Water for Elephants (19 page)

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Authors: Sara Gruen

BOOK: Water for Elephants
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,” I say, trying to nod.

Her fingertips linger under my chin as she turns to the blonde crouching beside her. “So young. Oh, he’s cute as a button, isn’t he, Nell?”

Nell takes a drag from a cigarette and blows the smoke from the side of her mouth. “Sure is. Don’t think I’ve seen him before.”

“He was helping out at the cooch tent a few nights ago,” says Barbara. She turns back to me. “What’s your name, honey?” she says softly, running the backs of her fingers up and down my cheek.

“Jacob,” I say, around the edges of a belch.

“Jacob,” she says. “Oh, say, I know who you are. He’s the one Walter was talking about,” she says to Nell. “He’s brand new, a First of May. Handled himself real well at the cooch tent.”

She grabs my chin and raises it, gazing deep into my eyes. I try to return the favor but am having some trouble focusing. “Oh, you are a sweet thing. So, tell me, Jacob—you ever been with a woman?”

“I . . . uh . . .,” I say. “Uh . . .”

Nell giggles. Barbara leans back and puts her hands on her waist. “Whadya think? Wanna give him a proper welcome?”

“We practically have to,” says Nell. “A First of May
a virgin?” Her hand slips between my legs and slides over my crotch. My head, which had been wobbling on its stem, snaps upright. “You think his hair is red down there, too?” she says, cupping me in her palm.

Barbara leans forward, unclasps my hands, and lifts one to her mouth. She turns it over, runs a long nail across the palm and then stares me in the eye while running her tongue along the same path. Then she takes my hand and places it on her left breast, right where the nipple must be.

Oh God. Oh God. I’m touching a breast. Through a dress, but still—

Barbara stands up for a moment, smoothes her skirt, looks furtively around, and then crouches. I’m pondering this change of position when she takes hold of my hand again. This time she pulls it under her skirt and presses my fingers against hot, moist silk.

I catch my breath. The whiskey, the moonshine, the gin, the God-knows-what—all of it dissipates instantly. She moves my hand up and down, over her strange and wonderful valleys.

Oh shit. I may come right now.

” she purrs, rearranging my hand so that my middle finger presses further into her. Warm silk bulges around both sides of my finger, pulsing under my touch. She removes my hand, places it back on my knee, and then gives my crotch an experimental squeeze.

,” she says, her eyes half-closed. “He’s ready, Nell. Damn, I love them at this age.”

The rest of the night passes in epileptic flashes. I am aware of being propped up between two women, but I think I fall out the door of the stock car. At least, I am aware of finding myself cheek down in the dirt. Then I’m swept upward again and jostled along in the dark until I’m sitting on the edge of a bed.

There are definitely two Barbaras now. And two of the other one, as well. Nell, was it?

Barbara steps backward and raises her arms in the air. She throws her head back and runs her hands over her body, dancing and moving by candlelight. I’m interested—there is no question about that. But I simply can’t sit upright anymore. So I fall back.

Someone’s yanking on my pants. I mumble something, not sure what, but I don’t think it’s encouragement. I’m suddenly not feeling well.

Oh God. She’s touching me—
—stroking experimentally. I prop
myself up on my elbows and look down. It’s limp, a tiny pink turtle hiding in its shell. It also seems to be stuck to my leg. She peels it free, delves both her hands between my thighs to spread them, and reaches down for my balls. She rests them on one hand, juggling them like eggs while she examines my penis. It flops hopelessly under her manipulations while I watch, mortified.

The other woman—now there’s only one again, how the hell am I ever going to keep this straight?—lies next to me on the bed. She fishes a skinny breast from her dress and lifts it to my mouth. She rubs it all over my face. Now her lipsticked mouth is coming at me, a gaping maw with tongue extended. I turn my head to the right, where there is no woman. Then I feel a mouth close around the head of my penis.

I gasp. The women giggle, but it’s a purring sound, an encouraging sound, as they continue trying to get a response.

Oh God, oh God, she’s sucking it.
it, for God’s sake.

