What Lies Beneath (10 page)

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Authors: Andrea Laurence

BOOK: What Lies Beneath
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But now she was alone, standing
unnoticed near the edge of the crowd and sipping a glass of wine to help her
unwind. It was all very overwhelming.

A man’s hand reached for
Cynthia’s elbow, tugging her gently behind a decorative fabric panel in the
ballroom. Perhaps Will’s determination to resist ravishing her was wearing
thin. She allowed herself to be lured away, setting down her glass, but she
stopped short when she realized the man touching her was not

She recognized Nigel from the
photos in her office, although he didn’t look nearly as happy as he had on
the beach. His large, brown eyes reflected the same anger that was etched
into every inch of his unshaven jaw. He had messy, dark blond hair and an
ill-fitting tuxedo that was obviously rented at the last minute. In the
photos, he’d had a bit of rugged, boyish charm, but at that moment, she
wasn’t entirely sure what she ever saw in him.

“Aren’t you looking fancy
tonight?” he said with a mocking tone. “That necklace alone could pay for
three years of rent on my studio in the Bronx.”

“Take your hand off me,” she
said, her voice as cold as she could manage.

“No way in hell, sweetheart. If
I do, you’ll run back to your rich fiancé.”

“I told you on the phone that I
had no idea who you were and had nothing else to say to you.” She tugged,
but his fingers pressed more cruelly into her upper arm. “How did you even
get in here?”

“I used my last hundred dollars
to rent this tux and bribe the doorman.” Nigel smiled, apparently pleased
with his ingenuity.

“Why? What do you

His dark eyes pinned her and
made her squirm uncomfortably. “I want the woman I love back.”

“The woman you loved died in
that plane crash. I may have physically lived through it, but I’m a
different person now.”

“So, you think you can just cast
me aside because I’m not William Reese Taylor the Third?” he said with a
sarcastic sneer that curled his upper lip. “You said you loved

Cynthia watched a touch of
sadness creep into the man’s dark eyes. They’d had something together,
something that was still important to him. And for that she had some
sympathy. But Will was important to her and she wasn’t going to screw up her
second chance.

“I don’t know what kind of
relationship you and I had, but believe me when I say it’s over. Regardless
of what I’ve said or promised you in the past, we’re done. I’m working
things out with Will.”

She could feel rage coursing
through his veins, the iron grip on her arm not lessening for even a moment.
She was going to have a miserable bruise if he wasn’t careful.

“You’re going to regret using
me, Cynthia.” At that, he let go of her and stomped to the exit.

There was something about his
tone that made her glad her building had a twenty-four-hour doorman. Once
the door slammed shut, Cynthia flopped back against the wall with a rush of
relief. She brought her hands up to cover her face so no one could see the
horrified mix of fear, sadness and gratitude that he was gone. Taking a deep
breath and running her hand over her upper arm to soothe where he’d gripped
her, she painted on her best smile and melted back into the crowd. She moved
immediately to her abandoned drink, swallowing a large sip of it and setting
down the glass before someone saw how badly her hand was shaking.


Cynthia didn’t get her wish. She
turned toward the voice and found her father coming toward her with a look
of concern on his face. “Yes, Daddy?”

“What was that all about? Do I
need to call security?”

That was the last thing she
wanted. The less attention drawn to this the better. “No, not at all. It was

Her father’s sharp gaze focused
on the red splotch Nigel left on her upper arm. “That sure looks like
something to me.”

“It’s just a misunderstanding.
I’m fine. Where’s Mother?”

He shrugged, allowing her to put
an end to that conversation. “I left her talking to that obnoxious woman
from the country club. That always ends up being expensive.”

Cynthia nodded, her nerves over
the argument with Nigel slowly starting to fade. “I’m going to find Will.
I’m hoping I can convince him to take me home. I’m exhausted. You’d better
rescue Mother before you end up owning a house on Martha’s

“All right,” he said, leaning in
to give her a big hug. “If you need me to take care of that, all you have to
do is call,” he whispered into her ear.

“You sound like a mobster,
Daddy.” She pulled away and smiled. “Everything is fine, really.”

