Wendy and the Lost Boys (50 page)

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Authors: Julie Salamon

BOOK: Wendy and the Lost Boys
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Nelligan, Kate

Newell, Eleanor

Newell, Ray

New Republic


New Woman

New York

New York, N.Y.

42nd Street revitalization in

1976 financial crisis in

New York City Ballet

New York City Opera

New York Daily News

New Yorker

WW’s essays in

New York Post

New York Shakespeare Festival

New York Society Library

New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA)

New York Theatre Workshop

New York Times

WW’s articles in

New York Times Magazine

New York Woman

Nixon, Richard

No Laughing Matter

Normal Heart, The

Nutcracker, The

Object of My Affection, The

Object of My Affection, The

O’Dwyer, Paul

Ogilvy & Mather

Old Money

Oliver, Edith

Olsen, Tillie

Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy

O’Neill, Eugene

O’Neill Theatre Center,
Eugene O’Neill Theatre Center

Open Doors (Theatre Development Fund program)

“Orphans’ Christmas for the Jews,”

Our Bodies, Ourselves

Outer Critics Circle Award

Oxford University Press

Pacino, Al

Pamela’s First Musical

musical adaptation of

Papp, Joseph

Parker, Ellen

Parker, Sarah Jessica

Parmelee, Elizabeth

Parnell, Peter

Parrott, Christine,
Wasserstein, Christine Parrott

Paterson Talmud Torah

Patrone, Mary Jane

Uncommon Women

Peach, Camilla

Pentagon Papers

Perella, Joseph

Peter Pan

Amherst production of

Peter Pan
(Charlap and Leigh)

Phillips Academy, Andover

Phillips Exeter Academy

Phoenix Theatre

Pinter, Harold

Playwrights Horizons

Heidi Chronicles
produced by

Isn’t It Romantic
produced by

workshop at

Uncommon Women
workshop at

Playwrights Horizons Queens

Playwrights Unit

Plymouth Theatre

Poland, Holocaust in


Psyche in Love

Public Broadcasting System (PBS)

Public Theater

Pulitzer Prize

Puzo, Mario

Quayle, Dan

Quinn, Nancy

Rabbino, Irma L.

Rabe, David

Rabe, Lily

Rai, Kanti

Reagan, Ronald

Redel, Irving

Redgrave, Lynne

Reuben, David

Reynolds, Jonathan

Rich, Frank

WW’s relationship with

Richard Halliburton’s Complete Book of Marvels

Richards, Lloyd

Richardson, Justin

Riegert, Peter

Rimmer, David

Ritter, Jason

Ritz, The

Robbins, Freda

Roberts, Louise

Robman, Steven

Rochester, N.Y.

Rochester Arts & Lectures

Rockefeller, Nelson

Roe v. Wade

Rohatyn, Felix

Rolling Stone

Rose, Charlie

Rose, Lloyd

Rosen, Felice,
Francis, Felice “Fay” Harriman

Rosen, Felix

Rosen, Jeffrey

Rosen, Walter and Lucie

Rosenthal, Jane

Rosh Hashanah

Roskind, Kathy

Roskind, Mrs.

Ross, Alex

Ross, Betsy

Ross, Clifford

Roth, Ari

Rothman, Carole

Rothstein, Mervyn

Royce Carlton

Rudd, Paul

Rudnick, Paul

Sachs, Harriet

Uncommon Women

Salinger, J. D.

Saltzberg, Sarah

Sawyer, Forrest

Scarry, Gretchen

Schifter, Peter

Schleifer, Gucci,
Kaufman, Gucci (Gertrude) Schleifer

Schleifer, Hela

Schleifer, Helen

Schleifer, Jack

Schleifer, Simon

Schleiger, Henry

Schweitzer, Jenifer

Schweitzer, Peter (CBS producer)

Schweitzer, Peter (Sandra Meyer’s husband)

Schweitzer, Samantha

Scorsese, Martin

Seattle Repertory Theatre

Second Stage Theatre

Secret of My Success, The

Sedgeley, Carlton

Seidman, Patricia

September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks

Sesame Street
(TV show)


Sex and Longing

Sex and the City
(TV show)

sexual revolution

Shapiro, Walter

Shepard, Sam

Shiksa Goddess

Shubert Organization

Silverstein, Michele K.

Simon, John

Simon, Neil

Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All for You

Sisters Rosensweig, The

Lincoln Center production of

Seattle Rep workshop of

unproduced TV pilot of




Smith College

Smolianinoff, André Bishop

“Solid Gold Blender, A” (Wasserstein; unpublished)

Sondheim, Stephen

Soros, Daisy

Soros, George

Soros, Peter

“Sorrows of Gin, The” (Cheever)

WW’s TV script of

Spyri, Johanna

Stasio, Marilyn

Steele, Nancy

Stein, Howard

Steppenwolf Theatre Company

Stewart, Abigail J.

as feminist

WW’s relationship with

Sticks and Bones

Stone, Oliver

Streep, Meryl

Strong, Jeremy

Suicide and Other Diversions

Sullivan, Daniel

Sunday in the Park with George
(Sondheim and Lapine)

Susan Smith Blackburn Prize

Sussman, Bruce

Swee, Daniel

Table Settings

Tally, Ted


Taxi Driver

T-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Teachout, Terry

Tender Offer

Testa, Mary

Texaco Inc.

