Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5) (6 page)

BOOK: Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5)
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When Jase said that I had to talk with the president and the vice president, I almost had a panic attack. What do they want to talk to me about? Oh god, what if they don't want to help me? Taking a few deep breaths, I square my shoulders, and make my way into the room that they have been in for the last ten minutes.

Walking inside, Jase places a hand on my lower back, and ushers me into a seat at the long table. The two men at the end of the table look pissed off, and I have a feeling that I’m the reason for their anger right now.

“Who is this Saxton Meyers?” the one at the head at the table asks. All eyes turn to me, and I take a deep breath, and spill my guts to these men.

“Saxon Meyers is my brother-in-law. Last year he killed my fiancé and then he threatened to kill me if I wouldn’t stop trying to get my sister to leave him.” Tears silently fall down my face as I think of all that I have lost since Saxton came into my life. I know it’s probably weird that I’m so protective of a sister that I just met, but she’s the only one I have.

“Why did he kill your fiancé?” the man who Jase called Pops asks.

Wiping my eyes, I give him the truth like Jase told me to do. “A little over a year ago, I stumbled upon what Saxton actually does for a living. I tried to get evidence to prove to my sister that she needed to get her and her daughter away from him. Before I could get enough proof, I came home to find my fiancé bleeding out on our kitchen floor. He had a gunshot wound in his chest, and I had gotten home too late.”

Sniffling, I take a deep breath before I continue. “I saw Saxton a few weeks later, and he told me that if I don't keep my mouth shut, then I will end up the same way Shawn did. He warned me to stop filling my sister’s head with nonsense about him too,” I sob.

I feel Jase’s hands land on my shoulders as he tries to comfort me. I don't say anything else; I just sit there quietly. My mind flashes back to when I found Shawn, and I try not to cry any more. I have to make my feelings go away. I’ll never survive if I don’t.

“You think he will hurt your sister and niece?” the man asks.

I just nod my head yes. I have no idea what he could do to them, but I hope he doesn't hurt a hair on their heads. I would never forgive myself if either of them got hurt because of me.

“Shit,” one of them mutters. “Jase, keep her on lock down, and I will get the boys in here for church in the morning. I think Dom has some plans tonight, but we can pull all them in after he’s done,” the man states, drumming his fingers on the table.

Jase’s father has his fingers steepled, and he is leaning forward in his chair just watching us. Feeling uneasy, I look over my shoulder, and see Jase looking down at me. He gives me a wink, and then looks back at the men at the end of the table.

“Yeah Prez. I got it,” Jase replies. His hand moves to my elbow, and he helps me out of my chair. Standing up, I thank both of them before Jase leads me back into the other room.

“They will be wanting more answers soon,” he mumbles against my ear.

“Okay,” I whisper as I take in the room. There are twice as many people hanging around now, and they are all staring at us. Jase wraps his arm around my neck, and pulls me to him. I guess this is where he has to act like he has claimed me...

When we get somewhere more private, I’m going to have to ask him what I have to do for my side of the bargain. A few of the woman are giving me dirty looks, and the men are just eyeing me up and down with smirks on their faces.

“Sugar, this is going to get a little awkward so just play along. I will explain everything later.” Nodding my head, I take a deep breath, and get ready for whatever they throw at me. I can do this. I can do this!

“Who’s this?” One of the men in leather asks from the bar.

Jase’s arm tightens around my neck as he looks over at the man. “This is Wynter. She’s my ole’ lady.” A few catcalls come from behind us, and a few snickers come from the women standing in front of us. One woman has a sour look on her face, and she is staring daggers at me. If looks could kill, I would be six feet under already.

“Yeah fucking right! You’re the one who is always going on about how you’re gonna fuck everything that moves until your dick doesn't work anymore,” another man says chuckling.

Wow. So apparently Jase is a man whore. Good to know. Note to self; don't have sex with him ever.

One of the guys from this morning, and a beautiful blonde come out from some back room, and quickly make their way towards the door. I’m not even sure they care what’s going on in here. They look like they are in a hurry to get somewhere.

Listening to Jase talk back and forth with a few of the other men is an eye opener. I can finally see that I have no idea how normal these motorcycle men are.

