What She Needs (22 page)

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Authors: Lacey Alexander

BOOK: What She Needs
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Just when she wondered how much more she could take—of
of the overwhelming sensations—they quit coming. And her body went limp within the ties that held her. Was it over? Her punishment done? And oh God, her clit still pulsed like mad, making her crazy inside.
“Bring me the glass dildo,” Brent said, and she let out a slight moan. The weirdest part was—even
couldn’t tell if it was a moan of dread or needful anticipation. She’d never been so emotionally torn, so confused about her own responses.
Then she remembered Brent saying her pussy wouldn’t be fucked—but maybe he thought the sex toy didn’t count. And just as she tried to puzzle through that in her depleted mind, she experienced the oddest sensation—then gasped. Oh Lord. He was pressing the glass knob at the fissure of her ass.
She sucked in her breath in disbelief—and fear. It had felt surprisingly good when he’d inserted his fingers during the schoolgirl fantasy, but the glass dildo was much larger—and so incredibly hard.
Yet . . . he didn’t push it in—he simply rested the round end against her and twisted it back and forth, almost as if teasing her. And—mmm, God—
felt good.
good. She tried to be completely still within her bindings, lest she follow the urge to lift her ass against the toy and make him think she
it inserted.
“Lubricant,” Brent said—and she sensed, in her peripheral vision, someone going to get it. She swallowed nervously.
A moment later, something slippery was smeared at her anus, perhaps Vaseline. And then—again—came that same pressure from the round knob.
Almost in disbelief that he was going to do this, she found the strength to crane her neck, to look over her shoulder. The angle was difficult—and impossible to hold—but she was even more stunned by what she’d caught a glimpse of. He wasn’t preparing to fuck her ass exactly the way she’d thought—instead, he held what she’d thought of as the
of the glass dildo toward her, with its row of smaller glass knobs, and suddenly the penis-shaped part had become the piece he held.
Part of her was relieved—the knobs were a lot smaller on this end, so getting them inside her ass didn’t seem as inconceivable. And yet—how would it feel? How deep would he go? It would surely be a much more extreme experience than when he’d used only his fingers.
“Arch your ass toward me, slave,” he said deeply, “and brace yourself.”
She could have ignored the command, but she didn’t. It was only smart to give him an easier angle.
And then came the pressure—and the first knob entered the tiny opening. She sobbed lightly, but . . . it wasn’t from pain. God. Oh. It was . . . it was like before, with his fingers. It was a most odd but certain pleasure.
He pushed again and another glass knob slipped inside. Her breath came heavier as her ass began to feel more filled.
A few seconds later her asshole swallowed another of the knobs, and then another. She cried out, from pure amazement—and the consuming fullness. Her scalp tingled and began to pulse. Her nipples ached and her breasts heaved. Her clit felt huge—and abandoned, deeply in need.
And just when Jenna thought maybe that was it, all that would happen, Brent began to slowly fuck her ass with the toy, pulling it part of the way out, then pushing it back in.
She let out a long, low, “Ohhhhhhh.” that sprang from her gut as the smooth knobs moved through her. She could barely understand the overwhelming pleasure he delivered—she’d broken out into a sweat and, oh God, one touch to her poor clit and she knew she’d explode in orgasm, but there was still no way to stimulate it.
Oh God, oh God, oh God
—she trembled, teeth clenched, as Brent fucked her ass with the glass balls. So much profound pleasure, as if the toy stretched through her whole body—and yet still so much need, too. Oh damn it, she needed that chain off her clit! How much more could she take?
Just then, the flogger came down on her ass again, making her flinch and yell—and then she sobbed more deeply as her own movement jarred the glass toy. She heard herself begin to whimper and couldn’t stop—she’d lost complete control of herself.
“Take over with these,” she heard Brent softly instruct, and she hardly even cared who he was handing his torture devices over to at this point—she only wondered what the hell would happen next.
Brent walked around in front of her, which brought his still stone-hard cock back to her eye level. Oh God, he was hot. Even now, amid everything else, she could comprehend
. He was hot and dirty and made her wild inside.
