What Remains_Mutation (14 page)

Read What Remains_Mutation Online

Authors: Kris Norris

Tags: #Multiple Partner Erotic Romance, #Dystopian, #New Reality

BOOK: What Remains_Mutation
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She swatted Jake in the chest, leaning against him as he walked across the room, finally handing her back to Cogan as the sound of water splashed in the background. Jake was right about one thing. She was damn lucky to have all three of them. Now all she had to do was figure out a way to complete the mission and keep them all alive, and she could allow herself to relax.


Chapter Nine




“I don’t care how you try to spin it, Harper. You’re not going in there alone and that’s final.”

Cogan leaned against the console, watching Harper pace at the other end of the room. After a night sandwiched between him and Sully, her hand lying across him to palm Jake’s chest, he hadn’t expected her to breech the subject of venturing into the facility alone again. But then, it didn’t fully surprise him, either. If she’d proven anything last night, it was how invested she was in their union. And he knew the operative in her would do whatever she thought necessary to keep them safe.

Cogan pushed a hand through his hair, tugging on the strands to ground himself. She was stubborn and difficult and the most beautiful creature he’d ever laid eyes on. Just watching her stare at him, eyes narrowed, mouth turned into the beginnings of a frown, made his heart race. His hands itch to touch her. To feel her move beneath him this time. Or to be the one to bury his cock in her ass.

His dick jerked at the thought, and he shifted slightly to relieve the growing bulge in his pants. Harper’s gaze dropped to his groin, the smug smile telling him she was more than aware of his condition. He glanced at Sully, but the man merely shrugged, nodding back at her.

Cogan sighed, moving over to Harper and taking one of her hands in his. “I get how hard this is for you. Really, I do. But it’s the same for us. Being lovers aside… We didn’t spend over a decade of our lives as firemen just to back down when a job gets difficult. Our need to keep you safe is as strong as yours, I promise you that.”

Harper pouted, looking at Sully and Jake before huffing out a breath, twining her fingers through Cogan’s. “Fine. We’ll figure something out.”

“Fine? Just like that? No kicking? No screaming? No kung-fu moves or hip throws?” He raised a brow. “Did I miss something?”

She shoved his chest, sighing when he held firm. “Don’t mistake compromise for surrender. Truth be told, my head is telling me to use every trick and move I know to knock you boys on your ass and ensure you stay put while I finish this thing.” She toed the floor, her lips twitching. “But my heart knows how much that would hurt if our places were reversed. Betrayed doesn’t begin to describe how I’d feel if you three didn’t trust me. How can I do that to you?” Her shoulders drooped. “And it’s not that I don’t trust you guys, it’s just…”

Cogan cupped her chin with his other hand. “It’s not easy letting someone else take a risk for you. Especially three jackasses you said you’ve fallen in love with.”

“I have. And you are.”

“We can live with that. Hell, Sully calls me worse on a daily basis.”

Sully stepped into view. “Can’t help it if you’re an ass, bro.”

Cogan laughed. “I suppose not.” He tugged her into his chest, smiling when she inhaled, the tension easing somewhat as she rested her head against him. “Not that I approve of the fact you even considered going in there solo, but I don’t suppose you had a plan?”

She eased away. “Beyond getting in and out without getting eaten?”

He crossed his arms on his chest. “If that’s the extent of what was inside that beautiful head of yours last night, you’re in for a spanking, girl.”

The vein in her temple fluttered as her lips quirked at one side. “It’s definitely going to be my story now.”

Sully cursed beside him, taking two steps toward them before snagging Harper around the waist and hoisting her over his shoulder. She squealed, the sound sending shockwaves of heat through Cogan’s body as he turned to watch the other man move over to a chair, Harper swatting him on the back.

Sully tsked her, shuffling her to her feet but keeping her snugged in his embrace. She wiggled, huffing when the action had no effect on her positioning. Cogan glanced at Jake. The man’s pupils had doubled, as had the bulge in his pants. Obviously, Harper had the same effect on Jake as she did on him and Sully. Cogan nudged Jake, smiling when the man stalked over to the couple, pressing his chest into Harper’s back. She stilled, her breathing loud in the small space.

Jake cupped her waist, his fingers rimming the band of her pants. “Something tells me your mind isn’t on the mission.”

