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Authors: Christy Reece

Tags: #Mystery, #Romantic Suspense

Whatever It Takes (14 page)

BOOK: Whatever It Takes
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She pushed that aside for now. She was here to do a job—a very important one. She couldn’t mess this up.

Taking a glass of wine from a passing waiter, she slowly weaved her way through the crowd. As she sipped her drink, she surreptitiously looked around and spotted her target.

To make sure no one suspected her ultimate destination, she took the scenic route. She smiled at no one in particular and couldn’t help but marvel at all the different aspects of this strange and wonderful job. In just a short period of time, she’d broken into a mansion, met a fascinating, albeit arrogant and totally infuriating, man, and had been offered the job of guarding his two young children. Now she was tasked with prying a well-guarded secret from a Mafia princess. 

Though she was close to her target, she took a planned detour toward the buffet table. She filled her plate and gave an occasional, somewhat shy smile to the other people standing at the table, wanting to appear pleasant if a little awkward in social situations.

Satisfied that she had just the right items and amount on her plate, she turned and gazed around, as if looking for a place to settle. Since her target was sitting alone at a table in the corner, it should seem only natural for her to head toward it. 

Not everyone agreed.

She spotted the brutish-looking bodyguard out of the corner of her eye and was pleased he was the one who’d been sent to deter her. After witnessing him shove an elderly man out of the way a few moments ago, she was more than a little eager to have her own confrontation with the big bully. 

“Where are you going?” the deep voice snapped beside her.

As though startled out of her wits, Kathleen whirled around. The glass in her hand, filled with a lovely dark red wine, tipped only slightly, dousing the guy’s pristine white shirt with just a few red dots.

“Oh my gosh, you startled me!”

His glare made Godzilla look like a pussycat. “You need to sit somewhere else.”

Gazing guilelessly up at him when she’d much rather be slamming his head into the nearest wall wasn’t the easiest challenge she’d had.

“But I was just going to sit over there, out of the way. That’s the only table that’s almost empty.”

“I said, find someplace else.”


Not bothering to explain, he grabbed her arm to steer her elsewhere. Her full plate, already held precariously in her hand, was easy enough to tip over so that the entire contents landed with a satisfying splat against the giant wall of his chest. She was especially happy that she’d thought to include a generous helping of meatballs swimming in tomato sauce.

“Why, you little—”

“Is there a problem here?”

She jerked around, managing to spill a little more of her wine onto the guy’s no longer white shirt. “Oh, hi. I was just going to sit down and have a bite. But this man…” She sent a helpless look up at the furious bodyguard. “He wouldn’t let me sit where I wanted.”

“And why is that?” Grey shot a dark look at the bodyguard.

Apparently realizing that not only had they attracted quite a bit of unwanted attention, but one of the wealthiest and most influential men in the country was challenging him, the man backed slightly away.

“Sorry, Mr. Justice. Just doing my job.”

Grey gave him a darkly incredulous look. “Your job is to terrify innocent young women?”

“No, sir. Of course not. I just—”

Grey put a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Where is it you’d like to sit, my dear?”

“I was just headed over there.” She pointed to a table. The lone young woman sitting at the table was staring at them with a mixture of astonishment and undisguised amusement.

“You certainly don’t look like you’d be a threat to anyone. You did remember to leave all your weapons at home?”

The words were said to be amusing as Grey’s eyes danced with a teasing delight. 

She laughed as if the idea of her carrying weapons was preposterous. “Yes, I did.”

“Then I don’t see a problem with her sitting down at that table. Do you?”

The bodyguard backed away. “No, sir,” he muttered.

“Excellent. Would you like me to get you another plate, my dear?”

“That would be great. Thank you.”

With a look an uncle might give a favored niece, Grey took her now empty plate and headed to the buffet table. Knowing they’d overcome a major hurdle, Kathleen headed to the table where Gabriella Mendoza was sitting.

Grey had given her this assignment a little over a week ago, and Kathleen had spent hours researching the Mendozas. She’d found a tremendous amount to read about the family, much of it speculation and myth, but almost nothing about the youngest member, Gabriella. 

