What He Shields (What He Wants Book Seventeen) (2 page)

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Authors: Hannah Ford

Tags: #Hannah Ford

BOOK: What He Shields (What He Wants Book Seventeen)
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Now I was in trouble.

He removed his suit coat and laid it carefully
over the railing that ran around the perimeter of the elevator car.
Then he slowly, agonizingly, unbuttoned
the cuffs of his crisp white shirt, and began rolling up his sleeves.

His hard, strong forearms came into view, and I
swallowed nervously.

Was he going to fuck me right here in the
Would he whip me with his
belt the way he’d done last night?
My pussy flooded with desire and want, causing my panties to become wet.

“Turn around, Charlotte.”
His voice was steely, controlled.

I obeyed, turning so that I was facing the side
of the elevator.

Then I felt his body push up against me, his cock
hard through his pants and the thin material of my skirt, letting me know how
much dominating me was turning him on.
And then his hands were pushing my sweater further up around my neck,
until he’d pulled it completely off of me.

His hands found my bra, teasing me through the
sheer fabric, his fingers rolling my nipples until they were swollen with
My clit pulsed between my
legs and I tipped my head back and moaned as his lips brushed against my

“Are you wet?”



“Because you’re touching me.”

“Do you like when I touch you, Charlotte?”

“Yes,” I moaned.

He slowly peeled the cups of my bra down until
my tits popped free of the material.
He grabbed my bare breasts, rubbing them, teasing them, causing the hot
ache between my legs to burn harder.
Then his hand moved over the soft fullness of my stomach.

I tensed instantly – I still wasn’t
completely comfortable with him touching me there, was still self-conscious about
my body, even though he’d told me over and over again how gorgeous I was, how
sexy he found me.

His hand lingered too long, and I couldn’t stop
myself from I grabbing it, even though I knew he wouldn’t stand for me trying
to control the way he was touching me.

I felt his body tense behind mine, and he
pulled on my hair, wrapping it around his fingers.

“Hands behind your back,” he growled, and I put
my hands behind my back obediently.
“Now arch your back.”

I did was I was told, and as I did, I caught
sight of myself in the reflection of the chrome panels that made up the sides
of the elevator.

Noah released my hair and I watched as it fell
over my shoulders, tickling my bare skin.
My tits were completely exposed, pulled out of their cups, held high and
tight by my bra.
My nipples were
swollen and raw, pebbled into rosy nubs.

Behind me, I could see Noah pulling off his
I watched as he bound my hands
together, roping the material around my wrists and knotting it tight, so tight
that it cut into the bruises I still had from where he’d tied me with his belt.

He reached around and ran his hands over my
stomach again, causing me to shiver.
I couldn’t stop him this time, and I tried not to think about how
perfect his body was, how his six-pack seemed as if it had been cut from stone,
the muscles of his body making him look like he’d stepped from the pages of a
fitness magazine.

“You are beautiful,” he breathed.

“Noah,” I groaned, and his lips found mine, his
tongue pushing past my resistance into my mouth.
His hand skimmed the side of my body,
moving down and cupping my ass before he pushed my skirt up.

He slid my panties over to the side, baring me
to him, and then slid a finger into my pussy.

I gasped.

He pushed another finger inside of me and I
gasped again, harder this time, my breath coming in shallow pants.

Then he pushed a third finger into me, and I
felt myself stretching around him, the sensation both pleasurable and
excruciating at the same time.
rocked my hips, trying to get away from him, trying to get more comfortable.

He reached out and held my hip firmly, not allowing me to move until I
got used to the feel of his fingers inside of me.
“Does it feel good, Charlotte?”

“Yes, sir.”

I felt his thumb skimming over my asshole
slowly, exploring,

“Please,” I said.
“I don’t – ”

He pulled back and spanked me hard on the ass with his free hand, and I watched
my reflection as my tits bounced with the force of it.

His thumb moved around the rim of my ass and
then penetrated me, so that I was filled by him in both of my holes.

The pressure became even more excruciating,
almost too much to bear, and I whimpered.

He kept me like that, not moving his fingers,
holding my hip, not letting me move.

“Please,” I begged.

“Please what, Charlotte?”
I caught his eye in the mirror, and I
saw his lip curve into a wicked smile.
He was enjoying every moment of this, torturing me, the pain mixing with
pleasure into an intoxicating cocktail that was impossible to resist.

“Please fuck me.”

He leaned down until he was breathing into my
ear, his fingers still buried inside my pussy and my ass.
“Do you think you deserve to be fucked,

“Yes, sir.”


“I’ll be good,” I said, the desperation and
want apparent in my voice.
sir, I’ll do whatever you want.”

A brief look of satisfaction passed over Noah’s
He waited one long, agonizing
carefully removed his fingers from inside
of me.
As soon as he did, I wanted
them back, wanted him invading my most private parts, connecting me to
He made sure my skirt was
hiked up as far as it could be, bunched around my hips, and then he tugged at
my panties, pulling them down and sliding them off.
Goosebumps prickled the back of my
thighs as he touched me.