She glanced at him over her shoulder. “Your cock was hard long before I replied, as was Sully’s and Cogan’s.”

“True, but they’re fucking rock hard now.”

She shifted her hips, and Cogan guessed by the strangled grunt out of Jake’s throat that she’d rubbed her ass across the man’s erection. Jake’s head fell forward, resting against her neck as his body heaved from his increased breath.

Cogan moved over to them. “It sounds like someone has a few fantasies she’d like brought to life.”

Harper’s eyes darkened as she moistened her lips. “I’d be lying if I said no, but… We’re on the clock. And that damn serum isn’t getting any closer on its own.”

“True, but those zombies aren’t going anywhere, either. Another hour isn’t going to change the nature of the mission, though it might give you more to think about. Another reason to trust us.” He moved in closer, brushing his lips over hers. “We are only human, sweetheart. You can only tempt us so much.”

“It was one little flirt.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. Just being in the same room is temptation enough. And it wasn’t an innocent flirt. You challenged us. That has to be answered. Besides, if things don’t go well out there, wouldn’t it be nice to spend one more time joined together?”

Her expression sobered. “None of you are going to get hurt. I won’t—”

He kissed her, cutting off whatever she’d planned on saying. He already knew how far she’d go to keep them alive. She’d demonstrated that the first day, long before they’d become lovers. Now he wanted her to see how far they’d go. How deep their love went. That it wasn’t the sex that was important, but the connection. The intimacy. That every moment they spent entwined only increased their protective instincts as well. And if she thought they were any less intense in their devotion, she had a hard lesson coming her way.

Harper’s mouth softened, her tongue darting out to battle with his. He allowed her to take control, exploring his mouth until she finally pulled back, eyelids fluttering open, her lips still slightly parted.

He traced the outline of her mouth with his thumb, memorizing every inch of her face. “You’re just so fucking beautiful.”

Her smile was warm, genuine, the kind that lit up her entire face. The grin widened when Sully lifted her feet off the floor, holding her steady as Cogan and Jake undid her pants and slipped them off her hips before Sully shifted his grip, allowing the two men to ease her shirt over her head and unclip her bra. Though Cogan suspected the girl had more than a few moves that could have gotten her free, she only resisted enough to spike their need. Make them feel like the warriors she’d claimed they were.

Sully gave her one last hardened look before lowering to the chair, taking her with him. Jake grabbed her hips, helping Sully position her over his lap, her toes just touching the floor as her breasts rested against the outside of the man’s thighs. Her breath hitched, the small sound making them all pause until she hissed it out on a soft moan.

Sully smoothed his hands over her ass, kneading her tight muscles. “I love your ass, darling. So firm and tight, and your skin is so white. I bet it’s never seen a ray of sun, has it?” He smiled. “Let’s see how it looks all pink and flushed by my hand.”

Harper tried to look back at him. “Sully, I was only… Fuck!”

The word exploded from her lips as Sully landed the first smack of his hand, making her ass shimmy from the impact. Her head drooped forward, a visible shiver working down her body.

Jake knelt beside her, his palm replacing Sully’s. “I can see why Sully couldn’t hold back last night. God, your ass is perfect. Now I wonder how many times we’ll have to connect with it before you realize you’re ours? Completely?” His hand slapped her flesh. “Until it’s second nature to make mission plans for four?”

Sully’s hand spanked her again.

“Until you know, without a doubt, that we’ll have your back before you even realize you need us?” Jake warmed her ass again, pausing to caress her skin after.

Cogan forced himself to swallow. “Shit. Watching Sully and Jake make your ass all pink. Makes me hope you challenge us on a regular basis. Jake, why don’t you see if our girl enjoyed her punishment?”

“My pleasure. Open your legs for me, love.”

She huffed. “You boys know I’ll be tying all three of you to the bed as soon as we get back to the compound, right? And don’t think I can’t do it…”

Her voice rasped into a moan when Jake landed one more smack.

Cogan moved forward, bending beside her. “God, I love that you’re still challenging us. And I can’t wait to wake up with you in control, but right now that’s us, sweetheart. So open your legs and show Jake how much you loved having him and Sully spank your beautiful ass.”

