Weapon of Desire (27 page)

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Authors: L M Brook

BOOK: Weapon of Desire
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Shivers of exhilaration run down my
back, my breast heave upwards as I draw in a breath of air. “Yes I suppose I am.”

Suki replicates my body curling her legs up and kneeling beside me. She takes a
long gulp of her champagne and leans forward within inches of my face surrounding my slightly partoned lips with her open mouth. The champagne drizzles into my mouth and coats my throat beginning an erotic fire inside me. Suki pulls back after a slow swipe of her tongue around my mouth. My chest is undulating up and forwards with each deep breath and my body aches to be touched again.

“Darcey do you want to play
a game?” Suki takes another long gulp finishing off her glass and slides closer.

I nod spellbound wanting more as I move forwards to meet her with open lips. Our mouths lock
again and the warm liquid flows down my throat as we explore each other’s mouths with probing tongues. God I feel so hot and wet.

I feel her fingers releasing my corset ribbons behind me and freeing my
bosom to flow over the top of my bustier. She pulls back to capture my eyes “Darcey, I’m going to play with you and then I want you to do the same to me, are you ready to play?”

“Yes” I’m oblivious to the fact that I’
m seated half naked in front of this woman I have only just met.

Suki grasps my champagne glass and pours the wine leisurely over my breasts. The cool sensation stimulates my nipples as she lowers her head taking a nipple into her warm mouth, gently nibbling and flicking. Her fingers clamp my free damp nipple and tweak tightly as she continues to suck and tug. I throw my head back and breathe deeply enjoying the game she has begun.
Her tongue diverts to lap and lick up the champagne as it trickles down. I roll my hips to produce friction against my clitoris yearning for her touch.

She pulls back as
my eyes smoulder watching her unzip her dress and step out revealing small pert nipples and a lacy black G string. She picks up the champagne bottle from the coffee table and refills my glass as Anthony lounges back on the sofa. Our eyes meet across the room as he smiles leaning his head back to enjoy our performance.

Suki climbs back onto the sofa kneeling in front of me
where I know instinctively to play my part in her game of pleasure. Kneeling upwards I pour the champagne over her slim body and watch the small bubbles cover her skin and drizzle down her stomach and legs.

Her full smile ignites a lust to lick her as I lower my head taking her nipple into my mouth and softly tug, suck, flick and nibble. My fingers trail across her shoulders and down her damp skin, twisting her
other nipple as I hear her delighted gasps.  The champagne tastes sticky and sweet against her skin as she twirls her fingers in my hair and down my face.

Again she pulls away and
stands holding out her hand inviting me to go with her. Taking her hand I follow down the corridor to the bedroom. I sense Anthony behind me as we enter the room with his lips brushing my shoulder with a soft kiss. Suki stops in front of the bed and unzips my skirt letting it fall to the floor exposing my nakedness. She positions me seated on the edge of the bed, kneeling between my parted legs. Taking the champagne bottle she pours the wine over the tops of my inner thighs and pulsing lips.



Her tongue weaves
across my tingling thighs, around my small triangle of hair and occasionally flicks my clitoris. I lean back onto my arms pushing my hips forward approving of her soft touch. Looking across I can see Anthony’s silhouette in the armchair. Her tongue takes long laps over my lips and circles my sex like a predator waiting for the moment to take its prey by surprise. Her finger eases inside me as her licking and sucking intensifies. I push harder against her kneading hand with heavy sighs of pleasure.

Without notice Suki withdra
ws and stands above me. My cares are scattered with my only desire to be fucked until I come loud and hard. “Your turn to play Darcey.”

Sitting on the edge of the bed I gaze up at Suki who holds the champagne bottle out to me. Rising to my feet I step closer parting her mouth with my tongue and licking her lips, my hands wander along her G string easing the lace over her perfect bottom to slide down her legs to the floor.
Directing Suki around to sit on the bed I push her thighs open wide as I kneel at her feet.

Lifting the bottle I slowly pour the champagne over her nest of dark hairs and along her thighs which glisten in the dimmed lamp light. I taste her wet legs with long swipes of my tongue as my fingers circle her clitoris and cup her dark lips. I suck hard and lick in turn, dipping deep inside her resulting in cries of joy. I reach up for the strapped dildo as Suki slithers around in ecstasy. 