“Okay. You look beautiful
tonight, pumpkin. I hope you had a good time.” He kissed her on the cheek
and reluctantly stumbled off in search of his wife.

Alone again, she went to the bar
and got herself a new glass of white zinfandel, which she could hold without
shaking uncontrollably. Taking another sip, she closed her eyes, swallowed
and took a deep breath. She needed to get a grip.

“There you are.” Will’s voice
whispered close to her ear, his breath warm on her neck.

She spun in his arms to face
him. “Hello,” she said, pasting a smile on her face. “Are you having

He shrugged. “I’ve never really
cared for these kinds of things. This party is for you, so naturally it’s
the best party ever thrown, but I’d just as soon rush you out of here and
find out what’s under that dress.”

There was a heat in his cool
blue eyes that promised he would make good on every word. The warmth of his
hands on her sunk deep into her body, and the worries of a moment ago seemed
to disappear. He had such a powerful effect on her. Having him so close, his
cologne and warm male scent tickling her nose, was enough to make her want
to rub against him and purr like a cat. She was about to suggest he take her
home when he looked down at this watch.

“I guess we can’t avoid it any

Cynthia frowned in confusion.
“Avoid what?”

“The dance floor. Come on,” he
said, taking a step back and holding out his hand to her. “We’ve got to take
at least one lap around the floor before we leave. Pauline paid way too much
for the orchestra for us not to.”

“I don’t think I know how to
dance,” she confided as he led her through the crowd. It was part of the
reason she hadn’t brought it up earlier. She’d rather look lovely in the
crowd then stand out for looking foolish.

“Don’t worry, I’m no Fred

They made their way to the
center of the floor where a large group of couples had already gathered.
Will took Cynthia’s hand in his, wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled
her tightly against him. “We’ll keep it simple,” he said with a

It was a good thing he meant
what he said, because she could hardly think this close to him. The whole
length of her body was pressed into his as they glided around. The song was
slow and the steps were easy, but she hardly noticed anything but her
handsome dancing partner.

“I’m going to have to keep a
better eye on you tonight,” Will whispered into her ear after a few

Cynthia felt her chest tighten
but tried not to let the panic show in her eyes. Instead she turned to place
her head on his shoulder so he couldn’t see her face. “Why is that?” she
asked. Had he seen Nigel?

“Because every eye in this room
is on you, and every man here is drooling over how your dress looks like you
were poured into it.” His hand slid lower on her back to rest just above the
flare of her hips. The heat sank into the base of her spine, a warm tingle
starting there and working its way through her body.

Perhaps Nigel hadn’t ruined
tonight after all. “Mmm-hmm…” she murmured, her heart not slowing as the
worry subsided but increasing with his caress. Her whole body was on high
alert and aching for more of him. The few days she’d gone without his touch
was far too long. “I
an excellent seamstress.”


“But how do you know they aren’t
looking at you? You’re quite handsome tonight as well.”

“Nope, but thank you for the
compliment. If you’ve seen one monkey suit, you’ve seen them all. Tonight is
all about you. And you deserve it.”

Cynthia was a little startled by
his statement. She’d been lucky. She doubted she’d been spared because she
deserved it more than anyone else on that plane. To be honest, she should’ve
been one of the last ones spared. “For what? Not dying?”

“You’re a fighter. I’m so amazed
at how you’ve handled everything that has been thrown at you the past few
months. I didn’t realize you had it in you. I guess I never really gave you
enough credit. I was always too busy to really see who you were, only what
you wanted me and everyone else to see.”

Will stopped turning and they
both became still in each other’s arms. He reached down and gently tipped
her chin up to him so she couldn’t avoid his gaze. “I see you now, Cynthia.
And I really like what I see.”

Cynthia was trapped in the blue
eyes gazing down on her with adoration and unmasked attraction. It was the
nicest thing he’d ever said to her. It wasn’t a declaration of love, but it
was a step in the right direction. She’d held on to the dream of a real
future together, but she figured it would take time. When she gave him back
the engagement ring, it was a pledge to put in the necessary time and effort
to fix their relationship. Perhaps it wasn’t as broken as she’d thought.
They could have a future together. One filled with love and

As she stood there, surrounded
by the gentle glow of crystal chandeliers and drifting orchestra music, she
felt her heart slipping from her grasp. She barely knew Will, but she didn’t
care. She knew he was honest and kind. He supported her like no one else
had. He’d protected her from a world that seemed to come at her from all
sides. He was a good man. A man worthy of the love that suddenly swelled in
her chest for him.

