Weapon of Desire (17 page)

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Authors: L M Brook

BOOK: Weapon of Desire
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“Do you like it when I do this?” A
nthony takes my nipple into his mouth and rolls it softly between his teeth as he watches my expression. Then he tugs gently before releasing with a tiny nip.

I gasp at the fleeting pain as he smiles down at me. “Yes I love that too.”

He sits back on the floor leaning against the bath. “Darcey stand up and take down your jeans.”

Feeling a rush of excitement I obey his demand. Rising up I unfasten my belt and buttons pushing
my jeans down over my hips, skimming my thighs as they fall to the floor.

“Come here.” Anthony beckons me closer stand
ing above him as he parts my legs straddling his thighs.

“Darcey do you like this?” He delicately strokes up my inner thigh and then runs his finger inside my underwear, parting my lips and plunging deep into
me. I inhale, clenching my muscles upwards to appreciate his touch. His tongue circles my clitoris as his finger dives and withdraws in slow motion.

“Oh yes, that’
s good.” I close my eyes, rotating my hips against his mouth.

re very wet Darcey.” Anthony’s free hand glides over my bottom and controls my movement. “Does this make you come?” He opens his mouth to fully consume my sex as another finger fills me sending me into heady ecstasy.

“Oh God that’s good.” I throw my head back resting my hands on the edge of the bath.

Anthony abruptly stops, stands and unzips his trousers releasing his stiff length.

“Darcey what else do you like?” He strokes slowly in front of me watching my
hungry face until his juices are seeping over the bulging hood.

“I love sucking
you hard.” He smiles as I drop to my knees looking up into his eyes. I lower my chin to roll my tongue backwards and forwards over his tightened balls as he continues to pump with his hand.

Anthony wipes his hardness across my face
twisting his fingers in my hair as his juices dribbles over my lips. I open my mouth and circle the tip with my tongue, licking frantically, enjoying the cream before sliding the pulsing length deeper. He gyrates his groin against my lips, quickening in and out as my tongue laps faster before he brusquely pulls back breathing heavily.

“Darcey I
find it difficult to control myself when I’m around you.” Anthony pulls me up and removes my underwear, scooping me up in his arms and lowering me into the bath. “Now I want you again.”

smile to myself watching him take off his clothes as I admire his toned body.

“Why are you smiling
like that?” Anthony is still in interrogation mode.

“Because I still can’
t believe that I have that much power to actually attract you.” Anthony grins moving closer to the bath.

, there is something about you I can’t resist.” He kisses my lips as he sits opposite.

“Come here Darcey Brooks,” he twirls me around so I am lying with my back against his chest. “No
w, where were we?” His hands wander over my breast and cup them in the warm water. Reaching for a bottle, Anthony pours a velvety lotion over my nipples and lathers using slow circular motions. Leaning on his shoulder I watch his intense focus. “Darcey, will you be able to sneak out of Dorton if I send Nick to collect you in the Land Rover on Saturday?”

“Possibly or I
may stay with my mum for the weekend, you could arrange for Nick to do an undercover drop off.”

He smiles pausing to kiss me softly as I twist to face him, feeling his hardness below the water.
I shift myself upwards straddled across his lap and begin to roll my hips, grinding against the throbbing below me. Anthony pulls my buttocks forward freeing him from restraint and then plunges deep taking my breath away. With his arms across my legs and hands grasping my bottom, Anthony holds me in position and restricts my movement while his hips move up and down. My erect nipples enjoy his devotion with increasing nibbles and nips. My clitoris grinds against his body with building desire from each thrust. I clench my inner muscles to grip his hardness as he slides deeper.

“Anthony” I cry out as my orgasm
convulses through my body.

“Darcey, oh
...” He closes his eyes, breathing erratically exploding inside me.

Clinging to each other in the warm scented water, I lay my head on his shoulder stroking Anthony’s hair at the nape of his neck. He leans forward laying small kisses on my shoulder.

“Darcey I wish I could lock you up here forever.” I grin thinking how did I manage to achieve this level of attraction from Anthony. “If you were my wife, I could protect you. You wouldn’t need to worry about Colonel Garner or your job.”

m silent at this notion, I know there is a strong magnetism between us but is he admitting he loves me? Normally people marry because they love each other. How could he know this after just one week?”

“Anthony you hardly know me, I could be a terrible wife!” I sit up straight still cradled in his lap.

“I know you make me very happy and I want to be with you all of the time.” His eyes are sincere as he strokes my back.

“Anthony I love being with you too but perhaps you feel you need to do this be
cause of the recent incidents.”

“Darcey, I
wanted you from the very first day we met. The incidents are secondary; they don’t change how I feel.” He pulls me in close to his chest.

We are
mute again and I’m confused as to what Anthony is actually asking me. Was that a proposal or just empathy towards our current predicament? He realises the awkwardness he has caused and climbs out of the bath. I lay back deep in thought although conscious that I may have been insensitive towards his openness.

“Anthony, why did you never marry Joanna?” My thoughts are random and trying to make sense of his actions past and present.

He turns with a towel wrapped around his middle and walks back to the bath, resting on the edge. “She was a career girl, worked abroad a lot on army business and didn’t want to settle down.”

“Did you ever propose to her?” I search his eyes for any inclination of emotion.

“No, because she would’ve said no.” He looks down resting his hand on the ledge.

“But you loved her?” He looks up drawing my attention.

“Of course but there would’ve been no point in trying to clip her wings.” Anthony is very sure of his conclusion.

“Anthony so what makes you so sure about me?”
He is shocked at my directness.