I feel Anthony immediately behind me reaching for the toy and fastening it around my waist as I continue to lick and suck. He raises me upwards switching on the vibrator and directing me forwards to penetrate Suki. Her eyes are wide with elation as I climb on top of her warm wet body and move my hips against hers to the melody of her wails and groans. Anthony’s fingers wander between my legs stroking my aching lips and delving deep inside me. His hardness rests against my bottom and then brushes between my legs. With each plunge of my hips Suki cries with joy as her fingers wander up and down my thighs.

“Anthony I want you now.” I cry out tugging at his hips behind me.

Anthony’s stiff length is inside me and thrusts deep as I push hard into Suki. The vibration on both of us and the continuous unrelenting pumping brings us both quickly to orgasm with screams of delight as I sink onto Suki’s chest. Anthony moans loudly as he pushes deeper and fills me with his warm juices.

“Wow that was amazing.” Suki looks up at both Anthony and I.

I begin to giggle “well that was a first.”

Anthony draws back and then hauls me up and over his shoulder “
Come with me Mrs Hunt your sticky body needs a bath. I think Suki has received sufficient attention. I want you to myself.”

Suki looks down at her watch “Shit Alex will be wondering where I am.” She gathers her shoes and underwear and t
hen can be heard in the lounge re-emerging fully dressed and clutching her reclaimed phone. “This was great guys, call me.” She is gone in a flash.

I lay back against Anthony
in the tub surrounded by bubbles with an array of clothing spread over the floor. His arms hold me close as I enjoy the peaceful soak cushioned between his thighs.

Did you enjoy this evening?” Anthony presses small kisses along my neck as I rest back onto his shoulder.

“It was wonderful thank you.” I feel content and happy to lay here with him all night.
“Did you?”

“Darcey I enjoy e
very minute with you and god you turned me on playing with Suki.” His breathe is heavy as he whispers into my ear. “You aren’t considering running away with her are you?”

I twirl my gorgeous engagement ring with the broadest smile on my face
as I chuckle to myself. Twisting in Anthony’s arms, I look up into his candlelit face

It was fun playing with Suki..……………Anthony I love you so much, promise me you will always be there when I need you.”

“Darcey, you are my world, I will always be there for you.”



I open one eye with an aching head; all of that champagne and eating late has taken its toll. Today of all days! Will I ever learn? I am expected to host a three course lunch for our families. The curtains are open and the sun is shining in a blue sky peppered with the odd cloud.
I turnover to search for Anthony beside me but he isn’t there.

“Good Morning.” Anthony is fully dressed in jeans and a pale grey shirt seated in the armchair with a newspaper on his lap.

“You look too sexy in those jeans to be over there, come here.” I raise my head off the pillow tapping a hand on the bed beside me.

“Darcey you’ve a busy day ahead. You don’
t have time to start something you can’t finish.” He strolls over towards the bed and looks down at me. “I think you have already passed with distinction in the sack. Now I need to know whether my future wife has any cooking skills.” He grins cheekily

“Mr Hu
nt, I’ll have you know that I’ve already prepared the delicious terrine and cheesecake and you’ll not be disappointed with my roast lamb!” I fling the covers back sitting upright then close my eyes as I feel the dull throb in my head.

Anthony laughs “You look convincing!”

I notice fresh clothes lain at the foot of the bed. The room has been tidied with fresh fruit, pastries and juice on a table in the window. “You have been busy.”

“I arranged for Simon to drop in to see Lola and pick up some clothes for you.” Anthony stands to hand me a fluffy bathrobe
and I enjoy being spoilt. “Why don’t you have some breakfast first and then shower? Simon will be back at 10.00am to collect us so you’ve just over an hour.”

“Ok but I need some tablets for my head.” I grab my handbag and notice a missed call from Daniel
only 20 minutes ago. I wonder if Anthony heard it or saw my phone.

Daniel called you.” He sits back in the armchair, cross legged leaning back watching me.

I cringe before turning to face him. Did he mean that they talked or did he see my phone? “Yes I can see a missed call on my phone.”

“Isn’t he in Russia at the moment?” He drills me for knowledge on his whereabouts; he obviously is curious why he is calling me.

“Yes he is.” I decide to keep conversation short regarding Daniel.

“What is so urgent that he is calling you from Russia so early on a Sunday morning?” Anthony doesn’t give in easily.

“I don’t know, perhaps Lola will know more.” I decide to hit the shower first to duck out of anymore questions.

I step inside the wet room which is enclosed with frosted glass cubes on two sides. I turn on the water letting it beat down on my pumping head as I watch Anthony walk by the glass and appears in the doorway.

“Darcey are you still seeing Daniel?” He is stern and uptight as he
waits for my answer.

I spin around angry at his assumption “Of course not!”

