We See a Different Frontier: A Postcolonial Speculative Fiction Anthology (31 page)

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Authors: Lavie Tidhar,Ernest Hogan,Silvia Moreno-Garcia,Sunny Moraine,Sofia Samatar,Sandra McDonald

Tags: #feminist, #short stories, #postcolonial, #world sf, #Science Fiction

BOOK: We See a Different Frontier: A Postcolonial Speculative Fiction Anthology
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Dinesh Rao
, originally from India, trained as an ecologist and specializes in the behaviour of spiders. His short stories have appeared in the
World SF Blog
and the
Indian Journal of Science Fiction Studies
. He now lives in a small coffee town in Mexico with his wife and daughter. His blog is at pointsofdeparture.wordpress.com.

N.A. Ratnayake
is a science teacher, writer, and stubborn idealist living in Boston. He is an aerospace engineer by training and an omnivorous reader. Though presently a New Englander, he was born and raised in the American West. The mountains, rains, coasts, and deserts of the West have been the backdrop for a rich interplay of conquest, struggle, identity, and hope—themes which often emerge in Ratnayake's stories. “Remembering Turinam” is his first professional publication. He tweets at twitter.com/quantumcowboy.

Sofia Samatar
is the author of the novel
A Stranger in Olondria
(Small Beer Press, 2013). Her short fiction and poetry have appeared in several places, including
Strange Horizons
Clarkesworld Magazine
Stone Telling
, and
Goblin Fruit
. She is Nonfiction and Poetry Editor for
Interfictions: A Journal of Interstitial Arts
, and blogs at sofiasamatar.blogspot.com.

Ekaterina Sedia
resides in the Pinelands of New Jersey. Her critically-acclaimed and award-nominated novels,
The Secret History of Moscow
The Alchemy of Stone
The House of Discarded Dreams
Heart of Iron
, were published by Prime Books. Her short stories have sold to
Baen's Universe
, as well as numerous anthologies, including
Haunted Legends
Magic in the Mirrorstone
. She is also the editor of the anthologies
Paper Cities
(World Fantasy Award winner),
Running with the Pack
, and
Bewere the Night
, as well as
Bloody Fabulous
Wilful Impropriety.
Her short-story collection,
Moscow But Dreaming
, was released by Prime Books in December 2012. Visit her at www.ekaterinasedia.com.

Benjanun Sriduangkaew
spends her free time on words, amateur photography, and the pursuit of colorful, unusual makeup. She has a love for cities, airports, and bees. Her fiction can be found in
Beneath Ceaseless Skies
as well as the anthologies
Clockwork Phoenix
4 and
The End of the Road

Lavie Tidhar
is the World Fantasy Award-winning author of
, of
The Bookman Histories
trilogy and many other works. He won the British Fantasy Award for Best Novella, for
Gorel & The Pot-Bellied God
, and was nominated variously for BSFA, Campbell, Sturgeon and Sidewise awards. He grew up on a kibbutz in Israel and in South Africa but currently resides in London.

J.Y. Yang
, born, raised and centred in Singapore, has been a scientist, a screenwriter, an editor, and a journalist at various times, but she almost always has been a teller of tales. Some of them have been published in places both local and international, including
Crossed Genres
and Ann Vandermeer's
Steampunk Revolution
. Last year she co-edited
Ayam Curtain
, an anthology of speculative micro-fiction written by Singapore-based authors. It was fun, but she isn't sure she'll do it again soon (for her sanity's sake).


We See a Different Frontier

First published 2013 by Futurefire.net Publishing
All stories © 2013 the authors
Cover illustration © 2013 Carmen Moran

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means—including photocopying, recording or other electronic or mechanical methods—without the prior written permission of the copyright holder, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Joyce Chng’s “Lotus”, Fabio Fernandes’s “The Gambiarra Method”, Ernest Hogan’s “Pancho Villa’s Flying Circus”, Rahul Kanakia’s “Droplet”, Rochita Loenen-Ruiz’s “What Really Happened in Ficandula”, Sandra McDonald’s “Fleet”, Sunny Moraine’s “A Heap of Broken Images”, Silvia Moreno-Garcia’s “Them Ships”, Gabriel Murray’s “Forests of the Night”, Shweta Narayan’s “The Arrangement of Their Parts”, Dinesh Rao’s “A Bridge of Words”, N.A. Ratnayake’s “Remembering Turinam”, Sofia Samatar’s “I Stole the D.C.’s Eyeglass”, Benjanun Sriduangkaew’s “Vector”, Lavie Tidhar’s “Dark Continents”, J.Y. Yang’s “Old Domes”, Aliette de Bodard’s Preface, the editors’ Introduction and Ekaterina Sedia’s Afterword are all published here for the first time, and are © the authors, 2013.

The rights of all authors and artists appearing within this volume to be identified as the authors and owners of these works has been asserted in accordance with copyright law.

ISBN-print: 978-0-9573975-2-1
ISBN-electronic: 978-0-9573975-3-8

[email protected]

Table of Contents



Preface, by Aliette de Bodard


The Arrangement of Their Parts, by Shweta Narayan

Pancho Villa's Flying Circus, by Ernest Hogan

Them Ships, by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Old Domes, by J.Y. Yang

The Gambiarra Method, by Fabio Fernandes

A Bridge of Words, by Dinesh Rao

Droplet, by Rahul Kanakia

Lotus, by Joyce Chng

Dark Continents, by Lavie Tidhar

A Heap of Broken Images, by Sunny Moraine

Fleet, by Sandra McDonald

Remembering Turinam, by N.A. Ratnayake

I Stole the D.C.'s Eyeglass, by Sofia Samatar

Vector, by Benjanun Sriduangkaew

Forests of the Night, by Gabriel Murray

What Really Happened in Ficandula, by Rochita Loenen-Ruiz

Afterword, by Ekaterina Sedia



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