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Authors: Sam Wang,Sandra Aamodt
Tags: #Neurophysiology-Popular works., #Brain-Popular works
second-guess. Psychologist Barry Schwartz has popularized the maximizer-satisficer
dichotomy, pointing out that satisficers are, on average, happier than maximizers.
The two of us are slowly getting better at making choices that are perfectly good for the
task at hand. Our satisficer spouses are trying to come to terms with our maximizer ways.
At least, as satisficers, they are unlikely to question why they married us.
So people persist in buying lottery tickets, a fact exploited by financially strapped governments
everywhere. Even more extreme examples of irrational decision making have been demonstrated.
Among the brain rules of thumb explored by Kahneman and Tversky (see
Chapter 1
) is that people are
notoriously bad at estimation problems. When people are asked to guess the number of beans in the
jar, their answer can be swayed by spinning a roulette wheel in front of them while they are thinking
about the question, and asking them to consider the outcome of the spin as a possible answer. Despite
the obvious irrelevance of this randomly generated number, it can nonetheless nudge the guess
upward or downward.
Practical tip: Can willpower be trained?
Psychologists have shown that making choices and decisions, making plans to act, and
carrying out those plans call upon a resource that can be depleted. In a series of studies
done at Case Western Reserve University, people who were asked to do one task requiring
an act of will to finish were less persistent in a second task. The two tasks could be as
unrelated as eating radishes and working on an impossible-to-solve puzzle. To really drive
home the unattractiveness of radishes, they were presented while other subjects received
freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. Radish eaters gave up on the puzzle sooner, in eight
minutes on average, less than half as long as the subjects who were given cookies.
Similarly, subjects asked to perform a boring text-editing task showed less persistence in
watching an extremely dull video. Willpower is also reduced after physical exertion or
under conditions of stress.
One interesting aspect of the finiteness of willpower is that a variety of tasks call upon
the same reserves. Based on this “ego depletion” model, one might expect that exercises
that increase willpower in one area might then increase one’s capacity to carry out other
difficult tasks. Similarly, doing several unrelated tasks in a row that all require active will
might be an even more effective means of will “exercise.” This is consistent with the
sentiment of some psychologists—and self-help books—that willpower is like a muscle.
The idea of willpower exercise has culminated in military boot camp, where recruits
perform many challenging tasks, and in such spectacles as Watergate-era criminal and
maniac G. Gordon Liddy improving his willpower by holding his hand over a candle flame.
Although effortful willpower of any kind interferes with effortful willpower of any
other kind immediately thereafter, no one knows why willpower is finite. One possibility is
that brain mechanisms for generating active control rely on a resource that can somehow be
depleted. Conversely, executive function—the ability to plan and execute a purposeful
series of actions—works better if you do it more frequently, which suggests that this
resource can grow with practice. One likely place to look is the anterior cingulate cortex,
since after damage to this brain region, attention and decision making are impaired.
Broad similarity may exist with other learning systems, which are thought to rely on
changes in synaptic connections elsewhere in the brain: willpower-strengthening exercises
may cause physical changes in the anterior cingulate and other regions involved in
executive function, such as the prefrontal cortex. So practice difficult tasks such as being
nice to people you don’t like. It might help you stick to that diet.
One general principle that has emerged from studies of economic reasoning is that costs and
rewards seem to count for less if they are not immediate, and less still if they are in the distant future.
This bug in our brain mechanisms has been used to persuade people to save more for their pension
funds. In a plan known as Save More Tomorrow, workers are not asked to put away money
immediately for retirement, something they are reluctant to do. Instead, they are asked to promise to
commit some fraction of their future raises to savings. In this plan, people give up something that they
have not yet received. As a result, they do not perceive a loss to their existing lifestyle and are more
willing to go along. This is an example of turning a brain bug—the same one that induces you to have
bacon now, even if you know it may cause heart disease later—into a feature that works in your
The essence of ultimate decisions remains impenetrable to the observer—often, indeed to
the decider himself.
—John F. Kennedy
Intelligence (and the Lack of It)
The idea of intelligence gets people wound up and sometimes defensive, but that’s mostly because
they focus on the wrong questions. Scientists know a lot about individual differences in intelligence
and where they come from, but that information doesn’t sell newspapers and magazines. Instead,
journalists tend to report on comparisons between groups of people—by gender, by race, by
nationality, and so on—and worry that any differences are likely to be used to justify treating people
is the part that gets people wound up.
Intelligence research has a bad reputation, one that was fairly earned by some of the early work in
the field. The history of this field is closely tied to attempts to prove that certain groups of people
were superior to others and thus deserving of special treatment. In the process, these researchers
became the basis of a classic cautionary tale of how biases can influence scientific conclusions.
It is not clear that intelligence has any long-term survival value.