Anthony puts up his hands in submission “Ok…. I trust you; I’ll not question you again.” He returns back into the bedroom.

Breakfast was a little tense but Simon arrives on time and breaks the atmosphere.
Anthony is clearly insecure when it comes to Daniel being mentioned. Sitting in the back of the car Anthony strokes my hand. I look into his eyes and can see he is hurting and needs reassurance.

“Anthony I love you.” I squeeze his hand as we
pull in outside Mum’s house. He tugs me close for a tender kiss and then swivels to exit helping Simon to carry in my boxed gifts. Nick opens the door with Lola in tow looking a little blushed.

“Hi Darcey, did you have a good even
ing?” Nick is unshaven and casual with his shirt hanging over his jeans. Lola stands wearing nothing but an oversized man’s T Shirt which must be Nicks.

“Fantastic thank you, and you Nick…. did you have a good evening?” I
look over his shoulder to watch Lola squirm.

Nick smiles “yes a perfect night, good company and wine.” He turns
to kiss Lola on the cheek. “I’ll see you later.”

I conceal a grin as Anthony joins me at the door. “Nick are you ready?”

Nick winks at Lola and then walks towards his car.

Anthony curls his arms around my waist pulling me closer as Lola scurries back inside the house
and upstairs. “I’ll be back at 1.30 ok?”

“Can’t wait…. missing you already. Anthony… thank you for last nig
ht… I enjoyed every minute.” I’m over come with a feeling of not wanting him to go.

“So did I.” A warm long kiss leaves me breathles
s as he makes his way to where Nick is waiting.

In the kitchen Mum is making coffee for Simon. She seems nervous but looks beautiful in a smart pair of black trousers and a fitted lime green silk blouse.

“Mum you look lovely, that colour really suits you.” I give her a hug and kiss joining them for coffee.

“So how was your secretly arranged night with Anthony?”
Mum wants the full gossip but I’m hesitant in front of Simon.

Lola returns to the room w
earing blue jeans and a baby pink cashmere sweater. She has thrown them on with her hair messily put up with no effort whatsoever but still looks every inch a hot babe.

“So Darcey
……. tell all.” Lola sinks bread into the toaster as Mum fusses over her sweater label which is sticking up. She has always had a soft spot for Lola and treats her like her own daughter.

spins around and spots my ring hugging my mug. “Argh……..” she yelps as Mum nearly drops her mug of coffee. “Is that an engagement ring?”

Mum, Lola and Simon stand all staring at me. I sip my coffee, leaning back
against the kitchen counter hoping this will give me time to think of a subtle answer that won’t result in them freaking out.

Without waiting for
a response Lola continues “he’s asked you to marry him….hasn’t he?” She realises that I’m wearing the ring it must mean I have accepted and gasps in horror “you said yes!”

I nod taking another sip of coffee, not needing to offer any more information. Mum and Lola are speechless.

Simon smiles “congratulations Darcey, you make a lovely couple.”

“Thank you Simon.” I manage to splutter over the top of my mug.

“Are you sure Darcey? You’ve only known him a matter of weeks.” Mum looks concerned.

“Oh no….
…..” here goes Lola again “you’re pregnant!”

........ I’m not pregnant! We love each other ……. is that ok with you?” I’m furious at Lola and really shouldn’t be surprised. It was only a couple weeks back that I humiliated Daniel by rejecting his proposal.

I turn my attention to the fridge deciding to prep the lamb and vegetables. There is an awkward silence behind me as I drop my hoard out onto the work surface. Both Lola and Mum wrap their arms around me in a hug.

“I’m sorry Darcey, let’s start again……. I’m so pleased for you. Anthony is a really nice guy.” Lola is genuinely apologetic.

s wonderful news darling…………all I want is to see you happy……..with lots of children that I can cuddle.” Mum approaches kissing my cheek. “So when is the big day planned?”

“We hope to get married before Christmas, when I return from Dubai.” I get stuck in prepping the vegetables and piercing the lamb with garlic and rosemary.

“That soon! There’s a lot to organize.” Mum is now starting to panic.

“Mum stop worrying, I’
ll organize everything.” I start to relax feeling a little squeeze around my waist and a kiss from Mum on my head. This is the difficult part; I know that Anthony’s family will be over joyed. 

Mum please don’t say anything to Freya and Tom as Anthony wants to make an announcement this afternoon.”  

“Ok dear we’
ll not ruin your surprise.”

“So Lola, what hap
pened between you and Nick?” I’m adamant that she too shares her secrets.

