Weekend With Her Bachelor (Bachelor Auction Returns Book 4) (14 page)

BOOK: Weekend With Her Bachelor (Bachelor Auction Returns Book 4)
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Gavin lay on
the bed in the room, thinking about all the things that had transpired so far that day. Talk about one for the books. Ally was at the location where the wedding ceremony was going to take place, dealing with last minute details. He wanted to talk to her, but he just didn’t know if there would be time.

She could be pregnant. And what floored him about the idea was that he didn’t hate it. In fact, he liked it. A lot. Mostly because it meant he could keep Ally. Which was the wrong reason for wanting a kid.

This truly sucked.

When she rolled back in his life, Gavin never expected Ally to affect him like this. All he wanted to do was avoid complications. There were so many things wrong with their relationship, not the least of which was the distance. They didn’t live in the same place, and unless one of them made a big change, it didn’t look like they were going to.

The thing was, he was considering it. If she wanted it, he might move to Seattle and get a job there. Gavin just didn’t want to lose her again.

Outside, the sound of a golf cart pulling up in front of the cabin let him know she was back. It didn’t take long for Ally to fly into the bedroom and fall face first onto the mattress.

“I am so tired.”

“Do you have time for a nap?” he asked.

“Not really.” Scooting herself up on the bed, Ally grabbed a pillow and turned on her side, facing him. “I have to get dressed soon. So much to do. But the bride looks stunning! I saw her a few minutes ago.” She was giddy over the plans coming together. He knew she’d been working hard on this event.

“I’m sure she’s beautiful.” He paused. “You really love your work, don’t you?”

She smiled. “It can be very stressful, but yeah. I really do. It’s happy work.”

He didn’t know if he should do this, but he wanted to know where they stood. “Have you ever thought of basing your business in Montana?”

Ally froze and looked him in the eyes. “I haven’t, why?”

“I don’t know. I just thought we might be able to make a go of this if you were closer.”

“Much of my business is based in the city. I don’t know if it would survive a move like that.”

“Right. Sure.”

“I mean I love home, but… it would be a huge change.”

“Yeah, it would. I guess I just wanted to float it out there.”

He waited. She didn’t say anything. Didn’t ask him if he would consider moving.

Her silence spoke volumes. Maybe this was really a friends with benefits arrangement, nothing more, and Ally hadn’t realized it.

“Are you angry, Gavin?”

Sitting up, he tried not to react. He couldn’t, because he already felt like a fucking idiot. “What time do we have to be there?”

“We have a little time. A couple of hours, at least. Why aren’t you talking about this? I didn’t realize me moving was something that had to be considered.”

“It’s not. Don’t worry about it. I had a thought, that was all.”

The way her brows furrowed let him know she wasn’t quite buying it. “If you say so.”

“It’s good.” He stood and stepped away from the bed. “I’m going to take a shower, unless you need to go first.”

Crawling across the bed, Ally knelt up and placed her hands on his chest, her lips curling into a kittenish smile. “We could share a shower. Yes?”

He wanted nothing more than to take her. To bury himself in all that warm, wet heat. But he couldn’t right now. He had to draw the line someplace.

“If I get you in that shower, you aren’t going to be able to walk later.”

“There’s some appeal to that, you know? What does that tell you?”

He kissed her lightly. “That you really like sex.”

“I like sex with you,” she purred. “Come on, Gavin. Let’s take a shower.”

She was like a siren drawing him in. Her lips skimmed his jaw, teasing a response, and his sharp intake of breath gave her exactly what she wanted.

“You’re going to be the death of me, Ally. I swear,” he growled.

“Nah. This is going to be fun. I can’t wait to hear you scream.” She was a tease of the highest order.

“I’m not a screamer,” he said flatly. “But you are welcome to try.”

With that, he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her, walking the short distance to the bathroom. Ally was already stripping her clothes off as he carried her—her top and bra went first, then she started working the buttons on his shirt.

