Western Ties: Compass Brothers, Book 4 (17 page)

Read Western Ties: Compass Brothers, Book 4 Online

Authors: Mari Carr & Jayne Rylon

BOOK: Western Ties: Compass Brothers, Book 4
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Sawyer gripped her waist and spun until he was beneath her on the blanket. He used the position to give him the ability to undress her. He reached for the buttons on her blouse, but she beat him to the punch, pulling the silky shirt off. His hands engulfed her lace-covered breasts.

“Take off your bra.”

She complied, pulling it slowly from her body, savoring his almost-feral gaze as she revealed her breasts little by little.

“Fuck,” he muttered when she peeled the last bit away. “Come here. Feed them to me.”

She straddled his hips, pressing down to find some relief for her aching pussy as she bent at the waist to give Sawyer the taste he’d requested.

He roughly grasped her breasts, moving from one to the other as he planted soft kisses and hard sucks on her tight nipples. She began to gyrate, thrusting against him, frustrated by the layers of clothing between them.

Sawyer continued to suck on her breasts, but one hand drifted down her side to lift her skirt. He raised it to her waist, and then gripped her ass, pulling her more firmly against him.

He chuckled softly. “I haven’t indulged in dry-humping since I was a teenager. Forgot how good it feels.”

She agreed as Sawyer tumbled them until she was beneath him. She was surprised when he made no move to take off his jeans or her panties. Instead he continued to rub their bodies together.

“Wonder who’ll last longer.”

She groaned. “Oh my God. Seriously? Sawyer, I’m about to explode. I need you to fuck me. I can’t stand any more of this.”

He leaned forward and bit her earlobe. “You’re going to take exactly what I give you. Should we put a wager on it? We keep our pants on. First one to make the other come gets…”

He paused, letting her fill in the blanks. She finished the sentence without considering her answer. “Gets to be on top.”

Sawyer grinned. “You a cowgirl at heart, rose? Giddyup?”

She hadn’t really considered it one way or the other until she’d been above him. She’d spent far too much time on top in the past, the position never really bringing her much satisfaction. Something told her it would be different with Sawyer.

“Hell yeah.”

He pinched her nipple, the touch making her groan. He was going to fight dirty.

“No other rules?” she asked.

He shook his head. “Do your worst, Leah. I’m ready for you.”

Her laugh was short-lived when he pressed his cock against her pussy. He had the definite advantage. His denim was far thicker than her thin, silk panties and he knew it. He rubbed harder, his cock stroking nearly the entire length of her slit, paying special attention to her clit.

“This isn’t fair,” she said when his lips returned to her breasts.

He looked up at her and grinned. “Every night I close my eyes to go to sleep, I see your beautiful face, the way it looks when you come.” He moved against her again, the rough denim creating enough friction to drive her out of her mind.

“I stroke my cock and remember you, your soft cries, your sweet scent. You drive me wild, Leah.”

She threw her head back against the blanket. Her eyes drifted shut as she imagined him jacking off in his bed. It was a hot image.

“God, Saw.”

“Come for me, Leah. Let me see it again. For real this time.”

She wasn’t sure what magic he’d worked on her, but his cock rubbing her slit and his command were the only triggers she needed. She conceded the prize and came—loudly. “Ohmigod. Ohmigod.” She trembled, amazed by how quickly he’d brought her to this point. She gasped and struggled to catch her breath.

Sawyer’s chuckle brought her back to reality.

“Hate to break it to you, cowboy, but I think that time, losing was way better than winning.”

“Good point.”

“Of course, we could always go for a draw.” Placing her palm between Sawyer’s cock and her body, she firmly applied as much pressure as she could muster to make sure he got plenty of sensation through the denim.

Sawyer cursed. Bingo. He liked her hand job. She recalled their conversation about the motorcycle, and she decided to up the ante.

“Imagine if we’d taken this ride the day you got your bike, Saw. I would have liked to be your first. We would have ridden out here, sneaking onto the property so our parents wouldn’t know.”

Sawyer pushed his cock harder against her palm. He was enjoying her story.

“Of course, I would have been nervous since it was my first time too. You would know that and you’d take things slow. Kissing me for hours.”

Sawyer bent down, offering her a kiss so sweet and innocent she almost believed her own words.

When he pulled away, she followed him, searching for more. Sawyer shook his head. “Tell me about that day.”

She leaned back, tightening her grip on his cock. “You’d touch my breasts…above my shirt at first. But soon, you’d get bolder and slip your fingers beneath my T-shirt.”

He mimicked her words, caressing her breasts almost shyly, a far cry from the no-holds-barred lover she was used to. “Do you like me touching you here?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Would you let me see them? Kiss them?”

She nodded. Her heart raced when Sawyer picked up the game, reminding her so much of the boy he used to be. She was transported back in time, reveling in the opportunity to do things differently. To do them right.

“You’re so pretty.”

She closed her eyes, his compliment moving her.

He bent his head and softly kissed her breasts, worshipping them with delicate strokes. “Have you ever let another boy touch you here, Leah?”

She shook her head. “No one. Only you.”

He gave her a boyish smile, then kissed her. He shoved her hand more firmly against his cock. “I love your hand on me.”

She let him guide her clumsy, innocent motions. “It’s so big,” she whispered.

He laughed. “Not really. You want to see it?”

“I’m afraid.”

He took her face in his hands. “You don’t have to be, Leah. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.”

She licked her lips and nodded. “I’d like to.”

He rose until he was kneeling above her. Unzipping his jeans, he slowly pulled out his cock.

She bit her lower lip as she stared at him, the nervousness too genuine. What would she give to go back in time and have this day be real? “You should have been my first.”

