WhatHeDemands (domination erotica) (4 page)

Read WhatHeDemands (domination erotica) Online

Authors: Tawny Taylor

Tags: #Erotica, #Erotic Romance, #erotica for women, #erotic bondage, #anything he wants, #what he wants, #50 shades of grey

BOOK: WhatHeDemands (domination erotica)
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Two words. Insanely gorgeous.

One wall was all windows. Unimpeded ocean views. Opposite
that wall sat the bed. It was dressed in crisp white. When I woke tomorrow
morning, the ocean would be the first thing I’d see. Unreal.

God, I could get used to this.

Maybe Shane was onto something with that positive thinking
stuff. Maybe I’d been living life too safely? Maybe I needed to let myself

Shane motioned to a set of frosted glass doors. “Your
luggage has already been delivered. You’ll find your clothes in here.” He
walked toward another door, not far from the closet. “You have your own
bathroom here.”

“Thanks.” I didn’t know what else to say. If someone had
told me a month ago that I would be traveling to paradise with Shane Trant,
that I’d be his lover and his submissive, I would’ve laughed in their face.
“Thank you for bringing me here. It’s spectacular.”

“You’re welcome. I work hard. So when I need to get away, I
come here. Phone reception isn’t great. There’s no internet access. I can’t
work.” He grinned, and my heart did a triple flip. He was just too freaking
gorgeous to be real.

“That’s one way to make sure you don’t work, huh?” I said.

“Exactly.” He grabbed my waist and stared into my eyes.
“Damn, I want you again, already.”

A little sizzle of erotic heat buzzed up my body. I
moistened my lips, hoping for a kiss.

I wasn’t disappointed. His lips met mine, and within
seconds, I was being kissed to oblivion. While his lips, teeth and tongue did
things that should be illegal, he half walked, half carried me across the room.
The back of my legs hit something soft--the bed?--and I fell backwards, landing
on a cloud of white cotton. Arms around Shane’s neck, I pulled until he was
angled over me, arms extended to hold his weight off me.

His lips caressed mine. His tongue explored my mouth,
filling it with his decadent flavor. He reached down with one hand, teased my
nipple through my bra. Growing hotter and more desperate with every second that
passed, I arched my back, pushing my flesh into his hand.

Yes, we’d just had sex. But I wanted him too. I wanted him
inside me again, filling me, making me beg for release.

“Please, sir,” I murmured as he broke the kiss to nip at my

His tongue dipped into my ear and the entire left side of my
body tingled. Goose bumps prickled. Heat crashed through my body.

“Not now.” Being cruel, he flicked his tongue down the side
of my neck. I squirmed beneath him, lifted my legs to wrap them around his
waist. A pounding heat was gathering down there. I needed him to make it go

He whispered against my skin, “We’re being rude to our


“You saw him when we first arrived.”

“Mmmm.” I remembered seeing the man, of course. But I wasn’t
particularly interested in talking about him. No. I was much more interested in
getting my clothes off and Shane’s clothes off. It was hot. I was hot. I was
burning up.

Letting go of his neck, I let my hands go exploring. This
was a rare treat. Shane had bound my hands every time we’d had sex. Thus, I’d
spent very little time touching him, stroking him, exploring all those
delicious ridges cutting between his thick corded muscles.

Shane bit me, right in the crook of the neck, and I yelped
as I angled my head to give him better access to that spot. Pain. Pleasure.
They were one and the same to me. They both made me hotter. Tighter. More
desperate for release.

But instead of biting me again, Shane extricated himself
from my clinging grasp and straightened up. “Later. Our meal is getting cold.”
He went to the closet and opened the door. My clothes were all hanging neatly.
He selected an ankle-length maxi dress he’d sent me and laid it out on the bed.
“You have five minutes. Only five.”

And he left, shutting the door behind him.

Suffering, thanks to his magical kisses, I scowled at the
closed door then hurried to the bathroom to freshen up. Five minutes. There was
no time to waste. Not if I didn’t want to be punished.

