What a Goddess Wants (28 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Fiction

BOOK: What a Goddess Wants
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He didn’t want to owe the guy, especially not for his life, but a debt was a debt and he paid his. So when Tessa shook her head, he couldn’t help but feel a little grateful that he didn’t have to thank the doctor.

“Then who—” His gaze narrowed on her dull eyes and the ashen pallor of her skin. “You healed me.”

She hesitated for a second before nodding. “Yes. I’ve never done a healing on that scale before. It was… a strain.”

Yeah, he could see that. “Damn it, Tess.” He reached for her, wrapped his hands around her upper arms, and felt the subtle quivering of her muscles beneath his hands. “You practically drained yourself, didn’t you?”

She didn’t have to answer. He saw all he needed to in her face.

“Gods fucking damn it, Tessa. I’m gonna kick X’s ass for letting you—”

“Letting me?” She stiffened beneath his hands and would’ve pulled away if he hadn’t had such a firm grip on her. “Don’t presume to think you can control me, Caligo.”

Putting a stranglehold on his inner caveman before he really pissed her off, he tried to throttle back his anger. But the anger was coming from fear, and he had a shitload of that zapping through his body. “I’m not presuming anything. Shit, Tessa, I’m worried about you.”

Her lips trembled but she firmed them a second later. “There’s nothing to be worried about. I just need some rest.”

Rest. The whole reason for his trip to the Hamptons.

He released her and reached for the pocket of his jeans where he’d stuffed the tiny vial of nectar that Venus had given him. Only he wasn’t wearing his jeans. Just his underwear.

“The Nectar. Did you find it? I had it in my jeans.”

She shook her head. “No, I didn’t find, it but I wasn’t looking, either.”

“So where are my jeans?”

She took a deep breath, as if she needed to gather strength just to turn her head. “I left them on the floor. I was a little too worried about you to care where they landed.”

Her eyes drifted closed, and fear hit him low in the gut.

“You need to lie down, babe. And I need to find that Nectar.”

She nodded, a listless bob of her head. “Maybe just for a little. But I don’t think I should take the Nectar now. I’m afraid…”

Afraid didn’t cover the emotion roiling in his gut. Without waiting for her to move, he picked her up and rushed back to the bed. Laying her down, he cupped her fragile jaw in his hands and stroked his fingers along that soft skin. “What? What are you afraid of, Tess?”

Her eyes flicked partway open. “I’m afraid it’ll make the lethargy worse and that I won’t…”

She shook her head as if she didn’t want to go on.

“Won’t what?” he prompted.

“That I won’t wake up.”

A chill skated down his spine. “Is that a possibility?”

“I don’t… I’m not sure. And I’m afraid if I go to sleep, Charun will find me, regardless of the room.”

Shit. Just shit. “Then we’ll figure something else out.”

Her lips curved but couldn’t quite form a smile. “I… I think I drained myself pretty badly.”

Yeah, he thought that too. “Then we’ll just have to…”

He paused, thinking, knowing exactly what should work to restore her powers. Reaching for the band of his underwear, he stripped them down his legs.

Tessa’s brows lifted in amusement. “Cal, you know I love—Oh.” Her mouth curved in a weak but knowing grin. “Sex. You think sex will restore my powers.”

“Got it in one. I always knew you were smarter than the average goddess.”

He reached for the hem of her dress and pulled it up her legs, exposing beautiful, sun-kissed skin. Her thighs, the pretty female space between. Then her stomach and finally her breasts. When he’d pulled the dress over her head, he tossed it over his shoulder and let his gaze simply take her in.

So damn beautiful

Especially the smile curving her lips, the one that made his cock begin to fill. He’d had a brief moment of panic that he wouldn’t be able to perform, that his fear would trump his desire for her.

Guess he didn’t have to worry about that. Even drained, pale, and listless, she managed to make him horny.

Which was probably sick. He paused, his gaze meeting hers, and he pulled his hands away from the temptation of her skin.

“Tessa… You know, maybe this wasn’t such a great idea. You’re not—”

“Oh, no, you don’t.” She reached for his wrists and dragged his hands to her waist. “You don’t get to stop now. I think it’s a great idea. Don’t wimp out on me, Cal.”

Well, when she put it like that… “Fine.” He forced a cocky grin to his lips. “Since you’re forcing me to have sex with you, then we need to go slow.”

Her smile made the embers of his desire flare. “Slow is not always a bad thing.”

“Glad to hear you think so. No,” he said, when she reached for his hand, “you just lie there and think of the old country.”

Her smile held a little more heat, a little more life. Yet her complexion continued to pale. “I’d rather be thinking about where you’re going to put your hands next.”

He bit back a groan. “Close your eyes, Tessa.” She could barely keep them open anyway, and the dullness of their color made him think about things other than sex.

“Aren’t you afraid I’ll fall asleep?”

He cursed silently at the fear in her eyes. “No way will you be able to sleep through what I’m about to do to you.”

Her smile widened as her eyes closed. “Awfully sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

Not at all. Not with her life in his hands. “I know what I’m doing, babe. Just concentrate on feeling, Tess.”

“Then touch me already.”

His lips quirked but he didn’t move to immediately obey. Had to have some control, after all. Instead, he leaned forward and blew a stream of air across her bare stomach.

She drew in a quick breath then held it as he pulled away. Waiting.

“Breathe, Tess.”

She obeyed immediately, her lips parting to draw in much-needed air as her fingers dug into the sheets at her sides. “Do you get off on torturing me, Cal?”

Her breathy tone made his blood burn and his cock thicken. “I didn’t even get to the good stuff yet, babe. Just wait.”

