Read What Ya Girl Won't Do Online

Authors: Brandi Johnson

What Ya Girl Won't Do (11 page)

BOOK: What Ya Girl Won't Do
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“I will,” Ja'Nay said, hugging her back while fighting back the tears.
“Keep me posted,” I'reon hollered out as Kylee and Ja'Nay walked away.
“I will,” Kylee said as she and Ja'Nay headed through the house and out to the car.
Even though Kylee didn't care too much for Quann, she kept all her negative comments to herself as Ja'Nay made several calls to Quann's boys, trying her best to gather information on how she could get him out on bond. After being told what to do, Ja'Nay sat quietly for the rest of the ride.
“Call me when you find out somethin',” Kylee said, pulling up in front of Ja'Nay's house.
“I will,” Ja'Nay replied, teary-eyed, as she got out of the car.
Kylee watched as her best friend headed up the walk. She couldn't help but feel sorry for her. All the work she was putting in trying to get Quann out, and he was still gon' continue to dog her.
Ja'Nay made it to the porch, and unlocked the front door before turning around to wave good-bye. Kylee blew the horn a few times before pulling off. Ja'Nay walked in the house, headed straight to her room, lay across her bed, and cried.
Chapter Eleven
Kylee pulled up in her driveway. Her cell phone began to ring. She checked the caller ID and it was Josh calling for the hundredth time. He'd been calling her all morning. Not in the mood for any explaining, she let it go straight to voicemail. Kylee got out of the car and saw Mr. Vernon and instantly putting some pep in her step. She was not in the mood to be fooling with him either, not today. She walked up on the porch, and on one of her plant stands sat a vase with an arrangement of orange and green roses; next to that lay a big gift-wrapped box with a pretty yellow bow on it, and a smaller package was placed neatly beside it. Kylee smiled and walked over to her gifts. She had received several dozen flowers but never an arrangement quite this pretty before. She looked around before picking up the vase and putting the flowers up to her nose.
“Ummmm,” she said with a smile. She set the vase back down. “I wonder who this stuff from,” she said aloud, while pulling an envelope that was taped to the front of the large gift. She opened up the envelope and read the note that was inside.
The orange roses represents the desire I have to get to know you better and the green ones represents growth and life, which are two things I look forward to: growing with you for the rest of my life. I thought about you while I was out shopping, hope you like. If you do, I can't wait to see you in it and even if you don't, I still can't wait to see you in it. I need to be entertained so I'll be here to get you around seven . . . Eli
“Awwww,” Kylee said, smiling. No matter if Eli meant what he said in his note or not, his words touched her heart. By far that was sweetest thing anyone had ever said to Kylee. And to have a man pick her out an outfit to wear was super sexy to her. She had a huge smile on her face as she unlocked her front door. She grabbed the large package and set it in the foyer before going back out on the porch to get her flowers and the smaller package.
“That lawn guy brought that stuff over here,” Mr. Vernon said, nearly scaring Kylee half to death.
Kylee turned around and shot a dirty look at Mr. Vernon, who was now standing at the bottom of her porch stairs.
“What's his name? Eddie . . . Evan . . . Erick,” Mr. Vernon rambled.
“Eli,” Kylee corrected.
“Oh, yeah, Eli, that's his name.”
“Do you need somethin', Mr. Vernon?” Kylee looked down at him and asked.
“What you offerin'?” Mr. Vernon asked with wide eyes.
OMG, if this man wasn't old enough to be my great-grandfather I swear I would serve his ass right on up,
Kylee thought. “I don't have anything to offer. I mean you walked over here so I figured you wanted something.”
“Shit, what I want from you you not gon' give me.” Mr. Vernon smirked.
“You're right, I'm not!” Kylee stated harshly.
“Can't shoot a brotha for tryin'.” Mr. Vernon smiled.
Kylee rolled her eyes
. I wish I could 'cause it'll be a lot of dead niggas around here, including you,
Kylee wanted to say. “Look, Mr. Vernon, I'm about to go in the house and take a nap. I'm tired,” Kylee lied, just trying to get away from her neighbor.
“Had a long night last night?” Mr. Vernon pried.
“No, why you ask that?” Kylee asked, irritated, tired of Mr. Vernon being all up in her business.
“I saw that lawn truck parked over here about two o'clock this mornin' and it didn't leave until around eight.”
“Okay and?” Kylee said, trying to keep from snapping.
“And I didn't hear no lawn mowers runnin'.” Mr. Vernon smirked.
“What are you, Neighborhood Watch now?” Kylee asked smartly.
