When Aliens Weep (21 page)

Read When Aliens Weep Online

Authors: J. K. Accinni

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Literary, #Teen & Young Adult, #Literary Fiction

BOOK: When Aliens Weep
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The survivors huddled together in Dezi’s kitchen, without the lovely ambient light that usually flooded their rooms. The only light was the glow from the eyes of the Elders: Abby, Netty, and Wil. Baby sat with the dogs huddled together on the floor, his arms around Teddy.

Barney whined, Echo was nowhere in sight. Dezi hung his head, slapping his forehead with an impotent hand.

“Why did I let them go? I knew Chloe was in no condition.”

Hud reached out to give his shoulder a squeeze. “It’s not your fault. Jose is her brother. And Echo and Kenya are with her. They’ll get back somehow.”

They all glanced involuntarily toward the hall that led to the doorway of their quarters, now shrouded and blocked by a thick, fibrous covering, pliant but indestructible. No one could get in or get out.

Cobby spoke up. “Why do you think they sealed us in here?” He turned to Netty and Wil. “Do you guys know anything?”

Wil shook his head. “I told you, Cobby. We’re in the dark as much as you are.” He inclined his head toward Baby. “I can’t get anything from Baby either. Just that death is afoot. That’s good enough for me. I suggest we sit tight and make the best of it. I don’t want anyone else put in jeopardy.”

Kane began to pace with frustration, giving Cobby tight smiles. “There must be something we can do. You can’t expect me to just sit here while my wife is out there with who knows what.”

Netty tried to calm him down. “I don’t believe the Womb would let any harm come to the girls. And Echo and Caesar are with them. They are quite capable of handling anything that comes their way.”

A clatter and thud came from the back of the room where orders were delivered. Kenya’s voice was heard screeching. “You are
going to
get me to ever, ever
ride in that creature again.”

Everyone rushed to the back of the room where they saw a house Kreyven disappearing into the Womb’s wall while Chloe, Kenya, Echo and Caesar lay sprawled on the floor.

Kenya got to her knees and stood, fluffing her dark mane of curls. She bent over to give Chloe a hand. “You okay, chickey?”

Kane ran up to his wife and threw his arms around her.

She batted her eyes at him.

“I love that you missed me, hon, but we just had one hell of a scare.” Her big eyes filled as she described what happened and detailed the monstrous creature. “We need to protect ourselves.”

Her face dropped, the blood draining and panic setting in. “The baby. Where’s the baby?” She clutched madly at Kane, her eyes wild and head turning to search the room.

Netty put her arm around Chloe. “Relax, ladies. Come over here. The babies are fine. Bonnie’s with them and they’re sealed in the nursery. They’re well-protected. Come on.” She motioned to Kane to sit Kenya in a chair. “So tell us more.”

Baby and Barney ran to Echo. The two minions touched, heads bowed, fingers clenched.

Before anyone could speak, Echo announced her aura. “It was the trypid—a vicious shape-shifter. It knows only death and cannot exist peacefully with other species. It is loose and thirsty for revenge for her captivity. She knows we have been waiting for her egg. Her time must be near and she wants to find a place to hatch it. I don’t know how she got out but there has been much death. We feel it . . . every single one.” Echo’s aura faltered.

“My Brother Jose has been drawn to the creature. It found us in his room. He must still be in the restricted area. She will be looking for a small safe space to lay her egg and incubate it. We cannot let her hatch out the egg. She must be stopped. My implant may not hold. The trypid does not have a brain like most species. It is a complex system of cells that culminate with an extraordinary nervous system that controls its defenses. It can vanish at will or change shape as it senses thoughts from our brains.”

The minions conferred silently, golden eyes glowing in the dark, stoic and solemn. Suddenly a premonition made them look to the hallway where they saw Jose standing, his wings folding back in on his shoulders, a limp body in his arms. Dampness on his cheeks glistened in the glow of his luminous eyes.

“I didn’t mean for her to get hurt,” he said, his voice a monotone whisper, everyone froze. “She didn’t deserve this. I’m so sorry.” He looked up from his burden, to see condemnation in their faces.

“What have you
Jose?” Netty spoke low and softly as she edged her way over and lifted Doodiet’s body from his arms. She whimpered pitifully as she discovered who it was. Clutching the small form to her chest like a child, Doodiet’s head hung alarmingly from the rest of her body. Netty called for Wil, tears now dropping.