Cynthia really did love him. And
she wanted to tell him how she felt in this perfect moment, but she knew it
was too soon. The night had been an emotional roller coaster, but she knew
how it needed to end. She needed to find the solace and comfort she knew
would be in Will’s arms. And in his bed. Maybe there she could find the
courage to voice the words that wanted to burst out of her with their

Instead she said, “Kiss me.” And
he did without hesitation.

She melted into him, neither of
them worried about her makeup or the fact that a hundred people were
watching them. It was just him and her, two lovers in a bubble that no one,
not even Nigel, could burst.

When they finally came up for
air, Cynthia knew she couldn’t stay at this party a moment longer. She
needed to make love to Will.

“Now, we’ve danced. So take me
home,” she demanded with a wicked smile.


ynthia sat expectantly in the limousine, eyeing Will as though he would pounce on her at any moment, but he wasn’t about to start anything he couldn’t finish. She couldn’t walk up to the apartment carrying her dress, and she’d kill him if he ripped it off her the way he wanted to, so there was nothing to do but wait.

A little anticipation never hurt anyone. The past few days had taught him that.

But Cynthia wasn’t having it. She moved over to the opposite seat, facing him. Having her out of his reach was helpful, but now he couldn’t keep from looking at her. Which is exactly what she wanted.

Grasping at the fabric, she slowly inched her dress up her legs until they were exposed to the knee. He could see the bare flash of her inner thigh as she slipped out of her heels and stretched one pale, delicate foot across the distance between them. Starting at his ankle, it slowly snaked up his leg, gently caressing him as it went.

He tensed as her foot moved higher, slinking across his inner thigh. Will was firm, ready and aching for her touch. Her green eyes shone with a naughty glint as they locked on his. The corners of her mouth curved up in a knowing smile as her toes met with the base of his shaft and agonizingly slid up the hard length.

Will groaned aloud, his hands curving into tight fists at his sides. Thank God the privacy partition was up in the limousine. He didn’t want their driver to hear him, and he couldn’t keep the growl in his throat from escaping as her foot moved up and down in a rhythm set to make him absolutely crazy.

He would not reach for her, he told himself. They were almost home. Getting out of the car and upstairs might be an issue for him with her tiny pink-painted toes driving him to distraction, but he could do it.

“Aww,” Cynthia pouted as the limo pulled up outside their building. “I was just starting to have some fun.”

Will sighed in relief as she pulled her dress down and slipped back into her shoes. Cynthia gathered her things and slipped out of the door, which was now open and waiting for them. They made it upstairs in record time, the door slamming shut behind Will just as he thought he might explode if he didn’t touch her soon.

But she moved out of his reach.

Taking a few steps back until she was highlighted in the dark apartment by the glow of the overhead entryway light, she held out a hand to urge him to stay where he was. He flopped back against the door, untying his tie to keep from choking on it as he realized what she had in mind.

Reaching up to her neck, she unfastened her necklace, exposing the wide, creamy expanse of her chest and throat. She set it on the nearby table and followed it one by one with her earrings and bracelets.

With a sly grin, she turned until her back was to him, looking over her shoulder with a wink. Her fingers moved up to her hair, finding the combs and pins that held it in place and removing them, letting her dark brown tresses fall in silky curls around her shoulders.

Then her arms twisted behind her and found the fastener at the top of the zipper. Cynthia undid it and then grasped the metal tab and dragged it down. Inch by inch, she revealed skin, his heart racing in his chest with every second that ticked by.

The zipper stopped just at the base of her spine. His eager eyes took in everything, including the fact that he’d yet to see evidence of any undergarments beneath that dress. No bra definitely, and he was beginning to think she hadn’t worn panties either.

“Holy hell,” he whispered, his throat becoming dry as a desert. All night there had been nothing between them but the elegant green material.

