Werewulf Journals 3: Hungry Pleasures (23 page)

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the second journeyer. It was imperative the two cousins find that book and neutralize it. If Chase’s insane sire, Rann found it first, all hell would ensue…a hell that would encompass the humans as well as all wulfkind.

Watching the plane taxi for takeoff, Pavel held the woman he loved in his arms, unable to stop thinking about the information Hunter had shared with him. They had three years, tops, to avert disaster. Three years was a short time to prepare, to train their people to reengage hostilities -- wage a war they’d thought ended eons past -- one they had no hope of winning. Three years was a sinfully short time to love his mate when he wanted forever.

Silently, he followed her back to the tram, gaze intent on the womanly sway of her full hips. His hands coasted over the sheer blouse and short floral skirt hugging her curves as he helped her inside. The drive back to the compound took less than a quarter hour, but Pavel had grown hornier by the minute as the two sat close together, their thighs brushing against each other as the tram bumped along the uneven jungle floor.

Back at the apartment suite, Pavel walked into the parlor and realized Hunter had not exaggerated…even the public rooms reeked of their former love play. His cock rose as he 126

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inhaled the lingering mingled scent, mind filling with the memories of pleasures explored and the hedonistic sating of every desire.

Swallowing hard as the scent of renewed passion washed over him, he looked down at

Kaila, heart doing that little electric jump he’d grown accustomed to feeling every time he gazed upon her beloved face. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed.

“Hey, not so tight.” She laughed, wriggling, trying to work her arms free. He eased up enough for her to get them loose, gratified when she immediately flung them about his neck.

He felt even better when she pulled his head down and began peppering his face with joyful, exuberant kisses. Finally, her mouth settled over his and her tongue dabbed at the seam of his closed lips, pressing for entrance.

He wallowed in her actions, basked in the warmth of knowing she wanted him. Unable

to hold out, he took command of their kiss. Groaning, he claimed her mouth in an endless exchange of tongues and heat. Her vibrant taste exploded on his senses, her arousal bursting across his nostrils in a steady blast of beckoning heat.

He pulled away, breathing hard. “I wanted you so badly, craved this ever since I carried you back to your own bed. I never dreamed it would be this long before I had you in my arms again. Tell me you missed me as much. Did you play with yourself while Hunter and Melody were here?”

Her smooth, brown, creamy skin darkened as a flood of heated color washed over her

features. She buried her face against his chest with a little groan. “Yes. No.”

“Yes?” He prodded her, determined to get an answer.

“Yes, I missed you.”


“I didn’t play with myself.”

Pavel grinned. “But you wanted to?”

She nodded, keeping her face tucked close to his skin. He picked her up and carried her to his room, the beast riding him hard, demanding he mark her as his. Pavel fought the wulf, battled his own desires to cement their relationship. He couldn’t, wouldn’t do that, not until he’d shared everything with her, given her a chance to reject or accept him. But he had to give the wulf something or risk losing control entirely.

He placed her gently on the bed, came down over her so his body coasted along every

generous curve from head to toe. With a little snarl of possession, he took her lips again, seeking out the torrid honey of her mouth, flirting with her timid tongue.

“Goddess, you’re sweet!”

“More!” Her hands fisted in the cloth of his shirt, tugged it loose so she could place her palms flat on his back.

“Yes, touch me, baby!” The feel of her hands gliding barely along the sensitive curve of his spine made him shiver, almost freed his beast. His balls tingled, sent fire shooting up his Werewulf Journals 3: Hungry Pleasures


cock. He buried his head in her neck to hide the incandescent glow of his eyes as the wulf looked out from them, greedy for its mate.

“Too many clothes!” He leaned to the side, snagged a hand under the neckline of her

blouse and ripped the fragile cloth away. He made shorter work of removing her front-

fastened bra.

With a tortured sigh, his hands cupped her heavy breasts as they fell from their lacy cage. The firm mounds were resilient, bouncing back as he flexed his fingers over the giving flesh -- marshmallow-soft, springy flesh covered in rich chocolate skin -- his own personal Moon Pie. Kneading her, he rotated his palms over her rising nipples, feeling the little nubs stiffening under his touch. Finally, he bent his head to swirl his tongue around the up-thrust nipples.