Luis Mendoza, head of one of the most powerful Mafia organizations in the world, ruled his family with an iron fist that was apparently as brutal as it sounded. Because of his ruthlessness, as well as his wealth, he was able to be as visible as possible. He flouted so many legalities and laws in every country he conducted business, it would be laughable if not so infuriating. With a team of lawyers whose only job was to keep him out of prison, apparently Luis could do what he damn well pleased.

While the man’s lawlessness infuriated Kathleen’s sense of justice, Luis was not her primary concern. His grandson, Carlos, was the job. And that was why Gabriella, Carlos’s only sister, was Kathleen’s target.

“Is it okay if I sit here?”

Speculation and cynicism gleamed in Gabriella’s dark-chocolate eyes, and Kathleen’s first thought was how incredibly sad that a twenty-five-year-old woman should be so cynical. And wasn’t that beyond hypocritical since Kathleen most definitely had a hidden agenda?

“Sure. If you like.”

Pulling out a chair, Kathleen took a few seconds to settle herself at the table, all the while studying Gabriella out of the corner of her eye. Since there was so little information on the young woman, she would have to rely on her observational skills as much as anything.

Gabriella’s lovely face showed an exotic beauty. With a light olive complexion, thick brownish-black hair that flowed down to the middle of her back, elegant cheekbones, and full lips, along with a tall, slender body, she could easily be a runway model. But for most of her life, the young woman had been kept under lock and key. This particular event was the only one in the US she was allowed to attend each year. And therefore, Kathleen’s only chance to discover what she might know about her brother’s whereabouts.

“I’m Kathleen. What’s your name?”

“Aw, come on. You already know who I am.”

“I beg your pardon?”

She gave a small snort. “That innocent act worked for Tito but not for me. His muscles outweigh his brain three to one.”

The girl was no dummy, but Kathleen wasn’t about to give up her cover. “You think I planned that incident so I could come sit with you?”

“Didn’t you?”

“Why would you think that? Are you famous or something?”

Rolling her eyes, Gabriella made a move as if she was about to stand up and leave. 

“Okay. Wait. Yes, I set it up to be able to talk with you alone.”

Settling back down in her seat, the young woman eyed Kathleen speculatively. “I have no money of my own, which, considering how much that Susan Winslow dress you’re wearing cost, you definitely don’t need. And I have zero influence anywhere for anything. If you want either of those things, you should pay more attention to your rescuer than me.”

“Who’s that?”

“Mr. Dark, Dangerous, and Dreamy Justice, that’s who.”

Both women glanced over at Grey, who was standing at the buffet table filling Kathleen’s plate with more food than she probably ate in a week.

“You think Mr. Justice is dark, dangerous, and dreamy?”

“Are you kidding? One look from those deep-blue eyes and every part of me melts.”

Kathleen took a moment to study her employer. Tall, well built, with dark brown hair, square, stubborn jaw, and a surprisingly sensuous mouth. Odd that she had never felt the zing of attraction to a man who by anyone’s standards was incredibly handsome. Could it be because when she envisioned a gorgeous, hunky man, a tall, blond man with beautiful brown eyes appeared? 

“So, anyway. What’s your deal? Why did you want to talk to me?”

Kathleen took another second to assess the woman across from her. Yes, she was young, but her eyes held a wisdom that had nothing to do with age and everything to do with life experience. Taking a chance she wasn’t making a huge mistake, she said, “It’s about your brother.”

“Ah yes, the serial rapist.”

“You know what he’s done?”

“I may be sheltered, but I’m not uninformed.” She shivered. “He’s a brutal, disgusting piece of dung.”

“He’s hurt you?”

“Fortunately, incest is not one of Carlos’s turn-ons.”

“But he’s done other things?”

Something like despair darkened Gabriella’s eyes. “Carlos only has two uses for women. I can provide neither of them. If I stay out of his way, he doesn’t bother me.”  

“You know where he is?”

Awareness clicked but was immediately followed by wariness. Thinking the woman was going to shut her down, Kathleen opened her mouth, ready to state her case. But shutting her down wasn’t Gabriella’s intent.

“My main guard dog just arrived,” Gabriella said. “You have about forty-five seconds before he gets to the table. What’s your cellphone number?”

Kathleen quickly rattled off the number.

“Be warned. The information will not be free.”