Once her feet hit the floor, she went right for the button of his jeans.

“You are impatient,” he said. As angry as he was feeling, he was at her mercy—whatever she wanted. So if this was it for them, Gavin was going to make sure he rocked her world.

But Ally was being pretty damn aggressive; she was in nothing but a thong while she yanked his jeans and briefs down. He was hard as a rock, and moaned as Ally stroked him from his balls to the tip.

“Don’t run away,” she cooed. Stepping back, she leaned into the shower and turned on the multiple sprays. “Now, what should we do first?”

“You are shameless.” Gavin had never been with a woman like her. The confidence, the knowledge of what she wanted, was a major turn-on. She pressed her body to his, her hands grazing a path down his sides. He was all hers. Even if he didn’t want to be. Even knowing he may never see her after the weekend. He was hers.

“I want you, Gavin. I want to take you inside me. Feel you move. Be close.”

“You have me, all of me.”

The shower jets soaked them as soon as they stepped in the tiled space, raining down on their bodies like a summer storm. The feelings churning inside them were as tumultuous as a heaving ocean, all consuming and wickedly dangerous.

He kissed her, holding Ally as close as he could, until their bodies almost melted together.

Gavin never thought much about his heart. He was about his work, about his family. He wasn’t an emotional guy. But with Ally, he felt everything. He wanted a life that had her in it, but if he couldn’t have that, he’d take the now. He’d make her feel what he felt.

In a move that made her breath catch, Gavin lifted her up, pressing her back to the wall, and slowly lowered her down onto his erection. He watched her face as he entered her, the bliss, the pleasure, washing over her.

It was beautiful. She was beautiful, and for a little while longer, she was his.

Chapter Ten

here was nothing
like a ride in a horse-drawn carriage. It was especially nice when the carriage dropped you off at your door after a really great party. Ally was giddy with happiness. The wedding was her most successful yet; the guests had had an amazing time, and the bride and groom had the memory of a lifetime.

On top of it all, the resort wanted to contract with her to be their official event planner. It appeared Ally would be spending more time in Montana after all, so maybe moving wasn’t so far fetched.

Now she could crawl into bed besides the most handsome date ever, celebrate with a bottle of very expensive champagne she’d grabbed from the bar, and then fall blissfully to sleep.

Ally had some details to finish up after the party broke up, and sent Gavin back to the cabin with a kiss and a thank you. Just being with him had made the whole weekend better. Now they had another full day together to sleep late, make love, and enjoy this amazing place before heading back to civilization. She couldn’t wait to tell him about the offer from the resort.

Lars had asked about the engagement ring before he left the reception, and all Ally told him was that she donated the money she got for the ring to a great charity. She also informed him where he could buy the ring back if that’s what he really wanted. Ironic, that the ring that tied her to another man had brought her such happiness with another.

She never seen a man in a huff, but Lars stormed off like a hormonal thirteen-year-old girl. It made her giggle a bit. What a jerk. He deserved everything he got. Karma was definitely biting him in the ass.

Oddly, Gavin’s truck was parked outside the cabin, and for a second she wondered why. Walking up the steps and into the main room, she stopped short, dropping her shoes, when she saw Gavin’s duffle packed and sitting on the couch.

Going to the bedroom, he was sitting on the edge of the bed in jeans and a soft grey Henley. He wasn’t climbing into bed with her. The truck. The bag. It was obvious: he was leaving.

“You want to tell me what’s going on?” Shit. Her voice was shaking. “Why is your bag packed?”

He rose, the look on his face telling her there was no use in arguing. “I’m heading out. I figure with the roads quiet, I can get back to Bozeman in a couple of hours.”

“Why are you leaving?”

He stuffed his hands in his pockets. “I think you know why.”

“No, I don’t know,” she snapped. “I have no idea. Obviously you didn’t tell me the truth today when I asked what was wrong. Is that what we’re doing now, playing a guessing game?”