I’m not going to be able to—

Oh my God, I need to—

I turn my head and hurl the unfortunately varied contents of my stomach onto Nell.

scraping noise. Then the blackness above me is broken by a sliver of light.

Kinko peers in at me. “Wake up, sunshine. Your boss is looking for you.”

He’s holding a lid open. All of which starts to make sense, because as my cramped body realizes my brain is open for business, it soon becomes clear I am stuffed into a trunk.

Kinko props the lid open and walks away. I work my bent neck free and struggle into a sitting position. The trunk is in a tent, surrounded by rack after rack of vibrant costumes, props, and vanities with mirrors.

“Where am I?” I croak. I cough and try to clear my parched throat.

“Clown Alley,” says Kinko, fingering some paint jars on a dresser.

I lift an arm to cover my eyes and notice it is clad in silk. A red silk
dressing gown, to be exact. A red silk dressing gown that is wide open. I look down and discover that someone has shaved my genitals.

I snatch the edges of the gown together, wondering if Kinko saw.

Dear God, what did I do last night? I have no idea. Nothing but scraps of memory, and—

Oh God. I threw up on a woman.

I struggle to my feet, tying the dressing gown. I wipe my forehead, which feels unusually slick. My hand comes away white.

“What the—?” I say, staring at my hand.

Kinko turns and hands me a mirror. I take it with great trepidation. When I raise it to my face, a clown looks back at me.

out of the tent, look left and right, and then streak across to the stock car. I am followed by guffaws and catcalls.

, look at that hot mama!”

“Hey, Fred—check out the new cooch girl!”

“Say, honey—got plans tonight?”

I dive into the goat room and slam the door, leaning against it. I breathe heavily, listening until the laughter outside dies down. I grab a rag and wipe my face again. I rubbed it raw before I left Clown Alley, but somehow I still don’t believe it’s clean. I don’t think any part of me will ever be clean again. And the worst part is that I don’t even know what I did. I have only snippets, and as horrifying as those are it’s even more horrifying not knowing what happened in between.

It suddenly occurs to me that I have no idea whether I’m still a virgin.

I reach inside the dressing gown and scratch my stubbly balls.

a few minutes later. I’m lying on my bedroll, my arms over my head.

“You’d better get your ass out there,” he says. “He’s still looking for you.”

Something snuffles in my ear. I lift my head and bang into a wet nose. Queenie leaps backward as though launched from a catapult. She surveys
me from a distance of three feet, sniffing cautiously. Oh, I bet I’m just a medley of smells this morning. I drop my head again.

“You want to get fired, or what?” Kinko says.

“At this point, I really don’t care,” I mumble.


“I’m leaving anyway.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

I can’t answer. I can’t tell him that not only have I disgraced myself beyond belief or redemption, but I have also failed at my first opportunity to have sex—something I’ve thought about pretty much constantly for the last eight years. Not to mention throwing up on one of the women who was offering and then passing out and having somebody shave my balls and paint my face and stuff me into a trunk. Although he must know at least parts of it, since he knew where to find me this morning. Perhaps he was even involved in the festivities.

“Don’t be a pussy,” he says. “You want to end up walking the tracks like those poor bums out there? Now get on out there before you get yourself fired.”

I remain inert.

“I said get up!”

“What do you care?” I grumble. “And stop shouting. My head hurts.”

“Just get the hell up or I’ll hurt the rest of you, too!”

“All right! Just stop yelling!”

I drag myself upright and throw him a dirty look. My head pounds and it feels as though lead weights are tied to each of my joints. Since he continues watching me, I turn toward the wall, keeping the red gown on until I pull my pants up in an effort to hide my hairlessness. Nevertheless, my face burns.

“Oh, and a word to the wise?” says Kinko. “Some flowers for Barbara wouldn’t go amiss. The other one’s just a whore, but Barbara’s a friend.”

I am so flooded with shame my consciousness flickers. After the urge to faint passes, I stare at the ground, sure I’ll never bring myself to look anyone in the eyes again.

train has been moved off the siding, and the hotly disputed elephant car is now hitched directly behind our engine, where the ride will be smoothest. It has vents instead of slats and is made of metal. The boys from the Flying Squadron are busy tearing down tents—they’ve already dropped most of the larger ones, revealing the buildings of Joliet in the background. A small crowd of towners has gathered to watch the activity.