“All I'm sayin' is Erick damn sure wasn't cuttin' no grass that time of mornin' so he musta been tappin' that as—”
“Mr. Vernon,” Kylee shouted, cutting him off. “Look, wit' all due respect, don't fuckin' worry about what goes on over here. You don't pay no bills over here and if I'm not worried about them crack whores runnin' in and out of your house all times of night, stop fuckin' worryin' about what's goin' on over here, okay?” Kylee snapped, fed up.
“I don't have anybody runnin' in and out of my house,” Mr. Vernon said.
“Well even if you did, it's none of my business just like what goes on over here is none of yours!”
“Fine, I won't worry about nothin' else over here then,” Mr. Vernon said, hurt, before turning to walk away.
The sad look on Mr. Vernon's face made Kylee feel bad about how she'd just spoken to him.
“Mr. Vernon,” Kylee called out, deciding to do the right thing and apologize.
Mr. Vernon slowly turned back around. “Yes?” he answered slowly.
“Look, I'm sorry for cussin' at you. My parents raised me to respect my elders and I was dead wrong,” she said sincerely.
“You sho'll got a way wit' words,” Mr. Vernon said.
“I said I was sorry, Mr. Vernon. I had no right talkin' to you like that, even if you was
up in my business,” Kylee said.
“I know you apologized, but I'm still hurt behind the way you spoke to me.”
Oh my fuckin' goodness!
“Look, Mr. Vernon, what more do you want me to do? I said I was sorry,” Kylee said, perplexed.
“I can think of one thing you can do.” Mr. Vernon smiled wickedly.
“Bye, Mr. Vernon.” Kylee frowned while walking in the house, closing the door behind her. Kylee couldn't do anything but shake her head and smile. She knew no matter what, Mr. Vernon was always going to try to shoot his shot.
Kylee placed her flowers on the table in the foyer before picking up her big gift and taking it in the living room. She began opening her present; she couldn't wait to see what Eli had picked out for her. She doubted if he knew her style or, better yet, her size, being that he'd never taken her shopping before. She pulled out a black fishtail pencil skirt, a red lace button-front blouse with a black fishtail jacket to match. She then ripped the paper off the smaller package, dying to see what was inside of it. She pulled the top off a pair of six-inch red peep-toe Highness Watersnake Christian Louboutins.
“Hell naw!” she said, shocked. Kylee was impressed by the outfit Eli had picked out for her. She didn't even have to sleep with him to get it and she was even more impressed he'd picked out the right size.
“We gotta be goin' to a top-of-the-line restaurant if he wants me to dress like this,” Kylee said aloud as she gathered her wonderful gifts and headed upstairs.
Kylee walked in her room, tossed her gifts on the bed, and looked over at the clock. She had four hours before her date so she decided to take a quick nap so she could be refreshed and ready for whatever Eli had in mind. Kylee pulled her cell phone out of her purse, and set the alarm for five before lying across the bed. Kylee's mind wandered on what Eli had planned for the evening. Kylee really didn't care what it was; she was down for whatever. Kylee tried her hardest to go to sleep; she squeezed her eyes real tight to see if that would help, but it didn't. She even tried counting sheep, but that didn't help either. She was so excited about Eli asking her out again, she was too geeked to sleep. Kylee then climbed out of bed and looked around her room. With nothing to do until five, Kylee decided to call and check up on Ja'Nay.
“Hello?” Ja'Nay answered in an upbeat tone.
“Any news yet on Quann?”
“Yeah, I'm up here at the county wit' Teddy and Chuck now. We just waitin' on them to release him.”
“Oh, okay that's good,” Kylee replied, deep down wishing he could stay in jail.
“It is ain't it, girl?” Ja'Nay said, cheesing.
The sound of Ja'Nay's cheerful tone had Kylee feeling queasy. How could she be so happy about a man who constantly caused her pain? Kylee wished Quann could stay in jail long enough for Ja'Nay to get over him and move on with her life. “Okay, girl, I got a date wit' Eli tonight. I was just callin' to check on you,” Kylee said, rushing off the phone, not being able to stand Ja'Nay's good mood.
“So you really gon' go out on another date wit' Eli?” Ja'Nay questioned.
“So you really up there waitin' on a nigga to get out of jail knowin' nine times out of ten he gon' be laid up wit' another bitch tonight?” Kylee asked, going for the jugular.
“Bye, Kylee,” Ja'Nay said, hanging up the phone.
