We're Working On It (15 page)

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Authors: Richard Norway

Tags: #Gay Themed Y/A Novel

BOOK: We're Working On It
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“You’re not, man. You’re so not going to do that. You’re not going to wear those here, are you?”

“Why not? It’s just a pair of swimming trunks. Look Cory, everyone here has seen the swim team either during practice or at meets, right?”

“Yeah, I suppose.”

“Okay, so what’s the difference?”

Cory thought for a moment.

“Alright, alright – be an exhibitionist. See if I care. I’m going to wear my boarders.”

Kevin grinned and headed toward the pool house change room. Cory went upstairs to his room and put on his board shorts.

Cory’s problem wasn’t that Kevin was going to be wearing a pair of speedos, and that everyone would see Kevin half naked. Cory’s problem was that HE was going to see Kevin half naked in those speedos.

As the late afternoon rolled on, everyone seemed to be having a great time. Kelly had lost her attitude toward Matt, and Josh seemed to have calmed down around all of the kids at the party. Everyone, including Kevin parading around in his ‘nakedness’, had enjoyed playing around in the pool. Cory was fuming at everyone watching Kevin. Kevin didn’t seem to care one bit.

As the evening approached, Cory fired up the grill and put on dogs and burgers. It was a good reprieve from having to watch Kevin all evening. Cory wasn’t really mad at Kevin for wearing those speedos. He was jealous that everyone else had seen his half ‘nakedness,’ and it wasn’t just him and Kevin alone.

Everyone settled into the dinner hour, sitting around the table or sitting on the lounge chairs by the pool stuffing themselves..A quiet fell on the group, having been satiated with food. Kelly was the first to speak.

“Hey. How about a game? I know Trivial Pursuit is old hat, but it might be fun. I saw it on the stack of games Cory had pulled out for tonight.”

Kelly and Dawn jumped at the chance to outdo each other with their willingness. Josh said that he wasn’t interested in Trivial Pursuit, so bowed out. Matt and Kevin joined in, leaving just Cory and Josh by themselves.

The game was played in the living room with the four of them trying to outdo each other with their superior knowledge about everything. Finally, after 20 minutes of play, Josh elbowed Cory and pointed his head toward the sliding glass doors. Cory knew that Josh wanted to talk to him privately, so followed him outside.

Josh, without speaking to Cory, walked to a lounge chair by the pool and sat down. Cory followed, wondering what was up, and sat in the lounge chair next to Josh’s. Josh looked at Cory briefly, and then slid around and rested on the back of the chair, putting his hands behind his head, legs out straight, looking at the stars.

“Sit back Cory. Just relax. I’m not going to bite you.”

That surprised Cory. He didn’t know what Josh was getting at, but followed suit and relaxed into the reclining chair. Both boys fixed their gaze on the emerging stars for a few moments of silence.

“Cory. I don’t know you very well, but from what I’ve heard and seen tonight, some things aren’t settling in too well.”

Cory froze.

Josh waited for a moment letting his words entertain Cory.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Cory shouted in defense of himself. Josh waited for a moment, continuing to look at the stars, turning his can of Coke in his hands, then, turned his head to Cory.

“Cory, are you gay?”

‘Shit, fuck, oh crap. What do I say to this guy? He knows. He knows all about me. What’s he thinking right now? Shit! How does he know? Can I trust him? Hell, I don’t even know him that well. What’s he gonna do to me? I know. He’s about to beat the crap out me. I’m NOT coming out!’ rattled through Cory’s brain, nonstop.

“What the hell are you talking about, man?” Cory finally answered.

“Don’t be a dip. You know exactly what I’m talking about.”

Cory couldn’t believe what was happening. He didn’t know how this guy knew who he was, what he dreamed about. Cory didn’t even know him. Why did Josh know Cory so well? This was NOT happening. Cory knew he was dreaming. He just knew it. But he wasn’t. Josh was right next to him. This was fucking real.

“I don’t have a fucking clue. I’m not gay, man,” Cory replied, hating himself for having to say that.

“Okay. You can believe what you want, but I think I got to know you over the evening. There’s more to you than what you’re saying. I saw it all night. But I have to say this to you, and I know it’s not my place, but Kelly is a very good friend to me and Dawn. She’s worried about you, Cory. I don’t think she knows why or what you’re all about or why you’re doing this, but in the short time that I’ve known you, I think I’ve figured it out, especially tonight.”

