Read What This Wolf Wants Online

Authors: Jennifer Dellerman

What This Wolf Wants (11 page)

BOOK: What This Wolf Wants
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Slouched on her dark brown faux suede couch with his denim clad legs stretched out before him, Zan looked like a Greek god preparing for his rightful worship. And while he appeared at ease, Jackie knew that’s all it was. The near feral heat in his eyes seemed to strip her bare, the unwavering focus told of his predatory intent. One that involved her and the closest flat surface.

That thought set her body on fire. Anticipation had her belly tremble, and her nipples harden. And while she might want him with a burning desire, she was more shocked by his presence in her home. “How did you get in here?”

Sultry eyes raked her body. “Not only are your locks pathetic, I’m fantastic with my hands.”

She was so not going there. Already too many erotic images were bombarding her brain. She needed to remain calm and get him the hell out of her sight before she gave in to her cravings and threw herself at his feet.

Not trusting her mouth, she remained stiff and silent and glared at him.

His mouth quirked. “I’m surprised you haven’t ask the next question. Aren’t you even curious as to why I’m here?”

“Oh, I know why you’re here. Just like any other male, you’ve come sniffing around a female that interests you.” She saw his nostrils flare at that and could have smacked herself for blurting out the inflammatory comment. Especially when he growled low in his throat.

“Not only do you interest me, intensely, but from the,” he paused, those eyes going impossibly darker, “scent of things, I interest you.” Her face flamed with color, because yeah, he could scent her arousal, and she knew it. Knew he knew she knew it as well. And if she continued this train of thought, she was going to add a headache to her list of problems right now.

Orgasm releases endorphins, temporarily easing pain. If you just
do it, you’ll feel so much better!

Control, she needed to gain her control. Growling herself, she bared her teeth.

So much for control.

“You need to leave.”

“I know what I need, and leaving is not it.” Though his tone was relaxed, Jackie noted the tenseness of his muscles, as if he were ready to pounce. On her. And God help her, the idea had her tummy quivering with excitement.

Control the situation. You don’t want him.


Ack! Now she was arguing with herself again. A double onslaught would crush her defenses and knowing that, she crossed her arms over her chest. “I beg to differ.”

His eyes dropped to her breasts. “And I do so desire to hear you beg. And scream my name as you come.”

Her heart picked up speed, thundering loud in her ears because she wanted that as well. Tearing her gaze from his, she spied a small silver item in his hand, and froze, eyes wide in shock.

Heat once again burned in her cheeks, from embarrassment. The bastard was clutching her vibrator! “You went through my stuff?” Outrage caused her voice to soar an octave higher.

Zan tapped the silver bullet against his thigh. “How else am I going to learn about you? For some insane reason you’re denying our mate status which pisses me off. Maybe I screwed up on Monday, but I knew you’d only decline dinner or even a drink. Honesty and enticement didn’t work. So what’s left for a hungry shifter to do?” She gulped. “Get a clue? Take a hint? Leave me alone?” Full lips curved in a smile so male and wild that shivers ran down Jackie’s spine. The ice-cold tone she used evidently had no effect on the thick-headed louse. “Can’t do that, even if I wanted to, which I don’t.” He lifted the vibrator to his mouth, sensually running it over his lips like a woman applying lipstick. A whimper clogged in her throat. “So when was the last time you used this little gem? Not long I think.” His voice lowered to a seductive purr. “Did you think of me when you slipped this between your creamy legs?”

This time the blush went straight to her toes, because yeah, she did think of Zan when she used it this morning. But she’d have her tongue ripped out before she told him.

When she continued to hold her silence around her like a protective shield, Zan slowly stood up. With each step he took, Jackie retreated one until her back was to the wall. Which really was for the better since her legs were so unsteady she could barely remain upright.

“Why do you deny your need,
your mate
and instead pleasure yourself with this cold piece of plastic? It can’t give you what you really crave.”

Her mouth was dry as dust. At that moment, everything about Zan shouted out his intent to take her, pleasure her, and possibly even claim her. But did she flee or stand firm in her choice to push this man out of her life? Did she use the defensive skills she’d mastered to neutralize the sexy threat stalking her?

That would be a big, fat no.

