Watchers - an erotic novella (3 page)

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Authors: Jodie Johnson-Smith

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‘I bet you did!’ It was odd sitting next to a virtual stranger discussing the intensity of an orgasm, but then everything about this situation was surreal. And still Maria’s intuition was telling here there was more.

‘Still, the bookings have been rolling in, so I’m sure Ken is pleased now,’ Maria said. ‘And as long as you’re happy to keep performing and Ken is paying you well, then I don’t see a problem.’

Suzy gave Maria an odd look.

‘Ken isn’t paying me,’ she said. ‘So far, I haven’t earned a penny!’

Chapter Four

Maria was stunned.

‘What do you mean, he doesn’t pay you? You can’t work for nothing!’

Suzy looked uneasy. She flicked her glossy nails.

‘We made a bargain but, so far, he hasn’t kept his side of it. When he does, I’ll negotiate a fee.’

‘So what was this bargain?’ Maria asked. ‘Come to think of it, how did you meet Ken in the first place?’

Suzy shifted uncomfortably in her chair. She gazed at Maria with deep blue eyes. ‘I suppose I’m going to have to tell you everything, aren’t I?’

‘I think that would be nice, don’t you?’ Maria snapped. ‘I’m only Ken’s wife, after all!’

The words came out more sharply than she intended, but the farce was beginning to wear thin. Finding out your useless husband was pimping, if that was the right word, a girl for free was unsettling. It wasn’t good business practice. Who knew what else he might be up to? Maria had a reputation to maintain. Surely Ken should respect that. He got away with doing bugger all, but the guys at Elevate needed their jobs. She couldn’t afford any scandal either. If Ken had been shagging Suzy she needed to know about it, and if he wasn’t going to tell her, then Maria was determined to find out any way she could.

‘It was the hottest day of the year.’ Suzy began her story when it became apparent that Maria wasn’t going anywhere until she’d heard it. ‘Do you remember it?’

‘Yes,’ said Maria. ‘The weathermen kept banging on about it being the hottest day known to mankind or some such rubbish. I had to go to a breakfast meeting followed by a brunch meeting and then I had lunch with a client, a video conference in the afternoon, and dinner with my colleagues that evening. I hardly glimpsed the sun all day and I baked in a royal blue suit. I barely saw Ken that day either. He’d just taken delivery of his latest car …’

‘I know,’ Suzy interrupted. ‘During the afternoon I was staggering up the hill leading to the village. The temperature was up in the 90s. It wasn’t an ideal day for wandering about but I had nothing else to do.

‘God, it was hot. The sweat trickled down between my breasts. I’d never been that hot before, not even when I’d been abroad on holiday.

‘In the distance, I could hear an engine. It was getting louder, heading towards me. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw an expensive grey saloon car – I’d seen it advertised on TV. It slowed down, edging ever closer before halting alongside me.’

‘So I’m guessing it was Ken out playing with his new toy?’ Maria said.

‘Yes. He asked me if I wanted a lift. I should have refused. I didn’t know him from Adam, after all. But I was overwhelmed by the car. It was all that black leather … Everything I’d been taught about going off with strangers paled into insignificance against the chance of a ride in such a beautiful vehicle. I tried saying no, went on about how the seats would be boiling, but I knew I was just lying to myself. Ken said the seats were lovely and cool. He reckoned the car had climax control.’ Suzy laughed.

‘Yes, that sounds like Ken. He can be quite witty when he wants to be,’ Maria said. ‘Not that I’ve heard much of it lately – come to think of it, I don’t think we’ve eaten a meal together for about a fortnight.’ No wonder he was out prowling the countryside and chatting up innocent women when she, his wife, was never there for him.

‘We both laughed at his joke while I convinced myself that he wasn’t actually a stranger,’ Suzy went on. ‘I mean, I’d seen him around and I knew he was married, so I assumed he was safe. And it was so bloody hot. I just wanted to get home out of the intense sun. I burn easily,’ she added, as if by way of justification.

‘So, you got in and he bought you straight back here?’ Maria asked.

‘Er no, he didn’t. He did a three-point turn and we shot off up the road. I asked him where he was going, said that he was heading the wrong way. He suggested going for a drink before taking me home. It sounded good to me – I was melting, even though the car was cool inside. But I was puzzled as to where we were going to find any refreshment. I’d done nothing but walk the lanes since I’d first arrived in Haystocks six weeks ago and I hadn’t spotted a single café. If I had, I’d have gone in and asked for a job. With no income and rapidly dwindling savings, I can’t hope to last much longer … Anyway, Ken didn’t bother answering my question. Instead, he slammed his foot down on the accelerator. A few miles later, he turned right, heading down a winding track, until we finally arrived in a clearing.’

‘A clearing?’ Maria echoed, baffled. Haystocks was surrounded by a pine forest, one of its more endearing features, but she didn’t know about any clearing, much less one that sported a café or an ice-cream van.

‘Don’t ask me to take you there because I couldn’t,’ Suzy said. ‘I haven’t a clue where we went. It was in the middle of nowhere. Ken seemed to know it well, though. He told me to get out of the car and sit on a patch of soft grass in front of a fallen tree trunk while he got the drinks out of the boot.’

‘Ken had packed a picnic?’ Maria was stunned. ‘He’s never done anything like that for me and we’ve been married five years.’

‘Look, I’m sorry. This must be really uncomfortable for you, listening to me rabbiting on about your husband like this. Do you want me to stop?’

‘No, go on,’ Maria said grimly. ‘I want to hear it all.’

