Werewolf in Alaska: A Wild About You Novel (15 page)

BOOK: Werewolf in Alaska: A Wild About You Novel
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“I can tell.” He kissed the back of her knee and took a deep breath. “You smell more delicious by the second.”

“Are you going to eat me up?”

He laughed. “How did you guess?”

She knew what he meant and wasn’t frightened in the least. As he kissed his way along her inner thigh, his destination obvious, she trembled with anticipation. Chances were he’d be very good at what he was about to do. She was in for a treat.

Apparently, so was he. Until now she’d been kidding herself that he was no different from any guy she’d had sex with. Sure, he had a few more muscles and could carry her to bed without breaking a sweat, but that only meant he was in great shape, not that he was different.

Ah, but he was different. His senses were sharper than any human’s. Every physical experience he had would be enhanced as a result. It stood to reason that his sensual appetites would be highly developed to match his greater capacity for enjoyment.

Now she recognized him for what he was, a creature not of her kind. She felt it in the grip of his strong hands as he steadied her for his purposeful assault. She heard it in the rasp of his breathing, saw it in the fierce joy lighting his eyes before he dipped his head to take what he wanted.

She surrendered to pleasure that whispered of primitive cravings and untamed desire. At last she understood that with every moment in his embrace, she’d slip farther from the civilized world and deeper into the wild place that Jake called home. Although he appeared to be a man, beneath his muscled chest beat the heart of a wolf.

Chapter 14

Jake knew the exact moment when Rachel fully realized who and what he was. He saw it in her silver eyes right before he captured her in that most intimate of kisses. If he’d seen fear in her gaze, he would have released her.

But instead of fear, he saw excitement. She knew him as a werewolf, and she wanted him anyway. No, that was wrong. She didn’t want him in spite of his shape-shifting nature, but because of it. His wildness spoke to something wild in her, and she welcomed it, and him.

Her complete acceptance was more than he’d ever hoped for, and it meant he could give her so much more. He could call to that primitive part of her that longed to loosen the polite bonds of society. He could teach her to grasp the power of raw hunger instead. And he could start now.

Gone were the butterfly kisses. He thrust deep with his tongue, invading her most private spaces without giving her time to think or even to breathe. He applied relentless suction and she came in a heartbeat, arching off the bed and pressing herself against his mouth. Her panting cries filled the room.

He went deeper, pushed her harder, and she writhed on the bed in ecstasy. When she came again, she swore so colorfully, he laughed. The vibration of his laughter sent her spinning out of control again as she moaned and thrashed in his grip. He loved turning her inside out.

He bore down again as she gasped and begged for mercy. But he knew her now. She didn’t want mercy. She wanted one more climax, the kind that would leave her half-crazed with the majesty and wonder of it, the kind that stripped her down to the basics of what it meant to be a sexual animal.

Her skin was slippery with sweat and her breathing was no longer ladylike and prim. She dragged in air through her mouth and uttered cries that had no resemblance to speech. But they spoke to him.

Joy exploded within him at her willingness to shoot past the barriers and follow him to this place of uninhibited ecstasy. With a sound wrenched from the depths of her being, a sound more growl than groan, she surged over the precipice in one final, glorious orgasm.

Slowly he lowered her hips to the bed, but he stayed with her, savoring her juices, calming her with slow swipes of his tongue. She quivered as the aftershocks rippled through her body, and then she lay still. The room was quiet again except for the gentle sound of their breathing.

Jake matched the rhythm of his breath to hers and relished the sound of that. His cock, thick and hot, reminded him that she’d had multiple orgasms but he had not. He would wait. When he took her again, he wanted her eagerness. Even Rachel, as sensual as she had proven to be, wouldn’t be eager for him now.

He smiled as he replayed her unbridled response to his lovemaking. Because they had no future, he shouldn’t want to be the best lover she’d ever had. Unfortunately, he did want that.

But it was wrong to hope she’d compare him to every mere human she had sex with and find them lacking. He didn’t really wish her a life of sexual disappointment, did he? Well, no. Not exactly. But he wouldn’t mind if her future partners fell a little bit short.

The thought of her future partners made his cock twitch. He fought his instinctive urge to slide up her sweat-soaked body and stake his claim. But he had no claim. Not now, and not ever.

That depressing thought made his breathing fall out of sync with hers. He listened for her rhythm so he could match it again and realized she’d fallen asleep. Pillowing his head against her thigh, he breathed in her glorious fragrance, closed his eyes, and allowed his mind to relax into a dream.

In that dream, he and Rachel were the only beings on the planet. With nothing standing in their way, they were free to stay together for as long as they liked. The thought of that fantasy, impossible though it was, soothed him. He slept.