Sawyer grasped her hand and lifted her until she was sitting in front of him. She’d never seen him look so serious. “I’m going to make love to you, Leah. I
going to be your first.”

Tears sprung to her eyes. He was right. She’d never made love before. In the past, she chosen badly, slept with men for the sex, not the affection. “I’m scared,” she whispered.

He gave her a crooked grin. “So am I.”

He pressed on her shoulder until she lay on the blanket. He bid her to lift her hips as he rid her of her skirt and panties. She’d been naked in front of him before, but she’d never felt this exposed.

He stood briefly to shed his own jeans and within seconds, he was on top of her. “We’ll go slowly.”

She accepted his soft kiss, sealing his promise.

She opened her legs and he placed the head of his cock the slightest bit inside. “I promise I won’t hurt you.”

She ran her thumb along his lower lip and prayed that was true. Right now, Sawyer held her heart in his hands and it would be far too easy for him to break it.

“I want to feel you inside me,” she pleaded.

Sawyer moved slowly, each penetrating inch touching more than her body. He was piercing her soul, claiming far more than he realized.

Buried to the hilt, he stopped and kissed her. “Amazing.”

She’d never considered herself anything special before, but in a few short days, Sawyer had her believing she truly was. They rocked gently, their bodies swaying in perfect harmony. Though they’d only been together a few times, they were already in tune with each other. Sawyer liked it when she stroked his back, and he knew it drove her wild when he kissed her neck. Over and over, he thrust into her body and she wondered if there’d ever been a more wonderful moment.

When she arrived at the point of no return, Sawyer was right there with her.

He pressed on her clit, his lips resting by her ear. “Come for me, rose.”

Her body jolted beneath his, her muscles compressing his cock as he filled her. Neither of them moved, the power of the coupling too strong.

After several minutes, Sawyer stirred, pulling out of her body with obvious reluctance. “Jesus, Leah. That was…”

For once, she’d managed to leave him speechless. She liked that.

“Yeah, it was.” She stared at his handsome face and the words she longed to say hovered at the edge of her lips. She opened her mouth, about to tell him how she felt when he grabbed his T-shirt and put it back on.

“You always find a way to make me forget my troubles. When I’m with you, it’s like the whole world disappears. It feels so good. I don’t know how I’d make it through these days without you.”

She nodded, a lump growing in her throat. Distraction. How could she forget? She was his diversion. They played sex games together. That was all. She swallowed down her confession and tucked the pain away.

He needed her body. That was all. And for now, she wasn’t strong enough to deny him that.


Chapter Eight

After their motorcycle ride, Leah and Sawyer had returned to the ranch for dinner with his family and Jody and Cindi had whisked Leah away to talk about music. That night had been an omen of things to come for the next week of Sawyer’s life. The out-of-town guests started arriving a few days later and the wedding preparations shifted into high gear. The ranch house had been a hub of activity and as a result, he hadn’t had two seconds alone with Leah. She’d come to visit several times, but whenever she showed up, Vicky, Jody and Cindi dragged her away with talk of the wedding. It was killing him.

Tonight, he was determined to grab a little private time with her. They’d done a brief wedding rehearsal, simply walking through the bridal party lineup. Jody and Cindi had decided they wanted the real day to feel natural, so apart from telling them who stood where, they hadn’t covered much more. Sawyer was disappointed because he’d been looking forward to hearing Leah sing.

The rehearsal was followed by a special dinner. He had to admit his family knew how to throw a wedding. Sawyer had reconnected with quite a few old friends from town and had a long conversation with Roberts about what the sheriff position involved. The old lawman had seemed pleased when Sawyer expressed interest and invited Sawyer to shadow him one day next week. For the first time since returning home, Sawyer felt optimistic and excited about what his life here could entail. The sheriff job was something he could see himself doing happily for a very long time.

JD retired right after dinner. Sawyer worried about his father’s wan face and his weakened breathing, but it was hard to stay down around JD. While his outward appearance had changed, his powerful personality still shone through. His father had warned them all to behave themselves, or if that wasn’t possible, to have fun with the knowledge Vicky would have their asses out of bed—come hell or high water—at the crack of dawn. JD said they could do tomorrow hungover or not—the decision was theirs. Lucy and Seth had helped JD into the house. When Seth came back, he told them their dad insisted on being left in the recliner on the back porch for a little while. JD wanted to watch the dancing and listen to the music and the laughter.

Sawyer spent nearly an hour talking with Jody’s father, Thomas, and her best friend, Paul, as well as Paul’s partner, Chase. He’d heard a lot about all three men from his brother and he could see why Seth spoke so highly of them. Chase had them all busting a gut as he recalled the details of Jody’s bachelorette party at a southern honky-tonk. Apparently it involved tequila, dancing on a pool table and ended with a brawl. God bless Texas!

However, Sawyer enjoyed watching Leah most of all. There didn’t seem to be anyone in town who didn’t know and like her. She chatted with the mother of one of her kindergarteners, caught up with some regulars from her days working in the diner, and spent lots of time laughing with Jody, Cindi and Lucy. His soon-to-be sisters had added Leah to their fold. Sawyer was grateful to them for that. Once the big event was over, he anticipated their matchmaking schemes would kick in. He’d only received this reprieve because they’d been so busy with everything else going on.

Sometimes he got the sense that Leah worried about his family’s acceptance of her. He could only assume she still had lingering insecurities about her dirt-poor upbringing. Someday soon he was going to have to tell her his family didn’t judge a person by what they had in the bank but rather by what they had in their heart. His family saw Leah as clearly as he did. She was generous, compassionate and kind and he ached to convince her of that.

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