Read Wed to the Bad Boy Online

Authors: Kaylee Song

Wed to the Bad Boy (36 page)

BOOK: Wed to the Bad Boy
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I’d just sold myself into slavery.


“What the fuck did you do?” I hissed as soon as we were off the bike and back at the clubhouse.

But I knew exactly what she’d done.  She had taken a dangerous situation and made it a thousand times worse.

“I had no c—”

“Of course you did.  All you had to do was say no, and we would’ve agreed.”

“Would Snake have agreed? I don’t fucking think so.” She looked at me, her eyes steely.  “There was no choice.”

“We have so much shit going on, Lala.  A fucking war with the Hounds, an alliance with Snake’s MC, and now we add in one of the most powerful, deadly heroin suppliers in all of the fucking mid-Atlantic? Jesus fucking Christ.” I ran my hand through my hair and looked her over.

She was right.  She didn’t have a choice.  Snake saw it as a deal, a chance to get exactly what he wanted at a reasonable price.  Hell.  It was a really fucking good price.

I knew what he was doing, and why he was doing it.  But fuck.  It was going to get us into shit I didn’t want to even dip a toe into.

Just like this whole damn war.

I was ultimately responsible for it.  Bones was the one in charge, but I was there.  I was the acting leader, and I’d just stood there.  I let it happen.

Snake and Strike called all the shots.

And I fucking let them.

I turned away from her and punched the concrete wall of the clubhouse.  It hurt like hell, but it felt good at the same time.  Then I screamed at it, a guttural growl that betrayed all my emotion.

“I can’t fucking have you in this shit.  It’s too damn dangerous, Lala.”

“I’m not a fucking child.  I can handle myself.  I’m in this club too, Cullen.  I was born into it, and like my brother, I’ll probably die in it.  I have to do my duty.”

“Since when did you give a shit about duty?” She didn’t give a shit about the club three weeks ago.  Hell, she hated its guts.  Why would it be any different now?

“Since I’ve been with you.  I’m not going to sit by and watch as you risk your life when I can just as easily do the job.” Her mouth formed in a little “o,” like was shocked that actually came out of mouth.  The kind of look that made me want to grab her and kiss her.

But I needed to fight her.

“I don’t give a shit about putting myself in harm’s way, not when it could mean you’re here and you’re safe, Layla.” That was all I cared about.  “You’re not in the club.  You don’t get to make the decisions, no matter how tethered you feel to it.  You’re a fucking woman.  You think you can protect yourself, really?”

Shit.  That stung.  I knew the look on her face.  This wasn’t going to end well for me.

“Fuck you.  You act like you’re so big and tough, but you can’t just fucking tell me what to do all the time.  I’m sick of your shit.”

“I’m just trying to protect you, Layla.  Don’t be such a baby.  This is stupid.” It was, she was being absolutely ridiculous. 

“Can you even promise that? With no job, I’d be living in a shittier neighborhood than this one, barely scraping by.  Here, I have a roof over my head, a family.  I didn’t want to be here, but it was where I was meant to be.” She was so close.  I could smell her scent mixed with cigar smoke, wind, and the smell of the bonfire from last night.  It was sweet, smoky, and intoxicating.

I grabbed her and pulled her into me.  She kissed me, pulling me close, her teeth scraping against mine as she dug her nails into my back.  I relished it, the pain and the pleasure.  Her anger flooded into her want for me, mixing until I couldn’t tell the two.  When we came up for air, we were both ready to call a temporary truce.

“Come on, let’s get a quick shower.  Want to see water running over that body instead of listening to you run your mouth.” I smiled the most charming smile I could muster and pulled her into me, kissing her hard.

She accepted my plea for a cease-fire, my kiss quieting her protests.  There wasn’t anything left to talk about; there wasn’t anything I could do, and I knew it.  It was the only way I could think to stop the subject without looking like a total fool.  I pulled her into the clubhouse, and back to the bathrooms for the boarders.

There was a set of two bathrooms, each with a shower big enough for two.

“You can’t just block out the consequences of what is happening around us with sex, Cullen.” But when she looked up at me I could see sex in her eyes too, and I knew she wanted it.

She wanted the release that only I could give her, the kind of touch she only wanted from me.  I was going to make her forget everything that happened—everything but me, my presence, my touch.

I needed that for her, and for me.

“You’re right, but I don’t care.” I grabbed her and pulled her into a kiss that she couldn’t deny.  As soon as my mouth swooped down onto her she was lost, caught up in my kiss as I pulled her clothing off, piece by piece, and walked her into that bathroom, closing the door behind us.

“Turn on the water,” I commanded.  I was in charge, of this MC until Bones was around again, and of my own world.

But no matter how hard I tried, I wasn’t in charge of her.

“Why do you always want me in the shower?”

Because when I was with her, in the water, with it pounding on us, I could pretend that it was all there was in the world.

All the rest of it, the death, the destruction, it all fell away when her naked body was in front of me, demanding that I wash her, touch her.  Her body demanded that I fuck her.

It was part of what made me want her, and part of what made me crave her.  Hell, she quieted the voices in my head.  She was the only one who could--the only one who ever could.

I picked her up and carried her into that shower, my erection full against her bottom the moment she wrapped her legs around my waist.

Fuck.  No matter what I did, I couldn’t deny how attracted I was to her.  She made my cock rock hard most of the time, and it took all my willpower to push it away.

I couldn’t help it.  That fucking body, those curves made me want her luscious, gorgeous body.   I wanted all of her, all the time.

And I wanted it.  Wanted her.

“You’re dirty, and you need to be washed,” I told her, as I put the both of us under that shower head, moaning as the hot water hit us, the road grime and the smell of the lodge washing away. 