Our eyes locked again in the reflection of the

Noah stood up and slipped my panties into his
pocket, that devilish grin never leaving his face.

He didn’t say anything, just let me stand
there, my hands tied behind my back, my bra pushed down and my breasts exposed,
my skirt hiked up and my pussy hanging out, no panties.

I wanted to moan and beg, but I was afraid that
would just make him torture me more.

After a long moment, Noah picked his suit coat
up, then reached over and pushed a button on the elevator’s display panel.
A second later the car roared to life
before continuing its ascent to the 56
Noah leaned against the side of the elevator,
his arms crossed over his chest, his suit coat thrown over his arm.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

He didn’t answer.

“Noah,” I said, my heart thrumming against my
rib cage.
“What are we doing?”

“Shh,” he said.

I was still facing away from him, the two of us
talking to each other in the reflection of the rose gold panels.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened.

Noah didn’t move.
He just stood there, leaning casually against
side wall

“Noah,” I said.
“Noah, cover me up.”
I tried to tug my wrists apart, but there
was no give – he’d tied me too tightly, and now I knew why.
He wanted to keep me from being able to
cover myself.
It wasn’t just so he
would be in control.
It was so
would be completely
of control.

“After you, Ms. Holloway,” he said, motioning
for me to get out of the elevator.

I shook my head.
“No,” I said.
“No way.”
The thought of walking down the hallway,
my breasts pushed up over the cups of my bra, my pussy exposed for any random
hotel guest to see filled me with a thick, dark fear.

The elevator doors began to close, but Noah
reached out and pushed the button to keep them open

“Charlotte,” Noah said.
He reached out and tugged on the tie
that held my hands together.
spun me around and pulled me to him, his hands cupping my bare ass.
“Do you trust me?” he whispered, his
thumb skating over my cheekbone.

I groaned.

I did trust him.

And I knew that was what he wanted more than
anything -- for me to trust him.
But I also knew that his issues with trust went darker and deeper than
anything I could begin to touch or heal.

“Yes,” I said.
“I trust you.
But Noah –”

He silenced me with another kiss, this one soft
and sweet, a stark contrast to the deprivation and raw humiliation of what he
was expecting of me.

His hand wrapped around the dark material of
his tie, and before I could protest again, he was leading me out of the

He turned to look at me, looping the tie around
his wrist like a short leash that trailed out from behind me.
He walked backwards, and I followed him,
my gaze locked on his, but the intensity was too much, and that, coupled with
the fear of being caught, caused me to break his gaze and look around the
hallway like a crazed animal desperate for escape.

“Eyes on mine,” he commanded.

I looked at him and bit the inside of my cheek
to keep from crying out, whether in panic or ecstasy, I wasn’t sure.

“Arch your back.”

as he demanded,
arching my back and pushing my tits out.
An ache pulsed deep in my center, my angst and trepidation mixing with
the incredible pleasure I got from knowing I was pleasing Noah, of knowing that
I was submitting to him, turning my body over to him to use in whatever way he
deemed necessary.

“Good girl,” he said wickedly.

The hallway seemed impossibly long, and I had
no idea what room Lilah had been staying in, which only heightened the shivery

I could hear the soft hum of a television as we
passed one of the rooms, the murmur of male voices in another one.
There were guests in this hotel, guests
who could come out of their rooms at any time.

We reached the end of the hall, and Noah turned
right, which led into another corridor, my feet sinking into the thick
cream-and-maroon patterned carpet.

I moaned in frustration at the thought of
having to walk down a whole other hallway.
I opened my mouth, to tell him to stop, to let him know it was too
But he shot me a warning
look, and I kept my mouth shut.

The ache between my legs grew sharper.

Finally, just when I thought I surely couldn’t
take it anymore, we reached Room 5634.

Noah reached into his pocket and pulled out a
key card, slid it slowly into the lock.

The box flashed red.

Card denied.

bit my
visions of Noah making me wait here, my
skirt hiked up and my bra pushed down, while he went downstairs to figure out
what was wrong with the key swirled through my brain.

But he tried again, and this time, the box
flashed a beautiful bright green.

I let out a sigh of relief as Noah opened the
door and pulled me in by his tie.

As soon as the door closed behind him, he
pulled me to him, crushing me against his chest, my breasts flattening against
the smooth plains of his chest.

“You will not disobey me again, Charlotte.
Do you understand?”

I nodded, my pulse pounding, the blood rushing
through my ears.

“We will talk about my rules and expectations
for you, and we will draw up a contract if necessary.
But in the meantime, you will do as I
say, you will belong to me, and you will not defy me.”

“Yes, sir.”

He reached behind my back and untied my wrists.

He took his tie and placed it around his collar, tying it into a tight
Windsor knot.
Then he slipped his
suit jacket back on.

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