“We had a lovely evening drinking wine and listening to music.” Lola does not make eye contact as she continues to chop red onions.

“Oh really so where did you both sleep?” I stop chopping to read Lola’s expression.

“Darcey, leave Lola alon
e.” Mum looks up scornfully while peeling carrots.

“We fell asleep on the sofa if you must know.” Lola grins and resumes chopping.

Together we decorate the dining table with fresh white linen, Mum’s best crystal glasses, champagne flutes, candles and flowers. The terrine is sliced and individually plated with dressing and salad as the lamb slowly roasts filling the house with delicious garlic and rosemary aromas. Simon returns with my pre-order of freshly baked loaves as we finish slicing the cheesecake and soaking the raspberries in liquor.

Finally Lola joins me in searching for something to change into that she felt w
ould be more appropriate for announcing my engagement to Anthony in front of his parents.

“This is better!” Lola holds out my figure hugging lemon dress that sits just on the knee. It is covered with prints of tropical birds and flowers. “Wear your nude high heels and your sassy pearls.”

“Lola I’ve been meaning to ask you whether you’d be my Maid of Honour?” I hastily ask as Lola searches for my shoes. “I’d understand if you didn’t want to because of Daniel.”

Lola rises from the depth of my case wi
th my shoes in her hands “I’d love to be your Maid of Honour; we were best friends before you became Daniel’s girlfriend.”

returns home with Simon to make a quick change and rematerialises looking hot in a turquoise dress and black high heels. Obviously for Nick’s benefit. Feeling relaxed before our guests arrive we sit listening to Mum’s favourite Frank Sinatra album as we sip wine watching Mum spin Simon around the kitchen. He is such a good sport and has been so attentive this weekend.

Sam and Joe
arrive letting themselves in to join us frolicking about in the kitchen. Joe pulls protesting Lola to her feet as I open another bottle of wine pouring glasses for them both.

“How are you Sis?” Joe claims his glass as I check on my lamb and vegetables.

“Very well thanks, what have you two been up to?” I sip my chilled Chablis watching Lola twirl about to “Fly me to the moon.”

There is a knock at the door and my heart pounds nervously as I make my way to
greet our guests.  Anthony stands clutching flowers with an enormous smile closely followed by Nick looking shaved and smart carrying a case of champagne. Freya and Tom wave as they climb out of the back of their car.

“Hello sexy
, you look gorgeous.” I grin at Anthony’s whispered words.

“Down Tiger, later.” I giggle pressing my lips aga
inst his ear gently pressing his chest. “Come in, go straight through.”

“Hi Darcey, is Lola staying for dinner?” Nick looks like a love sick teenager.

I smile cheekily “Of course…don’t worry it has only been 3 hours since you saw each other.”

Nick squints with a frown
“I was asking as a friend.”

“Of course you were.” I smirk as he grins
passing me to go in search of Lola.

“Hello Darcey, lovely to see you again.” Freya looks a little tired and somewhat unsteady on her feet as Tom assists her to the front door.

I move closer clasping her shoulders and kissing her softly on the cheek. “Lovely to see you both, come in let’s introduce you to my Mum, Lola and my brothers.”

The kitchen seems a hive of activity with Nick chatting to an extraordinarily demure Lola. Anthony is talking to Joe, Sam and Mum who holds the bouquet of flowers from Anthony.

let me introduce you to Freya and Tom, Anthony’s parents.” Anthony looks at home, relaxed in my brothers’ company. “Freya, Tom this is Joseph and Samuel, my brothers.”

Mum lays the flowers on the kitchen
counter and takes Freya’s hand smiling affectionately “Please call me Rose…lovely to meet you both and thank you for taking care of Darcey.” I can sense she is in awe of Tom who looks very attractive and strapping in his jacket, jeans and checked shirt.

“Rose it was our pleasure,
we enjoyed having Darcey around. The house seems so quiet now without her.” Tom softly shakes her hand. “So, I eventually get to meet the brothers I’ve heard so much about.”

“I hope Darcey has reflected us in a good light
?” Sam beams showing off his perfect white teeth.

nowing her she hasn’t!” Joe sips his wine and throws me a smirk.

“Isn’t it unusual that Anthony knew
you both back at Hornchurch and then meets Darcey here at Dorton?” Freya is now gently swaying to Frank singing “
it had to be you”
with Tom’s hands on her shoulders. It’s wonderful to see a couple still so in love.

“Let’s get you some drinks.” I
turn to pour some more wine as Freya notices my engagement ring.

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