Wayward Temptation (Wayward Saints MC Book 6) (11 page)

BOOK: Wayward Temptation (Wayward Saints MC Book 6)
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When I finally drag her sexy ass out of bed, I tell her to dress warm. Once she’s done, I lead her out to my bike. I’ve been dying to ride, and I know the perfect fucking place to take her. It’s been fucking years since we rode out here with our old man. But I think I can find the place pretty easily. Well, at least I hope so.

Making our way to the highway, I see a few people do a double-take on us. Riding through town takes forever, but as soon as I hit the freeway, we take off towards South Lake Tahoe.

Once we finally make it to Tahoe, I park my bike in the parking garage at the Harrah’s Casino, and help her off. Leading her towards the entrance to Heavenly, I see her eyes light up. “What are we doing here?” she asks, looking at the mountains and people milling around.

I lead her to the ticket booth, and I get us tickets to ride the gondola up to the top. “You’ve never been here?” I would have thought that she’s been here before, but judging by the look on her face, this is a first for her.

“No, we never had the money to go places growing up, and I haven’t even thought of coming up here.” Walking her to the line to get on the gondola, I show the guy the tickets, and he helps us inside. As soon as it starts to move again, she watches everything, as it goes by us.

“Wow,” she breathes. She scoots closer to me. I wrap my arm around her, and pull her even closer to me. “Oooh look!” she says, pointing towards a tree. I see a squirrel running, and I can’t help but grin. She appreciates the little things in life, and she is pretty much the first girl that I’ve met in a long time that does. Every other bitch only cares about what I can do for her, or how she can one up someone else, but not Sailor.

When we get to the top, her eyes light up, as she takes in the view. “It’s so pretty up here,” she whispers. Helping her out of the gondola, I grab her hand. We make our way out to the where the ski lifts are, and I tell her to pick a destination.

“Anywhere you want to go.” She grins, and walks over to the big sign with the trails. She points to one that isn’t all that far from where we are. We buy a couple of waters, before we start our trek out to her destination.

Hiking in boots sucks, but seeing the smile on her face makes this shit worth it. When we finally get to the spot she wanted, she takes a seat on the dirt, and lies back on the ground. Shaking my head at her, I can’t help but laugh. She looks up at me, pats the ground next to her, and grins. “Come lay here with me.”

When I don’t sit down right away, she pouts. She grabs the bottom of my jeans, and gives them a little tug. “Please,” she sticks out her bottom lip, and I’m fucking toast. She seems to have my ass wrapped around her damn finger, and I can’t help but do what she wants.

Lying back on the ground with her, I look up at the sky, and she curls up into my side. “This place is beautiful. Thank you for bringing me out here,” her lips brush my cheek. When I turn my face towards her, I see how happy this trip is making her.

My phone starts to ring, and when I pull it out of my pocket, I see that it’s Mac. “Yeah?” I answer. She goes back to watching the sky, and I listen to what he has to say.

“Someone is looking for her. He put some feelers out, and I’m not liking the responses that he’s getting,” he states.

“You know who’s asking?” I kiss the top of her head, and she cuddles into me more. It’s fucking cold out here. The only way I’m going to keep her warm, is by getting her to work up a sweat.

“Some low level enforcer. No specifics.”

“When I get back, I want all the details,” I state. Sailor sits up, and looks down at me with a questioning look. I don’t want her to freak out, so I don’t get any more specific than that.

“I can do that. When you going to be back?” he sounds agitated, but I don’t really give a shit. I’m taking my time up here with her, and I have plans to fuck her out here in the woods.

“Few hours, maybe longer,” I state. He mutters something to the other guys. I tell him that I’ll come find him when I get back, and he hangs up without another word. Putting my phone back in my pocket, I sit up, and grab Sailors hands, pulling her up and off the ground.

Pulling her to me, I wrap my arms around her. I lean down a tad to whisper in her ear, “You have no fucking clue what I want to do to you right now.”

Her eyes meet mine, and I can see them fill with lust right away. She pulls out of my arms, and takes off running towards some trees. I can’t help but go running after her. When I catch up with her, I wrap my arm around her waist, and pull her into my body. “I love a good chase.”

She spins in my arms, and wraps her arms around my neck, pulling my face down to hers. “I’ll never make you run far.” Crushing my mouth down on hers, I kiss her like my life depends on it. I walk her back, until we bump into a huge fucking tree.

Before I can even stop her, she pulls away, and all but grabs me, leading me into this tree that has part of the stump missing. You can fucking walk through the damn thing, no joke. She pushes me against the tree, and sinks down to her knees, without me even saying a word.

Her small hands slip into my jeans, and I suck in a breath at the coldness of her hands. She undoes my jeans quickly, and slides them down enough to pull my dick out. I watch as she licks her lips, before taking me into her mouth.

She works me up quickly, and her fingers dig into my ass, as she bobs her head up and down my shaft. Tangling my fingers in her hair, I change the pace from fast to slow, and stop myself from coming before I’m ready. I love the feeling of her lips wrapped around me, and I want to prolong the feeling for as long as I can.