I find August in the menagerie tent, standing in front of the elephant.

“Move!” he screams, waving the bull hook around her face.

She swings her trunk and blinks.

“I said
” He steps behind her and thwacks her in the back of the leg. “Move, goddammit!” Her eyes narrow and her enormous ears flatten against her head.

August catches sight of me and freezes. He drops the bull hook to his side. “Rough night?” he sneers.

A blush prickles up the back of my neck and spreads over my entire head.

“Never mind. Get a stick and help me move this stupid beast.”

Pete comes up behind him, twisting his hat in his hands. “August?”

August turns, furious. “Oh, for Christ’s sake. What is it, Pete? Can’t you see I’m busy?”

“The cat meat is here.”

“Good. Take care of it. We don’t have much time.”

“What exactly do you want me to do with it?”

“What the hell do you think I want you to do with it?”

“But, boss—” says Pete, clearly distressed.

“Goddammit!” says August. The vein on his temple bulges dangerously. “Do I have to do every damned thing myself? Here,” he says, thrusting the bull hook at me. “Teach the brute something. Anything will do. As far as I can tell, all she knows how to do is shit and eat.”

I take the bull hook and watch as he storms from the tent. I’m still staring after him when the elephant’s trunk sweeps past my face, blowing
warm air into my ear. I spin and find myself looking into an amber eye. It blinks at me. My gaze shifts from that eye to the bull hook in my hand.

I look back up at the eye and again it blinks. I lean over and lay the bull hook on the ground.

She swings her trunk across the ground in front of her, fanning her ears like enormous leaves. Her mouth opens in a smile.

“Hi,” I say. “Hi, Rosie. I’m Jacob.”

After a moment’s hesitation, I extend my hand, just a bit. The trunk whooshes past, blowing. Emboldened, I reach out and lay a hand on her shoulder. Her skin is rough and stubbly and surprisingly warm.

“Hi,” I say again, giving her an experimental pat.

Her windsail of an ear moves forward and then back, and the trunk returns. I touch it tentatively, and then stroke it. I am entirely enamored, and so engrossed that I don’t see August until he comes to an abrupt stop in front of me.

“What the hell is wrong with you people this morning? I should fire every goddamned one of you, what with Pete not wanting to take care of business and you pulling a disappearing act and then playing kissy-face with the bull. Where’s the damned bull hook?”

I lean over and retrieve it. August snatches it from my hand, and the elephant’s ears settle back against her head.

“Here, princess,” says August, addressing me. “I have a job you might be able to handle. Go find Marlena. Make sure she doesn’t go behind the menagerie for a bit.”


August takes a deep breath and grips the bull hook so hard his knuckles whiten. “Because I said so. All right?” he says through clenched teeth.

Naturally, I head behind the menagerie to find out what Marlena’s not supposed to see. I round the corner just as Pete slits the throat of a decrepit gray horse. The horse screams as blood shoots six feet from the gaping hole in its neck.

“Jesus Christ!” I yelp, taking a step backward.

The horse’s heart slows, and the spurts weaken. Eventually the horse
drops to its knees and crashes forward. It scrapes the ground with its front hooves and then falls still. Its eyes are open wide. A lake of dark blood spreads from its neck.

Pete glances up at me, still leaning over the twitching animal.

An emaciated bay horse is tethered to a stake beside him, out of its head with terror. Its nostrils are flared, showing red, its muzzle straight in the air. The lead rope is so taut it looks like it’s going to snap. Pete steps across the dead horse, grabs the rope near the bay’s head, and slices its throat. More spurting blood, more death throes, another collapsing body.

Pete stands with his arms slack at his sides, his sleeves rolled up past his elbows, still holding the bloody knife. He watches the horse until it dies and then raises his face to me.

He wipes his nose, spits, and gets back to the task at hand.

” I say, rapping on the door of their stateroom.

“Jacob?” calls a small voice from inside.

“Yes,” I say.

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