Read What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two Online

Authors: Ella Jade Michelle Hughes Christa Cervone Ranae Rose Red Phoenix Nina Pierce Malia Mallory Kate Dawes Adriana Hunter Vi Keeland,Summer Daniels

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Box Set, #Anthology

What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two (94 page)

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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Sir stayed at the table, but addressed the girls individually. It was another round of humiliating critiques. None of them was spared, including Brie. Ms. Clark seemed especially disgusted with her. “Are you aware that you interacted with your Dom as if he was your intimate lover and not your superior? You were constantly looking him in the eye.”

Brie nodded her head once in acknowledgment. Master Coen spoke next. “You must remember your place, Miss Bennett. I believe your Dom was being overly lenient with you today. I also noticed you were stiff in your movements. Practice your transitions.”

Marquis Gray’s voice was smooth and dangerous. “You seem to have a power over your Doms that needs correction. I wouldn’t want to see it crushed, as it is a part of your charm. However, it needs to be reined in.”

Sir had only one comment. “Go home tonight and practice your transitions, as Master Coen suggested.”

“It will be my pleasure, Sir.” She looked into his eyes, hoping for a sign of approval, but his expression was nondescript.

He ordered, “Class, you will now present yourselves to your Doms and please them as they see fit.”

Brie hid her disappointment and immediately dropped to the floor. “Not here,” Tono said. He held out his hand and helped her up. “Move over to the mirror. I want you to watch me enjoy your body.” She allowed him to guide her and waited for his first command.

“Present yourself to me,” he said huskily. She got into position, straining to arch her back in a beautiful curved shape with her legs spread, just as he had instructed. She kept her head down, waiting for his next order.

Brie heard him undress and her loins burned with desire. There was something intoxicating about this Dom. It was obvious he had been handpicked for her based on the questionnaire she had filled out, but it was more than just his looks. She felt a deeper connection.

Tono positioned himself behind her and then commanded, “Look in the mirror.”

She lifted her head and looked into the reflection. His eyes radiated fiery lust, making her moan softly. He heard it and smiled. “Yes, let me hear your pleasure.”

Brie purred, “Yes, Tono.”

He grabbed her hair and pulled it back as he rubbed his hard shaft against her swollen pussy. Watching this beautiful man about to mount her was more than she could take. Her passionate cry echoed through the room when he held her waist and penetrated her. Tono’s cock was thick, giving her a satisfying sense of being filled. He plunged deeper into her willing depths. She moaned for him, loving the way he stroked her with his manhood.

Tono leaned forward and murmured, “Look me in the eye, my little sex slave.”

This Dom knew Brie’s desire and wanted her to get lost in his gaze. She stared into those gorgeous brown eyes as he took pleasure in her body, his thrusts hard and demanding.

“Toriko, you have the prettiest honey-colored eyes.” He added lustfully, “And I like the way your tits bounce with each thrust of my cock.”

She asked, not wanting to break his command, “May I look, Tono?”

“I want you to.”

She looked down at her dancing breasts. With each hard stroke, they bounced delightfully. It gave her a sense of power to know her breasts heightened his enjoyment. She gazed into his eyes again and smiled—her smile just for him. Tono was intoxicating.

“I shall plant my seed deep inside you, toriko.” She moaned loudly, wanting to feel his come bathe her insides. He took both hands and grabbed her buttocks, commanding that she arch her back farther, keeping her eyes on him as he came.

Then Tono released his passionate wrath on her body. She couldn’t breathe as he rammed her with his shaft. It was amazing and frightening, the way he owned her with his cock. She never broke eye contact with her Dom. She knew the moment he released his seed inside her and her entire body hummed with pleasure.

“Thank you, Tono, thank you…” she whispered.

He slowed down, but remained inside her. He looked at her in the mirror, commanding something with his eyes that he did not voice. Suddenly, the delayed contractions of a sweet orgasm took her and she caressed his manhood with her climax. Wetness flowed from inside her depths, spilling out when he disengaged from her.