Holding the dress to her chest, she turned back to face him, her arms pressed so tightly that her breasts threatened to burst out of the top of her gown. They were tinged a pink color with a blush like her neck and face. It made him smile knowing she was trying so hard for him even when it was slightly out of her comfort zone. He wanted to tell her not to be embarrassed, that she was doing a damn good job, but before he could, she met his gaze with her own and the gown slipped to the floor.

It pooled at her feet, proving he’d been correct earlier. She’d worn a dress and shoes tonight, nothing more. If she’d told him that earlier, they never would’ve made it to the party.

She stepped out of the puddle of fabric, her graceful, nude body on full display for the first time. The expression on her face was a mix of nerves and arousal. Cynthia was giving herself fully to him tonight. Before, darkness had cloaked her just as she’d held back, but now her rounded belly and hips beckoned to him. Her perky, full breasts reached out with tight peach nipples that reminded him of her lip gloss from earlier. He knew they would taste just as sweet.

His body urged him to quickly close the gap between them, but he held his ground. As much as he wanted her, he wasn’t going to rush tonight. Pushing away from the door, he slipped out of his tuxedo jacket and tossed it onto the coat rack. Taking one slow step after the other toward her, he pulled his tie off and threw it on the floor and then started unbuttoning one onyx button after the other.

He stopped just short of her, his shirt undone to his waist. Cynthia boldly reached out to tug it out of his waistband, undoing the last button and reaching up to slip the shirt off his shoulders. Her hands followed the fabric down his arms, her palms caressing him down his biceps, elbows and forearms until the shirt fell to the floor.

Will let her hands continue to explore as they ran over the muscles of his chest, sliding across the ridges of his abdomen and returning to unfasten his belt.

Her fingers were about to slip inside his waistband when his hand caught her wrist. She gasped in surprise. “I want to touch you,” she said, pouting until he leaned in and wiped the frown away with his mouth.

Cynthia pressed her naked body against him, and he released her wrist so she could wrap her arms around his neck. The firm peaks of her breasts dug into his chest, the globes flattening to him as she struggled to get closer.

Their tongues and lips and teeth danced frantically together as his hands moved over her body, unfettered by the inconvenience of her clothing.

She gasped against his lips as one hand cupped her breast, her hips surging forward to press her soft belly against his pulsating erection. He groaned, closing his eyes and riding the wave of sensation she brought on. Her mouth took advantage of his pause to slide down his jaw to his throat, pressing soft kisses against his fevered skin. To his surprise, she bit him at the juncture of his neck and shoulder, sending a shock of pleasure that pushed him near the edge as she soothed the wound with her silken tongue.

She’d certainly gained some confidence since their first night together after the accident, and it was undeniably sexy. In one swift movement, Will dipped down and scooped Cynthia into his arms. She cried out in surprise and then giggled and nuzzled at his neck as they moved down the hallway to the bedroom.

“How very Rhett Butler of you,” she said as he kicked the door open, switched on the light and laid her down on the comforter.

Will took a step back to admire the sprawled-out beauty on his bed. She looked so free and open to him. He had been given such a gift, and it had taken him this long to truly appreciate it. This woman was everything that he wanted. Four months ago no one could’ve convinced him that he would be where he was right now—with Cynthia naked, willing and on display for him. That he would be bursting with arousal and emotions he’d never felt before.

She was so beautiful it made his heart swell with pride that she was his. So full of life and energy it made him want to share his life with her. To experience it as her partner. Her lover. Alex was right. Will was lost. Despite his best attempts, he’d allowed himself to fall in love. Hopelessly, desperately in love with a woman who made him happy to come home from work every day. Who made him want to live life, not just write about it in the newspaper.

In that very moment, he had to possess her, heart and soul, and couldn’t wait another moment. Without delay, he slipped off the last of his clothes, his gaze never straying from the feast before him.

Cynthia watched him anxiously through hooded eyes as he undressed, but her expression changed when she caught sight of his erection jutting proudly toward her. Her moist lips parted softly, and then the look of pleasure washed over her flushed face. With a smile, she crooked her finger at him to join her at last on the bed.

He’d waited long enough, and he wasn’t about to deny her request.

