What She's Looking For (31 page)

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Authors: Trent Evans

BOOK: What She's Looking For
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Chapter Twenty Four


he heard the door close with a muffled
thud, and those voices, those sounds that haunted her dreams. Shivering, she
lay her head down on her arms as she knelt at the end of the bed. Waiting for
what she hoped they'd know she needed.

With any luck she'd cried her last
tears over Terry. It was finally over, that part of her that she could turn her
back upon once and for all. Then it all seemed to fall into place. This was the
coda on the old Ashley, a woman she no longer recognized, couldn't understand.
With the end of that part of her life, there was only them. The twin pillars of
her new life, her new identity — and her new joy. Her life held promise, for
the first time in a long while, and though she still had no real idea how she'd
make it work, this tangled, complicated relationship, she knew down to the
depths of her very soul that she wanted it happen. Wanted them — both of them —
and would follow wherever they'd lead.

Now, she wanted, needed her men.
Readying herself for them, she'd taken off all her clothes, dazed, not knowing
what to do. Should she run? Hide? Curl up and sob? Falling to her knees, she
knelt against Parker's bed, laying her head on her arms. It was one of the
places that gave her peace now. Kneeling at her Sir's bed. Hoping he'd come in
and make this whole wretched afternoon go away, she'd stayed in place. And all
she hoped was that they would follow their hearts, allow their lust to guide
them — and take what was theirs.

The door to the bedroom opened,
their footfalls heavy, vibrating through the floor. Her naked skin felt the air
pressure change as they drew near, the rasp of their breath just barely
audible. She hoped they were pleased, wished they'd take her again to wherever
the dance of their three hearts would lead.

The mattress dipped as someone sat
to her left, and she gasped as a warm hand stroked the skin of her upper back,
the tips of her hair tickling her as the hands moved it aside.

“Ashley, look at me,” Parker's
voice murmured.

She turned her head to gaze upon
him, her heart skipping a beat at the concern she saw on his face.

“I have to know if you're okay. I
have to know if we need to take care of it.” He snapped a glance upward, out of
her field of view. “I just can’t live with letting you be hurt again.”

The shake of her head felt almost
childlike, her breath whispering over the fine hairs of her forearm. “We won't
see him again, Parker. But it doesn't matter.”

matter, Ash. Your
safety is all that matters to me, to Drake. It's everything to us.”

Her tough, demanding Sir, worried
for her. It was a side she'd never seen in him before, and though she still
reveled in the cruel Dom that he was, she loved this aspect of him too. It
humanized him, and made him seem like (a tiny bit) less of a superhuman

“I know,” she said, smiling at him.
“He won't be back.” She lifted her head. “I don't want to talk about him. Can
we just … ?”

A big hand, obviously Drake's,
submerged into her hair, massaging her scalp for just a moment, then
tightening, bringing her head slowly up once more. “If you think he comes back,
we have to know. Because if he does, he won't be leaving again.”

“He won't, Drake.”

“Something doesn’t make sense,
Ashley. I pictured a selfish, malevolent prick. What I saw out there … he
looked like a broken man.”

Her head turned, her eyes finding
his. “Something’s changed about him. Everything’s changed.” She inhaled,
shuddering. “He’s … not the same man.”

Drake’s hand stroked her back. “But
what did he say to you? What could he say?”

Her gaze turned to Drake. “He said
… sorry. How sorry he was for hurting me. He said he’d met someone, someone
who’d helped him see the wrong he’s done.” She slapped the mattress. “It
would’ve been easier for me to hate him. Now? I pity him. He’s got to live with
what he’s done, knowing it can’t ever be taken back. That knowledge is worse
than any words I could say”

“Ashley, who did—”

“Please, I don't want to think
about him anymore.”

“Then we won't.” Parker leaned in
to run his lips across her cheek. She nuzzled into him then, but he pulled
away, shaking his head slowly. “You stay exactly as you are, Ashley. Don't

Her breath quickened at the
gravelly tone that snuck into his voice.


