Wayward Soul (4 page)

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Authors: K. Renee,Kim Young

BOOK: Wayward Soul
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Panting, we both collapse on the bed. Lying on his back, he pulls my body to his and I cuddle into his side. A few minutes later, I

m fast asleep.

Chapter Six


s something about this girl I just can

t shake. She is sexy and lets me do whatever I want to her body. She squeezes my dick like a vise and I can't get enough of it. By the time Brantley came into the room to tell me we had to ride, my head was swimming and I was almost ready to throw out the

no dating

rule. For this girl, I could try. Fuck, I
to try. I hear a quiet knock at the door. Getting up, I pull on my jeans and see Brant standing there looking pissed off.

"Bro, we got to go. Dax called and said there

s some shit going down,

Brant says in a hushed whisper.

"Yeah, man. Let me get dressed. Are the girls gonna be okay alone?"

He looks back behind him for a second and a look of love flashes across his face. I knew he had something going on with her, but I didn't realize it was as serious as this. "Yeah, they don't know about the girls. But they know I'm in town." This doesn't sound good.

"Is it who I think?" I question. He just nods. Fuck. "Give me a sec and we can go."

I turn and walk back into Casey's room. She is spread out on her bed. I can see her body moving slightly with each breath she takes. I pull on my shirt, then grab my cut from the chair. I have never been with a girl who had that much respect for the cut. I was in awe of her when she folded it and placed it on the chair. I watch her for a few minutes before pulling my boots on. She looks like an angel with her red hair splayed across her pillow. I run my fingertips gently down the side of her face and her eyes flutter open. Her smile almost brings me to my knees.


she whispers. I watch her naked body as she stretches and yawns.

"Hey, beauty. I got to go. Club business." She gets a small, sad smile on her face, but nods. I lean over and kiss her lips. "Give me your number and I'll call you later." Her eyes light up and she rattles it off. I put her number in my phone and kiss her again. She sighs and pulls away. "

Bye, beauty.


s coming down the hall. He nods and we walk out of the apartment.

As we head to our bikes, I get a bad feeling that something is about to happen. I look over at Brant and can tell he feels the same way. His body is stiff and he's watching our surroundings. Suddenly, I hear the thumping of boots on the ground, then see a shadowy figure coming towards us. When I see the glint of the knife, I know it's too late.

I feel the burning sensation as it slices through my skin. Blood starts to pour from my arm, but I can only focus on the bastard to the left of me. Brantley runs over and grabs the guy from behind, causing him to try to spin and stab him, as well. When I take my gun out of my waistband and hit the prick in the head, he goes down without another sound.

"What the fuck? Who the hell is this fucker?" Brantley hisses. I have no idea. He doesn't look familiar to me.

I grab my phone and dial my VP, using my free hand to search through my saddlebags for my bandana, having Brant tie it around the cut.. "Yeah?" the gruff voice comes across the line.

"B and I just got attacked at an apartment complex. We need the van,

I say while scanning the area. I don't see anyone else. Hell, it's only three in the morning. Most people are still asleep, but we can't keep this bastard out here in the open.

"What happened, Sarge?

I look at the asshole still lying on the ground. "We were going to the call and this fucker came out of nowhere. He got me with the knife before B knocked him out."

I hear him say fuck a few times. "I'll send a couple of prospects to you. Stay put until they get there." It

s not like I

m about to just let this asshole go after he stabbed me.

VP, can we keep a prospect here to watch the girls? I don't want Cason's daughter unprotected in case someone knows she's here." I can hear him giving a prospect instructions and telling him where he

s supposed to be going. When he gets on the phone again, he questions why I'm at her house. "I was with her roommate. I just want to make sure they are safe." I hear a moan and see Brantley zip-tying the motherfucker stupid enough to come after a Wayward Saint.

He tells me they are on the way and to keep the guy out of sight until we can move him to the house.

When the prospects finally pull up, Brant and I are on our bikes, smoking. I watch the van come to a stop and the prospects jump out. I tell Jake to watch over the apartment and make sure no one, besides the girls, go in or out. He nods and takes off to set up a spot for himself. The other two prospects grab the guy and load him into the van.

