We Who Are Alive and Remain (42 page)

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Authors: Marcus Brotherton

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water moccasins incident
Speirs, Ron (Captain)
spirit of Easy Company
Spokand (Arizona)
and Atlantic crossings
SS troops, executions
stamp collection from Berchtesgaden (Germany)
Statue of Liberty
Ste. Mère Dumont (France)
Ste. Mère Église (France)
Stewart, James L. (General)
Stinz, George (German paratrooper)
Stokes, J. B.
Stopka, John “Mad Major” (Major)
Stotchmen vs. Americans
Strayer, Robert (Colonel)
Strohl, Rod
Suerth, Herb, Jr. (Sergeant)
Atlantic crossings
background of
basic training
Bastogne (Belgium)
Blue Ridge Mountains training
coming home
family of
Foy (Belgium)
freedom, lives in
freedoms, valuing
future that nobody could prepare for
heroism, thoughts on
latrine incident
Pearl Dufour and
Pearl Harbor and enlisting
R&R in Mourmelon (France)
sleeping bags plus blankets
Sobel (Captain) and
survivors vs. heroes
visiting Europe after war
surrendering by Germans
survivors vs. heroes
Talbert, Bob
Talbert, Floyd
Tanforan, Japanese internment camp (California)
Taylor, Amos “Buck” (Tech Sergeant)
Atlantic crossings
background of
Bastogne (Belgium)
British wounded, rescuing (Island, defending the, Holland)
burying a German soldier (boy) at Bastogne (Belgium)
Camp Toccoa (Georgia)
Carentan (France)
CIA career
drop zone (Normandy-day), missed
Dutch support of Americans (Operation Market Garden)
family of
Foy (Belgium)
freedom, lives in
Hell’s Highway (Operation Market Garden, Holland)
heroism, thoughts on
Island, defending the (Holland)
motorcycle accident (Holland)
Normandy (D-day)
Operation Market Garden (Holland)
Pearl Harbor and enlisting
platoon sergeantd Platoon
R&R in Mourmelon (France)
Sobel (Captain) and
spacing in convoy incident during Atlantic crossing
survivors vs. heroes
Taylor, Darrell (General)
Taylor, Maxwell (General)
Thompson, Norman (Sergeant)
Through the Centuries
Tillotson, Albert, Jr. (Sergeant)
Tipper, Ed (Private First Class)
Aldbourne (England)
American paratrooper impersonation (Normandy-day)
Atlantic crossings
background of
Camp Toccoa (Georgia)
Carentan (France)
coming home
concentration camps in Germany
dreams of fighting again
drop zone (Normandy-day), missed
family of
freedom, lives in
freedoms, valuing
future that nobody could prepare for
heroism, thoughts on
John Hay Fellowship
Marmion Farm (German headquarters and supply depot) battle
Mindenhall family and
Normandy (D-day)
passwords, Normandy (D-day)
Pearl Harbor and enlisting
persistence skill learned as child
shooting close to Sobel incident
Sobel (Captain) and
spies and Lord Haw Haw
vocabulary, American vs. English
“wild tooth,”
Tipper, Kerry
Camp Toccoa (Georgia)
Toomebridge, County Antrim (Ireland)
Toye, Joe
See also
Atlantic crossings
Air Force training
Army Corps of Engineers
basic training
Camp Toccoa (Georgia)
cherry bombs for simulated artillery
demolition school
electricians’ school
English sergeants, training by
heavy equipment operation
horseback riding
jump school
plane repair
practical jokes
push ups
quit wall
self-sealing fuel tank repair
train, driving a
washing out
Turner, Billy (Lieutenant Colonel)
XII Corps (British), Operation Market Garden (Holland)
U-boats (German)
United States of America.
See also
Easy Company h Parachute Infantry Regimentt Airborne; World War II
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
freedoms fought for, valuing
GED for GIs
Upottery Airfield (England)
Wooster Victory