And while her body trembled and her panties dampened with readiness, she wouldn’t give in easily. Feminine nature demanded some kind of resistance. Even a token one.

What was supposed to be a strong reprimand spilled out of her lips as a husky invitation. “And what is it you seem to think I crave?” He aligned his body with hers, but didn’t press against her.

Cruel, evil man.

Breathing became more difficult when he lifted one hand to pull at the band in her hair. His eyes never left hers, luring her in until she felt ensnared. His hand tunneled into the silky strands to cup her head. “This.” This was the descent of his lips. In almost slow motion she watched him close in, his warm breath fanning her cheeks. And then she saw nothing. His lips rubbed gently against hers, the tip of his tongue lapping at the parted seam of her mouth, licking, tasting. She whimpered, just a tiny sound of need, but it seemed to inflame Zan. He slanted his head and delved his tongue past her parted lips, thrusting deep.

Her purse fell to the floor and her hands rose to clench his head.

She kissed him back with all her pent-up longing. Blood roared in her ears, blocking out everything except the way he was making her feel. Lust zinged hot and wild. His arm snaked around her waist, tugging her close, so close that her hardened nipples jabbed him in the chest.

When Zan jerked his mouth from hers she clutched his head, wanting to snarl in denial, contrary female that she was. But he only moved to press kisses along her cheek, her jaw. Then the seductive wet glide of his tongue on her throat. Wanting more, she arched her neck, giving silent permission.

“I want you, Jackie.” The words were growled out, followed by little nips along her tender flesh. “I want to devour you whole.” Sharp, gnawing pleasure raced through her and she couldn’t think of anything else she wanted more. After all, she was a female and perfectly entitled to change her mind at any given second. Without notice.

“This isn’t…” But whatever she was going to say ended in a moan as his hands closed over her breasts. He kneaded her through the material of her shirt and bra even as his mouth silenced her words. Their tongues battled in a passionate skirmish. The kiss went on and on, his fingers sure as he rubbed and plucked at her nipples. Dark need reared bright and hot until she felt like smoldering ash. She wanted him over her, under her; buried deep inside her. And she wanted it now. Self-combustion was an imminent possibility.

She wiggled, rubbing against the hard wall of his body. His hands drifted lower to slip under her shirt, tugging the clothing up to bare her breasts. He pulled back just enough to lock eyes on the soft mounds. A low rumble sounded in his throat. Primal and hungry. “Beautiful.” Cupping one breast tenderly, he bent his head and wrapped his lips around the pebbled nub. His other hand skimmed down and around her body until they dipped inside her pants and undies to rest on the bare flesh of her ass.

Jackie jerked at the first lash of his tongue. Everything was coiled inside her, anxious for release. She had his head in a death-grip and gave a soft cry as he tugged and suckled on her hardened nipple. Then he gave the same loving attention to her other breast. Every nerve felt alive. So sensitized that the cool air that suddenly flowed over her damp nipples was almost painful.

She opened her eyes to see Zan lower himself to lick and nip and tease her quivering belly. He dipped his tongue briefly into her navel before traveling south with clear determination.

And really, who was she to stop him?

Her pants fell to the floor, leaving her sex covered in a tiny strip of cloth. Zan dropped to his knees and pressed his mouth to her mound.

Letting out a strained gargle, Jackie arched her hips. One leg was lifted and she watched as he tugged off her shoe and sock. He repeated the action on her other leg, all the while nipping and nuzzling the damp notch between her legs. “You’re scent is driving me crazy.” With another tug, her pants were stripped clean off and she peeked through her lashes to see Zan’s reaction to her nudity. While she didn’t shave down there, she did keep herself neat and trim. And from the way Zan was licking his lips, her nether region met with his approval. He leaned in close, breathed deep. “I want to drown in you.” By the way her body reacted he just might get his wish. The guttural statement was followed by swift action. He opened her swollen folds with his thumbs and once again used that talented tongue of his to push her closer to the edge. A gentle swipe from her soaking entrance to her throbbing clit caused her legs to seize up in decadent shock. He licked and caressed every creamy fold, creating a tingling friction that had her hips moving against his mouth in wild abandon. When he took the hard little knot of nerves into his mouth to suckle, her eyes crossed behind closed lids. Another moan left her lips. Reflexively, she parted her legs further.

