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She certainly hadn

t. She

d concentrated so hard on avoiding him and subsisting on the team that she was as responsible for the antagonism between them. She

d ran away again
, behind animosity and barbs


d made no attempt to know him, no attempt to alleviate or circumvent the tension. It was as Ana had said

Georgia had been afraid of him. And she hadn

t wanted to accept it.

Dammit, she

d made a vow years ago to not let fear rule her decisions or actions. Never again.


He kept his hands to himself and she respected that. He wasn

t trying to rush her, to take charge like he had during their previous embraces. He must have understood she had to make the first moves in this dance. Thank God for profilers, especially ones who could read a woman

s mind.

Her hand went to the top button of his shirt and deliberately set it free.

She thrilled when his breath caught and his eyes widened. Georgia felt his heart rate jump beneath her fingers and she laughed, feeling the rush of
sexual power that she

d not felt in three years. Her fingers finished the last button, and the white cotton parted to reveal a simple white undershirt.

Hellbrook had figured out her intent, and he rolled those broad shoulders so the shirt fell, landing against the back of the couch. He didn

t touch her.


m not going to ask what you

re doing

If you needed to, Hell, I

d be worried

Her fingers went to her own blouse as a sudden rush of nerves hit her.


s say I

m expanding on your experiment, adding a very important variable. Taking it to its logical conclusion

A week ago she never would have imagined being in this position. Georgia wasn

t comfortable with ninety degree turns in her personal life, and this was a definite one eighty. Yet then again...
felt right.










Hellbrook must have sensed her hesitation
his hand covered hers and he kissed her, the action slow and deliberate. He touched only her hand and only her lips.

Georgia closed her eyes, her breath sighing out. He tasted of Hell, heat and spice. He kept the kiss light, inconsequential, but when he pulled back her blouse was undone, hanging open to reveal her blue bra.

His hands slipped the blouse off her shoulders.


The look in his eyes told her he meant it, and Georgia felt beautiful. She smiled, slow and deliberate, but said nothing.

He wrapped strong hands around her waist and lifted her from the coffee table and onto his lap, parting her knees so that she straddled him. His fingers burned as they trailed over her spine to play with the fastener holding the blue silk in place. One hand followed the path of elastic around to the front. He cupped one breast, ghosting his thumb over a hard nipple.

Georgia shivered.

He brushed his lips over her neck, the day

s growth of beard rough enough against her skin to shoot fire through her nerves. His breath whispered against her ear.

Can I take this off

He tugged on one strap.


She arched her back seductively, forcing more of her breast into his large hot hand. Georgia shook her head then paused, but only for a moment.


ll do it

She ignored the twinge in her injured shoulder as she reached behind her with both hands, flicking the clasp. Her eyes stared into his as she slid the straps down, the bra draping over the hand he

d yet to move. Georgia put her left hand on the coffee table for balance and leaned back to study her partner.

Every inch of her skin shivered at the heat on his face, her senses filled, her focused expanded to capture the erotic words of Bryan Adams on the sound system then narrowed to only Hell. The room was hot, her skin suddenly slick and dewy, even though she

d been chilled earlier.

God, you are so fucking beautiful

He said it without inflection, in a tone she

d heard so many times delivering profiles or countless facts. That, more than anything, told her he meant what he said.

Are you with me here, sir

She tugged at his undershirt.

Are you going to do anything besides observe, Agent Hellbrook

He stood, the move surprising her for its suddenness. He filled her sight, staring straight down at her.

How far do you want to take this

To the
logical, natural

She started to stand, then laughed when he bent down and lifted her into his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pressed her lips against his before tilting her head back to look into blue eyes.

What about room service

Screw room service, I have a different appetite tonight


Hell was almost afraid he

d drop her. He sensed a significant change in his partner, something more than an acceptance of the physicality of what they were about to do.
It meant so much more than simple sex.

He shifted one hand, dropping it to cup one globe of her ass. Her body was toned and fit, yet so feminine and curved he was certain he must have died and gone anywhere but hell. His other hand cupped the back of her neck, capturing the silk strands of dark hair beneath his palm. In a few moments he

d be able to answer the question that had been indelibly seared onto his mind. How soft was Georgia Dennis?

