Weekends Required (25 page)

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Authors: Sydney Landon

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Women, #General

BOOK: Weekends Required
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“My Jason?”

Instead of typing her mother said, “Y..es. Yo..ur Ja…son.”

Claire sat down heavily in the chair beside the bed. “How?”

Her mother turned back to the computer and typed, “He comes to see me.” Just when she thought there were no more surprises where Jason was concerned, she was completely floored.

“Mom, when does he come to see you? I’m here all the time.”

With more taps on the keypad, her mother said, “When you take Louise home.”

“Mom, just once?” asked Claire.

Almost reluctantly, she said, “Every evening.” More typing followed, “He’s a good man, and he loves you.” Claire felt like she was in the twilight zone. Her mother, who on a good day seemed out of it, was talking to her via a computer that Jason, whom she’d practically thrown out of her apartment last week, bought for her. Jason was now apparently visiting her mother, whom he had never officially met, in the hospital every evening after she left. Had the entire world gone insane?

“Mom, um, I’m at a loss here. Why would Jason be visiting you and how does he know I’m not here?” Suddenly, her mother looked at her with a bright smile and started laughing. Claire rushed to the bedside fearing she was having another stroke. “Mom, calm down, this isn’t good for you.”

Her mother shook off her concern and typed again, “Mom now taking care of you for once. I’m not letting you lose him. I told him about your father, about your fear. My story to tell, he understands now.” She’d never seen her mother look so happy and free. When most people would be terrified of what they were facing, she looked like she’d slain a dragon.

It took a long time with her mother alternating between trying to put the words together to speak and using her new computer, but they talked about her father for the first time. The person that she thought her mother to be was so different from the reality. Her mother had spent her entire life trying to protect them, and in the end had come close to losing herself. Having the stroke in a way saved her life.

Dr. Mauldin had taken her off all the Alzheimer’s medications and the confusion she’d lived under the last few years was clearing. Dr. Mauldin believed that instead of having Alzheimer’s, she was dealing with depression and anxiety due to the trauma of living with an abusive husband and then the loss of her daughter. The medication she’d been prescribed was actually keeping her from recovering. Her diabetes medication was also adjusted, and the change in her mental clarity was nothing short of amazing. This was a woman Claire had only ever caught glimpses of through the years.

Her mother also told her that when Jason had visited her the first time he had just missed Claire. After that Louise always called him when she was leaving so he could visit without upsetting her. He came each evening and read to her or just talked. Last night he had brought the computer and taught her how to use it. It was obvious from her mother’s expression that she really liked him.

Claire knew in her heart that her mother would have never been so comfortable around a man who reminded her in the least bit of her husband. Everything that Jason had done for her, although way overboard, had been to help her because he cared. He hadn’t been trying to control her or make decisions because he didn’t feel like she was competent. He simply wanted to help people. He visited her mother each night because he had a big heart, not to gain something from her. Claire looked over at her mother, a smile forming on her face. Her mother said one word, “Go.”


  Chapter Twenty Seven



Claire didn’t know when or if Jason would be home, but she was determined to sleep in her car if she had to. She didn’t want to talk to him over the phone or at the office; she wanted to see him in person. She needed to see if she could salvage something after the way she’d hurt him. Yes, he shared in the blame, and if they were to have a future together, he would have to learn to step back and let her handle her life. She’d been sitting in his driveway for almost three hours. It was midnight, and she was yawning and trying to stay awake when approaching headlights flooded her car.

She was parked to the side, and Jason didn’t even notice her until he was pulling into the garage. His car slammed to a halt as he stared at her car. He turned off the ignition to his Mercedes, leaving it half outside the garage and rushed over to her door. He opened it and asked urgently, “Claire, what’s wrong? Did something happen to your mother?”

In the dim light of the car, Claire could make out the tight grooves around his mouth. His beautiful blue eyes seemed so much duller than the last time they’d been together. She reached up and ran her finger down the side of his face, feeling the familiar angles, committing it to memory once again. Jason caught her hand and shook it slightly as if afraid she was in shock. “Baby, what’s going on? Talk to me!”

As if a dam has broken, tears poured from her eyes as she said, “Everything is ok, I needed to see you.”

Suddenly, Claire could see his face take on a guarded expression. “Claire, just go home. I can’t do this again.”

As he started to straighten and pull away from the car, Claire grabbed his hand and said, “I love you Jason.”

Jason pulled back from her, shaking his head. “You’re killing me, please just go home.”

Jason walked away from her towards the door in his garage leaving his car still half out of the garage. Quickly getting out of her car, Claire caught up with him as he was unlocking the door. “Jason,” She began, “I know you have been going to see my mother every evening; I know she told you about my father.” Claire waited for his reaction as his shoulders stiffened. As he turned slowly around, Claire was taken aback by the desperate sadness and longing she saw on his face.

“Claire, I’m sorry; I know now that I did everything wrong with you. By loving you so much I turned into everything you’d ever feared. I wanted to take all your pain away, and instead I only gave you more. I drove you away, and I know you will never trust me again, you will always think I’m like him.”

Claire put her finger to his lips to stop the flow and wrapped herself around him. He stood in her embrace, still and resistant. She gently laid her lips against his and whispered, “I love you; you’re everything I ever wanted and was afraid I would never find.”

