What the Earl Desires (31 page)

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Authors: Aliyah Burke

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: What the Earl Desires
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Colin shook his head and looked back at his paper only to lower it when Abel reentered the breakfast room. On his heels were Royce and the men under him.

Silence descended upon the room and Royce cleared his throat. “Sorry to intrude.”

“No intrusion, Royce. Come in and help yourselves.”

Wilkes was given introductions including Pug and the men soon sat around the table with their own full plates. Content all was fine there, Colin turned his attention to Abel who still waited at his side.

“Message for you, my lord.” He handed the note from the silver salver with his pristine white gloved hand.

“Thank you, Abel.” He wiped his mouth and took the folded paper. Flipping it over, he withheld his smile as he broke the familiar seal.


If you are free today, our family would love the pleasure of your company for the Christmas day at Kittle Manor. Come anytime.

Lady A.

All he knew was what he held was an offer to see Najja. That was all that mattered. He peered down the table at the five men and one young lad who sat there with him.

“Abel,” he said in a hushed tone.

“My lord?” the butler stepped closer.

“Tell the staff to go spend the day with their families. You too. I am taking this group to Lord Adrys’ house.”

“Very good, my lord.” Abel bowed and slipped away in silence.

Amused he watched the interactions around the table. Trystan and Royce spoke while the other three ate more than anything and Pug had this partially intrigued, partially unsure by all the large men in the room look on his face. Colin had to give him credit; he never let his fear show.

“Eat up,” he announced.

Six heads swiveled in his direction.

“Why?” Trystan queried.

“We have an invite for Christmas at Kittle Manor.” He hoped Adrys wouldn’t mind the extra mouths. “So we will head over after we are all finished eating.” He spoke in a way that brooked no room for discussion on the matter.

His place wasn’t decorated for the season and he realized he wished he had, if only so Pug had a good time.

“All of us?” Royce asked only to be echoed by Pug.

Colin nodded firmly. “All of us.”

Breakfast was finished in haste and as Pug headed upstairs to dress in more suitable attire, he found himself face to face with Royce and his three men.

“Are you sure about this, Commander?” Royce questioned.

“I am, Captain. Lord Adrys and his family are good friends.”

He hated the ever-present haunted mien on Royce’s face. It had faded greatly since they were first reunited but he still caught glimpses. He wondered what Royce had been subjected to for his once cheerful disposition to have altered so dramatically.

While war and the loss of an eye were horrific on their own, this was more. He, himself, had changed after he left the military. He had, anonymously, set up a new place for wounded soldiers and sailors who could no longer serve. This place fed and housed them as well as assisted them in locating and acquiring employment.

Royce nodded and shoved a hand through his hair. “Very well.”

Colin clapped him on the shoulder and sent for his coach. They took two carriages to Kittle Manor. Wilkes rode with the other three men while Royce accompanied himself and Pug. Drawing up at the front of the large stone home, Colin peered out the window. The massive pillars were draped with greenery, evergreen boughs, and holly. Red bows also graced the two pillars immediately edging the cleared steps.

Everyone disembarked and followed him up to where a silent footman waited by the door. For a brief interval he ruminated over whether not telling about the Adryses relaxed and unconventional ways had been a wise choice. Then the door opened and it no longer mattered.

“Good day, my lord,” the butler said as he reached out to take his outer garments, simultaneously snapping his fingers and summoning forward more staff to assist the others.

Lord Adrys strode into view; his blue eyes alight with joy. “Happy Christmas, Colin. Glad you could make it.”

“Adrys. I hope you do not mind, I brought some friends.”

Hayworth never even hesitated. “Not at all. Come on in, there is plenty to eat. It is a spot warmer in the other room.”

Colin introduced everyone and after pleasantries had been exchanged they all headed for the designated room. Their ballroom. He held back and allowed the other men to precede him, using his height to scout the room. There she sat. Najja. Engrossed in a game of chess with Jo.

The women all stood upon their entrance and he heard Lord Adrys make introductions yet he could find no recourse to remove his gaze from Najja’s form. What eventually made him focus on something else was pressure against his leg. He glanced down to see Pug tight to him.

“Happy Christmas, Colin,” Jo said, pausing before him.

He took her hand and touched his lips to the back even while his gaze feasted upon Najja. She wasn’t even looking at him. Then Jo giggled and he snapped his eyes to hers only to be met by mirth in her blue gaze. With a slight grin he released her hand.

“And to you, Jo.”

She dampened her lips and looked to his left before regarding Pug. “And who might you be?”

Colin witnessed a faint flush go up the boy’s pale skin. He knew that look. Enamoration. He nudged the lad slightly and apparently it was enough for he, too, reached for her hand.


Jo barely blinked just allowed him to kiss the back of her hand as well.

“Lovely to meet you, Pug. Happy Christmas to you as well.” Jo bestowed a smile on them both before she moved on to speak to the other men. Pug expelled a heavy breath.

“Gor, she is beautiful.”

The lad appeared to have stars in his eyes. Colin stole a quick peek at Jo and admitted she was rather fetching in her dark red dress with green accents. Her hair was up in an unusual style, accentuated by a thick braid around her hairline.

“Impolite to stare, Pug.”


Pug was introduced to Hayworth and Honoria Adrys as well. Then the sideboard, full of food, caught his eyes and he ran for it. Colin chuckled. Pug seemed to have a never-ending appetite.

Alone at last he made his way over to Najja who stood off by herself, playing the role of companion to a tee. She wore a dress of gray-green with a simple square neckline that tempted him beyond belief. The bare hint of the top of her breasts were exposed and such a simple thing made him randier than any number of courtesans or doxies he’d seen. Her only jewelry the rawhide thong which held the tooth around her neck.