Together they took Doodiet into a bedroom as the rest watched spellbound. Jose held out his hand then dropped it to his side uselessly. “I need to find Leeja,” he whispered with a whimper.

Baby and Echo trundled after them, mute and visibly distraught. They turned back to Jose.

Chloe’s voice rang out. “Jose, who is Leeja?”

Jose cracked a shy smile. “She’s someone I met in the restricted area. She’s human. You can imagine my surprise when I found another human housed there.”

Kenya’s voice was firm. “What do you mean
Jose? Is she a specimen? Part of a study?” Kenya’s voice rose to a screech. “Was she in a cage?” Kenya rose from her chair. She marched over to Jose who stood dumbly.

Answer me.” She slapped him across the face. “Answer me, you fool!” Her voice broke as Kane pulled her back and held her close, her tears bringing her close to hysteria. Cobby opened his mouth to speak and was silenced by Abby with a quick look and shake of her head.

Slipping over to Jose, Abby explained the little they knew, concluding with the beast Chloe and Kenya had encountered in his room and the information relayed by Echo down to the facts about the creature’s egg. Jose looked green, his eyes guilty.

Cobby finally stood up, his tone bitter and angry. “What is it, Jose? What else have you done?”

Jose ignored Cobby, addressing Abby, his pleading tone begging her to understand. “I just wanted to give her a treat. Dezi had so much left from Daisy’s aborted welcome home party. I just opened the door from the airlock a crack when someone attacked me. I was out for such a long time. I think they got her . . . Leeja. When I came to, she was gone.” His face crumbled and cratered. “All of the minions . . . so many . . . so much blood and carnage.” His eyes flew back and forth looking for support, spittle flying from his lips. “It was an accident

Dezi could take no more. “An accident? Are you kidding us? The babe you have the hots for is one nasty number. Some kind of shape-shifter. With a mug even its mother would refuse to kiss, ‘cause it
would chew her face off!”

Silence descended after Dezi’s outburst, all eyes on Jose.

“An egg you said, Abby?” Jose’s voice faltered, his expression wooden and stiff. “Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure. What? Do you know something about this, Jose?” Abby’s tone had an edge. The rest of the survivors emanated anger and icy demeanors.

Jose appealed to Wil. “Come on, bro. You believe it was an accident don’t you?”

“You let the trypid control you, Jose.” Wil’s voice rang low and tight, solidifying the consensuses. “I don’t know how long we’ll be shut up in here. We’re worried about Bonnie and the babies. Thank the Womb that the trypid will be busy looking for a place to lay her egg. They will be able to contain her there.”

Jose turned ashen. “Ah . . . well . . . what if her egg has already been laid?”

Netty and Wil exchanged worrisome glances.

Abby rose from her seat and walked toward him as if a trance. “What’s in your pockets, Jose?” Her voice was innocent and light. Yet a high-strung note of steel betrayed her intent.

Well, Jose?”

He leaned from foot to foot, indecision and guilt sitting repellently on his face. The room was silent as breath was held by all; each survivor awaiting his answer.

Abby reached out her hand and pushed him. “Show
me. We want to see. Tell us you didn’t.” Her voice rose, loud with a frenetic note. “You didn’t risk all our lives
for your own selfish desire.”

Jose recoiled, his face pale and drained. “Abby, no. Don’t say that.
I would never . . .”

Wil strode up to join Abby, confounding Jose with his steady gaze. “Et tu, Brute? I never expected
to turn on me, Wil.”

Wil remained stoic. “Let’s just have a look, shall we, Jose?” He reached toward Jose’s pocket as Jose slapped his arm away, defiance proclaiming his guilt.

It’s mine.”
Seconds ticked away at his declaration. He finally reached into his voluminous pocket and withdrew the object. The trypid’s egg in all its soon-to-hatch glory. Abby recoiled.

Kenya and Chloe screamed. “No, Jose. You didn’t!”

“Get that effing thing outa here!”

Suddenly Echo’s aura intruded. “You must leave right now, Brother Jose. She will find her egg. We are all in danger. My minion Brothers and Sisters are dying as she looks. It will not be long. The Womb protects us now but you must go. You must.”