Hell couldn

t wait to find out.

Long strides carried them both to the door to his half of the suite. He

d have her in what passed as his bed. His. It was only fitting that he claimed her as his.

He lowered her to his bed then reached out to flip on the bedside lamp. He wanted to see.

He pulled his undershirt over his head, dropping it carelessly to the floor. He left his trousers on. Hell didn

t want to rush her, though she showed no indicators of second thoughts.

Her eyes were clouded with only sexual lust. Lust that burned for him. That thought had him dropping his head to meet hers as she rose on one elbow. As his lips captured hers, his hands captured her breasts.

She moaned into his mouth and he captured her breath. Her head fell back exposing her neck to him once again. Her hand twisted into his hair, narrow fingers spreading in the strands.

She pulled him closer.

Hell burned hotter. He slipped the jeans she wore off her hips, revealing a scrap of ice blue silk that matched the bra perfectly.

Your turn

She ran her hand down his chest, lazily heating his skin beneath her touch.

Time to show all your...variables


Hell laughed but he knew when to follow orders. Pants and boxers were soon dropped to the floor and he was joining her on the bed. His hand trailed over the blue silk she still wore.

How about I eliminate this variable

Please do

She arched her hips, allowing him to slip the panties over her legs. He tossed them to the floor.

He pulled back to look. She was as exquisite as he

d expected. He had to taste.

He started with her lips, then worked his way down, paying careful attention to her neck. He ran his tongue over the hollow of her shoulder. He nipped, scraping his teeth over her skin before exploring lower.

He shivered when her lips grazed his shoulder. She bit him, the wound containing more force then Hell expected.

Hey! Be gentle!

Poor Hell

She snickered and then gasped when he pinched one nipple in retaliation. She arched when he soothed with his mouth; her breath came in quick little rasps that had him smiling.

Quit laughing

She squirmed beneath him.

And if I don


He nipped her ear, held her still for a moment.

What are you going to do

Strangle you!

She pulled his head up, using her hold on his hair to guide him back to her mouth.


You have a violent streak, don

t you, princess

Only where you

re concerned

Hell laughed again.


Her fingers sunk into his hair as she arched under his mouth.

Hell knew when to follow orders, and he

d gladly follow hers. With a hand that shook, he touched the soft skin of her inner thighs. He raised his head and captured her mouth as his questing fingers became more intent.

He tasted her gasp when his fingers found her hot and ready. Her hands pulled at him, nails sharp in his skin.

God, Georgia


She stared at him as he slid inside. He stared back until her eyes half closed and she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips. At that angle they were a perfect fit.

Hell found the rhythm that suited them both and began to move. He watched her face as he did, as she rose her hips to meet his with each deepening move of his hips.

When she began to break apart, he knew it. Her eyes clouded, her lips trembled. Her body shivered and she bucked against him then stopped. He felt a smile of satisfaction spread across his lips. He

d done this to her
had made the cool Georgia Dennis burn in his arms.

And she was hotter than he could ever have imagined. Hell felt himself begin to burn, then he threw himself into the flames with her.


The phone ringing on the nightstand woke Hell first and he reached for it, vaguely aware of the other cell phone ringing on the opposite table and Georgia

s blind grab for it.


He listened as Dan filled him in. He snapped the phone shut before turning toward Georgia. She

d flipped the light on, then settled against the headboard, blanket pulled to her chest as she wrote on the motel notepad.

Hell took a moment to study her, to see how she was processing what had happened between them. She must have felt him staring; she turned and faced him.

Back to real life, again, huh

I guess you could say that. That was Dan, the DNA match was conclusive. Travis Byrum raped Claire Reid, and his truck tires match those found at the scene near
by Jaysons

body. And traffic cameras put him in the area where Hailey Ann Michaels was last seen. And Hannah Byrum confirms everything. We

ve got him

Georgia looked at him for a long moment.

And now it

s back home to our real lives.

With a few very important changes.

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