Read What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two Online

Authors: Ella Jade Michelle Hughes Christa Cervone Ranae Rose Red Phoenix Nina Pierce Malia Mallory Kate Dawes Adriana Hunter Vi Keeland,Summer Daniels

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Box Set, #Anthology

What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two (219 page)

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“Shortly after I was born they divorced, and my mother got sole custody. I really didn’t see my dad much after that.”

“He abandoned you?”

“He tried to be there in the beginning, but my mother wasn’t easy to deal with, and I think it was easier for my dad to just stay away.”

“Do you see him now?”

“He passed away a few years ago.”

“I’m sorry.” She looked into his eyes searching for signs of pain or sorrow.

“Don’t be.” His lips found hers again. “We weren’t close. He wasn’t there for me most of my life.”

“That must have been hard.”

“Sometimes.” He kissed her. “My mother had a lot of boyfriends through the years and the one thing I noticed was she always had the control. Most men stayed with her because of her money. She was happy to supply the cash as long as she had all the say. When I was seventeen, she married Alan. He’s ten years younger than her. Now I can’t say what they do in the bedroom, but he is totally submissive in every other aspect.”

“They’re still together?”

“Yes and they seem happy, too. But after watching men bow to my mom all those years, I guess it shaped who I am. I didn’t want to be like them. I wanted to be strong and in control. It carried over into the bedroom.”

“You told me you’re not hardcore. What does that mean?” She wanted to understand him, and his needs.

“I’ve dabbled. I’ve attended play parties and used services to hook me up with subs for a night or a weekend.”

“Did you like being with that type of woman?”

“When I was with them.” He grinned. “To answer your question, as much as I like to play, it’s not an arrangement I find appealing twenty-four hours a day.”

“What do you want to do with me? I have no experience in that lifestyle.”

“It doesn’t matter.” He cupped her chin in his hand and pulled her to his lips. “I may have vocalized my desires last night when I had too much to drink, but it doesn’t have to be on my terms. I want to be with you. Us.”

He slipped his fingers between her legs and ran them along her entrance. Every one of his touches demanded her lust for him – making her instantly crave more.

“I don’t know how much I can handle, but I like your Dominant side. I want you to show me.”

As he fingered her, he attacked her mouth, nipping and sucking on her bottom lip.

She turned and got up on her knees so she could face him. “Show me now.”

Chapter Six

ogan took the glass from her hand and set it on the nightstand. He’d meant what he said when he told her he wanted her with or without the games. After spending the day together, it was her he wanted, not just her submissive side. For the first time in his life, he wanted more than sex with a woman.

“Let’s take it slow.” He reached into the drawer by the bed and pulled out a silk scarf. “Trust me?”

“I want to but I’ve never been tied down before.”

“Is that off the table? A hard limit, perhaps?” Logan realized he should have prepared her for this encounter. She had never done anything like this and she had no idea what to expect.

“Hard limit?”

“Something you won’t even consider. A soft limit is one you’ll let me push. That’s where the trust comes in.”

She nodded.

“I want to hear you say it.” He stroked her cheek. “So there is no misunderstanding.”

“I can trust you enough to try.”

“Good girl.” He wrapped the scarf around her eyes, tying it behind her head. His cock ached to get inside her. He kept replaying that amazing blowjob she given him over and over again in his mind. “If I do something you don’t like, all you have to do is pick a word to tell me to stop – something you wouldn’t say to me normally.”


“It’s called a safeword. I want to use one you’ll easily remember. You’ve expressed concerned about being tied down. You need a safety net and if you say that word, I’ll know you don’t want to continue.”

“Okay,” she whispered. “Will you do something I don’t like?” Hearing the apprehension in her voice, he understood the amount of courage it took for her to trust him.

“I’ll try not to. I realize you’re not used to any of this, so you’ll probably want things at certain times during the scene. You are allowed to ask permission if I allow you to talk, but I have the right to deny any requests. That’s what your safeword is for. You never have to do anything you truly don’t want to do.”