Zan chuckled, the sound strained. “A vibrator can’t give you this.

It has no heat, no emotion. It can’t savor every inch of your body like you deserve.”

Maybe not
, Jackie thought, her brows narrowed in frustration.
it doesn’t make smug comments
. “Shut up, Zan.” The bastard had the nerve to chuckle again. “What? You don’t want to hear how much I want you to come in my mouth?” Her body clenched into one tight spring. “No.”

“Little liar.” He slid a finger inside her, her pussy rejoicing at the intimate touch. “You’re so hot and wet, Jackie.” His finger moved slow, thrusting in and out. He added a second finger, stretching tender muscles as he pushed deep.

Her hands were now braced hard against the wall, needing the support as her knees began to weaken. She squeezed her eyes shut as she pumped her hips against his thick fingers. Sweat trickled down her back and gathered between her breasts. A climax was brewing, burning in her belly. But she just couldn’t reach it.

“Look at me,” Zan voiced the harsh demand. “See me.” When she finally managed to lift her heavy eyelids he took her clit into his mouth. His gaze never left her as he suckled and thrust, suckled and thrust. Jackie nearly cried out with frustrated need when he added a third finger to the erotic invasion and bit gently on her clit.

With a shocked gasp, Jackie went deaf, dumb and blind. The orgasm hit hard, turning her body into a perfect bow. Zan continue to pump his fingers into her sex, drawing out her release until she started to fall.

Grasping her by the hips, Zan pressed his forehead to her belly.

“See how much pleasure I can give you?” With the blood still roaring in her ears, her body jerking with aftershocks, Jackie couldn’t form a thought, much less a verbal retort. All she could do was melt in quivering pleasure.

Suddenly she found herself pressed against the wall, her legs over Zan’s arms, the tip of his erection nudging her entrance. “Again.” He muttered, his lips on hers. “I want to see it again.” Though she was still floating, some part of her brain engaged.


He rubbed his cock through her wetness. “On.” Taking him at his word, Jackie simply didn’t have the energy to say more than, “ ‘k.”

Zan rocked, slipping in her pussy an inch at a time, each thrust gliding over delicate tissue super sensitized from her orgasm. Then with a sudden jerk of his hips, as if he couldn’t hold himself back any longer, he buried his cock deep inside her. A groan left his throat at the same time searing heat began to build anew in Jackie. His arms were under her knees, spreading her wide, leaving her open and vulnerable, allowing him to stroke deep, deeper still. His rhythm quickened, his breath hot against her ear.

He took her mouth again, hard and possessive, while his hips bucked against hers. Tiny shocks of pleasure radiated from where they joined. Her inner muscles squeezed in an intimate caress and she felt him tremble all around her.

“Fuck, yeah. Do that again, angel.” He nibbled at her lips, kissing his way across her check and down her neck before claiming her mouth again.

She did it again and again, holding him tight inside as he dove in deep, faster and harder with every plunge of his thick shaft, rasping over delicate tissue until electricity crackled over her skin, throwing her into sensory overload.

Just when it all became too much, she screamed, and came apart in his arms. Lights exploded behind her eyes as pleasure ignited every nerve into exquisite release. Jackie could feel Zan everywhere, surrounding her with such warmth that she didn’t know where she ended and he began. His heat, his scent. His breath at her neck. Then…

His teeth.

Fangs pierced her skin and she screamed again, in slight pain and in shock as another orgasm raged through her. Mindless, she arched into him, hands locked on his head. With a brutal snarl, Zan came in a forceful wave, pumping into her over and over, wringing out every drop of pleasure that could be had.

Finally he collapsed, taking her down to the floor with him where they lay in a sprawling heap. He licked the small wound he’d made on her neck, murmuring low and lovingly against her throat. Clarity slowly came to the forefront of Jackie’s mind and with it the realization that not only had Zan given her three orgasms, he’d also bitten her.

Claimed her.

Her independent nature seethed while some ancient female part of her wanted to wallow in his possessiveness. Locking her brain onto the former, though lacking the energy to untangle herself from his arms, she opened her mouth to verbally berate his presumptive action when she heard Zan’s determined whisper. “I’m never going to let you go.” She didn’t know if the shiver that passed through her was from excitement, or fear.

BOOK: What This Wolf Wants
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