Utah Beach
Vatthana, Savang
V-E Day
Veghel (Netherlands)
Victory Ships
Vikings, The
visiting Europe after WWII
V-J Day
vocabulary differences in Aldbourne (England)
Wagner, Willie
washing out
Wayne, John
Welling, Jim
Welsh, Harry (Lieutenant)
Wentzel, Jerry (T/5)
West, Daniel
“We Stand Alone Together: The Men of Easy Company”
(Band of Brothers)
Wilhelmina Canal (Holland)
Wilson Victory
Wiltshire (England)
Wimer, Ralph (T/5)
Wingate (British General)
Wingett, Bill (Private First Class)
Austria, last duties in
background of
Bastogne (Belgium)
Camp Toccoa (Georgia)
car accident
Carentan (France)
“determination is the answer,”
displaced persons escort to Budapest
dying, thinking about
faith of
family of
food stolen by 2nd Battalion in Hagenau (France)
freedom, lives in
future that nobody could prepare for
Hagenau (France)
killing a man (Normandy-day)
leg bags
machine gunner
musette bag remodeled by
Normandy (D-day)
Operation Market Garden (Holland)
Pearl Harbor and enlisting
Quick Bear incident
R&R in England
Sobel (Captain) and
Winters, Dick (Major)
Atlantic crossings
Berchtesgaden (Germany)
Camp Toccoa (Georgia)
Carentan (France)
connections with men from Easy Company and their families
Foy (Belgium)
freedom, lives in
heroism, thoughts on
memoirs of
Normandy (D-day)
Operation Market Garden (Holland)
World War II.
See also
Belgium; Easy Company h Parachute Infantry Regimentt Airborne; England; France; Germany; Japan; Russia; United States of America
Battle of the Bulge
end of
freedoms fought for, valuing
GI Bill
GI Joe Day in New York
Gray Ladies (Red Cross)
nightmares from
Nuremberg trials
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
Polish Armed Forces
V-E Day
visiting Europe after
V-J Day
casualties and wounded
Wright Air Force Base (Ohio)
Wynn, Popeye
Yang, Da
Youman, Art
young lions of Easy Company
Zell am See (Austria)
Zimmerman, Henry (Private First Class)
background of
basic training
Bastogne (Belgium)
Berchtesgaden (Germany)
burying a German soldier (boy) at Bastogne (Belgium)
concentration camps in Germany
family of
freedom, lives in
freedoms, valuing
friends, losing
future that nobody could prepare for
Germany, meeting a defeated aggressor
Hagenau (France)
heroism, thoughts on
morale at Bastogne (Belgium)
Pearl Harbor and enlisting
R&R in Mourmelon (France)
visiting Europe after war
Marcus Brotherton is a journalist and professional writer, and the author or coauthor of seventeen books. He has collaborated with Dr. Nancy Heche (mother of actress Anne Heche), international humanitarian Susan Scott Krabacher, and most recently with Lieutenant Lynn “Buck” Compton on his memoir
Call of Duty
. Marcus lives with his family in Washington State.
“Paper Doll,” written by Johnny S. Black, 1915, lyrics as recorded by the Mills Brothers in 1942.
The crew manifest of flight 66 is as follows: Paratroopers: First Lieutenant Thomas Meehan (Easy Company commander), First Sergeant William Evans, Staff Sergeant Murray Roberts, Sergeant Richard Owen, T/5 Herman Collins, T/5 Jerry Wentzel, PFC William McGonigal Jr., PFC Sergio Moya, Sergeant Elmer Murray Jr., Sergeant Carl Riggs, T/5 Ralph Wimer, PFC George Elliott, PFC John Miller, PFC Gerald Snider. Flight crew (assigned to 439th Troop Carrier Group): pilot First Lieutenant Harold Capelluto, copilot Second Lieutenant John Fanelli, navigator Sergeant Bernard Friedman, engineer Sergeant Albert Tillotson Jr., radio operator Sergeant Norman Thompson.
Source: Men of Easy Company Association.

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