What a Boy Needs (8 page)

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Authors: Nyrae Dawn

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance

BOOK: What a Boy Needs
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I mumble into her hair as I return

She pulls away.
And second
ll tell you just like I told him
what in the world were you boys thinking?

Sebastian jumps in
That we
re sexy and we know it!

We both start dancing. Aspen grabs ahold of him while Courtney and her husband Roger laugh. In between giggles she says
it was pretty funny. You should have seen the look on your principal
s face!

It takes a good minute for all of us to stop laughing. Once we do
Courtney and Roger tell us goodbye and head for the packed lot.

s Pris?
I ask.
Are we supposed to meet her at the party or something?
Her parents are throwing her a huge party for her graduation. They actually offered to send her and Aspen somewhere
but Pris didn
t want to go.

s eyes dart to Sebastian
who answers
re not going. I guess they wanted some family thing or whatever. We
ll meet up with her later.

The ground suddenly becomes really interesting to them both. I
m about to ask what
s up when it hits me.
They didn
t want me there.
s not even a question because I know. I
m sure it would be pretty embarrassing for the DA to have the kid who was just at the police station all busted up
in his house and hanging out with his daughter.

As I walk away, I toss over my shoulder,
You guys go. I
ll be cool.
s not like Pris
s parents were ever really like Bastian
s or Aspen
but I
m pretty sure they never would have told Pris they didn
t want me in their house before
the incident.

wait up. They
re assholes. They
ve always been too good for us.
Sebastian comes after me.

I turn to face him.
Not for us.
You guys are free to go
remember? I
m the only one they don
t want around Pris.
Which I
m pretty sure isn
new. I mean
ve always been
to me
but I
m sure if Pris and I
gotten together
they would have blown their lids.

What is wrong with me? Why the hell does everyone have something against me?

So go
have fun. We
ll hang after or whatever.
When I start to walk away again
Sebastian grabs my arm.


I don
t know what it is about the way he says it
but I listen. I let out a deep breath.

re not going anywhere without you. You
re my BFF.
He cracks a smile and I can
t help but do the same. Last summer I teased him about Aspen being his BFF and now he uses the saying all the time.

Even though I don
t feel it
I try
return his lightness.
Whatever. Just don
t expect me to paint your nails.

You guys are so weird
Aspen pipes in
but then she leans her head on my shoulder.
We love you.

This is definitely becoming too much for me.
s not supposed to know about us
But all I can think about is they
going somewhere without me
they just don
t know it yet.


When we pull up at Sebastian
s house
Pris is sitting in her car. She definitely shouldn
t be here right now. She
s climbing out of her car
when I jump out of the Explorer.
What are you doing here?
I have a feeling
I know.

Pris shrugs.
The party
really my thing. I made an appearance and left.

I groan. It sucks when my best friends feel like they have to babysit me.

She holds up her hand.
I didn
t want to be there
okay? End of story. I don
t want to fight with you about it


We head into the house. Courtney and Roger are out so we pop some pizzas in the oven. Once they
re done we head upstairs to Sebastian
s room. It
without saying none of us are in the mood to go out tonight—graduation or not.

The whole time we eat
my freaking gut is aching because I feel for the first time like I need to say something.
Like I owe it to them.
All this stuff seemed to pile on me at once and now I
m about
to make an announcement
. Like
relationship-altering stuff that I don
t want to say
but now more than ever
know I have to.

I seriously can
t wait until we leave next week. I
m so ready to be out of this town. This road trip is going to be epic
Sebastian takes a bite of his pizza.

What is with you and the word epic? Last summer was supposed to be epic
Aspen pushes him
but he grabs her and pulls her to his lap.

Last summer
epic. You fell in love with me.

I try not to gag. On reflex
look at
Pris. Quickly
she turns away. The ache in my stomach multiplies. Why does everything always have to be so hard?

Speaking of New York
I need to talk to you guys about that.

Three sets of eyes land on me and I wish I could take the words back. I bite my lip
pulling slightly on the ring there.

t tell me you
re going to say what I think you
re going to say.
Sebastian sits up straighter and Aspen moves off his lap.

I should have known he
d know. They probably all do.
I don
t have all my shit figured out like you guys do. I
m not enrolled in school. I don
t know what I want to do. It
s not like I can
tag along
and mooch off you guys.

no shit. You
d get a job
just like the rest of us.
s voice is tight.

re not the type to lie around. We all know that
Jay. You
d never try
mooch off anyone. Plus
you like electronics. You
re always messing around with stuff...
Aspen tosses her opinion in.

Funny how it
s the opposite of how I feel
of what Dad—I mean


Pris doesn
t say a word
and honestly
might make me a douche
but I don
t have the balls to look at her.

I just
t know who I am
I belong
s not right
ya know? Everything is all screwed up right now—

More reason for you to get out of here!
s eyes are wide
jaw clenched.

m not staying here. I
m going to Texas. My mom
s brother lives there. He
s always been cool to me.

Pris pushes to her feet and runs out the door
leaving the
of us sitting there with wide eyes. I immediately feel like shit. Without a thought
m going after her. She runs down the stairs
probably faster than I
ve ever seen her move.

After she rips it open
the door slams against the wall.


She ignores me and keeps going. I don
t catch up to her until she
s trying to open the door to her car. Not knowing what else to do
I box her in
one arm on each side of her
my hands flat against car.
m sorry.
I have no idea what I
m apologizing for
but I need to say it. Actually
I do
. I
m sorry about it all: last summer
every month since then
that I
m not who she deserves.

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