“Fuck Darlin’,” I groan, when she swirls her tongue along my tip. She massages my balls, and runs her finger nails down my shaft, causing me to come instantly.

I moan, and thrust my hips into her mouth roughly, as I ride out my orgasm. She takes it like a champ. Not once does she complain, as I gag her, and grip her hair roughly.

She sucks me clean, before she slowly pulls my dick out of her mouth. When she bites her lip, I grab her face, and lean down to claim her mouth. Fuck, every fucking day with her, makes me crave her more than the day before. When it’s time for me to leave, I’m not sure I’ll be able to leave her. Hell, I’m not even sure I want to leave her here anymore.

I think I am finally starting to understand what the fuck my brothers were talking about when they say they fell for their ole’ ladies.

I’m going to be fucking screwed. I’m never going to hear the fucking end of it from them either, when they find this shit out. Looking down into Sailor’s eyes, I’m right where I want to be. Now the only trick is not fucking this shit up, and getting her out of the mob’s sights.

Chapter Fourteen

As soon as we got back from Tahoe, Raef went straight into a meeting at the clubhouse. Instead of hanging around the clubhouse, I made my way back into the room to hide out. I still don’t know how everything is going to play out between Raef and me, but I feel like maybe I’m not so crazy when it comes to me having feelings about him. I think he’s starting to have them for me too – well, I at least hope he does.

Grabbing my phone, I play a few games, and wait for him to come back. After a few hours, I get bored, and go looking for some paper and a pen. For the rest of the evening, I write a story about myself. I detail out my life, and all the shitty hands we were dealt growing up. I spend hours detailing out my dream life, and everything that I hoped I would have by now. I even start to write about my relationship with Striker.

I’m no author, but when I get to the point of when I lost my virginity, I have to stop. I remember the way it happened, and how I felt about everything. I was too young to do it, and I sure as hell wasn’t ready for that type of intimacy with anyone.

When Butch and Striker found out, they beat the living crap out of the guy, and I never saw him again. Looking down at the pages I wrote so far, I’m actually surprised with how much I got out.

The door opens, and I see Raef walking into the room. I can’t help but smile at him. “Hey,” I greet.

“Hey Darlin’”, he drawls, stalking towards me. He tackles me into the bed, and he kisses my neck. When he rolls over onto his back, he’s careful not to hit his head on anything. “What are you doing?” A small grin appears on his face, and he grabs the pages that are now scattered on the bed.

He grabs one, and starts to read it. Trying to grab it out of his hand, I end up falling on top of him. “No,” I squeal. He wraps his arm around me, and pulls me to him. I can’t reach for the paper anymore, as he continues to read.

Burying my face into his chest, I close my eyes, and just wait for him to say something. When he sets the first page down on the bed next to us, he grabs my face with his thumb and forefinger, and forces me to look at him.

At first I swear he is going to say something, but he doesn’t.
Instead he presses his lips against mine, and pulls me up his body, so we are face to face. “Is that true?” I don’t say a word, but I nod my head. “Can I read more?”

Looking away, I want to say yes, but I know he will probably read it even if I tell him no. “You’re going to read it anyway right?” I mutter.

He smacks my ass, and my eyes shoot darts towards him. “Don’t get a smart mouth with me,” he growls. He nips at my jaw, and continues. “I have a feeling that if I keep reading, I’m going to read some things that you don’t want me to know. So I’m asking you.”

What the hell. I guess it really can’t hurt for him to read more about my life. At least this way I don’t have to actually say the words to him. I don’t even think I could get them out if I tried.

“You can read it,” I whisper.

He kisses me quickly, before he grabs the other pages, and starts to read them one by one. Every minute that passes makes me feel nervous, and feeling like he’s going to judge me for all the shit I’ve done in my life. These words were never meant to be read by anyone else, and now that he’s reading them, I’m unsure of what I wrote.

Thirty minutes later he sets the papers on the bed, and pulls me into his lap. Trying to look anywhere but at him, proves to be difficult. He cups my face with both of his hands, and forces me to look at him. He looks into my eyes, like he’s trying to find the answer to something. Biting my bottom lip, I cast my eyes down, and wait for him to say something.

“I loved it. You’ve gone through a lot in a short amount of time.” I’m actually thankful that he doesn’t mention a few of the incidents that I would rather no one know. He lies back on the bed, and pulls me with him.

“Are you going to keep writing?” I shrug my shoulders, and think about the answer. Part of me feels like writing that all down was like a therapy, and the other part of me knows that if someone else ever read it, they would judge me. I’m not proud of everything I did to survive. But I did it, and I’ve become who I am today because of it.

“It does make me feel better,” I sigh.

“So I take that as a yes,” he murmurs, pulling my lips to his. I nod my head, and he grins at me.

“Good. Will you let me read it when you’re done with some more?” Nodding, I roll over, so I am lying on my back.

“How was your meeting?” I run my finger over his bicep, and he turns to face me.

“It was a meeting. Your old man is in a shit load of trouble if he shows his face around here again.” He runs his finger down my collarbone, and stops them right above my hip, where I have a tattoo barely peeking out of my sweats.

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