“Shit, she always got somethin' to say about me and what I do. But soon as I mention the shit Quann does to her she wanna hang up,” Kylee fussed as she walked over to her dresser. “If you can't take the heat stay the fuck out the kitchen!” Kylee was heated as she pulled out a pair of red lace cheeky panties with a red lace bra and tossed them over on her bed. Kylee's cell phone began to ring. She already knew it was Ja'Nay. She walked over to her bed with a serious attitude, picked up her phone, and checked to see whose number showed up.
“Shit,” she snapped, seeing it was Josh. She almost didn't answer it but knew he would blow up her phone until she did. “Hello?”
“What the fuck happened to you last night?” he snapped as soon as she answered.
“Well hello to you too,” she said, trying to downplay how she played him.
“Fuck a hello! I spent all that damn money on you yesterday and your ass gon' leave in the middle of the fuckin' night? And then when I wake up and call you, you send me straight to voicemail,” Josh fussed.
“Well if you must know I started my period,” Kylee lied, not knowing what else to say.
“Your period?” Josh asked skeptically.
“Yes, my period. You know the thing that women get once a month,” she said smartly.
“Well how come you just didn't wake me up?” Josh questioned.
“You were sleepin' so peacefully and I was kinda embarrassed,” she lied again.
“You still shoulda stayed. I've had my red wings for a long time now,” Josh said.
Ewwww, you's a nasty muthafucka.
“Well I know next time.” Kylee grimaced after hearing that, doubting there would ever be a next time.
Josh thought for a brief second. “Wait a minute, last month you told me you were on your period around the twenty-third of the month and it's only the tenth. I know my wife and everyone else comes on around the same time each month!” Josh said, waiting for Kylee to explain.
Kylee lied about her period so much she couldn't keep track of what dates she gave to who. “My periods are irregular and plus you was hittin' it so good last night, you musta brought it down early,” Kylee said, before twisting her lips and rolling her eyes.
“I was tearin' that shit up, wasn't I?” Josh bragged with a huge smile.
You wish.
“You sure was, baby,” Kylee lied. “Look, I got the cramps so I'm about to lie down and rest.” She was ready to end their conversation.
“Okay, well call me when you go off your period so I can give you some more of this good lovin'.”
“Okay, I will.”
“Bye, baby,” he cooed.
“Bye,” she said, hanging up.
Kylee tossed her phone on the bed and decided to start getting ready a little early. Just as Kylee was about to head for the bathroom to shower, her cell phone began ringing again.
“Damn, what the fuck? I got a hotline jumpin' off,” she said, walking over, snatching her phone off the bed. She looked at the caller ID before answering. “Hello?”
“What's up, my li'l chocolate honeycomb,” Tony said.
“Hey, Tony, wassup?” she asked, annoyed.
“What you gon' get into tonight?”
“Not too much, why?”
“I'm takin' Sylvia out to dinner and after that I'm puttin' her ass on a plane.”
“Where she goin'?”
“She's goin' to Florida for a couple of days to see her sister. I miss you so pack your bag. I'ma stop by the bank and I'll meet you at my house around eleven,” Tony said.
As tempting as making money sounded, spending time with Eli was worth way more. “I got somethin' to do, Tony,” Kylee said, walking into the bathroom.
“What you got to do?” Tony questioned.
Damn, nigga, you questionin' me like you my daddy,
Kylee thought. “Me and Ja'Nay goin' out tonight if you really must know.”
“Didn't you hear me say I was goin' by the bank?” Tony said, knowing flashing his money had always gotten him what he wanted.
“Yeah, I heard you,” Kylee said uncaringly.
“So you really not gon' cancel your plans and come spend time wit' big daddy?”
“No, I promised Ja'Nay I would go out wit' her and I'm not gon' back out on her,” Kylee said.
“Okay. Is that your final answer?” Tony asked, just to make sure.
“Yup,” Kylee replied.
“Fine. Talk to you later,” Tony said, hanging up before Kylee could respond.
“Fuck you too,” Kylee said, laying her cell phone on the bathroom sink before getting undressed. Kylee knew she could call Tony anytime and make some money, so tonight she was going to spend her time with Eli, not knowing when she would get another chance to do so.
Kylee turned the water on in the shower and stepped in. She took her time washing her body, making sure she hit every spot twice. After showering, Kylee dried off before moisturizing her skin with some Coconut Breeze from Bath & Body Works. Being that she hadn't had a chance to get a pedicure, she made sure she moisturized her feet real good before putting on a pair of socks for extra hydration.
BOOK: What Ya Girl Won't Do
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