Werewolf in Denver

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Authors: Vicki Lewis Thompson

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Praise for the Novels
of Vicki Lewis Thompson

Wild About You

Werewolf in the North Woods

“Perfect for when you need to add some romantic comedy to the daily grind. Thompson does her werewolves justice…. Sparks and fur do indeed fly.”

USA Today

“A great read.”

—Bitten by Books

“Sizzling as well as howlingly funny.”

—Fresh Fiction

A Werewolf in Manhattan

“A humorous and romantic comedy.”

USA Today

“Enough heated sex scenes to satisfy any werewolf romance fan.”

Publishers Weekly

“Readers will enjoy Vicki Lewis Thompson taking a bite…out of the Big Apple.”

—Genre Go Round Reviews

“I loved this book and I can’t wait for the next one…. A definite keeper and will be on my shelf for a lifetime.”

—Night Owl Reviews (top pick)

Babes on Brooms

Chick with a Charm

“Thompson again gives readers a charming, warm, humorous, sexually charged romance with likable characters, a magical dog, and a feel-good ending.”


Blonde with a Wand

“Extremely readable…terrific writing and great character development…. Readers will fully enjoy this confection.”

Romantic Times
(4 stars)


Casual Hex

“A romantic tale that’s sprinkled with magic and reinforced by love…a fast-paced read.”

—Darque Reviews

Wild & Hexy

“Will have you laughing from the start…simply delightful.”

—Darque Reviews

“A keeper for sure!”

—Fresh Fiction

“Brewing with lots of magical fun.”

—Romance Reader at Heart

“Pure FUN from first page to last!”

—The Romance Readers Connection

Over Hexed

“A snappy, funny, romantic novel.”

New York Times
bestselling author Carly Phillips

“Filled with laughs, this is a charmer of a book.”

—The Eternal Night

“[A] trademark blend of comedy and heart.”

Publishers Weekly

“Thompson mixes magic, small-town quirkiness, and passionate sex.”


Further Praise for
Vicki Lewis Thompson and Her Novels

“Count on Vicki Lewis Thompson for a sharp, sassy, sexy read. Stranded on a desert island? I hope you’ve got this book in your beach bag.”

—Jayne Ann Krentz

“Wildly sexy…a full complement of oddball characters and sparkles with sassy humor.”

—Library Journal

“A riotous cast of colorful characters…fills the pages with hilarious situations and hot, creative sex.”


“Smart, spunky, and delightfully over-the-top.”

—Publishers Weekly

“[A] lighthearted and frisky tale of discovery between two engaging people.”

—The Oakland Press

“A funny and thrilling ride!”

—Romance Reviews Today

“Extremely sexy…over-the-top…sparkling.”


“A whole new dimension in laughter. A big…BRAVO!”

—A Romance Review

Also by Vicki Lewis Thompson

Werewolf in Seattle

Werewolf in Greenwich Village

(A Penguin e-Special)

Werewolf in the North Woods

A Werewolf in Manhattan

Chick with a Charm

Blonde with a Wand

Over Hexed

Wild & Hexy

Casual Hex

Werewolf in


Vicki Lewis Thompson



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To the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pens—Andrea
Laurence, Rhonda Nelson, and Kira Sinclair—who
insisted that yes, even werewolves should be hooked up
to social media!


I’ve discovered that rich and powerful werewolves require the white-glove treatment. Fortunately, I know several individuals who can provide it, including my assistant, Audrey Sharpe; my editor, Claire Zion; and my agent, Robert Gottlieb. Thanks to all those at Trident Media who work on my behalf, especially Adrienne Lombardo and Mark Gottlieb. You’ve made my werewolves (and me) very happy.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Werewolf In Alaska

Chapter 1


Wereworld Celebrity Watch
by Angela Sapworthy

DENVER—Excitement mounts on the eve of this landmark conference, the first of its kind in werewolf history. A star-studded list of attendees from the far reaches of the globe has been invited by pack leader Elizabeth Stillman to gather at the elegant Stillman Lodge in Estes Park near Denver to debate the conference theme, “Our Future in a Changing Environment.”
As readers of
know, opinion is sharply divided on the topic. Weres have rebounded after being hunted nearly to extinction, but their presence as a significant economic force in all the major cities in the world remains unknown to the human community.
Honored conference guest and eligible bachelor and Scotsman Duncan MacDowell, younger brother of MacDowell pack leader, Colin MacDowell, wants that to change. In May, he founded Werewolves Optimizing Our Future (WOOF), and his wildly popular blog,
Wolf Whistles
, champions his belief that wolves should stop hiding their shape-shifting abilities, openly partner with humans in business, and even consider interspecies mating. Obviously human females would rally to that cause if every male Were looked like Duncan MacDowell in a kilt!
But not all Weres are ready to climb on board Duncan’s tartan-clad bandwagon. This summer the Were blogosphere heated up as Denver-based Kate Stillman, granddaughter of Elizabeth Stillman, launched Honoring Our Werewolf Legacy (HOWL). Her well-known dating Web site, Furthebest.com, celebrates Were-Were mating as the only way to go. Kate, who claims she’s never dated a human, advocates the beauty of tradition and the safety of keeping our secret secure.
But is the tide turning in Duncan’s favor? This reporter recently spoke to the Wallace brothers of New York, both of whom shocked the Were community last year by taking human mates. From all indications, their human brides are blissfully happy. And why not, if they share an address with sexy wolves like Aidan and Roarke Wallace?
Despite the apparent success of what’s being called The Wallace Experiment, Kate Stillman predicts that such unions spell disaster. Although Emma and Abby Wallace have proved trustworthy,
Kate insists the Wallace brothers’ behavior may still adversely impact the Were community. Predictably, Duncan MacDowell considers the Wallaces heroes for bucking tradition.
For months Kate and Duncan have traded barbed comments on their blogs and via our online instant messaging system, affectionately named
. Adding fuel to the controversy, they’ve each published best-selling books, available only through Were distribution channels, of course, defending their respective positions.

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