She watched as he stepped closer and without touching himself or her, he raised his erection behind her nipple chain and used it to pull slightly outward. She cried out yet again—oh God, more pleasure/pain, more insanely intense sensation. With each second, she grew more crazed. So much pleasure but no release, just that teasing clit chain—how was she supposed to stand it? Perspiration still poured from her skin as heat echoed through her with every smooth glide of the glass knobs in her ass, with every hot sting of the flogger.
In utter desperation, she leaned her head back, straining to look up at Brent. She had to find some way to relieve herself of the crushing frustration. “Can—can I ask you for something, tell you what I want?” She’d never heard herself sound so helpless, almost despairing.
She wanted—needed—for him to fuck her, the
way, and to rub her clit, to let her come. She needed it like she needed air to breathe. Nothing else mattered but sweet release.
She peered up at him, not breaking eye contact even when the dildo plunged into that tiny opening and made her sob with hard pleasure.
She couldn’t read his expression. Clearly lust drove him, yet his eyes appeared pained as he leaned down close—and when he spoke, he sounded partly like her master but also like Brent. “Not tonight,” he whispered. “Tonight you have to obey. It’s the only way.”
She thought she would die. She found herself wriggling against her leather bindings, as if that would do any good. More whimpers left her throat.
Brent gently touched her face. “Open your mouth now,” he said, still low but soft, almost as if ignoring her pleas were as hard on him as on her. “And suck my cock.”
Jenna simply did as she was told. All choice had been taken from her. Brent
her master now. He pushed his erection slow and deep and she accepted it—even welcomed it, since at least it was another form of being fucked, and right now, she
more, more, more, even if the “more” wasn’t what would make her come.
He moved gradual and steady between her lips, fucking her mouth fully, unapologetically. And Jenna closed her eyes and simply
. Every sensation. Even the clawing, nagging pressure on her clit. Her face flushed with warmth even as she attempted to calm herself and just be a good slave, just serve him.
Finally, he placed his hands on her head and drew back, leaving her lips stretched and sore. “Have you had enough torture?” he asked, still sounding more like Brent than the angry, controlling master.
“Yes,” she breathed, aware that the glass toy had gone still in her ass and the leather strips of the flogger now rested unmoving on her flesh.
“Apologize,” Brent instructed her solemnly.
“I’m sorry, master.”
“More,” he insisted.
She didn’t hesitate. “I should have taken what you wanted me to have, master. Please forgive me. I’ll be good from now on.”
“Tell me that whatever I wish for you, you wish it, too.”
She took a breath. “Whatever you wish for me, I wish it, too.”
“Tell me you want to be fucked however I deem you should be fucked.”
“I want to be fucked however you deem I should be fucked.”
Now Brent crouched down before her, looking her very closely in the eye. “Jenna, tell me you mean it. Tell me you’re truly prepared to take what I decide you need. Tell me you want it. Tell me it’s real.”
As she peered into his dark, beautiful eyes, something caught in her throat. He was . . . himself now. Brent. Still all-powerful, but also Brent. Asking her to truly trust him, and to truly choose to please him in a deeper way than she’d experienced thus far. And unable to break her gaze from his—so persuasive, full of emotion—oh God, it became real and profound. The deep need to do as he bid. To please him unconditionally, no matter what it required. Her words came out barely audible, but heartfelt and sincere. “It’s real. I mean it. I want it. Whatever you want
me. If
want it,
want it. I’ll take it. For you.”
Their eyes stayed locked—and his softened. “That’s very good, baby,” he murmured, reaching to stroke his fingertips across her cheek. He raised his voice then, to be heard, but his gaze remained soft on her as he said, “Untie the slave. Strap her to the examination table.”
Jenna didn’t know what to think. Things were changing, but she didn’t yet know how. Would he relieve her frustration or just deal out more?
When the glass knobs exited her ass, it felt odd, uncomfortable, but she couldn’t concentrate on that for long since she realized she was being unbound—both the leather straps around her back and the tie around her wrists loosened. She didn’t even know who helped her up from her knees—she felt like a robot as two men escorted her to yet another apparatus, this one a simple table. Yet she could see more straps and chains attached to it.
