Read Werewolf Dreams Online

Authors: Katie Lee O'Guinn

Werewolf Dreams (13 page)

BOOK: Werewolf Dreams
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Ava looked away from Cyrus at the old picture of what looked like an Italian countryside.
“I never have before Cyrus. That’s why this is so hard.”

Cyrus nodded and smiled down at her.
“So what’s your favorite movie? Your favorite music group? What do you like to do for fun?” he asked.

Ava smiled shyly
and leaned toward him without thinking, making it easier for him put his arm around her. “I love all the Iron Man movies. I love the group Jimmy Eat World and for fun? I don’t know. I like hanging out with my friends. What about you?”

Cyrus shook his head with a soft laugh.
“You aren’t going to believe me, but Iron Man is my favorite too. Robert Downey Jr. is the definition of Alpha male. I don’t know Jimmy Eat World. I’m more in to country music myself. I even went to a Blake Shelton concert last year. And I like hanging out with my friends, reading and rock climbing. Now see? We’re making progress,” he said rubbing his finger over her hand.

Ava pulled her hand away automatically and he frowned at her.
“Boyfriend? Remember? You and me? You’re supposed to enjoy it when I hold your hand.”

Ava sighed and chewed on a fry thoughtfully.
She’d never had a boyfriend but she’d seen the way her friends acted when they brought boys around.
She could do this
. From then on she took every opportunity to reach over and touch Cyrus’s arm. She leaned into his side and gave him little kisses on his cheek or ran her hands through his hair. He stiffened and sat up, shocked at first, but then grinned and let her do her thing. Everyone in the pub made an excuse to come to the table to chat with Cyrus. She’d have to practice her look of adoration in the mirror back in her bedroom, but from everyone’s chuckles and the slaps Cyrus was getting on the back, she was doing a dang good job. But by the time he’d paid the check and she hugged her cousin good bye, he was silent and withdrawn.

As they walked home from the pub holding hands, Cyrus stared down at her with narrowed eyes.
“I’ve changed my mind. Don’t fake it Ava. I can’t stand it,” he said so quietly she had to strain to hear.

Ava stopped in her tracks and let her hand fall out of his.

I thought I was doing so well. Did you hear that last guy? He asked you when the wedding was. I think I’m doing a really good job,” she said, honestly confused.

Cyrus growled low in his throat and walked back to take her hand in his forcing her to continue walking.
“At first it was okay. It was fun, but I don’t want you to touch me unless you want to. Don’t kiss me unless it’s for real,” he said, not looking at her.

Ava’s eyebrows went up and she shook her head in exasperation.

. What about holding hands like we’re doing now?” she asked wishing she understood all the hidden rules that seemed to pop up constantly.

Cyrus glanced back at her and sighed.
“This is for your protection. We’ll be walking by the park and that’s where a lot of the guys hang out when they’re bored and not working.”

Ava stepped closer to Cyrus and kept pace with him.
“Where does everyone work who lives here? There are only a few places people can work in town.”

Cyrus nodded as they reached the sidewalk beside the park.
“There’s a paper mill up the canyon from here. The men who don’t work there work at the logging camp ten miles away. The logging company is owned by your family and my family owns the paper mill.”

Ava pursed her lips.
“Interesting. I knew my dad had money; I just wasn’t sure where he got it. Whenever I brought it up he would change the subject.”

Cyrus began to say something and then stopped as someone ran toward them from the grassy commons area.
Ava turned and blanched when she saw it was Ben. He was red faced and sweaty and not wearing a shirt. He slowed down and came to a stop right in front of them, blocking the sidewalk, his muscles bulging and glistening. It made her want to gag for some reason.

Ben held up a meaty hand, pointing right at her. “Now let me get this straight Cyrus.
Titus spreads it around
just last night
that no one’s allowed to claim Ava for a mate and then the
next day I hear you two are together? I am going to love watching you get torn into pieces,” he said, his eyes filled with blood thirsty glee. “You know what happened to the last man who disobeyed Titus. They’re still picking pieces of Jamison off the road,” he said laughing cruelly in a way that made Ava’s skin crawl.

Cyrus smiled back, showing his teeth.
“I didn’t choose her for a mate.
She chose me
. There’s the difference. And of course her father approves,” he said, his voice laced with satisfaction.

Ben’s face tightened in anger and he turned to look at Ava.
She refused to cower in front of him and felt Cyrus squeeze her hand reassuringly. “That’s right. Last night after meeting everyone it was very clear to me that Cyrus was the only man I’d ever want to be with. He’s the best man here, after all,” she said, raising her chin.

Ben wiped a drip of sweat off his cheek with the back of his hand and narrowed his eyes at her.
“Is that right? It seems like you moved pretty fast considering you just got to town. I don’t think you gave yourself enough time to get to know everyone well enough to make a decision of that magnitude. As a matter of fact, I think I should step in and save you from yourself. Because you see, I disagree with you. If you really want the best man in town, then baby, you’ve made a big mistake.”

Ava felt a shiver of dread flow down her spine as Cyrus dropped her hand and moved in front of her.
He looked bulkier all of a sudden. Taller too.

“Please tell me you’re challenging me,” Cyrus said in a voice she’d never heard him use before.


She couldn’t see Ben at all from where she was standing behind Cyrus, but she saw Cyrus’s hands clench at his sides and she bit her lip dreading the thought of them fighting over her.

“Nah, I’ll make you sweat it out. Besides, she’s not worth it. Zoe told me last night she’s not a real werewolf. But if she asks real nice, I might consider consoling her when you’re dead. It’s time a real leader took charge around here,” he said, his voice rising as people began to move closer to see what was going on.