“That’s my good love slave,” he said, petting her long hair. “Now clean it up with your panties.” She did so immediately, embarrassed to have made a mess. He took the thong from her and kissed it. “This, I keep.”

Both dressed quietly while the others finished with their sessions. Before he left, she knelt beside him and bowed. “Thank you, Tono.”

He told her to lift her head up and then said softly, so only she could hear, “I will be back for you.”

She smiled at him affectionately. “If it pleases you.”

When he left, she turned in the direction of the four trainers. She kept her head bowed in the respectful kneeling position she preferred. After all the men had left, Sir spoke to the class. “Those who have not been called to meet privately will proceed to the commons. Someone will come to get you for the second practicum.”

Brie watched poor Taylor follow the silent and foreboding Marquis out of the room. She could see Taylor shaking. How bad would her punishment be? At least the girl always had the option to quit if it got too rough.

Sir nodded to Blonde Nemesis and only said one word. “Follow.”

Brie watched helplessly as Sir left with her. To keep herself from falling apart, she reflected on Tono’s lovemaking. Even if Sir no longer wanted her, at least she had a Dom she adored.

Facing the Unknown

rie and Sanders proceeded to the commons and found a lovely salad and some wine set out for them. The two sat down and began eating quietly. “What’s your first name?” Brie asked between bites.


Brie held out her hand. “Well, hello, Teri. My name is Brie.”

Teri took her hand and shook it firmly. “Pleasure to make your acquaintance. Hey, do you think Taylor will be okay?”

“I have to believe the school wouldn’t be world renowned if they abused their students.”

“I know, but man, I wouldn’t want to be her right now. That was brave of you to stick up for her like you did.”

“I just hated how Blondie—I mean, Wilson—tattled on her. Especially after Mr. Gallant instructed us to support each other.”

“Yeah, I don’t trust that woman farther than I can throw her. I can’t believe she is getting special treatment from Sir for being a rat.”

Teri couldn’t have known how her words would affect Brie. She suddenly imagined Sir mounting Blondie as they spoke, and it made her blood run ice cold. “Oh well, eventually she’ll get hers,” she grumbled.

They were finishing their meal when Taylor walked in. Her eyeliner was smeared on her cheeks as if she’d been crying, but she seemed peaceful. She sat down next to them and started to eat.

“Are you okay?” Brie asked.

She looked up from her food and nodded. Then she went back to eating in silence.

“Are you planning on staying in the program?” Teri asked.

Again, she looked up and nodded, but didn’t speak.

Brie decided to ask her a question that could not be answered with a simple yes or no. “So, my name is Brie and this is Teri. What’s your name?”

Taylor smiled and started playing with her food instead of answering them. Brie looked over at Teri and shrugged.

Taylor pushed her plate over, and Brie saw that she had spelled out the name ‘Lea’ in green beans.

“Your name is Lea?” Brie asked.

She nodded and took the plate back, stabbing the green beans and eating them with gusto.

“I guess she isn’t allowed to talk as part of her punishment,” Teri commented.

“Yep, that’s a safe bet,” Brie agreed. She patted Lea on the back. “I’m glad you’re staying with us. I enjoy your jokes.”

Lea’s eyes sparkled. Brie could tell they were going to be good friends.

Soon after, Blonde Nemesis joined them. She, too, was quiet. Brie examined her, trying to discern whether she had coupled with Sir or not, but Blondie’s face was unreadable. The girl picked up her plate and moved to another table to eat. Her lack of gloating spoke volumes.

Master Coen eventually came to the commons to direct them to the second practicum. If Sir was planning to dominate her tonight, this would be when he’d do it. The end of the second night was fast approaching.

The girls walked into the auditorium and sat at the front, just as they had the night before. Sir did not waste any time. “As with last night’s practicum, we want you to observe and learn from your classmates. There is no point in repeating a lesson when you are perfectly capable of learning from each other.”

Marquis Gray stood up and called out, “Miss Wilson, you will be our first tonight.”

