Jarrett and Rosie, the two brightest stars on my ceiling. I would never get a single thing done without your patience, love, and understanding.
Mindy Dunn, for designing the perfect cover for this odd little book.
A+ editor Christian Frey, for thoughtful feedback and the song title “Pickled Heart (Jar on a Shelf).”
Cherished beta readers Susan Lee, Jennifer Taylor, Sam Schooler, and Andrea Sabaliauskas, for cheers, invaluable insights, and fresh perspectives.
Julia Alaric, for urgently needed Latin expertise that Google Translate couldn’t provide.
Style maven Mika Sam, for last-minute hyphen advice and more.
Wendy Bond, for reading an early version of this story and believing in it.
Mom and Dad, for being the opposite of Mr. and Mrs. Woodlawn.
Every single person who helped get the word out about this book. You’re an author’s dream. I love you, and I owe you a big bowl of Molten Comfort Mac & Cheese next time you’re in my neighborhood.