Whats Your Pleasure (8 page)

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Authors: Marie Haynes

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“What can I say?” Vince answered.

Joe’s struggles increased as the two men bantered back and forth. Whatever they had planned, she knew it couldn’t be good.


Vince tried not to look at her. This had to be done.

“You want to do the honours, or you want me to?” Nathan inquired.

tell you, man, I’m a lot less involved emotionally than you, so I’d probably be harder than you.”

“Good point. Fine, you do it,” Vince agreed. Already he could feel his heart softening. He could see the fear in Joe’s eyes, and all he wanted to do was hold her, tell her everything would be fine. He knew, though, that she’d never go for that. She’d just pull inside herself again, and he couldn’t have that. He couldn’t help her fight off her demons if she kept them hidden.

“Do what?” Joe demanded, her voice shaking with her rising panic.

“What needs to be done,” he answered gently. “Joe, we can help you get over whatever demon is inside of you, but we need to know what’s going on in your head. Will you let us help you?”

He watched her eyes carefully, noting the confused fury begin to subside.

“I’ll fight you,” she whispered.

He could see the longing, the uncertainty in her eyes.

“Will you fight me—or fight facing the truth? I—we—only want to help you, babe,” he said. “Tell me now if you want this. Otherwise, I swear to you, I will never touch you again. I have never forced a woman to do anything, and I don’t intend to start now,” he promised quietly. Vince silently prayed she would agree to this intervention.

After a full minute, Joe looked up at him. “I want to tell you, but I just can’t. I’m terrified,” she admitted.

“Then trust me,” he encouraged.

When she nodded, he kissed her.

“Joe, you’ll be stronger and happier when we get through this. You’re not alone. Nathan and I are here for you,” he promised then glanced at Nathan.

Nathan flexed his muscles and placed a straight-backed wooden chair in the centre of the room. He sat on it, spread his legs slightly and said, “I’m ready.”

“Ready for what?” she cried, her voice squeaking slightly, her eyes wide with renewed fear.

Rather than answering her, Vince dragged her over to Nathan. The man reached for her and pulled her across his lap, her skirt once again pushed up over her hips.

“You can’t be serious,” she babbled.

Vincent knelt in front of her, looking at her eye to eye. “You agreed to trust me, remember? If you really want us to stop, we will. But this is for your own good, and deep down inside, you know it.”

“You bastard!” she yelled, kicking her legs wildly.

But she didn’t tell them to stop.

“What are you hiding?” he asked quietly.

Resolutely, she clamped her lips closed. But he could see, beneath her defiance, her desperate desire to release demons, to confess, to be free.

Somehow, Vincent knew the simple threat of a spanking wouldn’t be enough to help her break her silence.

He looked up at Nathan and nodded. He watched her eyes widen as Nathan’s hand came down heavily on her white ass. She wiggled and squirmed, kicked and yelled, but Nathan’s strong arm held her in place, and his broad hand rained down blows. When he felt she’d had enough, Vincent again nodded to Nathan.

Wiping away her tears, Vince questioned her again.

“What are you hiding, Joe?”

Maintaining her silence, she raised her head and glared at him.

He saw her need, but he also saw her fear and the stubbornness in her eyes. Vince sighed and glanced at his friend.

Again, the blows rained down on her now rosy ass. Standing up, Vince felt his cock harden. The sight of Joe’s kicking legs and red bottom could not have been more beautiful. He felt a twinge of guilt hearing her cries, but knew he had to get her to open up to him.

“So what brought this on?” Nathan casually asked, continuing his assault.

“We were, as one would say, ‘in the heat of the moment’ when she freaked out,” Vince answered.

“Like the last time?”

“Yeah, but more emotional.”

“Interesting,” Nathan commented.

When Joe’s squealing diminished to sobs, and her rosy pink bum had shifted to fiery red, Vince kneeled before her again.

talk yet?” he asked, his hand on her head.

“No,” she whimpered.

Vince nodded. “I knew those demons of yours had thrown up some pretty powerful barriers. But even if they won’t let you talk, maybe they’ll let you use your mouth for something.”

Vincent stood, still grasping her hair. He felt her tense, readying her body for the next onslaught.

Positioning himself in front of her,
and Nathan exchanged a quick grin. Rather than continue with the spanking, Nathan began massaging her nether lips, stroking the petals of her flower. Obviously surprised, Joe tilted her head back and opened her mouth slightly—just the effect Vince had hoped for. Quickly, he slipped his hardened rod between her parted lips. Too shocked to resist, Joe opened wider, accommodating his length.

“I think she’s enjoying herself,” Nathan commented.