Beautiful blue eyes searched hers and he couldn’t miss the love pouring from them. Then crushing her in his embrace, he pressed his lips against hers as they shared a tender kiss full of love and promise. Some minutes later, Jason pulled back, his breathing rapid. “Claire, I love you so much and I’m sorry for everything. Please put me out of my misery and marry me because I can’t make it without you. I promise to try to control the urge to solve all your problems. I love you desperately so please be gentle with me if I stumble occasionally.”

Looking up at the man that she loved so much, Claire said, “I would love to marry you but do you think we could go inside now before I rip your clothes off right here?” Never had Claire been pulled through a door in such record time.


   One Year Later




Claire was smiling as she walked into her husband’s arms. After a quick kiss, anxious blue eyes searched her face. Claire had been sick on and off for the last few weeks and unable to kick the stomach bug making its rounds. Finally, Jason insisted on her going to the doctor. Despite his protests, she went alone assuring him that he didn’t need to leave work to go with her. Claire knew how hard Jason worked to overcome his constant need to take care of her, and she realized it had been sheer torture for him not to accompany her today.

“Baby, what did the doctor say?”

With her best serious expression, Claire said, “Well, he said that I should be fine… in about eight more months, that is.” Seeing the look of confusion and fear in his eyes, Claire took his hand and gently lowered it to her stomach.

The confusion started to clear, and his eyes lit up with joy. Swinging her up in his arms, he said, “A baby?”

“Yep, Mr. Danvers, all that overtime you have been putting in lately um… in the bedroom has really paid off.”

He rubbed her stomach gently and said, “I love you Mrs. Danvers.” He then put her aside and started to leave the room. “I need to get started on planning our little one's future right away.” Mouth hanging open, Claire looked at him, not believing her ears. He looked back at her and started laughing. “I’m sorry baby; I couldn’t resist. I promise, no planning, unless we’re both in on it.”

Claire swatted his arm and said, “You’re so bad. Now, how about we take a walk on the beach and tell our neighbors the good news?”

 With his arm around her, Jason carefully led her down the path to the beach; as if afraid she would break. Lights twinkled from a newly built house in the distance. Soon, they were approaching a house very similar in design to their own, only a smaller version.

Jason held her hand and assisted her up onto the back deck. Through the glass door, Claire saw a smiling Louise coming, her mother not far off her heels. “Hey you two, just in time for dinner, I made a big pot of spaghetti.”

Claire was amazed at everything that had happened in the last year. Her mother still had limited use of her left arm, but her speech had improved so much that the computer was no longer necessary to help her talk. Since being taken off all the medication that she’d not needed in the first place her ‘bad days’ seemed to be a thing of the past. She went to a therapist weekly and although the memories of the abuse she’d suffered would always be there, they were no longer controlling her life.

Jason had offered to design and build a house for her mother and Louise. He asked them what they wanted and their answer… one just like theirs except smaller, and that was exactly what they got. Louise had invited Janet to live with them too, but she had a new boyfriend and was suddenly happy living alone again. Her mother was glowing now and looked ten years younger.

Another person walked in from the kitchen trailing her mother. Jason stepped forward, hand extended and said, “Tom, good to see you again. Making a lot of house calls lately aren’t you?” The older man laughed as he shook Jason’s hand and gave Claire a hug. Her mother and Dr. Mauldin had grown close during her hospital time, but a relationship had only started when they met again a few months ago in the grocery store.

Like her mother, he was also a widower, and they found they had many similar interests. He was now a regular visitor and Claire suspected there might be more good news soon. Her mother made it clear though that no matter what happened, she and Louise were a package deal, and that would never change. As they all walked to the dining room and were seated, Jason lifted her hand and kissed it. “Claire and I have some exciting news.”











The cover art for this book was provided by


 A special thank you to Author Elle Lothlorien for your advice and encouragement, it made me want to finally finish my first book.


 Also a big thank you to my husband who put up with me sitting at the computer at every opportunity and bouncing all my ideas off of him each day.






Thank you for purchasing Weekends Required. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I would love to hear your comments, please feel free to email me at
[email protected]
or visit my website sydneylandon.com for updates on future books. If you enjoyed this book, please leave a review on amazon.com.



There are tentatively three books planned for the Danvers Series. The next book in the series is scheduled for Spring of 2012 and will be Suzy’s Story. Please continue reading for an excerpt from the first Chapter of
Not Planning on You


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  Chapter One



“Crapple Dapple, are you kidding me?” Suzy looked at her best friend Claire in horror.

“Crapple Dapple?” asked Claire.

With a wave of her hand, Suzy said, "Oh yeah, I’m trying to stop cursing so much at work. The new receptionist they hired for our section crosses herself every time I roll out a four-letter word; it’s kind of creepy.” Suzy gave Claire a few moments to recover from the laughter shaking her body and got back to the question she’d asked.

“Claire, earth to Claire, come back.”

Claire finally wiped the tears from her eyes and composed herself enough to continue. “Um yeah, sorry Suz but you heard me correctly. Grayson is going to take over daily operations at Danvers for the foreseeable future, and Jason prefers that he relocate here to Myrtle Beach to do that. He trusts Grayson, and although he’ll continue as the CEO of Danvers, Grayson will step up as the President of Operations.”

Last year Danvers International merged with Mericom creating the largest communications company in the United States. Grayson Merimon was the CEO of Mericom which was based in Charleston, South Carolina. Much to her chagrin, he had been spending a lot of time at the Danvers Headquarters since the merger was complete. Tall, dark and handsome, yes he had it all. The man looked like sex on a stick, and he had made no secret of the fact that he was very interested in her.

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