Read Weaver of Dreams Online

Authors: Brenda Sparks

Weaver of Dreams (20 page)

BOOK: Weaver of Dreams
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Chapter 31

Maggie looked up into the azure eyes which seemed so familiar thanks to her dreams. The Zane from her dreams had been sweet and fun, but the Zane in her arms was so much more. He had been her rock, her anchor when her world turned upside down.

Looking down on her with stark hunger shining in his eyes, he waited for an answer to his question.

Are you certain you want this, Maggie? Want me?
Hell yes!

She desired the physical connection to another, to be linked with someone she could trust to keep her safe. She needed to feel sought-after, alive. Maggie wanted to be consumed by him, feel him surround her with his strength.

In answer to his question, she grabbed the hem of his black tee shirt and pulled it over his head. Maggie tossed it to the floor, instantly forgetting it when she saw his bared chest. How to describe it? Sculpted. Sexy.


Her gaze roamed over his chiseled physique like a hot brand. Maggie swallowed. Holy hell, she actually salivated. She had to touch.

Her fingers flew up to trace the line of his broad shoulders. They flowed down his powerful chest, fondled the ridges of the muscles on his flat stomach. She followed the scored lines, her fingers playing in the indentions as she headed toward his most manly part.

Her fingers found the top of his jeans and deftly undid the metal button. His hands grabbed hers, keeping her from undoing his zipper to reach the object of her desire.

“Maggie, I need to hear you say it. Tell me what you want, sweetheart, because once you touch me I’ll be lost.”

Maggie looked into the depths of his blue eyes, drowning in the love she saw there. She had never believed in love at first sight, thought it a myth perpetrated by the movies. Now she knew better. The way Zane looked at her, the way he touched her, left her with no doubt he loved her. She saw it there in his eyes, in the look on his face, and felt the same.

She’d fallen in love with him in her dreams. Maybe all this was still a dream. A wonderful, sexy dream. She didn’t care if it meant she had him to hold her and protect her.

Her hands framed his trim hips. “I want you Zane. I want you to make love to me, make me forget everything but you. I need to get lost in you, if just for a few hours.”

She wanted to feel sheltered and knew she would find that in the strength of his arms. His arm slid behind her back. Zane pulled her to him, drawing her into the heat of his body. Lowering his lips to hers, he took her mouth in a passionate kiss. She melded against him, her arms wrapped around his waist.

Their tongues indulged in a long, slow exploration of their mouths, their tastes mingling until they became one. Her body responded to his as it always did in her dreams, moist heat pooled low in her belly, fiery desire danced over her sensitive skin. When he broke the kiss, she moaned in protest.

Zane stood, looking down at her, his eyes darkened by his hunger. Bare chested, jeans unbuttoned, his hand stretched out to her—he was every woman’s fantasy.
fantasy come to life, and she wasn’t about to wait one more minute to enjoy him.

Maggie put her hand in his and allowed him to pull her to her feet, loving the way his large hand engulfed her much smaller one. She led the way down the hall, struggling to keep from breaking into a run in her haste.

Urgency pushed at her. She craved him, needed him. Now!

She could feel his gaze roam over her as they made their way to her room. Her body in tune with his, she felt his presence behind her. It cocooned around her, wrapping her in its comfort and warmth. She was acutely aware of him. His arousal responded to her own. Their bodies fed off one another as they reached her room.

He stopped and took her into his embrace. Her legs trembled when his hands slid down from her waist to cup the firm curve of her bottom, pulling her closer. Zane’s arousal pushed against her belly as his head bent to steal a kiss. She expected it to be hard, demanding, but instead his lips brushed over hers feather light. They were soft, full. He teased her, made her want more.

Zane took her bottom lip between his teeth and gave it a gentle nip, sending a pleasurable pain sizzling through her. This was more like it. This was how she wanted him—hard, demanding.

His hands worked the buttons of her blouse as he deepened their kiss. His tongue thrust in and out of her in a steady rhythm that brought to mind thoughts of other appendixes doing the same.

He pushed the material from her shoulders. It slid down her arms to pool at her feet.