* * *

Cynthia held her breath in anticipation as Will crawled onto the bed and covered her with his muscled body. The warmth of his skin seared across her exposed flesh, and a chill ran down her spine from the pleasurable contrast. He hovered just over her, her aching nipples dragging across his chest, the firm length of his erection grazing her stomach.

So close and yet so far away. She reached out to touch him, but he pulled back, moving down her body to settle between her legs. His hands ran up her shins, his palms tickling her as they moved higher. He knelt down and followed his hands with his mouth, first planting a warm kiss on the inside of her ankles and then traveling up her calves to the insides of her knees.

Knees were hardly an erogenous zone, but Cynthia’s whole body was tense and sensitive to his every caress. As he gently parted her thighs, he exposed her moist core and her legs started trembling. She couldn’t stop it, her body so weak with wanting him as his kisses traveled over her inner thighs, his fingertips tracing lazy circles across her skin.

By the time she could feel his hot breath tickling her dark, feminine curls, she thought even his slightest touch might send her over the edge. Will explored her with his hand first, running along the edge with his finger before slowly slipping it inside of her. Her muscles clamped down around him, desperate to hold him there, but it wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted him.

He leaned in and his tongue struck her sensitive center without fail, the intimate kiss sending waves of pleasure through her body. Cynthia squirmed under his touch, her hips rising up to meet him and then pulling away when the intensity became too much.

“I need you,” she whispered.

“You’ll have me,” he said, his voice deep and gruff with arousal. “I want to have a little fun first.”

This time she whimpered as his fingers and tongue pushed her closer to the edge. She didn’t want to peak without him. She’d admitted to herself tonight that she loved him. She’d exposed herself to him in every way, made herself so vulnerable she almost couldn’t believe it. She wanted her first cries of pleasure as a woman in love to be mingled with his own. “Not without you. Not tonight, Will.”

Her pleas were finally heard, and he moved back up her body, nestling between her thighs and looking down at her. He reached to the nightstand for a condom, and Cynthia sighed in relief that he’d thought of it when she’d been too overwhelmed with desire to think straight.

A moment later, he hovered over her, the tip of him pressing gently at her entrance. Without hesitation, he drove into her, and then he lingered—buried deep inside her. It was a powerful feeling, to finally join with the man she loved. So much so she almost had to fight back tears that the connection brought on. The words she longed to say hung on the tip of her tongue, waiting to be uttered, but he started moving inside her, and the time for talking passed.

Will dropped his weight on to his elbows, pressing his chest against hers. He kissed her, his lips and tongue melding with her own as he gently rocked back and forth. Every inch of their bodies were touching and molding together. Cynthia could feel every flex of his muscles, every shudder of strain as he fought to hold back the tides. But she didn’t want him to do that. She wanted all of him tonight, leaving nothing behind.

“Love me the way you want to. Don’t hold back,” she said against his jaw.

Will didn’t answer but buried his face into her neck. His rapid breaths were hot again her skin, his body stiffening to surge forward harder and faster than before. The delicious movement accelerated every impulse running through her nervous system, the pleasurable sparks lighting up all over.

It wasn’t long before the tight knot of tension in her belly threatened to explode. Cynthia wrapped her legs around his waist and clutched at his back. The change in angle allowed him to drive deeper, a low roar of pleasure echoing into her ear.

She couldn’t hold back any longer. “Will!” she cried out, as one long, hard stroke sent her over the edge. Her body was racked with convulsions of pleasure, her muscles tightening and pulsating around his firm heat. Her fingertips dug into the muscles of his back, scrambling for purchase as he continued to pound deep inside. At last, his own release exploded, his groan of surrender vibrating against the damp skin of her neck.

For a few moments, they lay motionless, their bodies a moist tangle of limbs and sheets. Cynthia struggled to draw a full breath into her lungs, but she couldn’t. Her muscles were too tired and her heart too swollen with unspoken emotions. By the time the last throbs of pleasure subsided, she opened her eyes to see Will looking down at her.

“You,” he said, propping up on one elbow and brushing a damp strand of hair from her forehead, “were amazing tonight. You were so worried about fitting in with those people, but it was effortless. You were so elegant and graceful. Every woman in that ballroom wanted to wear your clothing and hoped they’d look half as good in them as you did.

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