I thought that they were going to be all rough and rowdy men that did as they wanted, when they wanted. Instead they are just regular men with a common love of family and motorcycles.

After a few hours of the men bantering back and forth, Jase leads me down a hallway that has a bunch of doors. When we finally come to a stop at one of the doors, he pulls a key out of his pocket and unlocks it. Once we are both inside, he turns, and cages me against the door.

Looking into his eyes, I ask, “What are you doing?”

Jase leans in and his nose runs along my jaw, and he takes a deep breath before pulling away from me.

“Sorry sugar,” he mumbles, running his fingers through his hair.

“Fuck,” he mutters under his breath.

He walks into what I can only assume is a bathroom. Taking a seat on his bed, I look around the room, and notice how bare the walls are. Out of the corner of my eye, I see that he has one photograph sitting on the dresser.

Getting up, I walk over to get a better look at it. The photo looks like it was taken outside in front of the motorcycle shop that is in the same parking lot of this building.

There are six of them, Jase and his twin, their father, and two other men, and the last one is Sebastian, that I met earlier. They all look very similar. They must be his other brothers. The one person that stands out in the photo is the woman. She’s beautiful and fierce looking. It must take a tough woman to raise four boys in this lifestyle.

The clearing of a throat is what causes me to jump and turn around. Looking at Jase, I see a huge smile across his face.

“I see you found the family photo,” he murmurs into the quiet room.

I nod my head, and go back to looking at it. Jase and his twin look the same, but totally different at the same time. Jase doesn't have tattoos like his brother does, but it doesn't make him look any less badass than the rest of them.

“Yeah, I guess I did,” I say looking back over at him.

Running my finger over the photo, I continue, “Your mother is beautiful.”

He chuckles, “Yeah she is. She is a real fucking pain sometimes too.”

Smiling, I walk back over to his bed and take a seat. “You guys all look alike.”

“Yeah, I hear that all the time,” he agreed. He walks over to me, and takes a seat next to me. “Sorry about a few minutes ago. I shouldn't have done that...” he trails off.

We sit in silence for a few moments, until he starts to ask questions.

“So what about you? Any family?” Nodding my head, I don't offer any information. “Where are they?”

Wrapping my arms around my stomach, I look away from him and his eyes. Looking into them, makes me want to tell him everything about me.

“My parents died a few years ago in a car accident. Kyleigh, my sister, and her little girl Carsyn, are the only family I have left,” I croak out. I can feel the tears coming again just by mentioning my sister and niece.

Jase wraps his arm around me and pulls me to him. “Hey, I’m sorry.”

Shaking my head, I wipe my eyes, and tell him a little bit more. “I lost my parents when I was eighteen, but I gained a sister around that time. My sister and niece deserve so much more than Saxton. He is a terrible person, and I have a bad feeling that he is going to get them hurt or worse. What can I do to help her see him for who he really is?”

He sighs deeply, and rubs his hand up and down my arm. “Sugar, I am going to do everything I can to make sure you, your sister, and your niece, are all safe from that bastard. You just have to give me some time to figure everything out. I have to go through the club to get the backup I’m gonna need to go after a man who is as protected as he is.” I haven’t had them in my life very long, but I don’t want to lose them.

Wait, he’s protected? Someone is really protecting that monster? God, what did I get myself into?

“Someone is protecting him?” I question. As much as I want them safe, I want that sick son of a bitch gone too. That way I can be sure that he never hurts anyone ever again. No one deserves that sort of heartbreak.

“Yeah, when you were doing your hair, I did some research. I think he has ties with some very powerful men, and it’s going to take a lot to bring him and his friends down,” he comments, before lying back on the bed.

“Are we staying here tonight?” I ask changing the subject.

He doesn't say anything; instead he just pulls me down to lay down next to him.

When I go to say something else, he leans over me, and puts his finger over my lips. “Yeah sugar, we’re staying here. And yes we are both staying in this room together. No I’m not sleeping in that chair or on the floor,” he says with a smirk.

He moves his hand, and lies down next to me again. This is going to be a long night. Getting up, I grab my bag, and make my way into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Chapter Seven

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