Maggie’s hands moved to his jeans. This time he did not impede her from her goal. She unzipped his pants and lowered them over his hips to the floor, sending a silent prayer of thanks up to heaven that he chose not to wear underwear. The position put her at the perfect angle. His shaft pulsed before her eyes. He was long, not overly thick, but definitely a handful.

Maggie’s hand closed around the base of his shaft, and stroked up the length, enjoying the feel of him. Like velvet over steel, his skin was soft in her palm, a stark contrast to the hardness beneath. His hips thrust in time to her strokes, their rhythm in perfect harmony.

She cupped the taunt spheres below with her other hand, felt them tighten in her palm, then knelt before him, and took him into her mouth. He stretched her lips when they closed around the mushroomed head. He filled her wholly, forcing her tongue to curl around his length.

Maggie ran her tongue around his manhood, soliciting a low moan from his throat. She pulled him free of the heat of her mouth and flicked her tongue over him from base to tip. Her tongue circled the head of his penis once in a tantalizing movement that sent his breath hissing from between his full lips before she pulled him back into her mouth. Cheeks concave from the strength of her suck, the draw on his most masculine part solicited a low moan from deep within his chest.

His hand went to her hair, holding her mouth onto him. With an almost desperate need, he thrust his hips, working his shaft in her mouth. Her hand tightened around his sack and gave it a slight squeeze. His hips shot forward, sending him down her throat. Not anticipating the movement, she gagged.

He pulled out of her moist mouth. “Sorry.” Zane hooked his hand under her arms and pulled her to her feet.

“I’m enjoying myself.” Maggie gave him a pout. “We didn’t have to stop.”

Zane’s hand cupped her jaw. The pad of his thumb rubbed over her lips. “Yes. We did, or I would have exploded from the pleasure.”

He turned her, undid the hook and zipper of her skirt. His fingers slipped between the waistband and her skin to push the skirt over her hips. Zane let it drop to the floor with a breathy swoosh of fabric.

She stood before him wearing her lace bra and matching panties. Realizing he was naked while she was still partially dressed was a heady sensation. She felt powerful, in control. Exactly what she needed after what happened to them earlier. And he gave her that, as if he instinctively knew her desire for control.

She wanted to make him harder with need for her, wanted to bring him to his knees before her to worship her and make her forget the ordeal they had been through. Maggie’s hands found the clasp of her bra. She popped it loose then slid one strap slowly off her shoulder, watching Zane’s eyes track her movements.

She saw his hunger grow in his eyes, reveled in the knowledge she did that to him. Maggie slid the other strap off her other shoulder excruciatingly slow, before allowing the bra to drop to the floor. His eyes started to follow the material, but then snapped to her breasts, making her pulse quicken. She took her soft globes into her hands, pushed them together in offering.

Zane dropped to his knees before her. His hands covered hers, guiding her to stimulate herself as he would do. Together they kneaded her breasts, pushing her body higher.

His hands left hers, slid down her sides. His fingers molded to her curves until they found her panties.

He pulled the delicate lace fabric down her legs. Maggie stepped from them and a rush of heat pooled at her core. Her need built, quickening her heartbeat until she heard her pulse in her ears. Her body coiled tighter and tighter, needed his touch. Demanded it.

His fingers burned a fiery trail up the sides of her legs to make tiny circles on her thighs, then followed the line of her hips. He continued up her stomach, wrapping his large hands around her tiny waist.

Zane pulled her to him, and feathered soft kisses over her skin. Her stomach flexed under his lips. It twisted inside as he kissed a trail down to her mound.

His hands moved over her sensitive skin, settling on her bottom. Zane’s fingers pushed into the fleshy globes as his mouth descended on her core. His tongue flicked across her sensitive pearl, sending a burning sensation through her that drove her wild.

Her hands left her bosom, grabbed onto his shoulders for support when her knees threatened to fold. Zane gave a long, purposeful lick along her velvety folds, sending a shudder through her. Maggie’s face warmed, her breath increased. She climbed quickly toward the precipice.