“Apparently you are, too,” Vince answered, watching Nathan plunge first one, then two, then three fingers into Joe’s tunnel. Feeling the warm wetness of her mouth and viewing her reddened ass, seeing her squirm against Nathan’s legs, proved almost more than Vince could handle. He felt himself grow bigger, harder. He knew he would explode soon, and he knew it was too soon. He thrust himself deep into her throat, forcing himself to ignore the gagging sounds she made. Feeling her throat relax against him, he pulled out.

Stoically, he stood over her, watching her head drop and tears splash the floor.

“Talk to me, Joe. Tell me what you’re hiding,” he demanded.

When she didn’t answer, Nathan pulled his hand out of her pussy and landed one hard, stinging smack on her abused bottom.

“When asked a question, a lady should answer,” he admonished. “You ready to
or you want the belt?” Nathan asked coldly.

“I’ll answer,” she whispered.

Vince and Nathan exchanged looks.

“Did you hear something?” Nathan asked.

“I’m not sure,” Vincent replied.

“I said I’ll answer, you bastards,” Joe shouted.

Relief swept through Vince. It had worked. She’d finally been able to break down her defences.

Nathan stood, grasping her around her waist, forcing her to stand, as well. When she looked up, her blue eyes awash with tears, Vince felt his heart melt. Only through supreme effort did he manage to keep his expression neutral.

“Go on,” he encouraged.

“I’m ugly,” Joe whispered.

Vince looked at Nathan and knew his own expression mirrored his friend’s confusion.

“Come again?”

“I’m ugly!” This time she shouted it. “I’ve scared men away with my hideous deformity. There, are you happy?” She buried her face in her hands and wept.

Vince reached for her, intent on giving her comfort, but she pulled away.

“Not my face, my body,” she insisted. “I don’t want you to see me. I don’t want you to run from me. I like watching your eyes when you want me, when you look at me, both of you,” she sobbed. “But you, Vince, I think I could really fall for you. I don’t want to do that again only to have you see me and leave.”

“Oh, babe.
I’m not going anywhere,” he tried to assure her.
What the hell is she talking about?
He glanced at Nathan who, despite his first expression of confusion, seemed to accept what Joe was saying.

“Strip,” Nathan coldly ordered.

Joe lifted her head in shock, her crying coming to an abrupt end. Even Vince was surprised to hear the authoritative quality in his friend’s voice.

“Unless you want the belt,” he warned.

“Nathan,” Vince began, but stopped when Nathan held up his hand.

“It’s the only way she’ll get over this,” he insisted. “Joe, you want to get through this like the woman I think you are, or do you want to chicken out and stop now?”

Vince looked at Joe, fully expecting her to slug them both. At the very least, he thought she would yell and scream. Instead, she bowed her head and nodded. Slowly, she reached around her neck and unzipped her dress. Taking a deep breath, she let the soft material flow over her shoulders and puddle on the floor around her feet.

“Turn around,” Nathan commanded.

Vince watched in shocked fascination as Joe meekly complied with Nathan’s order.

“Oh, baby,” Vince whispered, his eyes drawn to the wrinkled, scarred skin covering her left shoulder blade and back.

“Good girl,” Nathan praised her quietly.

Vince felt nothing but admiration for his friend.

Nathan placed his hand on Vince’s shoulder and squeezed before slipping out the back door.


















Chapter Eight




Love Shot


1 part whisky

1 part amaretto

1 part cola


Mix in a shot glass.



Joe trembled. She had heard Nathan’s footsteps and the soft sound of the back door closing. His simple praise encouraged her, but still, she feared Vincent’s reaction. She had been shocked by all three of them tonight. Her ass stung like hell, and she knew sitting would prove difficult for a day or two. Perhaps what had shocked her most, however, was the dampness running down her thighs. With each blow Nathan had inflicted, her arousal had risen and her resolve had weakened. She actually
to be told what to do, to be spanked, to be forced to reveal her secret. Now, fear crept up her spine as she waited for Vincent’s acceptance or denial.

She nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt Vincent’s hand touch her shoulder. She moaned when his tongue followed, anointing every wrinkle of her marred skin. No one, ever, had touched her in such a way. Still, she ached for his words.

He reached between her legs, gently pushing apart her thighs, forcing her to widen her stance. He dipped in his fingers, touching her honey. Suddenly, he pulled away. She gasped and tried to turn towards him.

“Don’t move,” he commanded, his voice carrying authority, his hand resting on her damaged skin.

Quickly, she again faced the bar, tears of frustration and fear forming.

“Do you know what I see?” he asked.

