another dozen or so hours of sleep—and, yes, the rumors were true. Felines did enjoy their slumber. But now was not the time to nap. Given Gregory had tried to make a move, and that Kira would worry about her family, he needed to get out of here and act.

Oh, and he should probably do something about the sixty-three texts flashing on his phone, all from one slightly psychotic person, the one who’d birthed him after forty-seven hours of hard labor, who gave up everything for him—the everything which had yet to be defined—the bane and most important person in his life—until he’d met Kira. His mother.

Upon entering his bedroom, he noted the empty bed. He inhaled deeply, catching the lingering fragrance of their lovemaking.

Can’t we spare a few minutes?

He really shouldn’t. But even if he couldn’t seduce his new mate, he should find her, which didn’t prove hard. He followed the sound of water to the bathroom. Upon entering, he stopped and leaned against the doorjamb, admiring for a moment the delicious image meeting his gaze.

He’d located Kira. She stood within the shower’s glass enclosure, getting soaked by the rain head pouring on her. He knew she saw him enter, the quick flick of her eyes his way noting his presence. However, she did nothing to hide the splendor of her curvy body. It glistened, wet and tempting.

Hands, slick with soap, slid over the moist skin, cupping full and heavy breasts, skimming over the indent of her waist, caressing the rounded shape of her hips.

But it was when that soapy hand reached between her thighs that Arik snapped. He stalked to her, glad he didn’t have to waste time stripping.

He knew what would happen when he got in that shower. Knew it. Wanted it.
Will have it. Have her.

A part of him understood he was out of control. He didn’t care. He would take her, now, in the shower. He couldn’t wait to hear her cry out. But, at the same time, he’d get clean. Pleasurable multitasking. Even Hayder couldn’t find fault with his excellent time management skills.

And he knew Kira loved his climactic skills.

A brilliant smile met him when he stepped into the wet enclosure.

“Hey there, big guy,” she said, her voice husky. “About time you joined me.”

“Sorry for the rude awakening. I had some business to tend.”

“Oh, are you going to have to leave?”

. So sadly uttered.

“A shame.” Soapy hands, hers of course, skimmed over his chest and moved lower. Lower. He swallowed as she gripped him and stroked. “I was kind of looking forward to using you to wake up.”

“And does this using resemble how you used me to fall asleep?”

Her mischievous grin widened. “Yes. It’s an amazing cure for lots of things.”

Utter perfection. And his. Even if she didn’t know it yet. “I don’t really have much time. I’ve got a business associate”—with horrible timing—“waiting for me.”

“This doesn’t have to take long.” Her hands stroked his erect length.

No, it wouldn’t take long if she kept touching him like that. “You deserve more than a fast rut in the shower.”

“What if I want a quickie though?”

How could he disappoint his mate? He would do this one thing for her. Ha. Great justification. “I guess I could manage something quick.”

“I like
” She gripped him tight on the last word, and he groaned.

He crushed her lips, kissing her with a fierce passion that hadn’t lessened one bit. On the contrary, he felt more enflamed and desirous of her than ever. She bore his mark. She was his mate. His woman.

He would have pressed her against the wall of his shower so he could drop to his knees and please her. However, the massaging jets didn’t leave much space. And she did want quick.

The question was, though, was her body ready for him?

As he kissed her, he let his fingers quest south of her waist, trailing through the wet curls of her mound to the tender flesh between her legs. She gasped against his mouth and arched her hips toward him.

Aroused, yes, but was she honey-wet within?

He slid a finger in. Gushing moisture met him. Hot flesh pulsed around his finger. Her hands clutched at him, frenzied.

He seesawed the finger in her and noted the shudder that swept her body.

So ready for him.

And he for her.

He withdrew his hand and swallowed her whimpering cry. He spanned her waist, reveling anew in her hourglass shape. All woman.

With brute strength alone, he hoisted her and whispered against her lips, “Wrap your legs around my waist.”

She did, quickly and without a word. It locked her core against him, just above his shaft, which bobbed just below her bottom.

He tugged her slightly away from him and angled his hips, positioning the tip of his cock against her core. Lightly, he pushed, inserting himself with agonizing slowness.

How tightly she clutched him.

How hotly she enveloped him.

How deep she took him!

She locked her ankles around him and flexed, drawing herself against him and sheathing him the rest of the way.

Their lips clung together, hot breaths meshing as he flexed to thrust, in and out. She wrapped her arms around him, almost as tightly as her legs. Her body thrummed with tension, a live wire ready to snap.

He well understood that feeling. He wanted to snap too.

Faster, he thrust, a body-to-body grind that stimulated her G-spot, which, in turn, meant her channel quivered and squeezed, fisting his shaft.

He could have stayed in that pre-climactic moment forever, but she came. And came hard.

She screamed into his mouth, tightened all around him, and her sex shuddered and spasmed in waves of bliss.

It was too much. Too wonderful. Too…

He might have roared the wordless sound. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to notice as she hung limply in his grasp, her head resting on his shoulder.

Cradling her in his arms, Arik enjoyed the moment. A moment that went on for a while until he felt compelled to ask, “Are you okay?”

She stirred against him. Her head tilted far enough for him to see the lazy smile she shot him. “Better than okay.” She wiggled in his arms, and he let her down, hiding his smug satisfaction as she wavered on wobbly legs, a smugness that faded when she said, “That sure beats waking up to Frosted Flakes and milk.”

Did she really compare him to— “Processed cereal?” He shuddered. “Don’t tell me you eat that stuff.”

“All the time. I like it. It’s fast and easy. Who doesn’t like a bowl of sugar to perk them up in the morning?”

“Not me. A lion needs real food.”

“Lion? Someone’s got a messed-up opinion of himself,” she teased, not realizing his verbal gaffe. “Although I’ll admit you do kind of remind me of an animal with some of the noises you make.”

If she only knew those noises were just the tip of his furry, perfectly tufted tail.

“So sue me for being a man who expresses himself vocally when aroused. But I warn you, sue me at your own peril. I have the best lawyer in town on retainer.”

“If you ask me, your money would be better spent with a psychiatrist for your ego problem.”

“Admit it, my supreme confidence is sexy.”

“No, it’s disturbing, but lucky for you, your butt is awesome.”

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