Read We Shall Rise Online

Authors: J.E. Hopkins

Tags: #paranormal paranormal romance vampires vampire romance shifters lycans witches werewolves

We Shall Rise (7 page)

BOOK: We Shall Rise
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Kaden couldn’t help but respect the cat. He nodded and sprinted to Reysa’s house. Just as Alejandro had advised, Reysa was sitting on a pillow in the Moroccan meditation room. Kaden plopped down next to her as they both sat in silence for several minutes.

“I don’t understand this thing between us,” Kaden spoke first.

“Maybe we just don’t want to understand it,” Reysa confessed.

“Maybe, but I do want to understand what just happened out there? I felt like killing everyone in that room if they stood in the way of me reaching you. I have never felt so out of control. I may be a bit of a loose cannon, but I always know what I’m doing. This time, I was powerless over myself. I need to know what happened, Reysa.”

Reysa closed her eyes wishing she had more time to deal with the emotions and confusion rattling her mind. She wanted to tell Kaden the whole truth, but feared his reaction. She was not ready to face the truth of what she was and what Kaden was for her. She needed more time.

“I’m not sure. I think we just both got caught up in a surreal moment. I don’t think we should make a big deal out of it. The moment has passed and things are back to normal.”

“There is no normal for us.” Kaden clutched Reysa’s shoulders forcing her to face him. “We both know this is far from over. Something keeps pulling us closer together no matter how hard we fight it. We can’t run from it forever.”

“You actually make a lot of sense when you’re borderline drunk.” Reysa teased. “You never sound so logical or philosophical when sober.”

“I’m a smart drunk. When completely bombed, I can name every capital city for every country. I can beat anyone at Trivial Pursuit and I also kick ass on Wii Jeopardy. When sober, two times two can be a little tricky for me.”

Reysa laughed. The sound as melodic as when she sang on stage. “You’re such a liar.”

“True, but not about this. I’m not wasted enough to prove it, but give me another bottle of my friend Señor Cuervo and I’ll recite the national anthem of Bangladesh.”

Reysa shook her head in disbelief. “I would have guessed that you were an angry drunk.”

“I’m angry sober. Pretty much all the time if you haven’t noticed yet. I don’t need alcohol to lose my temper. Trust me, I’m a genius when I’m drunk. I started getting straight A’s in school when I showed up sloshed every day. My mother wasn’t pleased, but she couldn’t deny the results. Sober equaled a D; drunk equaled A’s. That was one of the few highlights before I transformed into a vampire. I could get completely drunk rather than disappointingly buzzed like I am now and I had the perfect excuse to be a wreck. Being drunk was necessary for my academic success. I would come home from school completely wasted and before my mother could complain, I would just tell her I had an exam and she had to accept my mess of a state. It drove my father crazy. He used to bitch that only he would have a son that could be successful as a stumbling drunk.”

Reysa hated that haunted look in Kaden’s face when he mentioned his father. He barely ever mentioned the man, but the few times he did, his tone changed and Kaden became hard and defensive. Reysa enjoyed Kaden like this—when he wasn’t so serious, angry and bitter. This was the Kaden he was meant to be, playful and kind. This was the Kaden her heart wanted.

“I challenge you to a game of Wii Jeopardy,” Reysa offered.

“Name your time and place, woman. I will make sure I’m bombed enough to embarrass you.” Kaden could not help but stare at this beautiful woman who was managing to take the darkness away. “You’ve temporarily distracted me, but we still need to talk about what happened on stage.”

Reysa stood up and crossed her arms in that defensive motion making it clear that the fun was over. “I don’t know what to tell you Kaden. All I did was sing. I do that every now and again at The Lore. I’m a singer and dancer. I enjoy performing. That’s what I did out there. I don’t get to do it often, but I wanted to tonight.”

“There was something more. The way everyone responded to you. The way I responded to you. That wasn’t normal.”

“Have you ever been to a Justin Bieber concert? Believe me, my fans are pretty tame compared to his.”

“Don’t make me lose respect for you, Reysa. Please tell me you are not a fan of the kid with bad hair.”