Beneath him, Kaila writhed, crying out. Pressing her hands hard against his back, she lifted her pelvis, trying to force his body down on hers. “Please Pavel…it’s been so long.”

“Tell me what you want, Kaila.” His words more growl than anything, he tugged down

the side zipper of her skirt. As he slid it over her wide hips, he prompted, “Say it out loud.”

“You,” she gasped, digging her nails into his skin, unknowingly stroking the beast. “I want you!”

Tossing panties and skirt over his shoulder, he dropped open-mouthed kisses over the

smooth dark skin of her round tummy, dipped his tongue in the deep well of her

bellybutton. “You’ve got me, darling. I’m yours and that’s the truth.”

Pavel shuddered. He was close, too close to changing. And moonbeams, but the taste of her, the spicy, hot flavor that was distinctly Kaila had him way beyond hungry. The wulf clawed at his gut, starving for a wetter taste of his mate. It wanted blood, to mingle their DNA in a more intimate way.

The knowledge Pavel couldn’t, wouldn’t indulge that need drove the beast almost

insane. Drove him almost insane, for he was the beast. The urge to bite her, mark her so the entire world would know she belonged to him grew until his mind burned with the

animalistic instinct to claim, to bond, to breed…

Fearful of hurting her should his fangs emerge, he curled his lips over his teeth and nipped at her straining nipples, satisfying a small portion of his needs. Her pert nubs stiffened more, flushed a hard, hot brown under his ministrations. Plump and fat, they sprang up at him, tempting and taunting him with the promise of more illicit pleasures.

Mouth watering, he opened his lips over first one then the other breast. Pavel drew strongly, engulfing not only the sweet tight tips, but her puffy areolas as he feasted like a starving child.

With a growl that rivaled one of his own, Kaila pressed the fingers of one hand to the back of his neck, anchoring him at her breasts. She balled her other hand into a fist and pounded his shoulder, wailing, “For god’s sake, get inside me, Pavel!”


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Almost sobbing, she bent her knees and opened her legs wide, making room for him

between her thighs. “I need your cock inside me, now!”

Pavel lifted his head and gazed down at his woman, pride in her aggressiveness

overwhelming him. A little over a week ago, she’d cowered in fear before him. Now, she eagerly demanded what she needed, wanted. Dare he hope she would prove brave enough to face down the beast?

Lust warred with honor, almost won as his gaze tracked down her full, lush body to the juncture of her fleshy thighs. Her pretty red pussy gaped open for him, cream glistening in the coarse curls and on her swollen labia.

His very flesh protested his intentions. It hurt, but he gained enough control to take his hands off her. His stomach cramped as he slowly pulled back, cock bobbing forlornly as he sat up, removing himself from temptation. Already he ached, wanting, needing to be closer to her -- skin to skin, entwined. “I can’t…not like this. I refuse to make love to you under false pretenses. I can’t do that to you again without you knowing the truth of what I am --

unless you can accept me as I am.”

Werewulf Journals 3: Hungry Pleasures


Hershey’s Kisses

“What do you mean, you can’t…?” Kaila jack-knifed into an upright sitting position,

hands reaching for him in blind panic but Pavel shifted, preventing her touch. It took a moment for the significance to sink in and then she was pulling back with a dismayed gasp.

The sting of his rejection bit deep and she rolled over, away from him, tugging a corner of the sheet up around her shoulders to cover her suddenly uncomfortable nakedness. She turned to face him, a chilly foreboding causing her heart to trip, her pulse to race. She rubbed the bumps on her arms, continued to hug herself after they’d receded, closing her body off in the face of Pavel’s unexpected reversal.

“I should have said won’t. It wouldn’t be right.”

“But it was right five minutes ago?”

Pavel lifted his head, flinching as he met her gaze. “No.” A huge sigh. He rested on the heels of his feet, hands knotted into fists on his muscular thighs. His splayed knees clearly displayed the swelling at his groin, the drape of his pants doing nothing to hide the aroused state of his cock. Her mouth watered. She dragged her hungry gaze away, only to collide with the bright green of his solemn stare. “Five minutes ago I was listening to my libido, not my conscience. Now I’ve come to my senses.”