No telling how long he stayed asleep. He came instantly awake when she turned on her side and drew her thighs together, nearly smothering him. It would have been a decent way to go, but he wasn’t ready to check out of this life. Not tonight.

As he worked his way free of his satin prison, she moaned in her sleep but didn’t wake up. He pushed himself to a sitting position and gazed at her. She lay stretched out on her right side, her head supported on her outflung arm. Her left arm rested against her side, with her elbow bent and her fingers curled lightly over her breast.

The erotic pose aroused him with a jolt that made him suck in a breath. Whether his sharp gasp woke her, or a sixth sense told her she was being watched, she opened her eyes. After blinking once, she rolled to her stomach and buried her face against the sheet.

“Rachel?” Reaching out, he stroked her back. “You okay?”

Her voice was muffled by the sheet. “I’m feeling shy. I need a minute.”

“Ah.” He smiled and smoothed his hand over the curve of her sleek backside.

“Jake, I have never,
behaved like that with anyone. I don’t know what came over me.”

“Don’t you?” She might be hiding, but she’d given him a great view of her tempting ass. His Were instincts teased him with an image of Rachel on her hands and knees, and his groin tightened painfully.

But he would never risk taking her from behind. It was the mating stance, and although mating required strong intention on both sides, he didn’t trust himself, or her, for that matter. They might begin with no such intention, but once they were locked together, intentions could change.

“Maybe I do know.”

“Sorry.” He slipped his hand between her thighs. “Can’t quite hear you.”

She lifted her head a fraction. “I said that maybe I do know what happened to me.”

“I think you do, too.” As her thighs relaxed, he explored with his fingers until he found the moist channel he’d given such prolonged attention to earlier.

“And it’s happening again.” Moving sensuously and deliberately, she pushed her hips up and back to give him better access. “I’ve become shameless, Jake.”

“Good.” His heart pounded with excitement as he moved his fingers in an easy rhythm. “Shame shouldn’t exist between us.”

“I want you again.” Her hips rose higher. “Even after all those climaxes, I want more.”

“Glad to hear it.”

“Then take me, Jake.”

“I will.” He slipped his fingers free. “Roll over and let me—”

“No.” Her voice grew husky as she moved her hips in silent invitation. “I want you like this. Wolf-style.”

Dear God. This was his fault. His blood pounded in his ears. “You don’t know how much I want to, but I can’t.”

“Sure you can.” Her tone grew urgent. “Please, Jake. I want you so much.”

Leaning down, he kissed her rosy bottom, pushed his fingers into her heat, and began to stroke again. “Can’t,” he murmured.


“Go with it, Rachel.”

“I’m so mad at you.” But her breathing quickened and her muscles clenched in spite of herself.

“I know.” Increasing the pressure and subtly changing the rhythm, he coaxed her toward the brink.

She swore softly in protest, but she let him take her there. He pushed her closer, his touch firm and sure, and was rewarded at last with her cry of release, a cry tinged with anger. He hoped she would forgive him.

As she gasped and trembled, he eased her onto her back, moved between her quivering thighs, and plunged into her. He pumped with deep, measured strokes, and she climaxed again. Wrapping her legs around him, she held him tight and arched against him. Her second orgasm undulated over his aching cock, and he gritted his teeth to keep from coming. Now that he was here, he wanted to stay awhile.

Gradually she sank back to the mattress, but she kept her eyes closed, as if she didn’t want to look at him. He bitterly regretted that he hadn’t been able to give her what she’d asked for.

Leaning down, he brushed his lips across hers. “I wanted to, Rachel.”

She took several shaky breaths and kept her eyes closed. “I don’t believe you.”

“Please believe me.” He kissed her again, more fully this time, taking his time to enjoy the velvet texture of her mouth before lifting his head. “I couldn’t. Too much is at stake.”

At last she opened her eyes, but her gaze was accusing. “It’s because I’m human, isn’t it?”

“Yes, and I take all the blame for what just happened.”

“I was embarrassed. And angry.”

“My fault. All my fault.” He felt like a jerk. “I shouldn’t have touched you when you were bottoms up like that.”

A smile threatened to break through. “What a way to describe me. Accurate, though.”

“You were temptation personified.” He began moving slowly within her because he simply had to. He needed that sweet friction. Maybe it would work for her, too.

“Apparently not tempting enough.”

“Rachel, that position is very special. It’s reserved for the moment when werewolves choose a mate.”

“Oh.” She went still. Then her voice went up an octave. “I almost became your mate?”

“No.” He rocked steadily back and forth. She was so wet that he created liquid music with each thrust. “I wouldn’t have let that happen.”