“What are you talking about, man?”

“I’m talking about the way you look at Kevin, you fucking asshole. And, I’m talking about the way Kevin looks at you. God man, it’s so obvious. You’re in love with him and he’s in love with you and you and he are so playing a fucking game.”

Cory sank into his lounge chair trying to avoid even being near this guy.

“Look, Cory, we’re not friends, so maybe I have no right to say this to you or even about you and Kevin, but I have to tell you that I think you’re really fucking up. I see stars in Kevin’s eyes when he looks at you. It’s just so obvious. I’m saying this because you’re affecting other people, people who I care about. Because of this ‘game’ that you and Kevin have going, Kelly is beside herself. She’s worried about the both of you. You’re going to ruin both Kevin’s and your life, man, unless you stop playing this game. Just tell him, Cory.”

“Kevin’s straight, man. I have no fucking future with him.”

Josh sat back in his chair, keeping his gaze on the stars.

“Well, Cory, keep up the game, and you’ll both lose. I see you wanting him, but you’re so scared to say anything. Just tell him, man. Do yourself a favor and Kevin too,” was all that Josh could say.

Cory didn’t know how well Josh knew Kevin, but was sure that he didn’t know him that well. Cory lied to himself that he was not losing. He was winning because Kevin was still with him.

Josh got up from the lounge chair, turned back to Cory for a moment, shook his head and walked back into the kitchen as Cory watched him walk away.

Cory stayed in the chair, wanting to be alone in his thoughts. Then it hit him. He had just come out to Josh!

Cory remained outside alone with his thoughts. As the party inside wound down, Cory could hear the noise lessen. He realized that he had been out there for half an hour so he slowly got up from the lounge chair and headed back inside. He knew he had to play host.

Once inside, he turned his head from side to side, but the place was empty.

“What the fuck. Where is everybody?” Cory said out loud. Cory moved across the kitchen toward the living room, it was so quiet. He wondered if everyone had gone home. He was thinking of himself as a failure with this host stuff for staying outside for so long.

Cory screamed as all of his friends jumped through the doorway in front of him singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to him. He just had 90 % of his life scared out of him, and he gasped for air, holding his chest. When the singing was over, Kelly rounded the doorway carried a cake with candles on it. Richard was right behind her.

“Got ya, didn’t we?” Kevin whispered in his ear and then grinned, those eyebrows at it again.

“You are so going to get it next month when it’s your turn.” Cory shot back at Kevin. “And, I’m cutting off your eyebrows.”

Richard walked up to Cory. “Well, cut the cake Cory. Everyone’s been eyeing this thing for an hour now, and I can’t keep the wolves at bay much longer.”

“Okay, okay. Just let me catch my breath for a minute. But aren’t I supposed to make some wish and blow out the candles or something first?”

“Yup” Kevin jumped in. “But remember, you only get one shot at this, so blow it right on the first try.”

Kevin couldn’t stop his grinning.

Josh grinned too.

Cory shot a look at Kevin that made Kevin jump back. ‘Won’t Kevin ever stop?’ he thought. Cory hoped Richard didn’t hear that.

“Cory. Think of a wish while I light the candles, and make it a good one. Remember, this is your once in a lifetime coming out party.”

“Richard! Will you just shut up about that? That’s not funny,” Cory yelled back at him. Of course, what could Richard do after that? He kicked up his laughing. Cory thought for a minute. Then it became a minute and a half. He couldn’t make up his mind. At first he thought of wishing that Kevin could be his boyfriend, but that was too much. Then he thought of wishing for a car, but Richard made sure that was out of the question for a while. Then he settled on just one thing. He looked at Kevin wishing for one small thing, just one thing that would make this day memorable, something that he would never forget. He wished that Kevin would kiss him tonight.

“Don’t tell anyone what your wish is. It won’t come true if you do,” Richard said as he finished lighting all 16 candles.”

“Don’t worry, Richard. I have no intention of telling anyone what my wish is.”

“Well, Cory, I’m waiting – blow away!” Kevin jostled in.

Cory swiped at Kevin, but missed.

Cory took in as much air as his lungs could ever possibly hold. He wanted so much for his wish to come true. He blew and blew, swinging his head from side to side so as to hit every candle. Finally he had no more air left. His face fully red and his eyes clouded from the effort, he calmed and his vision returned. He stared at his birthday cake. Every candle was still burning.