“What do you think, Drake?” Parker
stood, and Ashley closed her eyes, letting herself go limp, Drake's hand still
holding her head up with a handful of her hair. “Are you finally ready to claim

Drake lowered her head back to her
arms, then planted that hand firmly to the center of her upper back. She gasped
as he pressed her to the mattress, the power of his strength making her dizzy. “She's
ready now. Even if she isn't, I am. Seeing him … with her.” Drake growled. “It
was wrong — all of it. She's ours.”

“Goddamn right she is. Haul her up.
It's time for a refresher for our little Ashley.”

Yes. Oh God, finally!

Drake's implacable grip dove into
her hair once more and he pulled her up to her feet. He stood behind her a
moment, his hand loosening and toying with the locks of her hair. “Always loved
this hair,” he murmured. His presence behind her both comforted and unsettled
her, his raw male power turned up full blast as she stood naked before both of
her fully-clothed men.

Parker sat on the bed in front of
her, Drake joining him with a pat of his huge hand to her ass.

“Feet together, hands at your side,”
Parker snapped. “Look straight ahead.”

“Shoulders back, Ashley.” Drake’s smile
curved his lips, the white teeth so bright against his darker complexion.

Complying, she felt the first of
what she was sure were many blushes to come.

“I love it when she does that.”
Drake leaned forward, elbows on his knees, eye level with her breasts as he
peered up at her. “So embarrassed. And why? She's so beautiful — but it doesn't
seem to matter.”

“I like it that way,” Parker said,
his gaze searing her. “I never want to lose that. She knows this body is ours,
but it still embarrasses her to display it. Someday we'll train her out of
that, but for now, I rather enjoy it.”

Drake's smile widened.

“For the past few weeks we've gone
easy on you, girl. You realize that, don't you?”

God, have they. Please let that
be over with. Please, please, plea—

“I'm talking to you,” Parker said. “Answer

“Yes, Sir.”

How she adored the feel of that
word on her lips. Had there ever been a time she'd resisted saying it, felt it
to humiliating, even wrong? Perhaps there had been, but now it felt like coming
back to an old friend. This was right. Being subject to him, to them both, was

“So, maybe you think that's how
things will go from now on then, yes?” Parker's eyes narrowed as she met his
gaze. “Well, you're wrong, girl.”

“Eyes forward,” Drake said, still
smiling. “She's defiant still though. Plenty for us to address I think.”

“There doesn't need to be a reason,
Drake. Not with her.” Parker crossed his legs, resting his hands across his
leg. “She's here to obey, and that means when one of us wants to punish her
then that's what we'll do. That's it. No reason needed.”

“Poor girl.” Drake’s  gaze roamed
over her body. “God
those tits of hers, Parker. Look at those

She sucked in a breath as Drake
reached out to touch them, pinching both into aching hardness.

“The days of us letting you off are
over, girl,” Parker said. “So it's time for you to learn how things are really
going to go from now on.”

Oh God, oh God.

“You're going to get on your knees
and you're going to suck Drake's cock. You've neglected it since that night in
the shower.”

“But that wasn't my—”

“Quiet, girl. I don't want to hear
it from you.” He pointed at Drake's lap. “Get down on your knees and get to it.”

Drake's eyes met hers, his
expression suddenly hard. “Now, Ashley.”

He'd already undone the belt and
opened his jeans by the time she sank to her knees.

“Take it out, and suck him, girl.”
Parker’s eyes glittered.

Finally! During the time following
the accident this was increasingly what she found herself daydreaming about.
Being subject to these men, being made to pleasure them. While they’d tip-toed
around her, looking to her every need, the base woman in her, the inner slut,
wanted them to be barking orders, punishing her, fucking her senseless — generally
treating her like the whore her innermost thoughts made her feel like.

Well, it seemed she was about to
get her wishes fulfilled.

She reached into the open fly of
Drake’s jeans, and pulled out his cock. It was big, as she’d no doubt it would
be — everything else was big on the mountain of a man — but what shocked her
was the girth of the flesh she held in her hand. Perhaps not quite as long as
Parker’s, it was undoubtedly thicker, and as she darted forward to take the
broad, dusky head within her lips, her mind flashed to what Parker had told her
that day as she hung helpless in his shower.

Asses. Drake loved asses.

No way is that going to fit
there. Nope.