Then again, I hadn’t been punished in a while…

* * * * *

Exactly five minutes later, I was in the living room,
searching for Shane. Voices, both male, drifted in through the open doors,
carried by a sea-scented breeze. Barefoot, the tiles underfoot cool to the
touch, I followed the sound. They were standing close to the stairs, both
holding glasses. The stranger was shirtless, a pair of swim trunks hanging from
his narrow hips. His body was muscular, lean, his dark hair ruffled by the
wind. Shane was still in his white dress shirt and pants. The brisk wind was
sending his untied silk tie flailing from his collar. He looked a little stiff,
I noticed as I came closer. His expression a little sharp. It was the stranger
who noticed me approaching first. He was facing the house. Shane’s back was to

The stranger’s gaze flicked to me and Shane did a one eighty
and cranked on the smile. But I couldn’t help noticing the wattage wasn’t at
one hundred percent.

Was there a problem?

Shane held a hand out to me, and I placed my hand in his the
moment I was close enough to reach it. “This is Bristol,” he said, introducing
me first. “Bristol, this is Jordan. He’s an old and dear friend.”

“Bristol.” Jordan, the old and dear friend, offered a hand.

“It’s nice meeting you.” I shook it and quickly placed my
hand back in Shane’s.

Shane’s grip was hard. Not painful but almost. I sensed he
was smiling on the outside but fuming on the inside.

Were they not dear old friends? If not, why wouldn’t he just
tell his
to leave?

Shane gave me an assessing up and down. “You look lovely.
Shall we?”

“Thanks.” Feeling a little awkward, I let him escort me to
the table set for three. I waited for him to pull out my chair then push it in.
Neither man sat until I had.

Wasn’t this cozy? Me with two men. Gorgeous men. Men who
were eyeballing each other like two junkyard dogs that were ready to tear each
other to pieces.

I’d never seen Shane behave this way before. It made me feel
a little uncomfortable. Correction, it made me very uncomfortable.

“Bristol, how was your flight?” Jordan asked as he extracted
the chilled wine bottle from the bucket of ice next to him.

“It was quick, thank God.”

“Not a flier?” He motioned for me to hold out my glass,
which I did.

“No. I’d never flown before.” Keeping my gaze locked to the
glass, I watched the wine swirl around the sides as he poured.

“I’m sure you’ll get used to traveling,” he said, lifting
the bottle. “Of course, it’s always easier if your host knows you’re anxious.
That way he can provide for your comfort.”

I glanced at Shane. He was being quiet. Too quiet.

His sharp gaze was on Jordan. The muscle on his jaw was a
little tight. If we were alone, I’d ask what the problem was. But we weren’t.
“I assure you, her comfort was my first priority.”

Oh good grief.

“Yes, Shane is an excellent host,” I said, sipping the wine.
It was delicious, of course. Smooth as silk. Unlike the conversation. Time to
change the topic, before Shane blew a blood vessel. “How are you finding Antigua?”

Jordan answered, “It’s nice this time of year. I like to fly
out every few weeks, unwind.”

Must be nice.
“I’m sure it’s good to get away.” I
glanced at Shane again. That jaw muscle was getting tighter.

What the heck was going on?

The conversation came to a standstill. I wanted to fill the
awkward silence but I didn’t know what to say to either man. It seemed no topic
was safe. So instead I concentrated on eating. The food was delicious, of
course. It was different from anything I’d tasted before. There was a cold
fruity soup that tasted better than I expected, followed by a rice dish with beans
and coconut, served with seafood, including some breaded fish of some kind.
Dessert was a fruit fritter. Sweet, light, perfect.

After eating, Jordan excused himself, saying he was meeting
some friends in town. I didn’t say a word until I was sure he was out of

“Is something wrong?” I asked Shane. He was staring out at
the ocean.


“You’re very quiet.” I traced the rim of my now empty
wineglass with a fingertip.

“I’m quiet sometimes.” His voice was clipped. Cold.

“I get that. But you seem…tense.”

“It’s nothing.”

It wasn’t nothing. Why was he lying? Feeling a little
insulted, I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms over my chest. This
wasn’t what I’d expected. Not at all. Here we were in paradise, and Shane was
miserable. “Won’t you tell me what’s wrong? Did I do something to make you


“Is it Jordan, then?”

“He’s an old friend.” There was little, if any, emotion in
that statement.

“Is there something going on between you two? Were you
expecting him to be here?”

“I’d rather not talk about it.” He stood, went to the
railing and leaned against it.