—Stephen Hawking
I n
The Mismeasure of Man
, Stephen Jay Gould describes how nineteenth-century attempts to
relate brain size to intelligence were compromised by the selection of data to support the conclusions
that the researchers knew had to be correct. These guys didn’t cheat deliberately; instead, they
unconsciously used different standards for data from different groups, which resulted in consistent
(and incorrect) findings that their own group had larger brains. Because of the potential for such bias,
scientists today often analyze data in a “blinded” fashion, without knowing whether a particular
measurement came from the treated or untreated group. In addition, early tests mixed up intelligence
with people’s knowledge of facts, so that educated test takers did better even if they weren’t any
smarter than people with less schooling.
Practical tip: How expectations influence test performance
Being reminded of a stereotype just before an exam—even by something as simple as
being asked to check a box for male or female—can influence performance substantially.
People do worse when they’re thinking about a negative stereotype that applies to them,
especially when they’re told that the task is a difficult one designed to reveal differences
between groups. Such effects are seen for stereotypes related to gender, race, age, and
socioeconomic status. They can be activated even if test takers are not aware of the
reminder, for instance when African-American faces are flashed on a computer screen too
quickly to be consciously perceived. Even more curiously, these effects can occur in
people who are not members of the stereotyped group: young people walk more slowly
after hearing stereotypes about the elderly. This appears to happen because thinking about
the stereotype takes up working memory resources (see main text) that would otherwise be
used for the test.
The good news is that this problem can be reduced or avoided with a little care.
Obviously, teachers shouldn’t communicate, directly or indirectly, that certain students are
not expected to perform as well as others. Standardized tests should collect demographic
information at the end of the answer sheet, not at the beginning. The effect also works in the
opposite direction: performance can be improved by exposure to material that contradicts
the stereotype, as in girls who hear a lecture on famous female mathematicians before a
math test.
Almost everyone fits into more than one group, so perhaps the most practical approach
is to bring a more positive stereotype to the task. For example, a mental rotation task shows
consistent sex differences, with men performing faster and more accurately than women
Chapter 25
). When college students were asked questions that mentioned gender
before completing this test, women got only 64 percent as many correct answers as men. In
contrast, when they were asked questions that reminded them of their identity as students at
a private college, the women got 86 percent as many correct answers as men. The men did
better when reminded of their gender, while the women did better when reminded that they
were elite students. Thus the gap between men’s and women’s scores was only a third as
large when women were reminded of a positive stereotype that fit them as opposed to a
negative stereotype.
Our brains like to make generalizations about groups, as we discussed in
Chapter 1,
it may be too much to expect stereotypes to disappear entirely. Instead, we recommend
taking advantage of your brain’s eagerness to take these sorts of shortcuts by choosing the
image that suits the way you want to perform. Now that’s using your head!
Did you know? Great brains in small packages
In 2005, a crow named Betty made the news by constructing a tool. Experimenters
challenged Betty and another crow, Adam, to retrieve a bucket from a deep, transparent
cylinder. First the birds were given a curved piece of wire, which they used to hook the
bucket handle and lift out the reward, a morsel of meat. When given a straight piece of
wire, Betty had her insight. She used her beak to bend it into a curve and retrieved her
reward. Betty’s feat may have been unusually creative for a crow, given that Adam was
unable to make the mental leap. But many nonhuman animals engage in complex mental acts.
Among both birds and mammals, some intelligent species come to the front of the class.
Parrots, ravens, crows, chimpanzees, and dolphins all have exceptional problem-solving
abilities and complex social structures. As we noted in
Chapter 3,
the common feature of
mammals and birds with sophisticated cognitive abilities is that a large fraction of their
brains are forebrain.
Another impressive feat is the ability to imitate, which requires an animal to observe an
action and then translate these observations into motor acts that reproduce it. The non-
human animals with this skill are great apes (chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans),
dolphins, corvids (crows, ravens, and jays), and psittaciforms (parrots, budgerigars, and
keas). In a typical test, ravens were given a lidded box whose compartments contained
pieces of meat. The lids were hinged so that they could be opened by pulling on a flap near
the center of the box, but they could also be slid open by pulling sideways on a second flap.
Eventually, by trial and error, the birds discovered how to open the box. For a few ravens,
the researchers covered the center flap, forcing the birds to discover the sliding method. If
one raven watched another successfully open the box by pulling on the sideways flap, the
new raven was much more prone to use the sliding trick.
Finally, large-forebrained animals can create social complexity in the form of larger
average group sizes and more complex rules for social hierarchy and interaction. The
literal “pecking order” of small-forebrained chickens is an example of a relatively simple
social structure. In contrast, large-forebrained animals, like ravens and chimpanzees, live
in constantly shifting social groups. We recognize this complexity in our names for animal
groups: a parliament of rooks, a congress of baboons.