He watched her throat convulse as she swallowed, the slim column inviting his touch. Lifting his hand, he brushed the tips of his fingers against the skin just below her ear. Smooth, warm. So damn soft.

The need to taste her had him leaning forward, close enough that he could flick her earlobe with his tongue. Not enough to really get a good taste of her but enough to make her shiver. And when he leaned in again for another, she tilted her head so he could have better access.

Each time he breathed in, her scent made his breath catch in his lungs. His body urged him to go faster, to put his hands on her. The need was almost painful.

Too bad. Suck it up. Stick to the plan.

And he did have a plan.

This time, after a short lick, he nipped the flesh just below her ear. “You taste like candy. Sweet.”

“I don’t think you got enough of a taste to really know for sure. Why don’t you try that again?”

He pulled away. “That sounded like an order, Lady.”

She smiled and didn’t try to cover it this time. “I would never presume to do that.”

“No, of course not.”

He bent his head and laid his lips on her skin, just above her left breast. Her heart beat just below his lips, the heavy rhythm a comfort and an enticement at the same time.

Stroking his lips downward, he made sure he stopped just above the nipple. The darker pink flesh puckered into a hard, pointed tip that he couldn’t resist. He let his tongue graze over it, and a shudder ran through him as she arched her back, trying to get him to take more of her into his mouth.

This time, he didn’t draw back. Her sucked her into his mouth and drew hard on the nipple. He knew her breasts were sensitive and deliberately let his teeth graze the pebbled skin.

Her gasped moan made the hair on the back of his neck lift, and he had to force himself to slow down. To savor the moment.

But he had to get closer. She drew him like honey drew bears.

“Move over. Just a little, hon.”

She obeyed without question, and he repositioned himself until he straddled her hips. On his hands and knees now, he sucked her neglected nipple into his mouth, alternately tonguing the stiff peak and sucking on it.

Lifting his right hand, he plumped her breast, kneading the soft flesh. The woman had a body to be worshipped. And much more of it to explore.

Tearing himself away from the perfection of her breasts, he placed a row of stinging kisses down her sternum. When he reached her belly button, he flicked his tongue in the little depression before continuing his way down her stomach.

He had to rearrange himself farther down her body to get where he wanted to go and, when he did, let his breath ruffle the pale curls on her mound. Her breathing quickened, now coming in labored pants, and her stomach quivered and contracted.

But she didn’t reach for him, and she didn’t open her eyes.

Bending forward, he placed a quick kiss on those neatly trimmed curls as a reward. “I’m going to put my mouth on you here. Same rules apply.”

She shivered, a delicate little convulsion of her body. “Such a taskmaster.”

“Just wait, babe. You have no idea what I’m capable of.”

“Oh, I think I have an idea.”

“Then let’s see if you’re right.”

He let her hang on the edge of anticipation for a few more seconds before he moved. Sitting back, he placed his hands on her knees then slowly dragged them up her thighs.

Smooth skin slid under his rough palms, making his heart race and his cock pulse with leashed desire. Hard and insistent, it strained to be inside her. He wondered if she realized he was torturing himself just as much as he was her.

When he reached the tops of her thighs, he started back down again, kneading her sleek muscles, curving his hands behind her knees, and stroking down her calves.

The sigh that escaped her lips was equal parts arousal and pure female contentment. His goddess loved to be stroked. To be touched. And he lived to touch her.

He spent several minutes just running his hands up and down her body, making sure he caressed every inch of skin—except those few delicate inches between her legs. He avoided that with tormenting precision. No matter how much he wanted to touch her there, to stroke that warm, moist flesh. To put his mouth on her clit and flick at it with his tongue.

Just thinking about it made every muscle in his body tense.

“Cal.” Her voice held a sultry quality, causing his cock to pulse with desire. “Please.”

He paused, though his hands shook with the effort not to touch her. She hadn’t opened her eyes but the color in her cheeks was brighter, pale pink instead of that terrifying ashen color.

“Please what?”

She had to take a breath before she could answer again. “Please fuck me now.”

He swore she’d reached inside his body, grabbed his lungs in both hands, and squeezed all the air out of them. “I still don’t think you’re ready.”

Moving to the end of the bed before she had a chance to move, he flipped her onto her stomach, startling a choked cry from her.

After brushing that golden hair out of the way, he let his eyes feast on the smooth expanse of her back, those rounded hips, and her gorgeous ass. He wanted that ass. Wanted to completely own her by fucking her there, tunneling inside that tight channel while he had his fingers in her pussy.

Just the thought had precum seeping from his cock and his hands clenched into fists.

First things first.

Starting at her shoulders, he massaged the knotted muscles there. He’d never given anyone a massage before, though he knew the general concept. He’d never had a relationship with a woman that made him want to touch her more than just for sex.

That should have given him pause. Instead, he completely ignored the thought.

He started slow, not wanting to hurt her. Her bones felt so damn fragile beneath his that he actually worried he’d hurt her. Until she sighed in what sounded like utter bliss.

“Oh, Blessed Goddess. Cal, you have magic hands.”

Damn, he loved that she enjoyed what he was doing. Leaning over, he nipped the side of her neck, his cock brushing against the smooth skin of her ass. “That’s not the only thing magic on me, baby.”

She laughed, a small sound that made all the hair on his body rise. “You’re so damn sure of yourself.”

Not always. But it was nice to hear from her. “I’ve got good reason to be.” Leaning back, he gave her ass a very slight smack, just enough to make her shudder and her skin flush a very pale pink. Then he started working his hands down her back until he reached the firm, smooth globes of her ass.

“You have the prettiest damn ass I have ever seen.”

The words were out of his mouth before he realized he’d said them. Not that they weren’t true. Still, for some reason, they embarrassed him. They were crude and she deserved better—

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