“He’s a talented kid, but don’t get nauseous. I only went to one concert and that was because of Lina. She’s the fan.”

“Thank goodness. For a moment I was afraid. Enough about that kid. You keep changing the subject.”

“Stop badgering me, Kaden. You’re making a big deal out of nothing. All I did was sing.”

Kaden pushed her up against the wall tilting her chin so that her eyes were forced to meet his and to see the hunger she stirred. “And all I did was nearly go mad from need for you. Tell me why. I don’t like losing control. Did you do something to me? Are you doing something to me now?”

Before Reysa could respond, a loud familiar screeching tune blasted the room. A startled Kaden jumped back ready to attack. Reysa quickly reached for her cell phone she had left on the coffee table.

“Your ringtone is the theme music from the murder scene from
?” a bewildered Kaden asked.

“It’s my favorite movie,” Reysa responded. “I use this ringtone for one special caller.”

Kaden waited impatiently as Reysa spoke to some unknown person whose calls apparently inspired the
theme. He wanted to finish their conversation. Reysa was hiding something and he was determined to get to the truth.

Reysa snapped the phone shut and faced Kaden. “We have to go.”

“Was that a lead about Yasmine?”

“Possibly. Please get Julian and meet me in front of the house in ten minutes. I need to change and let everyone know I’m leaving.”

Kaden had more questions but Reysa disappeared before Kaden could ask. Sometimes he really hated her ability.




Reysa reappeared in her room and immediately began to change clothes. “I’m glad you’re here. Diamonde has summoned me. Kaden, Julian and I are going to see her. Hopefully, she has some information about Yasmine.” She turned to face Christian who was in the process of changing her sheets. “You hate making beds. I can’t believe you’re doing this.”

“They smelled like him so I burned them.”

“Tell me you did not burn my 800 thread count purple jacquard Egyptian cotton sheets.”

“You still have dozens more in the linen closet.” Sensing Reysa’s rising temper, Christian added, “Relax babe. They’re in the washing machine being decontaminated.”

Reysa sighed in relief as she walked over to Christian and pushed him into her bed. “Not funny. You know how much I love my sheets. Now I’m going to punish you for the joke.” Reysa jumped on top of him and started tickling him mercilessly. Christian’s face turned bright rouge as he struggled to catch his breath from the onslaught. He fought to grab Reysa’s arms so he could flip her on her back and return the favor. They both laughed so much, they didn’t notice Kaden walk into the room. They did notice the flame directed at Christian’s head that nearly torched his blonde locks, but ended up burning a hole in Reysa’s wall. Christian leapt up ready to pounce as his eyes glimmered a hauntingly bright gold. His body was contracting and expanding as if ready to shift.

Reysa quickly jumped up and grabbed Christian forcing him to face her. “Calm down, Chris. Please calm down for me,” she begged as she stroked his hair and face. She briefly glanced at Kaden signally for him to leave, but he ignored the hint. Rather than argue with him, she focused on Christian who was close to unleashing his beast. “Christian, see me. It’s just me and you. Reysa and Chris. Stay with me, sweetheart.” Reysa wrapped her arms around him hoping her scent would help him pacify the beast determined to surface.

Over Christian’s shoulder she could see an infuriated Kaden, but she could not focus on him right now. She had to help Christian find control for all their sakes. Christian’s stiff body finally began to relax in her arms as she stroked the tight ridges of his back. A frustrated Kaden turned to leave as Reysa held Christian until the beast subsided.

“Your taste in men seriously sucks, Rey,” Christian’s strained voice muttered as he pulled away from Reysa’s embrace and settled on to her bed.

Reysa straddled his lap and rested her forehead against his. “I’m sorry for that. I wish you guys could get along better.”

“Does anyone get along with him? The man has no redeeming qualities.”

“Don’t say that about him,” Reysa defended. “You don’t know him.”

“Neither do you. Not really. God Rey, why did you sing that song tonight? Why did you open that door that you’ll never be able to close?”