“What?” he asked.

“Spinach. That’s my word.”

He wrinkled his nose and then kissed her again before easing her onto her back. “Tonight will be about exploration. I want to learn your body.” He spread her legs apart, taking in the beautiful sight of her glistening folds. “I wonder if I can make you come with my tongue.”


“Begging? I like that.” He positioned himself between her thighs, placing one of her legs over his shoulder. “But there will be no begging tonight. I’ll give you everything you need, cupcake.”

He kissed the inside of her thigh. “You may not touch me.” He ran the tip of his tongue along her slit. “I want you to focus on the way I make you feel.”

She lifted her hips off the bed urging him to take more of her.

“I’m in control, remember?” He wasn’t cruel. He’d have to allow her to make mistakes. His world was new to her and they hadn’t even begun to discuss all of the rules and expectations.

He responded by spreading her open with his fingers and licking her with long slow swipes. Her legs tensed against his shoulders.

“Logan.” She ran her fingers through his hair.

“No touching.” He slapped her backside.


“Uh, oh.” He laughed. “You may require some discipline. I thought maybe we could skip to the good stuff on our first night, but…” He trailed off, trying to decide how he wanted to proceed.

“No,” she said. “I’ll behave.”

“I don’t think so.” He moved away from her, reaching into the nightstand to grab two more silk scarves. He straddled her hips. “Still want to play?”

“What are you going to do to me?”

“Fuck you. Hard. Eventually.” He smirked. “But I see I’m going to have to restrain you.” He watched her face for any signs of distress, but he saw none. He took her hands and tied them together, placing them above her head. With the second scarf he secured her to the bedpost.

Logan had played with some experienced subs before, and while he’d found satisfaction in it, the rigors and responsibilities that came with being a lifestyle Dom weren’t for him. That was why he hadn’t pursued a real relationship in the lifestyle. He couldn’t be selfish and not give back everything a submissive needed. He liked to be in charge. And at the end of the night, he wanted the satisfaction that he had pleased his woman, but that was all. He hadn’t ever wanted a long term relationship. At least that was what he’d told himself. It wasn’t until today that he realized he could hope for more.

“Now you will obey me.”

She sighed in frustration as she tested her restraints.

“Where was I?”

He crawled in between her legs, spreading her thighs and lowering his head. “I like the way you taste.” He took his time, kissing and licking her slit before adding his fingers to massage inside her.

“Oh…” Breaths escaped her lips in tiny gasps.

He smiled against her mound before diving into her pussy with his tongue. She thrust her hips forward, rocking against his face. It didn’t take her long to let go and release. She screamed out his name as her legs contracted against his shoulders and then she sank limply into the mattress.

Logan reached into the drawer of the nightstand and retrieved a condom. He quickly sheathed himself before crawling on top of her and pulling the blindfold from her eyes.

“Hi,” she whispered.

“I want you to look into my eyes while I do this.” He sat up on his knees, wrapped her legs around his waist and pushed inside her.

Her eyes widened when he started to move.

“Feel me, kitten? All of me.” Logan didn’t give her time to respond. He increased his pace pounding into her with an unrestrained force. She raised her hips off the bed, meeting him thrust for thrust. He needed her closer to him, so he bent down and untied her, pulling her up into his lap.

“May I touch you now?” she asked.

“I’d like nothing more.”

She put her palms against his stomach and ran them up over his chest and across his shoulders. “You’re so strong.” She leaned forward, trailing kisses along his jaw and lips.

Her tenderness took his breath away. He slowed his movements, taking in their connection. He’d always taken his partners fast and hard. Never allowing for any kind of intimacy other than what was necessary to assure the sub’s soundness after the heat of the moment. This encounter seemed different. When he felt his stomach muscles tightening, he mentally cursed himself for wanting to give in so soon. He slowed his pace easing her onto her back.