“But if you’d . . . if we’d . . .”

“Both of us would have had to agree it was what we wanted.” His climax pressed closer and his breathing grew heavy with anticipation. “Didn’t want to take a chance of . . .” His focus on the conversation was gone.

“Of what?” She lifted to meet his thrusts with a soft moan.

“Maybe . . .” Talking became a luxury. “In the heat of passion, we might . . . Rachel, you feel so damn good.” He shoved in deeper. “So

“You’re humoring me.”

“No! I swear!” He drew back and surged forward again, touching her womb. “I’m in heaven.”

“But is it better?”

He avoided answering her question. “It’s damn fine.” He gulped for air and kept stroking.

“Better than the wolf position?”

His groan was a mixture of pleasure and frustration. “Don’t think about it.” He was quickly moving past all thought. Fireworks erupted in his veins as he approached nirvana.

“I can’t stop thinking about it.”

“Let’s see what I can do about that.” Bracing himself on one arm, he reached down with his free hand to the place where they were joined. As he continued to slide rapidly in and out of her hot body, he teased the spot that should set off a four-alarm fire. Her reaction was all he could wish for.

She began to pant and squirm beneath him. “Oh. Jake. Oh . . .
!” And she erupted, ending the conversation and his attempt at controlling his own climax.

With a roar of satisfaction, he shot home once more and came so hard he was afraid he’d damaged himself. If so, he didn’t really care. He was living for the moment, and the moment was filled with splendor . . . and Rachel’s cries of ecstasy.

•   •   •

Rachel discovered that really good sex made her sleepy. Obviously she’d been deprived of really good sex her entire adult life if she was just finding this out. Ignoring the implications of that realization, which included the letdown when Jake exited the picture, she gave herself up to sleep for the second time that night.

In her dreams, a dark wolf loped through the trees in the perpetual sunset of an Alaskan summer night. As he moved away from her, she called to him, but he didn’t slow his pace. When she could no longer see him in the shadows, she turned away, desolated that he was gone.

Turn around, Rachel,
called a voice that sounded like Jake’s.
I’m here.
She did, and the dark wolf was back, his bold and majestic form silhouetted against the golden sky.
Come with me.

Torn by indecision, she hesitated.

The wolf stayed only a moment before wheeling and trotting away. The forest wrapped him in shadows once again, and he was gone. She’d lost her chance.

When she opened her eyes, birds chirped outside the window and Jake no longer lay beside her. Her disappointment in not finding him there echoed the sadness of her dream, which had obviously been based on wishful thinking. Jake wouldn’t invite her to come with him and share his world. He’d made that clear.

Her feeling of loss was slightly eased when she smelled coffee and something even more tantalizing . . . fresh bread. Waking up in Jake’s cabin had its advantages.

Although she was in desperate need of a shower, using his without asking seemed wrong. Walking naked into his living room to ask shouldn’t have been an issue after the night they’d shared, but full daylight took some of the wind out of her sails.

She decided to put on some clothes and go find him after she’d made one little raid on his toothpaste. Climbing out of bed, she crept into a bathroom that was scented with mint aftershave. The thought of a werewolf shaving struck her as funny, especially after the way he’d reacted to her attempt to shave his fur.

Fortunately he’d left a tube of toothpaste, squeezed in the middle but with the cap on, sitting on the counter beside the sink. She squirted a dab on her finger and worked it over her teeth. Cupping her hand under the faucet, she rinsed her mouth and patted it dry on Jake’s fluffy bath towel. Much better.

She walked back into the bedroom and surveyed the clothes they’d flung off the night before. Her T-shirt wouldn’t cover the subject, and getting completely dressed to go ask about a shower made no sense. She spied his green button-up shirt lying in a heap on the floor. That would do nicely.

As she slipped her arms into the sleeves, she had a renewed appreciation of how big he was. The cuffs hung inches below the tips of her fingers. She pushed them back so her hands were free to button the shirt, which reached to midthigh. No man had ever made her feel so tiny and delicate.

Then again, Jake wasn’t a man at all. The night before she’d accepted that and reveled in it. She’d reveled a bit too much, in fact. Besides being a teensy bit sore this morning, she’d apparently skated dangerously close to engaging in a werewolf mating ritual.

Good thing Jake was dead set against a Were-human combo. If he’d shared Duncan MacDowell’s philosophy, she’d have a whole new set of problems. With Jake, the situation was clear—she didn’t want to mate with a werewolf and he didn’t want to mate with a human. Their goals were aligned.

BOOK: Werewolf in Alaska: A Wild About You Novel
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