I followed. I wanted to dig harder, to get the truth out of
Shane, but I knew he was the kind of man who wouldn’t handle prying well. I
decided to let it rest for the time being and try to distract him. We were
alone now. In paradise. For only a short time. Our obligation to our guest had
been taken care of. Now we could do as we please.

My eyes went to the gorgeous infinity pool.

There was something insanely sexy about swimming. Skin brushing
against skin, weightless.

“Would you like to go for a swim?” I asked.

“Not right now.” He still sounded distant and tense.

There was no way I was going to let his mood ruin this trip.
I glanced around. Unless someone was either in a low flying plane or on a boat
with some powerful binoculars, there was no way anyone was going to see me…

Acting on a crazy impulse, I grabbed the bottom of my dress
and pulled it over my head.

Ahhh. Nude. The brilliant Caribbean sun kissing my skin. The
salty sea breeze caressing it.

Shane’s head jerked to me. His eyes widened. Little sparks
of desire lit in their depth.

That was better.

Feeling very sexy, I gave him a little smile then sauntered
over to the edge of the pool and dove in.

My body sliced through the water, its chill a welcome relief
to the sizzling burning on my skin. I surfaced at the far end and turned toward

Surprising me, he dove in fully dressed, shoes and all. I
watched his lean body torpedo through the clear water. He broke the surface,
hauled me against him and kissed me.

Ahhhh. Heaven.

His kiss was pure seduction. Lips soft. Tongue slipping in
to caress mine. Hands sliding under my ass, holding my weightless body. I
wrapped my legs around his waist, arms around his neck and kissed him back.

This was what I’d imagined when I’d first arrived at this
glorious place. Shane, kissing me, making me tremble with need. Here, in this
pool. Under the blazing sun. With the sound of the ocean’s waves echoing in the
distance and the scent of the sea heavy in the air.

Leaving me to hold on, Shane reached down with one hand,
took off a shoe and tossed it onto the patio. The other followed. Then his
pants and underwear. Now he was nude from the waist down, his erecting teasing
my opening.

I fisted his shirt while he grabbed hands full of my hair
and pulled, forcing my head back. “Dammit, you’re mine. Mine.”

“Shane,” I said on a sigh. How I loved the way he said that,
how he claimed me. With his words. With his mouth. With his whole body.

He kissed my neck, making me shudder. Goose bumps prickled
my shoulders, my arms. It was as if he knew exactly what I needed, when I
needed it. How to touch me. How to kiss me.

I held on, surrendering to his skilled hands and wicked
mouth, growing more breathless, dizzier by the second. He kissed and nipped and
licked. He caressed and pinched and squeezed.

It was a seduction. But when he
gripped my waist and pushed me down, impaling me with his thick rod, I felt as
if I’d been claimed. Possessed. He thrust into me, filling me, and I quaked.

“Yes, sir,” I muttered, arching my back so he drove deep
inside. “Thank you.” I met every one of his rough thrusts, using my arms and
legs to lift up then slam down. Again and again and again. Within seconds, I
was on the verge of climax, my body tight, my breath caught deep in my chest.
“Please, sir. May I come?”

“No.” His hands moved down, cupping my ass cheeks. A finger
dipped into the crack. “No, minx.”

My inner muscles clenched around his girth, and a wave of
erotic heat crashed through me. I was going to come. I couldn’t stop it.

I gritted my teeth and surrendered.

An intense orgasm overtook me. Inside, my muscles clamped
around him like a fist then convulsed.

He growled and pounded into my burning flesh, amplifying my
pleasure until I was sure I’d pass out. It was ecstasy like I’d never known.
Every nerve in my body was on fire. I was twitching and clenching and
trembling. My mind was lost in a sea of carnal pleasure. All I could do was
cling to him and ride one wave of pleasure after another.

I felt him widen as he found release. He jerked back, thrust
deep inside and then pulled out.

He grabbed my face and kissed me again. The kiss was rough
and semi violent. Not what I was expecting. I sucked in a little gasp of shock
and surrendered to it, to him, allowing him to torment me until he’d had

When the kiss ended, I felt boneless. My muscles were all
thoroughly relaxed. As he gently released me, I floated on my back. As I
drifted across the surface, I was aware of Shane. He’d pushed himself out of
the pool and was circling one end. I spied something in my peripheral vision at
the opposite side. Movement. I turned my head.

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