Shoving his lust under control he stopped by her side. His heart just felt better being in her presence.
I have it bad.

“Happy Christmas, luv,” he said in a tone for only the two of them.

She stood, bobbed, and sat again after responding in kind. Ignoring her attempt to remain aloof he sat beside her in the next chair.

“How have you been, luv?”

Najja sighed and flattened her skirt. “Why do you persist?”

He chuckled quietly, perfectly content merely to be beside her. “Are you going to ask me what I want for Christmas?”


Her response supervened instantly making his smile grow wider.

“No? You have no curiosity about it?”

“No, my lord.” She stood and walked toward Jo who had been joined by Pug again.

He kept his eyes glued to the graceful and purely natural sway of her hips. His shaft stiffened and he longed to rub it and ease the ache she created within him.
It would be better to be between her legs.
He almost took to his feet when Royce sat in the chair she’d just vacated.

“That woman, who is she?” Royce queried.

Colin knew who he meant. Najja. And it bothered him, Royce noticed her. “Najja. Companion to Lord Adrys’ daughter, Jo.” He didn’t give any more than what Royce got when he was introduced to her.

“Is she not an odd choice for a companion?”

“They were in Africa for fifteen years.”

“I see.” He rubbed his face. “Thank you for allowing my men this.”

While happy Royce no longer focused on Najja, he was a bit unsettled at the notion the man may want something with her.

“It is Christmas,” he replied, casting a sidelong glance at the man beside him.

Lady Adrys whispered something in Najja’s ear and as Colin sat there his love nodded prior to slipping from the room. They nibbled on the trays of finger-foods and eventually sat down to a huge dinner. Everyone ate hardy on the tureens of soups, meats, sauces, vegetables, and more. Yet through it all no Najja. He longed to ask but somehow managed to refrain.

Full and again back in the decorated ballroom with the tree and a drink in his hand, Colin scanned the room, a light smile on his lips. It was dark out now and the room even more intimate.

A tingle skated up his spine and he rotated his head slowly. By the tree and a window sat Najja. She lifted her head and their gazes met. His gut clenched with need. Raw and possessive.

How did she arrive without me knowing?

Najja slowly and unhurriedly dismissed him to focus on what she had in her lap. It bothered him to see her trying to blend into the background. He wanted her beside him, laughing, eating, and mingling.

Every now and then her head would raise and he knew she checked on Jo. As he regarded her, he beheld a look from Jo to Najja after Lady Adrys suggested her daughter play some music. Najja rose with no diffidence and made her way to Jo’s side.

As a maid refilled everyone’s glasses, Najja sat at the piano and Jo before the harp. Conversation halted as the women’s playing filled the air. What shocked him even more than their ability was the deep baritone of Major McCutcheon joining the chords.

He’d had absolutely no idea the man could sing much less as well as he did. As it continued, McCutcheon with his baritone repositioned himself near the piano. The trio completed three songs in total. And as they received the applause Colin stared at Matt whose face finally seemed at peace.

Matt was the youngest of Royce’s men and had joined up with romantic ideals of what serving in His Majesty’s Army would be like. His innocence had been shattered swiftly upon the battlefield as the men him around began dying.

To see him this carefree, his demons banished--at least for the moment, did him good. Matt smiled and bowed to the women before walking back to his seat. Najja returned to her out-of-the-way chair only to be dragged by Jo back into the thick of it all. Colin could read her predilection to be where she had been.

Lord Adrys stood with his hand on his seated wife’s shoulder. “Captains and Majors, we are thrilled to have more friends here this Christmas. I apologize for such small gifts but please accept them.” He sent a look to Najja who immediately got to her feet. She retrieved four wrapped packaged and took them, giving one to each man.

Colin caught Najja by the elbow as she passed him, halting her. “Thank you, luv.”

Her eyes rose to his and he was lost instantly. There existed only the two of them.

“Excuse me, Lord Clifton. I have things to attend.”

Her words and voice sounded foreign to him. Like someone had taken over her body, leaving just the shell. He didn’t like it.

“Here, Colin, this is for you.” Jo’s voice snapped him back.

The smiling woman stood before him, another wrapped gift in her hands. Beside him, Trystan opened something also. Regretfully Colin released Najja and took the offered item.

“Thank you, Jo.”

He opened the box before him and found a small clock set in a beautiful piece of wood. He didn’t know the type but it was amazing. Lifting his head he saw Trystan and the other men had received similar items as well. Pug had some candies and a chess set before him. The boy was excited as he spoke to those around him.

Colin surveyed the room and saw Lord and Lady Adrys holding hands as they oversaw the activities in the room. They looked like proud parents observing their children. It was oddly touching. He experienced more love in that room right now than he’d ever had growing up with his parents or brothers.

He thought about his mother and wondered how she faired this first Christmas after losing a husband and two sons. Ignoring the stab of guilt, he scanned the room again. The fire burned bright. Pug chatted with Jo, the chess set between them. Najja conversed with Major McCutcheon and Captain Patterson, while Royce, Trystan, and Major Slater held one of their own. He met Adrys’ gaze and they shared a smile.

Najja lifted her eyes and stared at him. Her expression softened and he headed toward her. Trailing his hand intimately and possessively along her shoulder, he joined into the conversation. He spied Jo watching him where she sat and he knew she saw his touch on Najja. Ignoring her assessing stare, he allowed himself to be drawn in, understanding he had to remain okay with just being beside Najja.

Chapter Fifteen


Najja stood in the barn grooming Fineas. She’d not seen Colin since he and his friends came for Christmas a few weeks ago. Today Jo was abed with a fever and with Lady Adrys watching over her, so she stepped out for some air.

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