Not trusting herself to answer, she shook her head.

“I see the path of courage and a river of pain.” He kissed the top of her shoulder.
“A trail of beauty and suffering and strength.”

She trembled, feeling one finger follow the hills and valleys of the scar tissue.

Again, he kissed her neck, worked his way down her spine. She felt herself tremble again, this time from pleasure. He pushed on her back, forcing her to lean over a table, her ass in the air. He continued his downward path, his tongue finding her dripping slit. Joe tipped her head back, her eyes closed. His mouth and tongue were so warm, so soft. He lapped up her juices, his clever tongue entering her pleasure tunnel. She could stand no more. Wave after wave crashed over her as stars exploded before her closed eyes. She heard a woman screaming and realised it was her. Just as she was catching her breath, she heard Vincent’s low growl. Before she could adjust herself, he had both his hands on her shoulders, holding her in place when she would have stood.

“Stay put. I need to get a condom on,” he instructed. Quickly, her found the foil packet, ripped it open and unrolled the protective latex over his shaft.

He entered her. Not gently, not harshly. He entered her with the determination of a man marking his woman. His momentum pushed her hips into the rough, wooden table. She stood on her toes, meeting him thrust for thrust. He moved his hands beneath her, grasping, squeezing her breasts, laying his head against her neck. No longer was she a bartender. No longer was she a woman of responsibilities, no longer was she a scarred victim. Her world spun around her, and she became A Woman. That was all, and that was glorious. She became A Woman conscious only of pleasing the man she loved, bending her will to his, offering her body, her soul for his pleasure.

His fingers dug into her breasts, and his pounding lifted her feet from the floor. Her mind spun wildly, completing her journey of joy as he shot his hot seed into the condom deep inside her womb. Completely satiated, he remained in place, his slowly shrinking rod encased within her warmth, his breathing ragged.

When she felt his heartbeat become even, he pulled out of her. Gently, he touched her shoulder, signalling her to face him.

“Joe,” he said softly. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known.”

Her heart clenched, and the tears that had threatened flowed freely.

He held her to him, “No, baby. Don’t cry. You must know I’ve fallen in love with you. Your scars,
past. They don’t matter other than to add to your mystique, your beauty, your strength. I love you, Joe. All of you.”

“Vincent,” she whispered into his chest. She didn’t know what to say. Her heart was so full, she thought it might burst. She tried to speak, to tell him everything, but couldn’t. Finally, she blurted out, “I love you, too.”

Vincent smiled his big, happy grin, but Joe wasn’t satisfied. She needed to
him how much she loved him. Looking up at him, she slowly sank to her knees.

“I am a strong-minded woman, and I have never submitted to anything like I did tonight,” she began.

“Joe,” Vincent interrupted, a frown appearing on his face.

She reached up and placed a finger over his lips.

“Please, let me finish.”

He nodded.

“I was terrified. Not because of the spanking, but because deep within me, I knew I’d
show you the scars. I knew you’d see them. I was terrified you would be repulsed.”

Vincent shook his head and opened his mouth to respond, but Joe rushed on.

“But you weren’t.
Neither you nor Nathan.
You accepted me, loved me,
me. I’ve never experienced anything like I did tonight, and I’ve never been so excited.” She rubbed her cheek against his thigh, amazed at herself but also, finally, feeling accepted.

“Vincent, thank you,” she stated before removing the condom and beginning to clean him with her tongue.

She heard his quick intake of breath and felt his hand on her head. She tasted his pungent juices clinging to his semi-hard manhood. Cupping his balls in her hand, she pulled him into her mouth, sucking, savouring,
him. Next, she began on his inner thighs. They also tasted tangy, this time from her juices. She licked them clean then continued down each leg, finally resting her head on his feet. Vincent bent down, lifting her arms so she again knelt before him.

“Joe, do you doubt that I love you?” he asked.

“No,” she answered without hesitation.

“Did you enjoy being dominated?”


“Did you feel threatened?”


“Would you be my submissive?” he asked, lifting her chin so he could look at her face.

Would she? Was this what she wanted? Before she could begin to think logically, her heart answered.

“Yes, “she stated strongly.

Vincent smiled at her, bent down and kissed her gently.

“In that case, go to bed, Little Joe. I have a lot to think about and arrange. If you’re serious about this, remain naked in your apartment until I come to you,” he commanded.

Joe nodded, stood and kissed his chest. He turned her towards the door, slapped her red arse to get her moving. Boldly, she walked up the back stairs completely naked and exposed to the night air. She entered her apartment and quietly shut the door behind her.

Leaning against it, she wondered what she had gotten herself into.










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