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WATCHING (11 page)

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The rest of that day was a bust. They were able to confirm the flirting theory, but it was taking Carrie and Agent Tompkins


s computer

hours to gather the social service reports from the Dakotas and surrounding states. Hell and Georgia spent most of the day reviewing internet correspondences and weeding through acquaintance interviews taken by Stephenson

s team, focused on any with an overtly religious tone.

A call came in around six that evening that galvanized Hell into action. Another body had been found sixty-five miles from Carterville, in Spurgeon Quarry.

Georgia was on her feet before Hell disconnected the call. She had her bag and jacket over her arm and her file in the opposite hand.

They used the drive to review what they had.

Did you get anything new from the hospital

Hell asked. She had called to check on Katherine Montehue shortly before they

d left.

No. And I don

t understand why he raped her
and the third victim
but not the others

is he devolving

Devolving from murder to rape? Not likely

What even a week ago would have come out with derision was now a comment. It had gotten easier, he realized, to be in her company. Despite a reckless streak that he wouldn

t have guessed at, Georgia was a
agent. She

d probably earned her spot in PAVAD. He felt like an idiot remembering some of the things he

d thought and said about her in the last six months. Not that she

d made it easy on him, either. She

d irritated him from the first day they

d met

and she

d managed to
him every day since then.


He could hear the hesitation in her voice and he glanced at her.

Go on

He kept his tone as encouraging as possible.
He knew it would take him a while to mend the fences he

d broken between himself and this enigma of an agent.


re wanting to say something. I

m not going to bite your head off if I don

t agree

It wouldn

t be the first time

Her words held no hostility, no rebuke.

Heat hit the back of his neck, and for the first time he felt acute embarrassment for the way he

d acted toward her.

No, it wouldn

t, would it? How about I promise not to bite your head off for the next little while

I would appreciate it

She watched him for a moment before continuing.


s older and the injuries aren

t as severe, but she was raped. And one of the girls was, too. Add in that she

s the same general build and coloring as the younger victims, it

s logically the same UNSUB, but a part of me is thinking copycat

Why? Work it out for me

Hell turned the SUV onto the narrow dirt road that wound partially up the mountain. Their body was located a quarter mile off a remote stretch of a rancher

s private drive. In the encroaching shadows of evening, Hell didn

t want to miss the final turn-off. They could end up lost out there for hours.

The difference in victimology. It

s subtle, but there. She

s twice the age of all the other victims. And
they were taken in relatively innocuous locations. She was taken from a bar. Big difference and much bigger risk

Georgia flicked on the small book
light, illuminating the file she held. She made a small chart as she spoke.

She was raped, which is new. But she got away. Our UNSUB is now practiced, experienced; I doubt a victim would get away from him without the circumstances being extraordinary. How many of the case details have been leaked to the media

It hasn

t exactly been kept quiet


s mouth twisted.
Locals were watching every move the PAVAD agents made.

And so far it doesn

t seem to be a sophisticated crime. So copying it with the information already available wouldn

t be too difficult

So why do most copycats do it

Hell asked.

Thrills. Curiosity. To hide another crime. To kill someone close to them and deflect suspicion. Glory and attention seeking

Georgia tapped her pen against the console between them.

Who, though

What if it

s not a copycat? What if it

s the same UNSUB, but victimology is changing

Why would it change

Georgia paused for a moment, her pen still.

Where did the first four disappear from? Movie theater parking lot, sandwich shop parking lot, high school parking lot, and library parking lot. Katherine Montehue was in a bar parking lot

Public places,

Hell said.

All were out later than they should have been, between the hours of ten and one. All were alone, parking lots were relatively empty

Only one teen could drive. So who was supposed to pick up the other three victims

Georgia asked.

So if a woman was alone in a parking lot, and he happened by? Maybe he

s escalating, and any female of the same general build would do

We need to find out why they were waiting alone that late at night

Hell said.

Georgia flipped open her cell.


ll call Dan and Carrie, have them start on it...No, I won

t. No cell reception

As soon as we get home, I

m getting those sat phones. This is ridiculous. Our team needs to be in communication at all times

They met Stanton and his partner Handers, as well as Unit Chief Stephenson, alongside the road ten minutes later.

Stephenson, I didn

t know you

d ridden along with Stanton

Hell said, once he saw the blonde agent he

d worked with off and on for years.

I asked to be shown around the area. Figured it would help me get a better handle on things

Stephenson shrugged. The beam from his flashlight nearly blinded Hell when the other man raised his hand to wipe his brow.

I grew up in a place similar to this

Good. So you

ll have some insight into what motivates someone from this area


Stephenson turned to Georgia, a strange light entering his green eyes that Hell didn

t like.

Dr. Dennis


She didn

t use his title and her tone was cool, polite. But what Hell found the most telling was the way she stepped closer to him and away from Stephenson. It was an instinctive move on her part, an indicator that she felt some threat and saw Hell as a source of safety. From Stephenson.

Hell rolled his shoulders back before sheltering her with his body with only a small shift. A small step in her direction would block any threat to her. He

d not heard of any disagreements between her and the other unit chief and he made a silent note to keep an eye on the two of them.

Unit Chief Hellbrook, sir

Handers waved up to the path with the flashlight he held.


re pretty sure this is one of yours

Just pretty sure

Georgia pulled a smaller flashlight from the never-ending depths of her black bag.

Why the qualifier


s not a girl, ma


Handers moved a little too much into Georgia

s space for Hell

s liking, crowding her between the two of them. Her shoulders stiffened.
Was she always like that with men? Why hadn

t he noticed before?
Hell straightened, put his left hand on her left shoulder. Handers stepped back.

Least, not that we can tell, anyways. Been here for at least a month. But everything looks like the other girls

Georgia, check the perimeter and with the local LEOs, find out who reported it. I will check the body

Hell knew that often the first to find turned out to be the first suspect. Often the only suspect.
He removed the hand he

d placed on Georgia

s shoulder.

No problem

Division of labor would make the processing of the scene go by much more quickly.

Hell and Handers hiked the quarter mile to the dump site. He was vaguely aware of Georgia and Stanton coming up slowly behind them, working about three feet apart, Stanton apparently helping her work it out in her mind. He knew Georgia would be running through what must have happened that day, her brain cataloging every minute detail. First from the UNSUB

s view point, and then from the victim


It took them three hours to profile and process the scene the way Hell wanted, even with the added help of Stephenson, Stanton, and Handers. Hell profiled the body positioning, the dump site, and the distance from town, roads, and other dwellings.

He then set off into the woods, working on what path the man must have taken. Last he

d checked, Georgia was talking to the four on-scene local law enforcement officials, looking for a tiny nut of information that would prove probative. Hell could see the beam from her flashlight

a more white than yellow like the other agents

wave around ever so often.

There wasn

t too much they could really do in the dark, not without somehow getting flood lights up there. Which Hell couldn

t see happening any time soon. They

d have to come back in the morning for a more detailed examination of the scene.

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