Cyrus stepped closer to Ben until they were nose to nose.
“Why wait Ben? Here’s your chance. Let’s just go ahead and get it over with right now,” he said in a voice so hard and silky that Ava stepped back thinking he was going to jump Ben any second.

Ben glanced around at all the people watching and stepped back.
“Not here and not like this. You know it wouldn’t count. No, I’m not taking any chances. I’ll do it the right way with the whole town watching, ready to welcome me as the true leader. The rightful Alpha,” he said, sneering at Cyrus before walking back to his friends.

Ava closed her eyes and let out a shaky breath as Cyrus glared at the crowd forming until they scattered.
He turned around and put his arms around her, holding her tightly.

“He won’t hurt you Ava. I promise. Don’t be scared,” Cyrus swore softly, rubbing his cheek against her hair.

Ava grasped the back of his shirt in her hands, not wanting to let go of the safety he offered. “I can’t help it. He just threatened to kill you and then come after me,” she said, her face pressed against his chest. “I’m not used to men like Ben.”

Cyrus rubbed her back slowly and stared over her head at the men still loitering in the park.
“No one should have to be used to guys like that,” he said tiredly.

Cyrus kissed her forehead and then
they walked the rest of the way home. She made her excuses to Cyrus and then retreated to her room. She went straight to the six foot jetted marble tub and turned the water on full blast. She hadn’t gotten her run in at the lake and she was so full of stress now, that if she didn’t get herself under control, her fear and anger would have her turning into something she was afraid she wasn’t prepared to handle.


Chapter 10 - Instincts



Ava came down for dinner, dressed in a pale green ruffled skirt and a white silk scooped neck t-shirt and white sandals.
She left her hair down and free and used only a little cover up and lip gloss. When she walked into the kitchen she found just Patricia standing over a pot of hot oil, carefully placing neatly wrapped egg rolls with tongs.

“You guys eat Chinese food?” Ava asked in surprise, coming to stand next to Patricia.

Patricia laughed and looked at Ava strangely. “We might be a little different genetically, but we’re more alike than we’re different. Our kids go to the local college, we watch TV, we have hobbies and yes, we even eat Chinese food.”

Ava blushed and walked back around the counter.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you, but it’s just surprising I guess.”

Patricia wiped her hands on a hand towel and came to sit next to Ava on a bar stool.
“I know you see us as backwards and yes, in some ways we are. There are many of us who are trying to change that. But it needs to come from the top. Titus is a very old fashioned, traditional man of our culture. When he steps down next year and Cyrus takes over as leader, people are going to have a huge wakeup call and I for one can’t wait,” she said with a warm smile before hopping up to check on her egg rolls.

Ava felt something ease in her heart and she smiled back.
Maybe things weren’t as bad as they seemed. Maybe with Cyrus in charge women would have the same rights as men and not only be safe, but feel safe.

“Ava, will you do me a huge favor?
Will you walk out to the garden in the back yard and dig me up a few green onions for our salad? The trowel is hanging right outside on a hook on the wall.”

Ava readily agreed, grateful for something useful to do.
She found the trowel right where Patricia told her she would and wandered down to the large and lush garden that was obviously very well-tended. She saw the bright green spikes of green onions and crouched down, careful to pull her skirt back and went to work. She stood up a few minutes later with a handful of dirty onions and a bright smile on her face.

“I wish you’d smile more often.
You’re the most beautiful woman in the world when you smile.”

Ava’s smile slipped a few notches as she turned to see Cyrus leaning against a tree with his hands in his pockets, staring at her.

“There you go sneaking up on me again,” she said and moved to walk past him.

Cyrus stopped her by grabbing her skirt. “What’s the rush? The kitchen is filled with hot oily smoke. It’s much nicer out here,” he said, taking the onions out of her hand and placing them on the ground. “Let’s go for a walk around the yard while my mom finishes up the egg rolls. I want to show you something.”

Ava glanced up at the kitchen window just as Patricia opened it to let some fresh air in.
“Okay,” she said, giving in.

He took her hand as they walked slowly down the cobble stoned pathways winding through the bright flowerbeds and trees.
“You know, you don’t have to hold my hand Cyrus. No one’s here to see,” she said, pulling away.

Cyrus didn’t let go and smiled at her. “I enjoy holding your hand Ava.
Be honest now. Have you ever had a boyfriend? Because every time I hold your hand or kiss you, you seem very surprised and unsure.”

Ava shrugged and looked away.
“No, I’ve never had a boyfriend before. I was always too busy with sports and gymnastics and school of course. That and my father always seemed to nip things in the bud whenever a boy started to act interested in me.”

Cyrus nodded and pulled her down a path leading to the very back of the yard.
“Well, having a werewolf daughter who doesn’t know she’s a werewolf would make dating a little complicated. I can see why he acted the way he did,” he said with a smile.

Ava sighed, but agreed.
“Yeah, I guess so, but I feel like I missed out on all of the fun of being a teenager, you know? I never got roses on my sixteenth birthday or got asked to Prom. I never even had a crush and waited up all night to see if a boy would call me. It was always just work, work and more work. He promised me when I went to college that I would be on my own and make my own decisions and date.
I can’t wait
,” she said and then bit her tongue as he turned and looked at her with a frown. She’d forgotten for a moment who she was talking to.

the freedom
. I can’t um, . . . wait to see what that’s like,” she said softly, cringing inside as he let go of her hand.

Cyrus swung over a fence and then looked back at her, frowning at her skirt.
“I love seeing you in a skirt, but you’re going to have to let me lift you over.”

She nodded and held her hands up, grasping his shoulders as he easily lifted her up and over the fence.
She glanced at her sandals and at the rocky wooded terrain and looked up at Cyrus doubtfully.

BOOK: Werewolf Dreams
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