All eyes bore into his, their messages of terror, disappointment, revulsion and panic loud and clear. He turned again to Abby. “But Abby . . .”

Abby blinked slowly, her wings trembled. She turned her back to him and walked away to slip her arm through Cobby’s and face Jose, her glowing eyes hard enough to turn water to stone.

“There is nothing more to say, Jose. Just get that thing
out of here.”

He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it when his eyes lit on Chloe, her tears flowing in anguish, her loyalty to her baby clear as she cupped her abdomen. Kenya’s eyes flashed at him, alternating between fire and fear. Dezi and Cobby showed only disdain, Wil was stoic but resolute. Netty was the only unreadable face. Even Baby and Echo, who had returned, held their heads in sorrow.

Not a glimmer of hope or support from anyone. Jose was filled with shame and despair, his regret a knife blade to his soul. He raised his wings, wrapped them around himself and disappeared, still holding the trypid egg.


Chapter 19



The rescue team stood in front of the entrance to the Healer, the Womb’s membrane taut across the opening.

Ivey approached the wall and reached through the membrane. Nothing happened. She glanced back at the bodies of the man and the woman. She knew they didn’t have long. The only chance they had was to get inside the Healer. And fast.

They were now completely aware of the trypid on the loose. Ivey well knew of its insidious talents and lust for blood since she’d been in on the trypid’s capture to begin with. She watched her Brothers and Sisters as they fought for a way inside the Healer, the life of the man and woman depending on their ministrations. They periodically glanced her way.

She beckoned with her aura, signaling for them all. “Let us try together.”

The golden creatures lined up along the Womb’s wall, side by side, and thrust their arms through. After a beat, the wall parted allowing them access. Hurriedly, they moved the sphere through. The wall closed behind them without any thought.

Ivey breathed a sigh of relief. She surveyed the room as several minions came rushing over. They helped remove the man and woman from the sphere, guiding them through a labyrinth of supine creatures from various planets that were healing, most confined, some not. They came to empty platforms and transferred the rescued duo. As the minions stepped back, filaments emerged from the walls and sank into the bodies of the hapless couple. Separate life tubes emerged to imbed itself in their stomachs, fluid already entering their systems.

Ivey approached an attendant minion, her aura hopeful but questioning.

“They will survive, IV Navigator. Observe the color in their skin. The gray of death is at bay.”

Ivey relaxed, nodding her head. “They have no idea how lucky they were that they landed on Treops. The Treopians knew just what to do. But if we had been just a day later . . .”

“But what of the death in the Womb, Sister?” asked Ivey, reaching out to the attendant.

The attendant minion’s head sagged. “It is grave, great IV Navigator. You must stay here with us until the escaped creature is subdued.”

“I understand. I just can’t believe the trypid was released by Brother Jose. I prayed the collective minion thoughts were wrong . . . a misunderstanding.”

“No, Sister. When have our collective thoughts ever been
We must pray to the Womb and hope. Now that we know there is an egg, it will soon be over. She is most vulnerable when she incubates the egg. She will take a victim to feed on while the egg hatches and joins her to feed. The trypid will be recaptured at that time. We must hunker down and wait.”

The attendant minion walked away, leaving Ivy alone to watch over the rescued husband of her beloved Sister Bonnie and the woman who had turned out to be Sister Daisy’s birth mother. She quivered in anticipation of the joy she would bring to her Bonnie. Her acceptance of Ivey’s proposal was now assured.


Chapter 20



Jose stirred on his filthy bed, the sheets crusted with dried blood and rusty stains, evidence the trypid had been there. His eyes remained shut but his eyeballs moved, twitching in time with the unconscious dream that held him captured. A pervasive malaise of impending doom settled like a smothering viper over his subconscious mind as he fought to awaken.

His eyes popped open with a start. He stared up at the high ceiling as he identified the hard object that poked him in the back. The infernal egg. Sniffing casually, he recoiled from the smells of the dried secretions that decorated his sheets and mingled with his own body odor.

Knowing he should get moving, he strove to formulate a plan. Unfortunately, he was so overwhelmed by his fellow survivors’ comments and vitriol that his emotional numbness and self-pity paralyzed him. Even his bitterness toward Abby and Cobby failed to rouse him from his funk. Guilt can be a draining emotion, impossible to shake. He wondered why he should beat himself up. Hadn’t
rejected him?

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