Of course, her inner mischievous
side saw it as a challenge, and as she began sucking the powerful man’s cock,
she could think of nothing else. She closed her eyes, her cheeks firing anew at
the slurping sound her lips made around his hot, salty flesh, his intoxicating
male smell all around her.

“Further, Ashley.” Drake’s deep
voice tightened, the massive muscles of his thighs clenching below her
forearms. Drake’s hands gathered up the long mass of her hair, and he held it
clenched in one hand, almost like a pommel, directing her head lower, growling
at her to take him deeper.

Vaguely aware of movement next to
her then behind her, her body jerked in surprise at the hard, heavy cock laid
along her hip as Parker crouched behind her.

“Obey him, girl. Show him how you
want to take care of him,” Parker said from behind her, his hands gathering her
arms and pulling them behind her back. “You’re going to be doing a lot of this
now that we have you under our roof, so you’d better get used to it.”

Yes! Yes!

What she’d missed since the
accident. There was no thinking here. Nothing complicated, no ambiguousness, no
fear, no doubt. There was only surrender, only obedience. Only them.

Parker held her arms in one hand at
the small of her back, the length of his cock leaving a trail of moisture as it
lolled across her skin, his arm reaching around to bounce the weight of her
pendent breasts in his palm. He slapped them back and forth as Drake forced her
further down upon the thick length of his cock.

She tensed at the feel of him at
the back of her throat.

“Just keep going,” Drake said. “Relax
your throat. You’ll learn this.”

His hands held her down as she
gagged around him, not letting her up until it subsided, his other hand
stroking the smooth column of her throat, his murmurs helping calm her panicked
writhing. “Shh, you can do it. Deeper now, extend your tongue now. Good.”

For a few moments, there was only
the sounds of her mouth and throat working the length of Drake’s cock, her
labored breathing, the pleased murmurs of the men, and the slap of Parker’s
palm as it leisurely slapped her swinging breasts. Then she felt Drake’s cock
swell even further, and his legs tense into steel columns. The roots of her
hair protested as her head was yanked back, her eyes looking up to meet
Drake’s. He stared down at her with a fiery intensity as he placed the turgid,
wet cock against her lips. “Open. Wide.”

Complying, he laid the heavy head
of his cock on her tongue, and she felt the pulses of his semen as they
traveled up the shaft. With a groan, his head thrown back, Drake came, hot,
sticky globules of semen spraying over her tongue, one spurt laying hot wetness
across her blushing cheek.

“Swallow it, girl,” Parker
whispered into her ear, taking her earlobe between his teeth to nip. “All of
it. You never waste any of our come. Not a drop.”

With a lick of her lips she
complied, Drake’s finger collecting the line of semen cooling on her cheek, and
presenting it to her lips to be licked off. His smile as she did it made her
heart soar, even as she blushed crimson.

She sat back on her heels enjoying
the heart stopping sight of both men fully undressing, Parker’s corded
shoulders, and striated, lean, defined musculature contrasted with Drake’s
massive slabs of muscle, huge arms, and tree trunk thighs that bespoke
immeasurable power. Her mouth went dry, her cunt dripped as she took in the
magnificent twin display of male beauty before her.

Ashley lost track of time then as,
for the next many minutes, she was treated as little more than a plaything by
the men, passing her back and forth between them. Parker began by bending her
tight over his lap, his cock throbbing against her, and spanking her ass until
she squirmed, her cries just making him spank her harder.

“Let me try.” Drake draped her over
his hard thighs, his big hand pinning her down with laughable ease, the huge
palm rapidly setting fire to her burning bottom. When Drake had her bottom good
and hot, the tears already tracking down Ashley’s cheeks, Parker had held her
upright on his lap, her back to him, his legs forcing hers wide apart while
Drake knelt down, his thick fingers spreading her pussy wide, stretching her.
His knowing touch stroked up, along the top of her vagina, curling in just the
right way, his thumb circling over her erect clit, standing up red and
glistening. She’d cried out, her abdominals clenching over and over as his
fingers kept stroking that spot deep within her, not stopping until she’d
spurted forth the physical proof of her surrender to those men. As Parker
exclaimed his praise of her, how much of a good girl she was, the men switched
places, and exhausted, Ashley was worked up all over again until she screamed
out her climax once more under those relentless fingers, and growling,
demanding male voices.

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