Her bottom lip trembled as she gripped his shoulders.

“Harder,” he whispered through heated breath. “I want you to take all of me. Wrap your legs around me.”

She lifted her legs and hooked them around his waist. He slid balls deep into her heat.

He dug his fingers into her hips, raised her off the bed and pounded into her. “Oh God, you’re so tight.” A sleek sheen of sweat formed over his skin as he allowed himself to be caught up in her frenzy. The more he gave her the more he wanted. The feel of her warmth around his cock along with those sexy, little noises that escaped her lips were too much. Not to mention the fact that she’d obeyed him and never took her eyes away from his.

“Elyse.” He swept her hair up into a makeshift ponytail and tugged her head back, nipping and sucking on her neck. “You are mine now.”

He closed his eyes, exploding into the condom as he swiveled his hips against her a few more times. She clasped his biceps and cried out before dropping her head to rest on his shoulder.

He stroked her back as he kissed her hair. He waited until her breathing returned to normal before rolling off her.

“I’ll be right back, beautiful.”

She crawled under the blankets and snuggled into the pillows.

Get comfortable, cupcake. You’re not going anywhere tonight.

Logan went into the bathroom to discard the condom and get a warm washcloth for Elyse. On his way back, he picked up the plate of cheese and fruit that he’d left by the fireplace and placed it on the nightstand. He sat on the edge of the bed and watched Elyse for a few moments. She looked like she had fallen asleep. So peaceful and relaxed. He leaned down and kissed her cheek before standing back up.

“Hey.” She reached for his hand. “Where are you going?”

“I thought you’d fallen asleep.”

“No, I was just so relaxed laying here in your bed.”

“Are you okay?”

She nodded.

“I want words.”

“I’m more than okay.”

“The restraints weren’t too much?” He rubbed her wrists. “You didn’t mind being tied down?”

“I…” She looked down.

“Tell me.” He knelt down and tilted her chin so she had to look at him. “Don’t be embarrassed.”

“The blindfold and the scarves were exciting. I’ve never been so aroused.”

“I’ll have to remember to keep you restrained a little longer next time.”

“I like the thought of a next time.”

“Me too.” He brushed his lips against hers. “Can I get you anything?”

“Where were you going when you thought I was asleep?”

“I was going to fix myself a drink.”

“Do you have to get a drink?” She glanced at their abandoned glasses from earlier. “We still have the wine.”

“I usually have a drink or two before I call it a night. But I don’t have to.” Drinking himself into a stupor had just become part of his routine for the past six months – but only because he didn’t have anything better to do. “I’m not an alcoholic.”

“I didn’t say you were.” She pulled the covers back exposing her sexy body to him. She knew the effect it had. She knew.

He flashed her a wolfish grin before climbing in next to her. He tucked her under his arm close to his chest, wrapping his other arm around her and kissing the top of her head.

“You cuddle?” She sounded surprised.

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“I wasn’t sure if Dominant men did that sort of thing.” She giggled and he found that he liked the way she teased him.

“There are exceptions to every rule and you seem to bring out my sensitive side.” He kissed each of her wrists. “For the record, I wasn’t that Dominant tonight.”

“There’s more?” She propped herself up onto her elbow and stared at him. “Like how much more?”

“Only as much as you say.” He rolled onto his side to face her. “Tonight was just a little slap and tickle. BDSM can be much more intense.” He hiked her leg over his waist running small circles along her hipbone with his thumb. “Or it can be only what we decide we want it to be.” He committed the softness of her skin to memory. He wanted to learn every last inch of her flesh.

“How far do you like to go?”

“That depends on my partner. I’ve been with some very submissive women and I’ve also had women who liked to pretend they were submissive.” He thought back to his experiences with Cora. She’d found out through a mutual friend what kind of games he had been into and approached him. She wanted to be tied up and spanked. The more time they spent together the more she wanted from him emotionally. He couldn’t give her what she needed.

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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