Welcome to New Haven (85 page)

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Authors: Dawn Doyle

BOOK: Welcome to New Haven
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“Guess again.” He said, clearing his throat. Moving himself down so his head was above her chest.

“Alex…please.” Her voice barely audible as she mouthed the words.

“This is your last chance, babe. I won’t open your shirt completely, not today, but you need to get this right or…unless you don’t want me to…” He said, lifting up to look at her face.

“I do.” She said quietly, again. Too aroused to talk. She swallowed hard.

“It hurts.” She managed to say.

The throbbing between her legs was agonising, her nipples hard and pinching.

“Babe?” Alex said in concern.

“It hurts” she repeated.

The knowing in his eyes said he knew why. He’d been through it, many times.

“Tell me the answer, Holly. In Spanish. I want the proper name. ‘Pecho’ is mainly used for a man and I won’t accept the slang word.”

He rubbed his thumb across her hard nipple, and she felt his length twitch.

Her hips threatening to buck against him.

“Oh shit, babe, don’t move.” He breathed.

Holly whimpered, biting her lips. Alex was still for a few seconds with his eyes closed before he slowly opened them.

Eyes black and hooded, clouded with desire and arousal.

He moved down her body, moving his hips off of hers and lower so both his elbows were either side of her.

His other hand slid under her shirt so he could cup both of her breasts, and he rubbed, lightly, over both nipples.

Holly brought a hand to her mouth as she made a very high ‘oh’.

“Tell me, baby. What are these perfect parts of yours called?”

Holly’s breath was ragged, her heart rate erratic, and fire coursing through every fibre of her body. She couldn’t think straight; she was so close.

“I don’t know…Alex. I need you to…” Holly’s eyes clamped shut and she was in agony.

“What? What do you need me to do?” His voice rumbled low and Holly’s eyes were tearing up with the pressure.

“I don’t know. I feel like I’m going to explode.”

“Where do you feel it?”

“Everywhere.” She whispered.

“They’re on their way guys! Two minutes!” Dev shouted through the door.

“Fuck.” Said Alex, annoyed.

“No, not now.” Holly complained.

“Are you hurting bad?”

“Yes. Really bad.”

“I’m sorry babe. I went too far.” He said as he removed his hands from her mounds.

“No.” She shook her head. “If I wanted you to stop, I would’ve said”

“You’re so perfect, I can’t believe you’re mine. I love you.” He said, as he moved up the bed to press his lips to hers.

Holly’s hands now, could finally touch him, found his hair and she moaned…and Alex growled.

“Damn I, those sounds you make.” He said, scrunching his eyes and taking deep breaths.

“Holly they’re here!” Dev shouted as she knocked.

“Just a sec.” Holly answered, trying to keep her voice steady.

They slowly untangled from each other and she fastened her buttons and fixed her shirt.

“You kill me, Holly.” He said, shaking his head. Alex stroked her cheek and ran a finger down her neck to her collarbone, causing Holly to draw in a jagged breath.

“Baby, I am sorry.” He said. His eyes full of remorse.

“What for?”

“I shouldn’t have gone that far.”

“You didn’t do anything I didn’t want you to.” She whispered, in case Dev was outside the door. “Plus…” she added as she fixed her hair. “…I’m pretty sure if Dev hadn’t knocked...” She fidgeted and bit her lip, still in a highly aroused state.

“I still feel bad.”

Holly held his face to make him look at her. She planted a featherlight kiss on his lips.

“I wanted you to…Alex…so bad. She kissed him again and licked her tongue across his lip. “I love you.” She said against his lips.

His arms around her waist, hers around his neck, fingers in his hair. Their kiss became more passionate, desperate…

“Holllyyy! Enough face sucking. I need beautifying.” Knocked Dev.

They both exhaled in a sulk.

“Go on, babe. I’ll see you soon and…um…should you
me to…” He cocked an eyebrow and Holly’s jaw slackened.

