What The Heart Desires

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Authors: Erica Storm

Tags: #BWWM African American erotic romance, #Interracial erotic romance, #fiction contemporary romance erotica, #Multicultural erotica fiction, #Erotic romance

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What the Heart Desires

Part 1

This is a three part series

By Erica Storm

Copyright by Erica Storm


Copyright © 2015 by Erica Storm

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. Please do not participate in or encourage the piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. No reproduction of this book part or whole is permitted. This book should not be scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without the author’s permission.

Table of Contents

Copyright Page

Copyright Page

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 1: Andrea

Books by Erica Storm | BWWM Erotica Romance

General Erotica

Further Reading: Billionaire BWWM Box Set

About the Author

Chapter 1

had a bad night last night and now I can’t get out of bed, but I manage and go in to work. It started when I visited my fiancé’s night club with a girlfriend from work. I’m a low level bank manager who rarely has time to go anywhere or do anything, but at Tamika’s insistence I thought what could a little drinking and dancing hurt? As a matter of fact it might do me some good to some place and see what’s going on outside of the bank.  

Don’t believe in banker’s hours. They don’t exist for people like me. We work from sun up to sundown especially if you have a boss like mine, who likes to take off and go shopping with two hours lunch breaks, where I have to oversee the tellers and Ok business checks.

I’m usually exhausted in the evenings when I get home. Then I cook for my fiancé, Troy. He likes home cook meals.

Living with a handsome black man who thinks women are made to serve and obey him wasn’t exactly what I had in mind when I met Troy, a successful businessman, but I got used to it. He owns several restaurants and clubs in Manhattan and spends many days and nights overseeing every movement of his business.

I got off early Friday because the bank manager said that I could take off because the auditors were coming in, and Monday would be my day to work until eight pm.

Tamika had her purse ready when she stood at my desk. “What the F are you doing?” We are off early and we can go drinking and dancing for once and have dinner before we go to Troy’s club. We should be out of the door by now. Isn’t he out of town anyway?”

“He said he was.”

“Good then. Now get your ass up and we can get out of here before they stop us at the door and say there’s some kind of mistake.” Tamika grabs my arm and I stand looking for my keys and purse. 

“We can have a little fun at Troy’s club tonight before he gets back. I don’t know why you put up with his shit anyway? He acts like your daddy or something. Tells you what to wear, where to go, and when to go out.” Tamika is still complaining about Troy and the job as we head out the office down the escalator.

“I know Tamika but I need some structure in my life.”

“If you want some structure, then commit a crime and go to prison. You’ll get less structure there than being with him.” Tamika made a lot of sense but it worked for us and I didn’t want to rock the boat. Besides, Troy didn’t care for Tamika as much as she didn’t like him. I wasn’t about to make things worse by telling her that. But she probably knew it anyway and didn’t care.

Tamika would call at our apartment trying to get me to go clubbing with her and piss Troy off and the arguments would start.

She stood in front of me in the lobby, “Ok. Let’s go to dinner.” We walked outside that tomb of a bank into the fresh spring air. It had a feel of summer but I knew before the day was over that the temperatures would plunge so I carried a coat.

Tamika wanted to have dinner in an outdoor café and the coat would come in handy. We sat and ordered seafood. Scallops over peas and rice and clams. We were sitting waiting for our order when a limo passed. “Now that is what I call class,” she says to me. “If I could bag one of those rich men, I would quit the bank today.”

“And how do you plan on doing that?”

“Just dreaming out loud,” she says to me. “I hear you have a better chance of meeting one if you’re a stripper.” And she raises her eyebrows.

“A what?”

“You know, a stripper.”

“Where you take off your clothes and parade in front of men who have no respect for you?” I questioned.

“Do you think the way Troy treats you is respect? He probably has some woman spread eagle over his desk now, and you wouldn’t even know it the way he has your schedule planned out.”

“You are over reaching Tamika. Troy loves me and I love him.”

“If you want to stay in a fool’s paradise, for be it for me to drag you out of it.” She looks at me and drinks her Tom Collings and sucks on the cherry. “I bet he’s bursting a girl’s cherry right now, the way he did with you. You never had any experience with men and trust me they can’t be trusted. I learned that the hard way. I used to be just like you, now I find them, let them do me, and forget them because chances are men are thinking the same way.”

“I hope when I reach twenty-six, I’m not as jaded as you.”

“I was twenty and twenty-five before and I don’t want to see that impressionable, immature, inexperience, gullible young girl again. I’m happy now that I know men. It’s kind of freeing. You know what they want and you know what you want, to be taken care of, and hopefully they can give it to you. But if they don’t, you stay single, and get what you can out of them.”

“I hope I’m not as bitter as you, Tamika.”

“You wish you were bitter as me and then you can see that scoundrel Troy for what he is; a controlling self-centered womanizer.”

“You’re talking about the man I love.”

“Ok. I’ll give you a break. I know I can be a little strong on my opinions of men that’s because I had a bad marriage.”

“Troy and I won’t have that kind of relationship you had with your husband.” Tamika turned and looked around and winked at the bartender. Then she turned back facing me.

She didn’t say a word she rolled her eyes and twisted her mouth to the side and then ordered another Tom Collins. We sat around and talked for hours about our lives and the bank. The banking institution was beginning to get precarious. I had taken that job out of college because it appeared to be a secure place to work.