“I’m not going to cry about my feelings, Ally,” he snarled. “I have some pride. You’re not into this relationship the same way I am. I thought you were, but I was wrong. Fine. We’ll move on.”

“What are you talking about? I’m not into it? I love you. I love you so much it hurts.”

He froze at her declaration. Softening for a second, but then seeming to shake it off.

“We can’t do this long distance,” he said, “no matter how we feel about each other. You know it. But you’re content with the life you have in the city, and that’s fine.”

“So that’s it. No conversation, no discussion. You’ve made the decision and we’re over.”

She walked into the living room and looked out the large front window. It was so dark; the sky was a blanket of stars. She’d never have this view in Seattle. Never have it anywhere but home. Gavin’s hands settled on her shoulders. “We never even got started, Al. Isn’t it best to cut our losses?”

“I don’t understand. Is it because I said I couldn’t move? I didn’t say no. Just that it would be difficult.”

“That’s true, but you didn’t seem too keen on the idea, and I’m not begging.”

“Begging. Discussing something is begging now. Okay. You know, Gavin, I didn’t hear you say anything about moving to the city. It was all about me moving back to Montana.”

“You never
me to move. I want you as part of my life, Ally. Do you want me in yours? That
goes both ways.”

Boom. Had she really not said anything?

Never in her life had she felt such pressure in her chest. The pain was so raw, so acute, she could barely breathe. But was she supposed to be a mind reader now? Could he just walk away, knowing she wanted to be with him? Knowing she loved him? If he did, then he wasn’t who she thought he was.

“Go,” she squeaked out. “Just go.”

“Ally, I’m sorry, but this is better for both of us.”

“If you say so.” She didn’t even bother telling him the good news about the resort. It didn’t matter anymore. “Drive safe.”

He didn’t offer any more explanations, or excuses. Gavin placed his cowboy hat on his head, put on his jacket, and grabbed his duffle. They parted when he dropped a kiss on her cheek, but Ally didn’t move. She didn’t even watch him leave the cabin.

The engine of the big Ford roared to life, and when he pulled away she could follow the tail lights as the truck made its way down the road. Once it had vanished from sight, Ally locked the door and grabbed the champagne, figuring getting drunk was the only thing left to do. But suddenly, the bedroom felt wrong without him there. Empty. Sad. They’d thoroughly enjoyed each other the last few days, and now just like that, it was over.

“I don’t understand, Gavin,” she mumbled before taking a long sip of the champagne right from the bottle. “You could have told me.”

Running through the day in her head, she tried to think of the point when their relationship shifted. She remembered when he asked her about moving her business; he didn’t exactly ask her to uproot her whole life. But he was right, she didn’t invite him to be part of hers. She’d never even put that out there.

He could have mentioned it on his own. Made the offer. But would he have done that without an opening from her? This weekend had been all about her life, her people. Never once had she thought about how, or if, Gavin might fit in.

Of course, he was charming and fun at the wedding. Everyone loved him; hands down, she always had her best time when Gavin was involved.

She assumed, foolishly, that everything would fall into place.

The problem was he was the only one talking about how to make it work.

“He could have mentioned it,” she said aloud, drinking more. “Men. Pssht. Maybe I’ll just get a cat.
Or ten

It was stupid of her to be mad, because Gavin wouldn’t have brought it up. He never would have assumed anything, or pushed a point. He respected her too much to insert himself into her life without hearing from her first that he was welcome there.

A respectful man. Just her luck.

It had been her move, her chance to help them find their future, and she’d bungled it. She screwed up a chance at true happiness—again. He was the only man she wanted to be with. The only one.

After another long pull from the bottle, Ally felt her eyes burn. One tear came, and then another and another. She didn’t even try to stop them.

She’d made a mess of everything, and that realization is what did it. The floodgates opened and Ally sobbed, as her heart shattered into a million pieces.


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