“You’re so bad” She said and quickly kissed him as she, reluctantly, got off the bed.

“I’d come with you but…” He looked pointedly south and Holly knew what he meant.

The bulge on his pants wasn’t something he could easily hide.

“I know” She smirked. “I
help with that.” She winked and opened the door.

“What took so long?” Groaned Dev.

“Sucking face.” Said Holly as she walked across the landing to the stairs.

“Then why have you missed a button on your shirt?” Holly quickly glance down.

“Ha! Busted.” Said Dev as Holly saw that her buttons were done.

“Ok, it was only three.” Holly said, defensively.

“Three more than usual though.” Smirked Dev and they walked downstairs to meet Riss and Kayla.

“Oh my fucking
Alex said to himself. The fire raging through him wasn’t subsiding. He could still feel Holly’s breasts in his hands.

“Agh!” He groaned when his hard on twitched.

He could still feel where Holly’s legs had squeezed him.

He groaned again.

He could still feel the heat from between her thighs as he rested there.

“Ow! Shit!” He cried as he jumped from the bed and stormed to the bathroom.

He was a mess.

He’d play a dangerous game with Holly and hadn’t intended it to go that far, but both of them had wanted to.

He made sure to ask Holly if it were ok, and she’d told him she wanted him to carry on. He’d gotten her so turned on, she was in pain, and he knew exactly how that felt.

She’d even said that if he had kissed her, like he had on her neck, if she got the answer wrong that she’d lose control. She hadn’t specified, exactly, what would happen just that she ‘might’.

He took a guess at what she’d meant.

God, he wanted her to.

When he told her that he wanted to make her… she surprised him by saying he wanted him to, too.
He’s almost come apart when her hips bucked up to him.

Fuck that was close.

If she’d so much as touched him, anywhere, he would’ve burst in his pants. Hence the ‘no touching’ rule. He wanted to touch her, where she probably needed him to, but he wasn’t sure he should.

Holly had said she thinks it’s ‘not allowed’.
But, even
didn’t know and if Dev hadn't had knocked, he might have done so after Holly told him that she hurt ‘everywhere’.

He needed to know the limitations but, somehow, he thought that wasn’t something he could ask is parents.

‘Hey, Mom and Dad, I know I’m not supposed to have sex until Holly’s eighteen. But, can I get her off?’ Yeah that didn’t seem like a conversation he wanted to have.

His hard on was pulsing so much, he needed to relieve it. He stripped and stepped into the shower and

As he dried himself, he received a text from Holly.

H: Just got to mine with the girls. I love you. Xx

His body remembered
well; the earlier activities and he took deep breaths to calm himself.

A: Thanks for letting me know. I love you too.xx

He received a text from Ben, letting him know he would pick up the guys on the way to Alex’s house.
Riss and Kayla would be driving them back.

Alex’s parents would be driving to the party and he would be driving their car back for them

Alex was actually looking forward to his and Dev’s birthday party. It was just close friends and family, but he was excited to show Holly off to everyone.
He had no doubt that they would all love her.

Alex went downstairs for a drink, and his parents were in the kitchen.

“Here’s my birthday boy!” Said Evie with a huge smile, walking towards Alex with her arms wide.
She and Rami had just gotten back from work as they still had their ‘doctor’ clothes on.

“Aw honey, he’s a man now.” Chuckled Rami.

“He’ll always be my baby.” She said proudly, looking up at her son. Who, at six-feet three, towered over her five-feet nine.

“Are you ok son?” Rami asked.

“Yeah why?” Said Alex as he drank from his water bottle.

“It’s just, you look…frustrated.”

Alex choked on the water and Evie patted him on the back as he coughed.

” He finally managed to say when he got his breath back. “What the hell?”

Rami was laughing hard.

“I didn’t mean
frustrated. I meant like you look somewhat uncomfortable about something.”

“No I’m fine.” He said as he ran a hand over his face.