Theater in America
(PBS series)

Theater J

Theatre Development Fund, Open Doors program of



Three Sisters

Thurman, Judith


Timmermann, Bonnie


Tolan, Cindy

Tony awards

Total Woman, The

Trento, Angela

Tribeca Film Festival

Trillin, Calvin

Truman, David B.

25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, The
(Finn and Sheinkin)

Uncommon Women and Others

O’Neill workshop of

PBS broadcast of

Phoenix Theatre production of

Playwrights Horizons workshop of

published edition of

Yale workshop of


Vienna Waltzes

Vietnamization of New Jersey, The

Vietnam War

Village Voice


von Mayrhauser, Jennifer

Wall Street

Wall Street Journal

Walsh, James

Warshaw, Carole

Washington Post

Washington Times

Wasserstein, Abner:

as adult

childhood of

Georgette’s reunion with

mental illness of

parents’ visits to

secrecy surrounding

WW and

Wasserstein, Alan

Wasserstein, Ben Churchill

Wasserstein, Bruce

ambition and competitiveness of

childhood and adolescence of

college and graduate studies of

Cranberry Dune estate of

at Cravath, Swaine

death of

investment banking career of

loyalty of

Lucy Jane and

Mark Green’s collaboration with

marriage of Christine to

marriage of Claude Becker to

marriage of Lynne to

as one of Nader’s Raiders

poor eyesight of

rebelliousness of

secrecy of

weight problems of

WW’s relationship with

Wasserstein, Charlotte

Wasserstein, Christine Parrott

Wasserstein, Claude Becker

Wasserstein, Dash Philippe

Wasserstein, Florence

Wasserstein, George:

childhood of

death of

marriage of Lola to

Wasserstein, Georgette,
Levis, Georgette Wasserstein

Wasserstein, Israel “Herman,”

Wasserstein, Jack Dumas

Wasserstein, Jacob

Wasserstein, Joseph

Wasserstein, Lola Schleifer

childhood of

code of silence of

courtship and marriage of George and

dance obsession of

death of

empathy lacking in

family history inflated by

as grandmother

and Lucy Jane’s birth

marriage of Morris and

as nonconformist

nutritional ideas of

pushiness of

as quintessential Jewish mother

and Sandra’s death

WW criticized by

and WW’s illness and death

Wasserstein, Lucy Jane

birth of

with Bruce and Claude

and WW’s death

Wasserstein, Lynne Killin

marriage of Bruce and

WW’s relationship with

Wasserstein, Morris

as avid news reader

childhood of

deafness of

decline and death of

family loved unconditionally by

Jaguar owned by

marriage of Lola and

memorial service for

Wasserstein, Pamela

Wasserstein, Perella & Co.

Wasserstein, Sandra,
Meyer, Sandra Wasserstein

Wasserstein, Scoop

Wasserstein, Teddy

Wasserstein, Wendy

Abner and

ambition and competitiveness of

in Amherst exchange program

apartment search of

as Baby Boomer

Bell’s palsy of

birth of

Bishop’s relationship with

Bruce’s relationship with

at Calhoun

cancer of

cat adopted by

celebrity status of

Central Park West apartment of

childhood and adolescence of

as choreographer

at City College

dance classes of

Dartmouth fellowship of

death of

deliberate unattractiveness of

diaries of

Durang’s relationship with

empathy and warmth of

as essayist

at Ethical Culture

film and TV scripts of

Garn’s birthday party for

Guggenheim grant won by

Gutierrez’s relationship with

humor and nonchalance as mask for

“husbands” of

income of

Kaplan’s relationship with

Karl’s correspondence with

law school applications of

Lola’s criticisms of

in London

Long’s relationship with

loyalty as important to

and Lucy Jane’s birth

McCarthy campaign and

at MacDowell Colony

McNally’s relationship with

marriages contemplated by

memorial service for

at Mount Holyoke

as networker

neurological symptoms of

One Fifth Avenue apartment of

at O’Neill Theatre Center

Open Doors program and

“Orphans’ Christmases” of

personal life as source for writings of

Playwrights Horizons and

Polish trip of

pregnancy fears of

pregnancy of

Pulitzer Prize of

in quest to have a child

as quintessential New Yorker

rebelliousness of

in relationships with inaccessible men

Rich’s relationship with

in Rome

and Sandra’s death

Sandra’s relationship with

in Seattle

self-centeredness of

self-doubt of

sex life of

in Smith playwriting class

socializing by

speaking engagements of

superior/inferior paradox of

Tony award of

weight problems of

work habits of

World Youth Forum trip of

at Yale Drama School

at Yeshiva of Flatbush

Wasserstein Brothers

Wasserstein family:

in Brooklyn

emigration to America by

as high achievers

Miami Beach vacations of

secrets kept in

Upper East Side apartment of

at WW’s productions

Wasserstein Ivey Long Productions

Watergate scandal

Watts, Heather

Weaver, Sigourney

Weinstein, Harvey

Weitzman, Ira

Welcome to My Rash

Wesleyan University

West Wing, The
(TV show)

When Dinah Shore Ruled the Earth
(Durang and Wasserstein)

White, George C.

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf

Other books

In America by Susan Sontag
Beaglemania by Linda O. Johnston
The Amboy Dukes by Irving Shulman
The House of Dies Drear by Virginia Hamilton
The Paris Enigma by Pablo De Santis
Distant Blood by Jeff Abbott