She was laid on her back—and went willingly. She’d meant every word she said to Brent, so even as her pussy ached maddeningly, she let herself be guided.
From the bottom of the table, two extensions were drawn out—sort of like a doctor’s table, they supported her legs, yet left empty space between them. Thick leather buckles were fastened at her ankles, over her boots. Her arms were stretched over her head and she heard something—metal or steel—being fastened to the cuffs still on her wrists. She waited for more, but no further bindings came.
“Zack, fuck her,” Brent said, and though she sucked in her breath, this time it was no longer in fear or repulsion or moral concern. That was all gone now. Now it was a strange combination of numb obedience and anticipation. More. She would get more. More pleasure. More sensation. And it would please Brent. And that would please
Zack stepped between her legs, his erect cock already in hand. He wasn’t as big as Brent—but he rivaled the glass dildo. And she wanted him between her legs now.
Positioning himself, he closed his hands over her bare hips and pushed smoothly inside. He groaned and she sighed. He began to thrust—smooth, steady—and she found herself meeting his drives,
to be fucked by a stranger now, for Brent, who stood at her side watching her cunt accept and respond.
“Serena,” Brent said—calling Jenna’s attention to the fact that Serena again stood nearby, “remove the clit chain and suck her there.”
Jenna made no attempt to hold in her sounds of joy at what he’d just commanded. Finally,
, she would come! She couldn’t imagine needing to climax any worse than she did at this moment.
As Serena followed Brent’s instructions, soon closing her lips around Jenna’s swollen clitoris, she cried out. And Brent stepped closer, leaning over to cup her breasts and begin massaging them in the same rhythm as Zack’s strokes below. “Tell me when you’re gonna come,” Brent said.
And as she’d known, it didn’t take long—mere seconds, in fact—from Serena’s soft suckling. “Now,” she said, then louder. “
And as the powerful orgasm roared through her body like a tidal wave, Brent yanked the chain between her tits, pulling the rings from her nipples, and she yowled even louder, the move stretching the climax to what seemed an impossible length. The wild pulses in her cunt rolled on and on as she sobbed her release, eyes shut in an unbelievable ecstasy she couldn’t have anticipated.
Oh God—yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
Pleasure had never been wrenched from her body in such a profound and intense way.
After that, things went quiet in the dungeon; she sensed the other players leaving, and thank God—because it was as if her body simply shut down. It had been through too much. Part of her basked in elation at such an amazing orgasm, thrilled she’d survived this, and thrilled she’d done what Brent had wanted and that it hadn’t been so awful, after all—it had been undeniably pleasurable and she had to start
that, accepting that he truly
what she needed. But she felt so physically spent that she nearly dropped into a deep sleep, just like guys often did after they came.
She forgot everything else and just rested—and though it briefly crossed her mind that Zack had not ejaculated, she didn’t belabor it, figuring he would get his satisfaction with someone else now.
Soon, the cuffs at her wrists were turned loose and she stretched her sore arms slowly down to her sides. She eased her eyes open to see Brent move to her feet, silently unbuckling the straps that held her ankles.
Finally, when she was freed, he raised his eyes to hers. “Are you pissed at me?”
He was totally Brent now. He’d even zipped up his pants, and though she had a horrible thought—he hadn’t finished either, and if they were done here, who would
come with?—she pushed it aside. There was far too much else to ponder right now.
She considered his question and bit her lip. “I’m not sure
I am right now. Besides overwhelmed.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, sounding completely sincere, “that I had to put you through that—but I did. For you to really move forward. I know it seemed harsh, but with only two weeks and one of them nearly over, it felt necessary to make you take a big leap. And now you know some things you didn’t this morning. You know that being fucked by a total stranger can bring satisfying pleasure without any emotional connection, whether you wanted to believe that or not. I’m not saying that’s always the case, but it can happen, it can be enough—even for you. And now you know sex doesn’t have to be soft or sweet to be good. Sometimes really hard, rough sex can be fucking
, and you understand that now. And sometimes it can feel freaking fantastic to just let yourself be totally dirty—even though I’m sure you don’t like that idea, either. But it’s true, and there’s nothing wrong with it. You came an incredibly long way tonight if you’ll admit it to yourself.”

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