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WATCHING (20 page)

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Hell and Brockman faced the business ends of two service weapons, and they stopped at the sight before them. Carrie was there, a bit worse for wear as she leaned against Dr. Bellows; Georgia sat in front, her body tensed and weapon drawn. Protecting the other two.

Carrie sported several obvious injuries. Georgia, face whiter than Hell had ever seen, sat with one hand wrapped around her Sig Saur. She jerked at their approach then relaxed once recognition hit.

Georgia? What the happened

We came up looking for you

It took her a moment to get to her feet. Hell

s focus sharpened on the condition of her clothes. He

d never seen the woman look that unkempt. Her jacket was mud-streaked, and her hands were filthy. Carrie was in even worse shape.

We had new information. Pertinent information. Then we had a bit of an...incident

An incident? I

d call it more than that

Brockman pulled the M.E. to her feet; she shook off his concerned assistance, her attention focused on Carrie.

Hell reached for Georgia

s arm. She cringed, pulled away from him, and he froze.

What happened out here

Georgia tried to pull away, slipping some in the mud. Hell grabbed her before she could tumble down. She was way too damned close to the edge.

ll need x-rays, too,

Dr. Bellows said as Stephenson and several other agents finally arrived.

Agent Sparks has probable broken ribs and at least one fracture in her lower left fibula. She

ll need to be checked for internal bleeding. George, too

You weren

t hit anywhere where you

Georgia focused on her friend for a moment, concern evident. The two were close, Hell had no trouble seeing that when they were together.

No. I

m smart enough to stay out of the way of falling rocks. Thrown rocks. They hurt too damned much. Arm hurts though. Did I ever mention that I hate baseball? If mine

s hurting, I wonder what type of damage you

ve done to yours

Bellows pulled the sleeve of Georgia

s windbreaker up as she spoke, exposing Georgia

s right arm. Livid swelling was visible, which the medical examiner poked and studied.


m fine. I swear

Georgia pulled her arm back.

You worry about Carrie. I

ll be ok

Hell stared at Georgia, seeing the way she bit her lip, the way she held herself erect. It didn

t take a profiler to see she was lying. For her friend

s benefit? Or out of a desire to not appear weak?

Right now, you

re going to the hospital with Carrie


s Compton

Was all Georgia asked.

Is he alright


s with Dan, getting checked out. He was hit pretty hard in the head, probably has a concussion,

Hell said as a dozen agents flooded the clearing.


s not the ones I

m worried about right now


m sorry, but it was important

What is important was making sure you aren

t injured more seriously. Have you forgotten the cause of death was internal bleeding

Brockman asked.

I don

t think I

m hurt that bad

She rotated her right arm, but only about half what she should have been able to.

Georgia, it

s obvious you

re hurt

It shocked him when he felt more of her weight shift to him.

Quit protesting, or I swear I

ll strangle you


s why we came up here

She looked around, her face puzzled.


s my bag? It

s got the files


Hell began looking around with her. He saw the bag six inches from the edge of the pit.


Brockman was closest and he grabbed it, handing it to Hell. He slung it over his shoulder.

The body from Spurgeon Quarry-strangulation was the actual cause of death. Jules thinks it is the UNSUB

s first kill

and I agree. Plus

we have a tentative ID. We need to get people on it as soon as possible. I came up here to tell you, because of the lack of cell signal. You and I both know the significance of a first kill

She rambled the words together around gasping breaths that told him more damage had been done to her than she was letting be known.

I can take some agents and get on it as soon as we get back to civilization

Bellows darted another look at her, before turning back to Carrie. The younger woman had grabbed the doctor

s hand, Hell realized. That told him a lot. Carrie didn

t touch people often, and when she did, it was people she knew. She didn

t know Georgia

s friend, but apparently felt comfortable with her.

No you won

t. It

s the hospital and motel for you. In that order. I

ll see to it myself

Hell wasn

t budging on that.


ll get Dan and Brockman

s team on the first kill

But it was my discovery. Mine and Jules. I should be allowed to follow up on that


s non-negotiable

When I have my own team, I hope I

m not as unreasonable as you

She stilled.

Her words stopped him.


re own team? You see that happening anytime soon

Her eyes widened. She firmed her lips.

I wasn

t going to tell you, yet

Tell me what? Something I don

t know


m applying for a transfer

She hesitated before continuing.

My father has agreed

Excuse me? Your father has agreed to let you leave the CCU

Hell lowered his voice. Brockman, carrying Carrie, bypassed them. Dr. Bellows shot them both a concerned look but Hell waved her on. Edward Dennis was still pulling strings, even though he was hundreds of miles away.

And if I block the transfer? Then what, princess

Why do you give a damn whether I leave or not

She moaned a little after she spoke, distracting him from the conversation.

You have to admit you didn

t want me on the team in the first place

True. And I regret letting you know that

Hell felt the frustration rolling off his tongue.

How long have you been planning this behind my back

It was behind your back because you were never around me for it to be right in front of you. I

ve done six months with you now. I don

t belong in the CCU and I

m getting out

Georgia leaned against him and they limped down the deer path. He shot her a warning glare that she ignored.

And I don

t need your help. I can walk by myself


Hell immediately stepped back.

Walk, then

She gave it a good shot, and Hell almost laughed at the stubborn determination on her face. She hadn

t made it two yards before she stopped and almost fell over. She started again.

You were saying

He watched her for a moment, knowing exactly what she was thinking. A harsh laugh escaped.

She hurt, and he could see it, in the way she favored her right arm, the way she almost hopped on her left foot. In the way the left arm was wrapped tight around her ribs. And then he felt guilty, felt ashamed for arguing with her and for teasing her. He caught her when she tripped again. He walked beside her, a gentle hand on her left shoulder, not missing the trembling of her thin shoulders.

Georgia, let

s get you taken care of, ok? Then we can argue about this until we both turn blue

She stopped a moment, took several breaths, shallow as if she was afraid she

d hurt something by taking deeper.

I was about ready to give up, wait until he came closer and shoot him. Then Jules distracted him, I distracted him. Something. Then she shot him. If she shot him, where was the blood

Her words were devoid of emotion, low, and Hell had to strain to hear her, even though she leaned against him.

I couldn

t tell Jules or Carrie, but I was so damned tired

But you did good,

Hell told her, guiding her over a particularly rough patch of ground.

And we

ll get him. Carrie and Compton will be ok

I know

She stopped walking a moment, then leaned more heavily on his arm.

I wish we

d gotten him. Then this would be almost over

Oh, I

ll get him. He

s in these woods somewhere and I

ll get Stephenson

s team plus Stanton

s looking for him. Then he

s mine

And Hell would have plenty to say to the UNSUB when he caught him.

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