She nodded in his direction, looking a bit sheepish. Then she gracefully walked up the stairs to the stage and turned towards the little group. Her eyes rested on Brie. There was an unmistakable look of hatred in them.
Sir had not shown her any ‘special treatment’. Brie smiled back at her sweetly.

Marquis Gray stated, “Miss Wilson, last night you faced an activity you claimed to dislike with a Dom that you did not find attractive. Tonight, the same partner will join you on the stage to help you experience something unknown. We want to see how you adapt to new situations and to what level you trust your Dom.”

Brie was confused. It did not seem that Sir was going to take her after all. It robbed her of the joy she’d been carrying all day. She struggled not to pout as she watched Blondie get her wrists bound to her ankles and then be gagged by her Dom, a man who resembled a scrawny computer nerd. It looked extremely uncomfortable, but the girl never once lost her look of serenity. Blondie responded to her Dom’s caresses, groaning in pleasure when he took off her thong and started playing with her pussy. “Don’t move,” he commanded.

He began by teasing her with his fingers, tongue…and teeth. She gave a muffled cry when he thrust his fingers deep into her pussy. It was obvious from her abundant juices that she was enjoying his attention. He finally released the gag and commanded that she suck him dry. She eagerly latched on to his thin cock and sucked with fervor.

He had complete control over her because her wrists were bound to her ankles. He thrust his shaft repeatedly into her mouth, ordering her to take it deep. She moaned in pleasure, apparently enjoying his rough treatment.

Brie assumed he would come in her mouth, but he abruptly stopped and left the stage for a couple of seconds. He returned with a large purple dildo and told her to spread her legs farther. He slowly inserted it into her vagina, and then the air filled with the distinct sound of humming. Blondie whimpered in pleasure, obviously enjoying the vibrations of the toy.

He thrust his cock back into her mouth and started pumping away. “I want you to come when I do.” Blondie looked up at her Dom in lustful adoration. It didn’t take long before he tensed and shouted, “Come for your Master!”

Blondie clamped down on the dildo between her legs and started groaning as he came in her mouth. The excess of his ejaculation dripped down her chin. Brie felt a gush of wetness between her own legs. Why she was getting horny watching Blondie orgasm was beyond her, but what made it even worse was that she didn’t have panties on. Tono had taken off with them. She shifted uncomfortably, realizing she had just made the seat slippery with her juices.

Blondie thanked her Dom after she was unbound, and walked unsteadily back to her seat, weak from the sexual encounter. Sir stood up and spoke. “That was enjoyable to watch, Miss Wilson. I take it you were pleased by the scene your Dom set up?” Blondie nodded. “Well done.”

Sir then looked at Brie. “What is your problem, Miss Bennett?”

She wanted to curl up and die, but she answered him clearly. “I have made the seat moist, Sir. I have no underwear.”

Brie saw a smile tug at his lips. “Is that because you enjoyed the scene?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Very good.”

From out of nowhere, an assistant came up and handed her a small towel. She tried not to think about everyone watching her as she cleaned off the vinyl seat. She sat on the towel, to prevent any more issues. Brie stared straight ahead and ignored Blondie’s barely audible laughter.

“Ms. Taylor, please join your partner on the stage,” Marquis Gray announced. Lea walked onto the stage and met her Dom, a large, roly-poly man. Brie watched as he undressed her, exposing her recent punishment for all to see. Lea had red welts on her buttocks. Brie was surprised when Lea glanced quickly in Marquis’ direction and smiled.
Did she enjoy her punishment?

Sir called her on it. “Ms. Taylor, all smiles should be directed at your Dom and no one else.” She bowed to Sir, and then turned to her Dom and bowed.

He accepted her silent apology and directed her to lie on the mat he had laid out. A table stocked with items had been produced between scenes. He picked up a long red candle and a box of matches from it.

He knelt beside her and with slow precision, he lit the candle and watched it burn. Once it started dripping wax, he commanded, “Arch your back.”

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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