“What? What happened?” Cory asked as he looked at a grinning Richard and then shot a glance at Kevin who was howling.

“You didn’t? You didn’t really do this to me, did you? Those were those trick candles, weren’t they?”

“We couldn’t help it Cory,” Richard finally said. “It was Kevin’s idea and we thought it was hilarious. Oh, the look on your face when you tried to blow out all the candles was priceless. You really wanted that wish, whatever it was, didn’t you? But the look on your face when you looked up at the still burning candles, well that was just too perfect.”

“Ha, Ha,” was all that Cory could say as he saw Kevin’s lips fading from his life.

Cory grumblingly cut the cake and served everyone, and then sat at the kitchen table with the others to enjoy his piece. It was quiet while they ate. Cory was especially quiet after the joke that they had pulled on him.

Richard returned to the kitchen holding a small box brightly papered with a bow on top. “I told everyone not to bring gifts, but I had to get you something. Everyone saw it earlier and chipped in, so this is from all of us.” Richard announced handing Cory the small box.

Cory looked around at everyone watching him, took the box from Richard and set it on the table and sat down with the box in front of him. He looked at it for a moment and then back at the faces all around him, and then back toward the box.

“Well, open it for Christ’s sake, will you!” Kevin shouted.

“Okay, Okay. Hold your pants,” as Cory unwrapped the box and then opened it.

It was a watch.

Cory did not have a watch. His dad had never bought him one. Cory had never in his life owned a watch. He looked up at Richard while holding the opened box in his hands. Tears were forming, one by one draining down his cheeks as he just looked at Richard.

“It this for real, Richard?”

“Yes, Cory. It’s for real. Happy birthday, son.”

Cory got up from the table, practically ran to Richard and threw his arms around him. He couldn’t speak. It didn’t matter because his friends all around him were clapping.

“Ah, Cory?” Kevin spoke up as the hands in the room started to fall silent. Cory turned from Richard to look at Kevin. “I know I shouldn’t have done this, and I apologize to you all for doing this. But Cory is my best friend. I had to get him something to wish him a happy 16th. Here Cory. This is from me,” holding out another small box.

Cory walked over to Kevin and slowly took the small box from his hand and looked down at it. His eyes returned to Kevin’s. What he saw in Kevin’s eyes was something that he had seen before. It wasn’t there when they first met, but it started to appear within the past few weeks, maybe a month. He wasn’t sure how long it had been there, but he knew what it was.

He saw love in Kevin’s eyes. That glassy look in his eyes, that glassy look of love that he knew was for him.

Cory stared at Kevin for a moment. Everyone in the room saw it too, but remained silent. They all knew.

Cory didn’t go to the table like he had with Richard’s gift. He stayed in front of Kevin as he began opening the box, first the bow, placing it on the table, then the paper. He wanted to keep them. Then he lifted the lid on the small flat box and inside...was a silver wrist ID bracelet.

Cory looked up at Kevin again and then back to the bracelet. The engraved name across the top plate read ‘CORY.’

He turned it over and on the back were engraved these words:




Cory faced Kevin, but he couldn’t see him. All he could see was a blur as he stepped into him and placed his arms around his shoulders, still holding onto the box and the bracelet. Cory lightly kissed Kevin on the cheek.

“God, this means so much to me. Thank you, Kevin. I will keep this always.”

Josh turned to Dawn and Kelly at that moment. “Oh for Christ’s sake,” he whispered. “Look at those two. They just reek of it, and it’s so thick you couldn’t cut it with a torch, but they can’t utter the words.”

“Oh, I think it’s too soon,” Kelly whispered back. Cory released Kevin and started putting on the bracelet, his hands trembling. Kevin stopped him.

“Here, let me help you.”

Kevin took the bracelet from Cory’s hands and wrapped it around Cory’s right wrist. He was reserving Cory’s left wrist for his new watch.

When it was finally clasped into place, Cory couldn’t take his eyes from it. He held his hand to it, moved it around his wrist, felt it next to his skin. Cory’s mind was telling him, ‘Kevin has given me this. What I feel is Kevin. Kevin touching my skin, touching my skin through the bracelet. I got my wish tonight even if I didn’t blow out those silly candles. I got my kiss from Kevin, through this bracelet.’

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