Before she could contemplate exactly what that meant, the bodyguard approached the table. Though shorter and less muscular than the other guard, this one had the merciless look of a cold-blooded killer. “Gabriella, it’s time to leave.”

“Of course.” She stood and looked down at Kathleen. “It was pleasant chatting with you, Kathleen. I wish you much success in your endeavors.”

While her words said one thing, her eyes said something else. A look was shared between them, and Kathleen felt she understood this woman better than she’d ever understood her own sister. It was a shared acknowledgment of pain, sorrow, and the will to survive.

“Good-bye, Gabriella. It was nice to meet you, too.”

The bodyguard barely gave Gabriella time to smile a good-bye before he hustled her toward the exit. 

Maintaining her pleasant expression, Kathleen tapped her foot to the music. Grey appeared in front of her, a plate of food in his hand that had to weigh five pounds.

“Hope you’re hungry.”

“Wow. Thanks. That was awfully nice of you.”

“My pleasure.” He gave her a friendly nod and walked away.

Since it would look suspicious if she got up and left so soon after Gabriella’s exit, Kathleen settled into enjoying her meal. She’d accomplished what she’d set out to do tonight, which was to make contact. Now it was up to Gabriella. Would she really be willing to help bring her brother to justice? What had she meant by the information not being free? What would Gabriella want in exchange?

Chapter Sixteen


Pleased with the evening’s outcome, Grey walked away from Kathleen’s table. The look he’d exchanged with her made him optimistic that Gabriella Mendoza had revealed something significant.

He moved through the crowd, stopping occasionally to chat with acquaintances and business associates. Able to compartmentalize and multitask, he carried on various conversations, even while his thoughts were on the main reason he’d attended this event: Gabriella Mendoza. The young woman was as well guarded as any member of royalty, but one month a year, she was allowed to attend certain cultural events in various countries. The McGruder art show and auction was an annual Dallas event that drew people from all over the world. This would be Gabriella’s fourth season to attend and Grey’s one chance to make contact with her, his one opportunity to gain information on Gabriella’s brother and get justice for Stephanie Pierce and her family.

A little over a year ago, Stephanie met Carlos Mendoza at a party. Though she admitted to willingly leaving with Mendoza, she’d never anticipated what would happen. Over a three-day period, the bastard brutally beat and raped the young woman. Once he was finished with her, he’d had one of his men dump her in front of her apartment.

Stephanie’s family had done all the right things. Within hours of her going missing, they had contacted the police. Law enforcement had done everything within their power to find her. When she had reappeared, alive but brutally abused, they’d immediately gone after the man she named as her rapist. Carlos had been arrested. It should have been the most clichéd of open-and-shut cases.

Then things had gone sour.

Ignoring the prosecutor’s assertion that Carlos was a flight risk, a judge had inexplicably set bail at five million dollars. The Mendozas had more money than some small countries. It was of no consequence for them to post bail. Anyone with a lick of sense or not on the take could have seen what would happen next. Only a couple of hours after his release, Carlos had been on his family’s plane headed back to Venezuela. And since the Venezuelan government was sticky about extradition of their citizens, there wasn’t a damn thing the law could do about it.

To make matters more confounding and worse, Stephanie wasn’t Carlos’s first victim. Grey had no idea how many victims there really were. One was too many. Carlos Mendoza was long overdue for justice.

When Landon Pierce, Stephanie’s father, had come to the Grey Justice Advocacy Center for assistance, the case had looked to be simple enough. Counseling had been provided for Stephanie and her family. But when Carlos had gotten out on bail and then disappeared, things had spiraled out of control, culminating in Stephanie’s suicide.

A family destroyed by the sadistic act of another. Even though it wouldn’t bring Stephanie back, Grey was determined that Carlos Mendoza would pay for his crimes. If Gabriella came through and revealed her brother’s whereabouts, then Grey planned to move mountains to make sure the son of a bitch was returned to the States so justice could be done.

Satisfied that progress had been made, Grey turned to head to the exit. In his peripheral vision, he caught a glimpse of a slender, dark-haired beauty. He turned, his heart almost stopping. Irelyn Raine stood at a door only a few yards away. Her eyes, a mysterious blend of various shades of gray and silver, were zeroed in on him. Then, with a strange, almost anxious look, she backed out the door.

BOOK: Whatever It Takes
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