Reysa moved off Christian’s lap and sat beside him on her bed. He pulled a lock of her hair and began twirling the dark brown coils like he had always done. “I didn’t have a choice. I had planned on singing one of my pop songs, but something compelled me to sing that song and then the other. I think something inside of me longed for the truth and I could no longer deny it. I had to know.”

“And now you do babe, but what does that mean for you? Do you think he will accept you when he knows what you are?”

“No,” Reysa lamented. “I think he will resent me.”

“Then I will have to kill him.”

Reysa smiled as she rested her head on Christian’s comforting chest. “We’re not kids anymore, Chris. You can’t go around beating up all the boys that hurt me.”

“Why not? There’s no statute of limitations on defending my girl.”

“I just lectured Julian about how I’m more than capable of taking care of myself. Now here you go turning me into a helpless child again.”

“Not helpless. I have no doubt you will kick the crap out of Kaden if he hurts you. Just know that I will be there to finish the job provided Broderick and Alejandro don’t get there first.” Christian lightly tugged her head back so that he could kiss her affectionately on the cheek. “We love you, babe. Your pain is ours. We won’t stand by and let some arrogant vamp break your heart. We’ll break him first.”

Chapter 3



“Where the hell are we?” Kaden barked still stewing over that scene at Reysa’s bedroom. Christian draped on top of her like he belonged there and then she jumps to his defense all because he sent a little fireball in the dog’s direction, which the beast unfortunately dodged before any harm could be done. Then the mangy mutt goes into an unjustified rage. Maybe it wasn’t totally unjustified, Kaden conceded, but the dog overreacted. Despite the unnecessary drama, Reysa held Christian until he calmed down, totally ignoring his presence. This situation was untenable. Too much damn drama.

Kaden never dated women with so much baggage. He had enough of his own to carry and now he had to deal with this woman who rattled his senses and her legions of defenders who guarded her like she was a sacred relic. He wanted to be the one by her side; her protector, her lover.

Kaden glanced at Reysa whose ire had not softened a bit. She had the audacity to still be mad at him as if she was the wronged party, Kaden griped.

“We are just outside Dallas, Texas,” Reysa explained trying to maintain her cool when all she wanted was to strangle the grumpy vampire walking behind her. She focused her attention on Julian who was quiet and sweet as usual.
How could these two be brothers?
she pondered. Everything with Julian was easy, peaceful and pleasant. Kaden was chaos, frustration, and of course, passion, which she could not ignore even when she wanted to strangle him. Why couldn’t she like a nice guy like Julian? He was so perfectly uncomplicated while Kaden was a constant migraine. Was she being punished by the fates for some unknown sin and sentenced to a life of torment with this aggravating, ill-tempered vampire?

“Why are we walking in the boonies? Couldn’t you transport us exactly where we needed to be?” Kaden complained as he stumbled over a rock.

Reysa took a deep breath and chanted “don’t kill him” several times before rallying the strength not to commit murder. “It’s better that we walk from here. There are some things I need to explain to both of you before we arrive otherwise you may end up saying something that could lead to a painfully slow death. Not to be alarmed or anything. Just follow some important rules and no harm will come to either of you. We’re visiting Yasmine and Madeira’s…. mother-father, Diamonde. It is pronounced
. Make sure you get it right. She’s very sensitive about her name.”

Kaden and Julian stared at her incredulously, but neither said a word although both wondered what Reysa meant by mother-father. Reysa continued, “Diamonde is kind of…eccentric and so are her friends. You should be nice to them as well. They are deceptively powerful and violent. If you’re nice to them, they’ll be nice to you. Just don’t antagonize them, Kaden.”

“Why are you directing that comment to me alone?”

“Do you have to ask?” Reysa dismissed. “Anyhow, we’re almost there. Diamonde is still mourning Madeira’s death. They didn’t have a great relationship, but Diamonde loved her dearly. She’s beside herself with worry over Yasmine. Be sensitive to her pain. One child is dead and another is missing. That’s a mother’s worst nightmare. Keep that in mind when you address her.”

BOOK: We Shall Rise
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