Her gaze locked with his, the fire in her eyes raging white-hot. She looked ready to kick them all on their asses. That, or come harder than she had the night before. Cogan raised a brow, and she acquiesced, though in such a way it was clear she’d chosen the act, not merely submitted.

Jake smoothed his hand across her buttocks, lingering for a few moments before disappearing between her legs. Harper’s eyes squeezed shut, a luscious hum moaning free.

“Fuck, love. You’re dripping.” Jake’s hand made a distinct pumping motion. “So tight, but so damn ready of us.”

Harper raised her head, looking at Cogan. Her teeth snagged her lower lip, her eyes pleading. “Cogan.”

His name.

That’s all.

Just a raspy plea of his name.

His chest tightened, his throat thick with emotion as he shucked off his clothes, his gaze never leaving hers. Those stunning, bright eyes darkened with every piece of fabric that hit the floor until he was standing there, naked, his cock jutting straight out.

She licked her lips, motioning him forward with her finger before she twisted toward Jake. “Jake. Please. I need more than just your damn hand.”

Jake glanced at him, a grin touching his mouth as he stood behind her, stripping down even faster than Cogan had. Then the man was between her splayed thighs again, his hands caressing her ass. Sully shifted slightly, allowing her body to slide back toward Jake just enough she could brace herself on Sully’s legs as Cogan and Jake took their places.

Cogan stopped in front of her, hissing when she fisted his shaft, licking the head then taking him deep. The sudden heat and pressure sent a jolt of fire shooting down his spine, and he anchored his hands in her hair in the hopes of not shooting his release down her throat on the first pass. God, no wonder Sully hadn’t been able to peel himself away from her. The woman was fucking amazing. Laving his cock, sucking on the length, pausing with him lodged fully inside her mouth. Hell, he’d never had a woman give him a blowjob even half this good.

Harper made another pass, taking him slightly deeper. His head lulled back, and he stared at the ceiling, trying to find something, anything, about the damn metal panels that would hold his interest. Take his mind off the slow slide of her warm tongue, the burning wetness of her mouth. But it invaded every sense. Gnawed at every nerve until he had no other choice but to focus on how she affected him. How her hair tickled his wrists when she bobbed forward, dragging some of the long locks across his skin. Or how the soft, humming sound she made sent layers of goose flesh cascading up and down his legs. He breathed through a firm tightening of his sac, knowing the end was near.

“Harper. Sweetheart. Fuck!”

Sully chuckled in the background. “Sounds like you’ve got him strung tight already, darling.”

Cogan huffed. “Not funny.”

The man laughed again as Harper’s gaze shifted up, the half-lidded stare nearly buckling Cogan’s knees. God, she looked hot. His dick gliding in and out of her mouth, the flesh glistening with moisture. His skin was darker than hers, and the contrast against her pink lips and pale fingers made his pulse echo in his head.

Harper kept moving on him, pausing for only a few moments as her hold softened slightly, a hushed groan mumbling free. He forced his gaze away from her face, cursing the decision as he took stock of the bigger picture. Sully drawing patterns along her skin with his fingers as Jake slammed his groin against her ass, no doubt filling her pussy with his cock. Her ass shimmied when he did it again, adding a light slap with his palm.

Cogan grunted and closed his eyes. Fuck. He couldn’t hold off knowing Jake was pumping her the entire time she was sucking on him. His breath rasped heavy and loud in the room as more fire swept along his spine.

He surrendered in defeat, knowing he’d be disappointed with his loss of control later, but too damn gone to care. His hips flexed, burying his cock in her mouth, making her accept the pace he set up. Harper’s gaze snapped up to meet his, the look of pure pleasure on her face fueling him on. She tilted her chin, allowing him to slide perfectly between her lips as her fingers wrapped around the base, pumping his length with every pass. The added pressure took its toll as his release coiled in his balls.

“Now, sweetheart. God, I’m fucking going to explode.”

Her mouth quirked at the edges. The damn wench was smiling. Smiling! He roared her name, pounding her mouth as his dick swelled, the first jet of fluid coating her tongue.

“Yes. Fuck, Harper.”

His head tipped back, the muscles in his neck straining as each contraction drained more of him until he was certain he’d never be able to come again. Speckled dots swam across his vision as his release sent waves of heat curling up from his thighs, threatening to drop him where he stood.

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