Wedding Heat: One in the Hand (2 page)

BOOK: Wedding Heat: One in the Hand
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“Oww!”  It must have been hard, because Joey dropped his video thingy.  “Mom, Vanessa fucked up my game!”


“Language,” Cora chided before turning her gaze on Vanessa.  “Ness, violence is not the answer.”


With a deep sigh, Vanessa leaned into her hoodie-pillow.  “Whatever.”


Cora’s heart hurt now, as it did whenever the family argued.  Her skin felt itchy, too, and she scratched her wrist until Dan set a big hand across her fingers, a silent but necessary chastisement.  “Why don’t you see if we get a radio station out here?”


Good idea.
Music would clear the air.


Cora fiddled with the dials until she picked up a strong signal.  By some miracle of nature, the station played a perfect combination of adult contemporary and classic rock.  The kids didn’t complain, and when Cora at last worked up the courage to turn around, she found that Vanessa had fallen asleep.


Even in those army-green pants and a T-shirt that read “Pussy Club, New Members Welcome,” Vanessa looked just like a doll.  Such a pretty face.  It was a shame she insisted on cutting her hair short, and refused to wear make-up.


Cora had once asked her daughter, “Why can’t you be a lipstick lesbian?  You don’t have to look a fright just because you go out with girls.”  But Vanessa had responded by bolting to her bedroom and slamming the door.


Joey had finally given his game a rest.  Now he stared out the window as they drove past lichen-covered sheets of pink-hued rock.  As much as she and Dan had complained about the cost of staying the whole weekend at some luxurious resort just to witness the marriage of their niece to
notorious good-for-nothing, she had to admit it was nice to get away from the city.


“Maybe we could rent a cottage this year.”  Cora reached forward to turn down the volume on the radio. Joey was now snoring in the back seat, a perfect complement to his sister on the other side of the car.  “A little cabin on a lake, just the two of us?”


Dan didn’t seem to take the hint.  “All in all, this weekend’s gonna eat up our vacation budget for the year.”


“Yeah.”  With a resigned sigh, Cora gazed out the window, watching the rock face recede and pine trees rise up in its place.


“Doesn’t seem right to ask the family to dish out all this money just to come to their wedding,” Dan said.  “Bad enough we had to buy them a four-hundred-dollar sugar bowl.”


Cora laughed.  “It wasn’t four hundred dollars, and it wasn’t a sugar bowl.”


“We didn’t go overboard like this when we got married.  We registered for the basics, for things we really needed.”


“But we were establishing a household,” Cora reasoned, watching the firm line of her husband’s jaw as he chewed on her words.  “Maggie and what’s-his-name have been living together for years.  They already have everything they need.  The rest is just gravy.”


“Exactly!  Gravy on my dime.”  Dan cruised along, oblivious to Cora’s hand sneaking in next to his thigh.


He was so handsome.  Cora caught herself thinking so more and more these days.  Men were lucky that way

they only got better with age.  Dan was stronger now than he’d been when they got married, and the grey sneaking in around his temples made him look inarguably distinguished.  She wished he wouldn’t dye his hair.  It would look better if the silver took over completely, but Dan had his pride.  Everybody did.


When Cora’s fingers met the bare skin of his knee, he jumped and flicked her hand away.  Cora was just about to feel hurt when he chuckled and said, “Sorry, I thought you were a spider.”


Cora smiled and moved in closer.  “You know, you shouldn’t have teased Vanessa like that.”


“Like what?”  Dan gasped when Cora petted his thigh, searching for something.


“About Maggie,” Cora said.  “Maggie was the first person in the world Vanessa came out to.  They were only young then, maybe fifteen or so, but Maggie wasn’t very nice about it.  That’s what caused the rift between them.  It set Ness back terribly.  She didn’t tell anyone else she was a lesbian for two years after that.”


“I didn’t know.”  Dan glanced down every so often, following the path of Cora’s insistent hand across the crotch of his khaki shorts.  “Ness never told me.”


“There are some things a girl only shares with her mother,” Cora consoled.


“Still,” he said, obviously hurt.  “I thought Vanessa and I were close.”


Cora smiled.  “You’re a good man, Charlie Brown.”  She found the button on his shorts and forced it through the hole.


“What are you doing?” Dan hissed, pulling away, though he really had nowhere to go.  “The kids are right there!”


With a shrug, Cora pulled down the zipper on his fly.  “The kids are fast asleep and, anyway, they’re not kids anymore.”


Dan focused on the road.  There were no cars around at this stage, but he seemed to pretend he didn’t notice Cora pressing her hand inside his shorts, finding his cock hard in anticipation.


“What are you doing?” he asked again, stammering this time, his voice a raspy whisper.


“Nothing,” Cora chimed back at him, coyly rubbing his erection overtop of his black jockey-boxers.  He even wore sexier underwear than she did, these days.  And, god, was he ever stiff, his cock hot and throbbing against his undies.  She had to feel it against her skin.


“Stop!” Dan chastised as she fished inside the slit in his underwear, pulling out his hard-on.  “What if they wake up?”


Cora glanced back quickly, but it was hard to look away from Dan’s big dick.  “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.  For now, just shut up and let me get you off.”