“Darcey you wear your heart on your sleeve, you are passionate about your job but more passionate about your man. If D
aniel had proposed before you’d found out about Melissa, you’d have said yes. You’re yearning for a man to totally adore you and that is exactly what I offer.” Anthony rises and walks into the bedroom. He returns to the doorway dressed in a bathrobe “Darcey the question is will you ever let me adore you?”

“Anthony as you said before, if you want something, you have to grab it.” I sit forward resting my chin on the edge of the bath.

He walks back into the bathroom and squats in front of me looking into my eyes. “Darcey that is exactly what I plan to do.” Kissing me softly he lifts me up to standing and carries me in his arms out of the bath and into the bedroom. He throws me onto the bed and mounts me as I giggle curious of his next move.

“Now what else do you like?”


We join Tom, Freya
, Rosie and Nick for dinner in the dining room. The table is elegantly set with candelabra taking central position. Feeling scruffy I want to make an effort for dinner and opt for my jersey wrap dress with low court shoes which are the only dressy items I have packed. I miss them after living in boots for the last couple of days.

Anthony shamelessly holds my hand at the table as Rosie pours wine and
Tom ribs Nick about not having a girlfriend for as long as he can remember. Freya helps Rosie serve dinner, rabbit cooked in tomatoes and garlic with home baked crusty bread.

“Darcey so what are
your plans, do you think you’ll stay with the army or have you a desire to work in a different field?” Tom looks comfortable as head of the table, enjoying the company. I can imagine that they are fabulous hosts at their parties here at Sebel House.

“I’m not sure, I’
m going to take the next couple of weeks as they come and then decide whether living at Dorton is impossible.” I forget that I haven’t informed them that I have to move to Dorton in the morning and instantly register their surprise.

re moving to Dorton?” Freya looks disturbed.

“Ma, Colonel Garner has insisted that Darcey moves to the base tomorrow.” Anthony’s smile disappears as he gulps his red wine. Freya stares in disbelief and To
m puts down his knife and fork.

“They are
dictating where you have to live?” Tom is mad at the hold the army seems to have over me.

“Darcey will have no choice if she wants to keep her job,” Nick breaks his silence and meekly smiles across the table. “
I worked in Security Services for years. When I returned from Afghanistan, I fell in love with someone. I was given a choice.” Nick looks down as though ashamed of what he was about to say.

“I chose the job. Biggest mistake of my life!”

I am deeply moved by Nick’s story. “So have you ever looked her up?”

“Yes, after my last mission I came home and found out she was married. I
decided it was best to keep away.” Nick picks up his wine glass. “Darcey let this be a lesson to you.”

I feel awkward
as everybody listens to Nick. Anthony has become agitated but grips my hand, squeezing tightly as I glance affectionately trying to reassure him.

The room falls into a frosty
hush and I’m aware that Freya is particularly troubled, probably concerned that I’d cause further heartache for Anthony, especially after their amazing efforts to reclaim their son from alcohol and despair. The huge open fire crackles behind us filling the emptiness.

Freya puts down her knife and fork and rests her chin against her clasped h
ands as she looks across the table catching my attention. “Darcey, I’m going to speak frankly and honestly with you. I at least owe you this after all you have been through in the last few days.” Everyone remains quiet as the tension escalates, speculating what Freya is about to spill. “I know how it feels to involuntarily live in fear and above all be concerned for the safety of those around you. Darcey my childhood in Germany was horrific and even today my heart breaks when I remember my mother’s suffering.” Freya looks down and clears her throat; Tom grabs her hand to support her as she battles on.

“Our liv
es here with Mr Milburn taught me the true meaning of love. He gave us the gift of a happy family life without fear, which is worth more than all the jewels in the world. He sheltered us from dangerous people who searched for us mercilessly.” She stops, glances at Tom as though she has said too much and then sips her wine before reinstating eye contact.

“Darcey, all I want is my family to have that same happiness without the fear or heartache
I experienced. I want to see Anthony happy with a loving wife and hopefully I’ll get to see my grandchildren chasing each other around here one day, before I’m too old and weak to enjoy them.” She stops and exchanges smiles with Anthony. “I’m so sorry for rambling on.”

I gulp knowing that there was a hidden
warning in there or a plea not to hurt her son. Anthony still clings onto my hand and glimpses sideways with a warm smile.

“Freya, I
understand how it feels to watch someone in pain and to feel helpless, not being able to take away their suffering. My father never got the opportunity to see me happily married or will ever get to hold his grandchildren. I would give anything to turn back the clock to grant him this wish.” I pause noticing the intensity on Tom’s face. “Family is very important to me. Please believe me Freya, I care deeply for Anthony and I would not dream of hurting him or your family.”

Freya offers her hand across the table and grasps
my fingers tightly without uttering a sound. Looking into her eyes I can sense the depth of her pain and I hope that I have given her some comfort in my words.

pours another glass of red wine. “Darcey will the army provide you with security?”

m not sure, Colonel Garner said I should call him and he’ll send an escort.” Losing my appetite at the thought of tomorrow I turn to my wine.

Nick leans forward placing his knife and fork on his plate.
“Darcey, see me before you leave tomorrow, I have something for your locket that will ensure I can find you should you need help.”

“I will be fine
Nick; I am a big girl now.” I roll my eyes in protest.

these people are still at large. Don’t take any chances.” Tom is stern eyed as he helps Rosie clear the dishes.


The evening passes with pleasant conversation, slouched on the sofas in the drawing room. Freya proudly presents family albums of her mother Anna and Mr Milburn. Also pictures of their wedding day at a secret location before they moved to Sebel House. Anthony made the most gorgeous baby with doting parents watching him in every photograph.

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