Wayward Angel

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Authors: K. Renee,Vivian Cummings

Tags: #Nonfiction

BOOK: Wayward Angel
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The Wayward Saints, MC

Book One


K. Renee






Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Twenty Three

Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty One

Chapter Thirty Two

Chapter Thirty Three

Chapter Thirty Four

Chapter Thirty Five

Chapter Thirty Six


Sneak Peek: Wayward Soul

About the Author



Wayward Angel Copyright

© 2014 K. Renee

Published by K. Renee

1st Edition

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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Published: K. Renee - December 12, 2014

[email protected]

Cover Design: KLa Boutique

Formatting: K. Renee

Cover Models: © Depositphotos.com

Vivian Cummings @ Discount Deletes

ISBN-13: 978-150322579

ISBN-10: 150322579



To all the authors who have inspired me to write this book.

Thank you for paving the way.






On days like today, I hate living with my mother. My mom, if I could even call her that, only took me so my dad would have to give her money every month. I’m just a pawn in her game. My dad gives her tons of money, but she's selfish and only uses it for herself. Right now she's in bed high as a kite, while her new flavor of the week, Steve, is walking around our apartment searching through our drawers.

I hide in my room hoping that he doesn’t come in here next. I start to panic when I hear his footsteps getting closer to my door and see his shadow under it.

All I can think of right now is why I didn’t charge the cell phone my dad left me in case of emergencies. I slide under my bed as fast as I can, just before my door flies open, crashing into the wall. I can tell Steve is high, just like my mom, as his footsteps get closer to my bed.

“Anslie, you little tease, where the fuck are you?”  I pray he doesn't find me as I listen to his deep breathing. For the last couple of days, Steve has been coming into my room. Luckily, I've been able to sneak out before he could find me. He scares me, and I want my dad.

I place my hand over my mouth to keep myself quiet and stay as still as I can, waiting for him to leave. He staggers around my room touching and moving things, and it doesn't take long for him to drop something. Glass breaks and I see the picture of my dad and me on the floor.

After a few minutes of silence, I hear Steve turn and stomp back out of my room and down the hall towards my mom's room. Scrambling out from under the bed, I plug my phone in, retrieve the broken frame from the floor and throw the broken pieces of glass in the garbage. Once my phone has enough power to turn on, I find my dad's number and hit call.

The phone just rings and rings, until the voice mail finally picks up. Next I call Dominic, the oldest of my brothers and probably the most protective of me. He still treats me like I’m five. The phone rings three times before I hear his rough voice answer.

“Hey little girl,” he drawls. Hearing my brother’s voice instantly calms my nerves.

“Hey Dom,” I say meekly. I haven’t seen my four older brothers in years. I was probably twelve the last time they came out here with our dad to visit.

Instantly sensing my anxiety, he asks, “You okay?”

I shake my head no, but tell him yes.

“Anslie, it's not like you to call after midnight on a school night. What's wrong?”

After a few moments of silence, I start crying and tell him everything that had just happened.

After he lets loose a string of curse words, I hear him moving around and grabbing stuff. A zipper closing and mumbled words fill the background as my brother tells someone to find Prez. I don’t realize that I’ve been holding my breath until I hear my dad's voice in the background.

My brother explains what I told him, and then my dad grabs the phone. “That's it, I'm coming to get you out of there right now. No one is going to mess with my daughter.”

I pray that they get here soon, because who knows what Steve might do.




Chapter One

The apartment has been quiet ever since Steve went back into my mom's room. I hide under my bed until I have to get up and get ready for school. Then I shower, dress and brush my teeth and hair before hurrying out the door. Every morning, I make sure to leave before anyone else is up.

School sucks. I'm sixteen and I have only one friend, Macy, who's a loner like me. All the girls think she’s a nerd, so they don’t talk to her. Everyone thinks that I'm just like my mother, so they stay away from me, too.

I’ve heard what the kids at school whisper about my mom. She sleeps with men for money and then uses that money – plus the money from my dad - for drugs. Many of the men she sleeps with are married and I go to school with their kids.

I wear clothes that I get from the Goodwill. Mom tells me that little whores don't deserve nice things, so she never spends any money on me. Really, I just think she's selfish and shouldn't be allowed to take care of me. I don’t know why she thinks I’m a whore. I've never even kissed a boy, let alone slept with one. I don't argue with her anymore. It's pointless.

I walk the eight blocks to school and meet up with Macy. We've been friends for the past five years, and her mom is the nicest woman I’ve ever met. She's always trying to get me to stay with them, but my mom always throws a fit and forbids me from hanging out with Macy.

Macy’s a thicker blonde girl with the prettiest violet eyes. She's a little shorter than my five foot five frame and her body is an hourglass shape, but she's super self-conscious. The boys love her figure, but they only want one thing from her, and she isn’t that girl - she’s like me. I think that’s why we're best friends. I hate knowing that in a few short days, I will be leaving her. I know it's going to be tough on her, since the girls at our school hate us. I hope that they aren’t too hard on her. They're just jealous that the boys pay too much attention to our bodies.

I meet up with Macy at our spot, in front of the school where a group of trees block us from the other kids who mill around out front. We meet here every morning before first period. No one else comes out here, so it's like the last little piece of paradise before we go to our classes.

Macy walks up with a sad expression on her face and I wonder if she knows already. She’s the one who told me to call my dad after I told her about Steve's creepy behavior. She smiles at me when she walks up, but it doesn't reach her eyes.

"Macy, I'm not sure I'll be coming back to school next week," I say quietly. I'm not sure what I can say.