There was a faint growl in the back of Dan’s throat, but he didn’t argue this time.  He shifted in his seat, his knuckles white, obviously struggling to focus on the road.  Cora, for her part, couldn’t keep her eyes off the bead of precum glistening at the head of her husband’s cock.


It felt terribly naughty to be doing this.  There were dozens of dirty words floating around Cora’s head.  She wanted to say, “God, your cock looks good” or “If it wasn’t for that steering wheel, I’d plant my face in your lap and suck that hard-on until you filled my throat with cum.”  Yes, she wanted to say those things, even whisper them, but she wouldn’t risk waking the kids.


The thought of Vanessa and Joey knowing what their parents were up to in the front seat turned Cora’s stomach.  She couldn’t begrudge Dan his trepidations.  She understood.  But the back of their bench seat was high, shoulder level, and it stretched all the way from the driver’s side to the passenger’s.  Even if the kids woke up right now, they could never see what was going on.


“You shouldn’t be doing this,” Dan said in a low, almost inaudible voice.


“Why?”  Cora stroked his hot erection in her fist.  “You married or something?”


Dan chuckled, a strained, pleading sort of sound.  She wasn’t going to stop, no way, no how.  Gripping the base of her husband’s shaft, Cora squeezed as hard as she could, dragging the soft outer flesh of his cock up all the way to the weeping tip.


Oh, she loved his cockhead.  It was, by a slim margin, her favourite part of his dick.  There was something about that red, glistening, bulbous mushroom head that turned her on beyond reason.


She tried to think back to the last time she’d actually seen her husband’s cock, the last time she’d looked at it in the clear light of day, but she couldn’t remember.  They always had sex in the dark, when they had sex at all.  She wouldn’t mind more.  In fact, she’d really love more.


Cora’s seatbelt pressed hard between her breasts as she arched toward Dan.  Her lips grazed his ear and she whispered, “You like me playing with your huge, hard, throbbing cock, huh?”


How could he deny it when his dick was giving him away?


“I want you to come all over the steering wheel,” she told him.  Still quiet, oh so quiet.


His throat clicked, like pleasure was trapped in there, trying to escape.


Cora turned up the radio just enough to cover the hot flapping sound of her hand on her husband’s dick, but not loud enough to wake the kids.  She’d like to straddle him right now, just climb into his lap and ride his cock while he drove down this endless stretch of highway.  There was a hardness beyond the softness of his skin, and that’s what she wanted to feel within her pussy.  She wanted to hug it, tighten all her muscles at once and grasp him inside herself.


“God, I want to fuck you.”  Cora’s hand shuttled up and down his length, faster now, a steady throttle.


“Language,” Dan teased, though his voice was so tight the word was hardly recognizable.


“I’m gonna make you come so hard,” Cora whispered.  “All over the place.  All over your belly and the steering wheel and the crotch of your khakis.  Everywhere.”


“Oh shit,” Dan said, loudly now, suddenly alert.  “Where are we getting off?”


“Everywhere,” Cora said again, wondering why he was being so loud, why he was paying so much attention to the road.


“Cora, grab the map.  What exit was that?”


For a good few seconds, Cora wasn’t sure what he was talking about.  “Exit?”  And then she clued in and reluctantly let go of his cock.  “I think it’s 237 we’re looking for.” She kept glancing down at his erection, still straining from the V of his fly, crying out to be touched.


“There, we’re coming up on it now.”  In one swift motion, Dan reached down and tucked his dick back inside his underwear, then zipped up with one hand.  Cora was wildly depressed to watch his cock go back into hiding.  “Look at the map.  Tell me where to go.”


“Yeah, I’ll tell you where to go,” Cora muttered, flipping open the resort directions.  “Straight ahead.  There should be a sign on the left two kilometres in.”


The kids began to stir.  Cora could feel their rag doll motions like a premature bluster of autumn leaves.


“Are we there yet?” Vanessa asked, her voice crackling and groggy.


“Very nearly.”  Cora pasted on a smile, then glanced at the time on the dashboard.  “Would you look at that?  Friday night cocktails are going to start without us.”


“I guess we’ll have to get in there and catch up,” Joey said with a goofy laugh.  “Glug, glug, glug.”


“Pace yourself,” Dan warned.  “I don’t want to be up half the night listening to you puking your guts out.”


The stamp of rejection on Cora heart shifted aside when she got a glimpse of the resort little Maggie had chosen for her wedding.  The place was rustic in the most luxurious sense of the word.  A carpet of burnt-orange pine needles led them past a shimmering lake.  The sun was just beginning to set, still a pink ball high in the sky and streaked with clouds like ambitious eye shadow.


“Wow, look at those cabins.”  Vanessa tapped on the window, pointing to the row of wood cottages lining the lake.  “Why aren’t we staying in one of those?”


,” Dan said, “cost $2,500 per night.”


Joey gawped. “Holy Mother!  That’s more than I make in three months.”


“That’s because you need to find yourself a better job, full-time, none of this three days a week nonsense.” By the time Cora remembered how upset Joey always became when she went on about his employment situation, she’d already said too much.


But the serenity of the resort grounds must have given Joey some perspective, because he just sighed and said, “I know.”


Maybe now would be a good time to ask him if he might consider taking a few college courses?


Nah, Cora wouldn’t push her luck.


“Last stop, Windhamwood Resort!”  Dan pulled into a parking spot reserved for staff.


“Dan, you can’t park here.”

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