Brant and I start our bikes and head off to the house. When we get there, Prez and Johnny, the VP, are already waiting for us. "Brant. Sarge,

Prez says, nodding to us. Johnny just shakes Brant's hand and nods to me. I've been the Sergeant At Arms here for the last year. Mikey, the SAA before me, was killed by a rival club. I was voted into the position not long after his death and I have been trying to get back at the motherfucker who killed him ever since.

I watch Brant and Prez eye each other. I'm not too sure why they don't like each other, but I know the feeling is mutual. "Church,

Prez says, walking towards the house.

Brant shakes his head, then follows me into church. "God, I hate that fucker,

he says before we walk through the doors. Sometimes these fuckers are a bunch of whiny little bitches, my cousin included.

I take my seat to the left of Prez and watch the rest of the club shuffle in. Once all the guys are inside, Prez bangs the gavel on the table to start the meeting. "Tell us what happened, Sarge,

he says, staring at Brant. He must think it has something to do with him.

"We were leaving the apartment complex for the call out when the bastard came charging at me out of nowhere. He sliced my arm, but Brant was able to knock him out. Never seen him before, and he didn't say anything."

I look around the room and see that everyone has their attention on Brant. He just shakes his head. "Don't look at me. I have no idea who that fucker is, either. If anyone else goes near my girl's apartment, I will kill them."

Everyone stares at him, mouths open. They all know who lives at the apartment and he just admitted that the national president

s daughter is his girl. Fuck. That bitch is going to get him in so much fucking trouble. She can

t be worth the headache.

"A prospect will be at the apartment until we know they

re safe,

Prez says, looking at me. He turns and looks B in the eyes. "Brantley, let your prez know what's going down here. We have everything covered, but I just want to give him the heads-up." He addresses the group again. "We need to find out who is behind this attack and whether or not we have any more attacks coming in our direction. We are going to put off the run until after we settle this. I don't want to risk the merchandise."

I watch all the guys nod as Prez looks around the table. He raises the gavel and bangs it down. "Let's go find out what we're dealing with, boys,

he says with an evil smirk, then stands and walks out of the room, everyone following him to the garage where the prospects have the guy tied up.

I follow them and see the asshole who stabbed me staring at all of us with wide eyes. When they land on me, I can see the fear in them. He starts to squirm around, but he can't break free of the cuffs around his wrists and ankles.

I walk up to him and lean down so we are eye-to-eye. "Who sent you?" I demand.

He tenses up and looks around the room. "I


I do

don't kn...kn


I stand and walk to the tool box. Grabbing a pair of pliers, I walk back over to him with a smile on my face. He starts to move even more. "Hold him down,

I say, snapping the pliers open and closed a few times.

His eyes widen. "Please, don't!" he screams out. "I



just an


answered the

the add,

he says.

Sticking the pliers in his mouth, I ask, "What did the add say?"

He continues to shake as I shove the pliers further into his mouth. "He'll kill me!

will fucking kill you if you
tell me who sent you after me!" I roar.

He shakes his head and cries out in pain as I clamp the pliers around one of his teeth and pull. I hear the tooth pop, then come loose. His screams echo off the walls of the garage. Luckily, the walls are insulated, so no one outside can hear anything.

Brant walks over to me and whispers, "What if he wasn't after us?"

I shake my head. "You think he came for the girls?" I ask, keeping my eyes on the bastard crying out in pain.

He nods and looks over at the guy. "Trust me, motherfucker. You don't want to fucking mess with me. Who the fuck sent you, and why?

Brant asks.

Anyone who tries to hurt that girl makes Brant act like her own personal pitbull. I don

t blame him. I feel like killing this motherfucker just for being too close to Casey.

The guy spits out blood. "He said I had to get the girl, but then I saw you guys there..." He trails off when he sees the deadly looks Brant and I are giving him.

"What girl are you after?" Brant sneers.

"Some MC princess. I don't know her name. I just have her picture." Johnny walks up and searches the guy

s pockets. Pulling out the photo, he hands it over to Brant.


he yells.

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