"Why not? Is it because of Steve?” she questions with a sad expression on her face.

"My dad is coming to get me. He doesn't want to leave me with my mom anymore, since I told him what happened last night.”

Her lip starts to tremble. “Oh. I understand. I'll miss you Anslie," she whimpers.

"Me too, Mace. I promise I’ll keep in touch.”

We hug and go to our classes. School comes easy to me. I’m a straight A student, not that my mom cares - she's more worried about herself and the drugs she pumps into her body. I don't understand how I could have the world’s worst mother. My dad is a handsome guy. Why couldn’t he have picked a better mother for me?

My brothers always told me how awesome their mom was. She was killed by a rival club when Bentley was two. Then my dad met my mom and was smitten. I wish we all had the same mom. Maybe then I'd know what it's like to have a mom who cares about me.

At lunch, I text Dominic to see where they are.

how much longer till you get here?

It takes an hour before he finally writes me back.

tomorrow...you okay?

I hate that they're still so far away. At times likes these I wish we didn’t live so far away from each other.

no please hurry

can you stay with a friend till we get there

mom won't let me go anywhere but school

just stay in your room and keep the door closed when your there.

I finish out the school day and start my slow walk home.

When I get home, I'm relieved to see only my mom's car in the parking lot. My mom’s a natural beauty, or at least she used to be, She has long, dark brown hair, hazel eyes and a year-round tan that most women would kill to have. She's also tall and rail thin, but that's mostly because of the drugs. Despite being so thin, she somehow manages to have big, perky breasts and a round butt.

She thinks I’m blessed to look like her. The only difference between us is that the drugs make her look run-down and dirty, with her skanky clothes and smudged makeup.

She reeks of cheap vodka on a daily basis.

I wish she would go back to being the mom she was when we lived in Vegas with my dad and brothers. She used to be normal then, or as normal as

We left Vegas when I was five. One day she just packed our things and left my brothers alone at my dad’s while he was on a run. I remember her telling Dominic that she couldn’t live with them anymore and that they weren’t her kids, so she didn’t care what happened to them. Dad was furious when he finally tracked us down.

Every few months, he comes to visit me and it pisses my mom off. When he leaves, she screams at me and takes away everything that he brings me. Last time, she slapped me and told me to stop being an attention whore. “Your daddy will never love you as much as he loves the club.”

I walk into the house and head straight for my room. My mom appears out of nowhere and stops me right before I get to my bedroom door.

"What are you doing here?" She sneers at me.

I look down at the ground before answering her. "I just got out of school." 

She looks me up and down before she smiles. "I got something for you."

I freeze. She never gets me anything. She only gives me stuff when people start to complain about my appearance or the holes in my clothes.

With a devious smile on her lips, she tosses a Victoria’s Secret bag at me. "I want you to join me with a client. I'll get more money and you’re finally growing into that body of yours. We'll be quite the tag team pair!”

I look up at her in shock as she grins at me and nods her head. How could she even suggest something like that to me? I’m only sixteen!

"No, I will never be a whore like you,” I say as firmly as I can.

She reaches to hit me, but I turn and run as fast as I can to grab my bag. I hear her laughing as I make it to the door. Grabbing my backpack, I run until I get to Macy's house, where I knock on the door while looking over my shoulder to make sure my mom didn’t follow me.

Macy’s mom answers the door with wide eyes, probably because I have tears streaming down my face and I’m having trouble catching my breath. She ushers me inside and sits me down on the couch.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" she gently probes. I shake my head and she envelops me in a hug, which makes me cry harder. I’ve never had a mom who hugged me.

Macy comes around the corner and stops dead in her tracks when she sees me. Sitting down next to me, she grabs my hand. With tears in her eyes, she asks, "Mom, Anslie can stay right?"

Her mom nods. "Of course, baby. I'm going to start dinner. Anslie, make yourself at home."

"Thank you, Ms. White." I say meekly.

"Call me Tina, dear."

I just nod my head.

After we eat dinner, Macy and I get into pajamas and lie in her bed. "I don't want you to leave, Anslie," she whispers, choking out a sob.

I hate this. I don’t want to leave my best friend. I want to live with her, but I know my dad won’t go for that.

"Me either, but I can't stay with my mom anymore. You understand, right? I promise I’ll call."

She just nods her head and turns to face the wall. I turn the other way with tears running down my face.

My phone beeps next to my head, reminding me that I've been ignoring my mom's calls and texts all night. With a groan, I look at the three new text messages.

get your ass home right now you stupid little bitch

you selfish little bitch. You better get home now

I'm going to tell your dad you’ve been whoring around town

My eyes start sting with tears as I throw the phone aside, but I won't let myself cry. I deserve a life better than my selfish mom can provide. I close my eyes and pray for sleep to take me quickly.

The next day, I go to school with Macy, wearing her clothes and carrying a lunch her mom packed me. I make it through the whole day without hearing one word from my own mom, who usually spends our grocery money on drugs. When the last bell rings, I grab my bag and make my way to my locker, where I grab everything that I can't bear to leave behind and shove it in my bag.

After making the long walk home and seeing no cars that I recognize, I let out a sigh of relief and go inside. I grab a glass of water before going in my room to hide for the rest of the night.  I don’t bother with my homework, since my dad should be here soon and I won't be going back to school tomorrow.

A few hours pass before I hear the door slam open and my mom giggling. I hear Steve's voice, but he sounds muffled. My mom moans his name, and I cringe when I realize they're probably having sex right in the hallway. I hate hearing them do that. I struggle to ignore the screaming until they're done and they
finish the trek to her room.

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