Tamika on the other hand thought she could meet a rich man and marry him and live happily ever after. The only men she met were guys looking for a woman with a job and they thought that if she was around a lot of money some would rub off on them.

Chapter 2

e made it around to his club and the lines were around the block. He worked day and night trying to make his business a success and from the look of the crowds on a Friday night it was more than a success. The club hadn’t open but everyone knew who I was and as soon as they saw me they smiled and said, “Go on in and take the best booth, Leila.” We’re opening in five minutes.

“Don’t sit too close to the dance floor and the music,” Rodney said as he opened the door for me. Rodney, a large burly black man, dark and menacing because of his size, is a sweetheart and always looked out for me the few times I visited the club.

He was one of the few people who knew I was Troy’s fiancé, and he respected that I didn’t show my face much, however the cocktail waitress would give me a nasty look whenever I stopped by the club. The looks were so intimidating that I decided to call before coming. If it wasn’t for Tamika, I wouldn’t be here tonight.

We found a seat that was perfect. Right in front of the dance floor and away from the DJ and speakers. As soon as we sat, a pretty light skin girl with long dark hair came to our table. “Hi. What do you want this evening?” She appeared to be a new hire. Troy always picked the waitresses and their costumes if you want to call it that. He said that he had to compete with the strip clubs and the waitresses had to be a certain type. Every one of the clubs he owned had different girls according to his clientele.

In one of his clubs, all his patrons were white so he hired all white girls and maybe two black girls. Then the clubs in Brooklyn he had a mixture of white and black or light skinned black girls and dark skinned girls. He would do what it took to satisfy his customers.

Their bodies had to be hard, their breasts large, and their butts big. The skimpy costumes left nothing to the imagination. Looking around, glancing, and raising an eyebrow at Tamika, “We don’t have a chance to get a dance dressed in these banker’s suits.”

“You already have your man, I wouldn’t worry about trying to attract some of these losers. But I came to dance and all I have to do is take off my suit jacket and I have a plunging neckline, and hike up my skirt, and I’m a hot bitch. You on the other hand look homey.”

“Troy says that I should dress conservative.”

“Yeah, at the bank, but not everywhere you go. You have the best legs, tits, and ass I’ve seen and I’m a woman. You shouldn’t let him make you old. No one wants old. They want hot like that waitress serving us. Do you see what he looks at and men look at? A lot of ass and tits. He makes you cover yours up.”

The waitress showed in her little black one piece tights with her cheeks exposed. “Look at her when she walks away. She knows she has it going on and she’s flaunting it in our faces.”

“I can’t be like her.”

“You don’t have to be like her. Just dress for all occasions. You’ve heard the expression, when in Rome do as the Roman’s do. Well you need a serious wardrobe change.”

When I looked up, the waitress was back and the club was full. The noise and clinking of glasses were filling the club. The DJ was playing and I couldn’t see very much. “Do you ladies want anything else?”

“Yes, and put the drinks on the houses tab. This is Troy’s fiancé.”

“I know Mr. Jamison’s fiancé and she isn’t it.” Tamika and I traded glances. “My friend Tonya is dating him and they are just about to make an announcement.” I narrowed my eyes and turned to Tamika. Maybe it’s because she’s new that she didn’t realize who she was talking to.

Tamika repeated it again and the waitress said, “I would have to get that approved by Mr. Jameson. I’ll be a few minutes.”

“He’s here?” Tamika asked stopping the waitress in her tracks.

“Yes. If you were his fiancé wouldn’t you know that?” She said sarcastically.

“Look here little bitch. Don’t get smart with me,” Tamika said holding on to the waitress’s arm, “I’ll snatch you bald. You know and I know that all that hair hanging down your butt is a weave. Now don’t fuck with my friend.” Tamika snatched the bill from her tray and handed it to me. “My friend will see her fiancé about the tab. If I were you, I would take your skinny ass out of my face.”

The waitress looked behind as she walked away but she knew better than to say a word. “Get up and go see what’s going on,” Tamika said to me. I stood with wobbly legs. I had many reasons not to confront him. I was living in his apartment and I had just been hired at that bank, but I pulled myself together and got my nerves up. I reluctantly trudged up the stairs and around to his office.

I stood outside wondering whether I should confront him. I even considered knocking. Then something told me to just go in why am I knocking.

Turning the knob and finding the office door open I felt my courage come back. Tamika is just an alarmist who has seen too many bad men in her life and she is plain bitter. I hoped I would never be like her and I smiled thinking about how stupid and wrong the waitress is for thinking there was someone else.

I walked into the office where the secretaries computer and desk set, and then I saw a dim light on in his office. My thoughts wavered back and forward. Why didn’t he tell me that he had come back from his trip? I opened the door and there was Troy standing in front of his desk with his pants and boxers below his knee. He had on a white shirt but his bare muscular butt was staring me in the face.

Troy had a cocktail waitress bent over his desk and her thong like costume pulled to the side where her big light brown ass was being invaded by his large black dick.

His hands were propped on the desk and he didn’t even turn around when he said, “Can’t you see I’m busy.” And through his words were whimpers and moans. I was interrupting a beautiful moment. That moment where he explodes all over and all in her. I couldn’t tell which opening he was entering as his movements went in and out.

“I gave strict orders that I wasn’t to be disturb, Rodney. “What the fuck is it that you want? I’m getting ready to claim the best ass in this club and I’m not stopping not even if you say it’s a fire.”

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