Just being in his arms had felt good, but this . . . Having his mouth on her, his tongue giving delicious little licks along her most sensitive spots, drove her mad. Her body tightened, tensed. Her muscles spasmed under his ministrations. A series of fast licks over her tiny nub sent her over the edge. Maggie’s much needed release boiled up from her toes, scorching through her blood to erupt in a fiery sensation which ripped a scream from her throat that echoed off the walls.

He didn’t give her time to recover. With her body convulsing in spasmodic shudders, he pushed her down on the bed and blanketed her with his large frame, settling between her legs.

He took one of her breast into the warmth of his mouth, making Maggie’s head thrash from side-to-side. Too much sensation for one person to take, she decided, and a soft moan pushed through her lips. One hand kneaded her breast as his mouth suckled the other globe.

His free hand found his shaft and positioned it at her heated entrance. A long, slow thrust and he was home. Inch by delicious inch, he filled her, making her shutter.

“Even better than . . .” Before? The store? More? Maggie wasn’t sure exactly what he said, too lost in the sensations created by his wicked tongue on her nipple.

His body invading hers, his thick, hard fullness brought waves of pleasure so intense she struggled to stay in the moment. As he moved, she became lost to everything but the passion building within her. Maggie felt herself rising up to ride another crest of ecstasy, rocketing toward another climax

Zane pulled back, supported his weight on his elbows to peer at her. His eyes turned a deeper shade of blue as he watched his hands knead then pinch her nipples lightly. Maggie arched her back hard when the pleasurable sensation pushed her over the edge, wringing another climax from her as she covered his hands with her own.

She tightened around him, her muscle squeezing, milking him. Maggie opened her eyes and found Zane staring at her intensely. His lips drew into a tight line, perspiration dotted his forehead. Lines of passion etched deep in his face. He looked like he fought his own rising need. Dark lust shone in his eyes.

He plunged within the fiery embrace of her core. His hips worked a furious pace. Zane used her hair to hold her still while he claimed her mouth in a passionate kiss. The whirlwind of sinuous sensation he created within her sent her spiraling again to reach for the heights of ecstasy.

The gentleness left, replaced by raw passion and lust. He demanded her response in his confident way. Maggie’s legs wrapped around his waist and he growled, a low, vibrating sound that resonated from deep within his chest in appreciation. The possessive rumble increased her excitement, sending her desire climbing once more toward that special cliff.

Her world tunneled until only Zane remained. The feel of his body. The taste of his kiss. His heat. She was aware of each rough breath, the wildness of his thrusts.

As he rutted against her, she writhed beneath him in wanton abandonment. A soft keening broke free of her throat with each hard thrust until her climax hit. She screamed his name as her body fragmented into a thousand tiny pieces.

Maggie felt the violent jerk of his hips, a swelling within her. She heard his ragged cry of rapture when he followed her over the edge, having found his own release.

They lay together, their bodies still joined, and Maggie tried to remember how to breathe. After several long moments, he pulled gingerly from her body and shifted to lay beside her in the small bed, having to turn on his side in order to have room.

Maggie turned to him. What did one say after an experience like that, she wondered. Do you thank him? Do you ask him to stay the night?

All she knew was that she wanted him to stay with her. Forever and ever. The moment their bodies joined, she knew she’d found home in his arms. She was meant for him.

No dream had ever been this special, felt this good. They had been perfect together, at least as far as she was concerned.

But did Zane feel the same? Maybe he was like Mark and just going through the motions. Amazing, fabulous motions, but just motions to him. Would he end up leaving her dejected and lonely?

“Tell me what you are thinking, Maggie?”

She looked up and realized Zane had been watching her ever since she had turned his way. “Nothing.”

He gathered her into his arms, making her feel safe and secure again.

Maggie sighed. “I was just wondering if you were going to leave.”

His body tensed.

“Do you want me to go?” he asked cautiously.

Maggie wrapped her arm about his back, and snuggled closer. “No, I’d like you to stay.”

He relaxed against her. “I’d like that.”

They lay in companionable silence, not needing to speak, the way two lovers can when they have been together a long time. She felt like she’d known him for years. It wasn’t just because of her dreams, it was like he had always been a part of her. A part that had been missing until now.

BOOK: Weaver of Dreams
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