“Uh huh.”

“What is it? Have you and Holly had a fight?” Evie asked.

“What? No! Not at all.”

Fight? Why would they ask that? Do I look upset?

“Holly’s great.” He said, and he couldn’t stop the smile spreading across his face.
“She’s perfect”

“Why the sad face then?” asked Rami.

“I’m not sad…” Alex said as he walked out of the room. “…Just frustrated”

“Wha…?” He heard his Mom say as he went upstairs.

He needed to get his clothes ready for the party.

It was starting at seven, and it was already after four thirty.
It didn’t take him
long bout the guys were coming over at five, and they’d probably want to hangout and talk before they had to leave.

Over at Holly’s house, the girls had been discussing make up colours for the night and the song requests they could think of, to shake their stuff to. All to make the boys go wild.

“Hol, you’ve
to show us some belly dancing moves!” squealed Kayla. “Kyle said he loves my ass, so I want to move it like Shakira.” She giggled.

Kayla had been excited to tell Holly and Dev about what had happened between her and Kyle the day before. They’d left the house and talked about how they’d liked each other for a while. They’d gone out that night and, like Riss and Ryan, decided they were officially a couple. With keeping try to how her and Riss were alike, she had ‘done it’ with Kyle after their first date.

“Won’t you be too sore to get him excited?” asked Dev, as Holly was busy putting huge rollers in her hair.

“I kinda feel ok, but getting him a little excited could be fun.” She beamed.

“Yeah.“ added Riss. “Ryan will flip if he sees me doing that.”

“Ben won’t be able to contain himself, Dev.
He’ll have no choice but to react to you.” Said Kayla.

“We know you like him, Dev, and somehow, I don’t think he sees you like a sister. He looked close to blowing, at lunch when you were talking about your dress.”

Dev looked up at Holly will big, pleading, eyes.

“Ok, sure” Holly said as she finished putting the last roller in Dev’s hair.

“Yay!” Dev clapped her hands together. The girls stood and moved their things to make room.

Holly demonstrated hip lifts and the basic shimmy. Showing them how to stand and isolate their hips by bending the knees, straightening out one leg and then changing to the other, whilst keeping the upper body still. Then, picking up speed so their hips were doing a ‘shimmy’.

“Wow, you
good at that.” Said Dev.

“Thanks.” Blushed Holly.

She showed them how to do an undulation move, by lifting and lowering the chest and contracting then releasing the lower abs.
The finished move looked like a body roll, only no exaggeration.

Riss gasped.

“Oh that is
hot. Such a small movement but it’s so… sexy.”

The girls couldn’t wait to try them out on the guys.

“Don’t you think it kinda looks like…having sex?” Kayla whispered quietly. “I mean, the girl on top.
I watched an episode of Game Of Thrones, and the girl was teaching Daenerys how to ‘ride’ her husband. It totally reminds me of that.”

“It’s probably supposed to.” Said Dev, giggling.

“Shit, I know we’re not particularly good at it, but Holly, if you do that…Alex will cream his pants!” laughed Riss.

I might just throw in a couple of moves.

“Ooh she’s thinking about it.” Squealed Kayla.

“Please, Holly. It’s my birthday and I want you to do this. Pweeaase?”
Dev begged.

“Maybe a little. I…”

“Yay wahoo!” Dev cheered, not letting Holly finish her sentence.

“Ok. A few more.”

Holly showed them a few hip thrusting movements they can do whilst walking, and also the hip roll, hip lifts and figure eights.

“Ryan is gonna
Riss said excitedly as she and Kayla went into Holly’s bathroom to put on their makeup.

“So…?” Dev asked.


“Come on Hol, I can see something’s up. You haven’t acted like this since worrying about Alex. Is something wrong?”

Holly knew she might have looked a little on edge. Truthfully, she was. Flashbacks of earlier, in Alex’s room, were giving her the jitters.

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