“I see, you low-down skunk,” she sputtered. “Now that you’re in your right mind fucking me is a no-no!”

Pavel’s handsome face contorted as he frowned down at her from his kneeing position.

“That isn’t what I said, at all. Please don’t twist my words…”

She felt like pummeling his chest to relieve some of the frustration roiling in her belly.

Narrowing her eyes at him, she hissed in anger, “I wasn’t the one who started this -- not that I wasn’t behind the idea a hundred percent. You were the one tossing people on beds and stuff, sucking on my nipples like they were Hershey’s Kisses.”


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“I freely admit being carried away by your delicious charms.”

“Ooooh! False flattery is so not going to get you anywhere!” She barely resisted pulling her hair out by the roots. “I can’t believe you got me all hot and bothered and now won’t do anything about it.”

“I’m all hot and bothered, too.”

“Yeah, right!”

“I can’t believe this shit! Here I am, hurting like a mother-fucker and you’re moaning because I didn’t take advantage of you!” One hand graphically grasped and tugged the

erection rearing between his legs. “This doesn’t lie!”

Kaila sneered at his big cock. “What? This is you being noble?” She laughed. She

couldn’t believe he was blaming this fight on her. “Do me a favor…don’t do me any more favors.”

Executing a fluid move that had her jaw going slack, Pavel flung his body backward off the bed in a high, somersaulting leap that ended with him balanced on the toes of both feet.

“Whoa!” Okay, that was freaking fantastic…if not a little impossible. “How did you do that?”

“Oh, I can do a lot of things,” Pavel snarled, stalking to her side of the bed to loom over her. “You’d be surprised at some of the things I can do.” He shoved his face into her neck, inhaled through his nostrils like a dog sniffing at a treat.

Weirded out, Kaila drew back, tucking her neck down in her shoulder. She batted at

the hands reaching for her breasts. “Stop that!”

“First you yell at me because I won’t, now you slap at me because I will…”

Why had his voice gone all gravelly like that?

“Tell me, Kaila, do you even know what you want?”

“You’re scaring me.”

He took another one of those freaky sniffs in her direction. “No, I’m not. I can smell what you are and it’s not scared.”

Kaila gulped a couple of times before answering, “You think you’re so smart, so what

am I?”

“Hungry.” Pavel leaned in, seeking out her neck again, putting his hands on the sheet and tugging it from her nerveless fingers. Pavel frightened her like this, so focused and intent. “Hungry just like the wulf…”

His words thrummed in that low register, and she’d never heard his voice so bass. It

rumbled like thunder during a lightning storm, rattling her bones and resounding in her womb.

Werewulf Journals 3: Hungry Pleasures


She scooted back until her shaking shoulders met the headboard, gathering what

courage she had to meet his eyes. By god, there was no way she could be mistaken this time.

His eyes were glowing.

Pavel knew his actions unnerved Kaila, but he couldn’t draw back. He was barely

holding on to his skin form as it was. Besides, he’d told the truth…she was more aroused than frightened, which was a good thing, because he was too far gone to stop now. If he didn’t tell her, make her believe him quickly, he’d end up head buried back between Kaila’s mouthwatering thighs and nothing would be resolved.

“Kaila, I want you to remember…” Pavel paused, shocked at the gruff edge to his

words. He focused all his self-control on forcing his fangs to recede so he could continue without the distortion created by his involuntary transformation. He took her hand, held it.

“No matter what happens, I will never hurt you.”

“I don’t like the way you’re acting, Pavel,” Kaila whispered. Her voice shook and he

felt her fingers curl about his before she eased them from his grasp as if her first instinct was to hold on to him though her present fears urged her away. “What are you doing? Why are you pushing me away?”

His heart twisted at the sadness in her voice. “I will show you the answer to all your questions,” he said, and relaxed.

For Pavel, shedding his two-legged form was like escaping from prison. With a sensual thrill that shuddered through him, he gave himself over as fire burned in his eyes and heat flowed up his spine, a thousand prickles opening his flesh as skin gave way to fur. Fangs burst from his gums as his jaws reshaped, his face elongating and his muzzle emerging.

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