“Oh, I think you are more dirty than any shower can wash away,” she said to me as she kissed my neck.  I could feel her breasts hard against my chest, rubbing just slightly as she maneuvered up my neck to my chin and then my lips.

I was throbbing hard and I wanted her.  I’d take her fast and hard first, then slow and sweet.   So I pressed her against the shower wall and I fucked her.

I entered her, hard, with no mercy, and she moaned as I pumped myself into her over and over. 

The first time was fast.  It was over almost as soon as it started.  But this was only just the beginning.

When I was done and she was cumming on my cock still inside of her, I looked into her eyes.  “Now let’s get you cleaned up so that I can have you nice and slow.”

I let her down and grabbed the soap.  “I want you clean so that the only thing I taste is you.  All of you.”

“You always do this to me.  I can’t, I can’t say no to you, no matter how hard I try.”

“It’s a part of my evil plot to always get my way.” I said.

“Well, you can keep trying, but it isn’t going to work.”

It already had. 

I wrapped her up in a towel and walked her back toward my room in the clubhouse.  I kept it there, for me, even though I never slept there.  It was a point of pride.  I was the Vice President, and I got a room.  No prospect or wayward member could do anything about it no matter how many had to bunk up together.

“Get your cute little ass in my room so I can hurry up and get a taste of you.” I was hungry for her.  It didn’t matter that we just fucked, I wanted her again.  My cock was already hard, thick and pounding with want, even as I walked bare assed toward my room.

Luckily no one saw us and I was able to sweep her into my room in just a few large steps.  It had me grinning like a wolf.

“Fuck.  You have any idea how hot you are with that shitty ass towel wrapped around you?” It was clean, but it was barely more than a rag, frayed at the edges as it wrapped around her curvy body.  The place where it met just barely touched, so that each time she moved I caught a little peek of her well-trimmed pussy.

“Lay on my bed, baby girl.  Let me have just a taste of you.” I knew a taste wasn’t going to be enough, but if I could convince her that it was all I wanted, she might give in.

She was smarter than that, though.

“I dunno, Cullen.  Do you think you’ve earned it?” She wanted to play cat and mouse, but I didn’t have time for that shit.  I wanted her, and I wanted her now.

So I grabbed her and threw her down onto the bed and grinned, making my way toward her.  “If you won’t give it to me, I’ll just have to take it,” I growled. 

“Fuck, you think you can just bulldoze me and I’ll give in?” The war was back on and she knew it, but not the kind she could win.

I kissed her instead of answering her, and she moaned into my lips, her protests dying down.

“You better make it damn good, Cull.” It was all I needed to hear.

I slipped two fingers inside of her.  She was wet as fuck, and she wanted me.  I could feel how hot she was for me, and I pumped my fingers in and out of her, making her moan.

Fuck.  She felt good.  I wanted to bury my cock inside of her again and give her exactly what we both needed, but I needed to slow down.

I needed to cherish this time with her.

“This pussy is mine, and mine alone,” I said as I filled her with another finger.  “It’s mine.”

My pinky was right against her ass, covered in her juices, and perched right up against that little hole.  “So is your ass.  My pussy.  My ass.”

She nodded, looking at me, and for the first time, I did something she wasn’t expecting.

I slid my pinky into her asshole, and made her moan louder than I’d ever heard before. 

Anyone who was in the club would know exactly what was going on.  But I didn’t care.  Hell, it turned me the fuck on. 

Let them know that I was claiming my woman.  That she was mine.  All.  Mine.

So I started working my fingers in both of her holes, pumping slowly at first until she was used to it, then I bent down and started licking the fuck out of her clit, lapping at it while I worked her over.

Fuck, she looked like a little wildcat, her fists balled up on my comforter as she screamed and moaned, her panting ragged and shallow in between.

It was fucking hot, watching her like that.

So I kept going, until she was at the very edge of her orgasm, her body shaking, her eyes moving quickly under her lids.

It was so damn cute, I couldn’t help but moan into her as I watched it, the little bit of vibration from my voice sending her over the edge.

She bucked into my face, moaning as she shook, her body wild as her cries turned into mewling.  It was then that she said those words that drove me crazy.

“Fuck me, Cullen.  Please.  I need you.  Fuck me.”

When I pulled up from her she was bucking at the air, her little pussy still so full of wanting that she was trying to fuck nothing, as if I would magically appear there inside of her.

I grabbed her and pulled her up, laying down so that she could crawl over me.

“If you want me to fuck you so bad, then get on and ride me, Lala.” I grinned at her, and she did just that.

“No fair.” She crawled on me and grabbed my hot cock with her hand, pumping it a couple of times before positioning herself over me.

“Oh yes.  Totally fair,” I moaned as her hot pussy came down on my cock.

Fuck.  It was so tight, every time.  It was like she was perfectly molded to me, the right width and depth.  Enough to make me want her over and over again.

Most women, well, I used them when I needed them, but I didn’t crave them.

I craved her fucking pussy every damn time.


I grabbed her hips and shoved her down on me, then let her pull up, repeating the process until we were going at a good pace.  She was hot above me, sweating and moaning in that small little room, her body jerking as she arched her back and let me do the work.  She was so busy feeling that she didn’t realize she was going so damn fast.  A couple of times she had to reach down to my chest just to get her balance, but I loved watching her like that.  Lost in the sex we were having, her hair all wild and crazy, still wet from the shower, and dripping down on us both.

She was gorgeous.  Like a dream.  One I couldn’t deny.

She put me in a trance when she was like that, and I let her, until I found myself almost there.  My body trembled as I grabbed her and pulled her onto me over and over again, harder until I erupted inside her.  I couldn’t contain the snarl that unfurled from my throat as we both came together this time.  Her pleasure and mine met at the moment of orgasm.

It felt so fucking good.

BOOK: Wed to the Bad Boy
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