‘I got out of the car, trying to tug down my miniskirt. I’d started to relax by then. It was such a relief to get out of the heat and Ken seemed like a nice bloke, the sort you could trust. He handed me a bottle of water and sat down next to me. Dying of thirst, I unscrewed the cap and glugged down half the contents. Ice-cold vodka and tonic hit the back of my throat – more spirit than mixer at that! “You might have warned me,” I shrieked.

‘Ken laughed. He studied my legs. His eyes travelled up my body, lingered on my breasts, which were spilling out of a tight vest top. He asked me what a lovely girl like me was doing in the village.’

‘A question we’d all love the answer to,’ Maria said. ‘In your own time, of course,’ she added, glancing at her watch and wondering how the lads were coping in her absence. Time was money in her book, a concept Suzy probably hadn’t heard of …

She seemed to be struggling for words.

‘Are you going to tell me, or what?’ Maria prompted.

‘You’ll probably be shocked. What have you heard about me?’ Suzy asked.

‘That you quit your job to bury yourself away in your grandmother’s holiday cottage. And I must admit, it does sound a bit odd.’

Suzy produced a bottle of wine and poured herself a glass. Maria, having refused a drink because she was driving, sensed the girl needed an injection of Dutch courage to get her through the next part of the story. She couldn’t understand such a weakness. She hardly ever drank, preferring to keep a clear head so she could stay one step ahead of the opposition.

‘News travels fast around here,’ Maria said. ‘And although I’m curious about you, I’m not a gossip, I promise. Your secrets are safe with me. And as you’ve already told Ken …’

Suzy slugged some more wine. The alcohol was relaxing her to the point of not caring, just as it obviously had on her afternoon out with Ken.

‘I left my job at Mannings because my boss caught me watching a couple fucking.’

Chapter Five

There. She’d said it. And now it was out in the open, her secret didn’t sound so bad.

Suzy was right. Maria was shocked, but she was also intrigued. She knew that Alex, the owner of Mannings, was in trouble financially. That’s why he’d approached her with various propositions for its future, but he hadn’t mentioned any staffing issues.

‘You’ll have to tell me more than that.’

Suzy sighed.

‘Well, I’d been knocking back the vodka Ken had given me so I was feeling a bit tipsy. I was lying there on the grass, half drunk, with no idea of where I was, and if Ken had decided to leave me there, I’d have had no way of getting home again … So I thought it would be best to shut up and not tell Ken anything more …’

‘But you obviously didn’t.’

‘He was very … persuasive. Ken put his hand on my leg, walked his fingers lightly towards my thigh. I pushed his hand aside but my body started to betray me. I drank more vodka, convinced it would somehow clarify matters. Ken asked me if I’d enjoyed watching the couple fucking. I told him I had. “So if you were all consenting adults,” he said, “what was the problem?” I told him the boss was the problem.’

‘It sounds complicated,’ said Maria.

‘It was. And Ken was turning me on. He’s brilliant with his fingers. They skimmed my flesh from ankle to thigh. He’d moved in on me by then, he was much closer. He stroked my hair and explored my cleavage. “You may as well tell me everything – I could find out if I wanted to,” he whispered.’

Well, yes, that’s true, Maria thought. He could have easily found out why Suzy had left Mannings in such a hurry, but it would be far too much like hard work for Ken. And he obviously didn’t want to confide in me.

‘It felt so good lying there in the warmth,’ Suzy continued. ‘I knew I should push Ken away, but the vodka and heat had sapped all my strength. His fingers were creeping in and out of my skimpy bra and it felt great …’

She was rambling on as if Maria wasn’t there.

‘I hadn’t told anybody about my dramatic departure from the hotel, and carrying the knowledge around was a burden. My sin seemed like a terrible crime. But I’d started thinking that maybe it wasn’t so bad. And Ken had promised not to tell anyone.

‘“All right, it’ll be nice to get everything off my chest,” I said.’

‘“Too right, darling,” Ken agreed. Taking my words as an invitation, he pulled the vest over my head. Then he ran his tongue along the edges of the lacy cups of my bra.

‘Senses reeling, I took another mouthful of vodka and told him what had happened.’

‘Thank Christ for that,’ Maria muttered, her patience wearing thin.

‘I’d just started the afternoon shift, and I went up to check out the honeymoon suite. I didn’t realise it at the time but Poppy, the new receptionist, had made a massive cock-up. In the register, she’d written down “midnight” as the arrival time for the newly-weds, but they’d actually turned up at midday so she’d already signed them in without telling me. She’d confused a.m. with p.m. … Ken was fiddling with the front of my bra by now. I tried to push him aside. He squeezed his hand under the fabric and kneaded my left breast. I gasped with pleasure …

‘Anyway, I bowled into the suite and, of course, the bride and groom were already there. I started to back out again, babbling apologies, but the bride just laughed, asked if I’d stay and watch them fucking. I wasn’t sure I’d heard her right. This was her wedding day, after all. Then I looked at her properly. She was wearing this really sexy dress. As wedding dresses go it was a bit unconventional. God knows what the guests must have thought. Looking back, I should have known they weren’t a normal couple. I should have guessed that theirs had probably been no ordinary wedding. Ken asked me to describe the dress while removing my bra. It felt wonderful to be free of it, better still once he started massaging my bare tits. I recalled the dress as he kneaded. It was made of soft cream leather and strapless. Actually, it was virtually topless. The leather only just covered the bride’s nipples. And it was short, really short. It barely covered her crotch. And it was split from cleavage to hip level, laced up at the side. It didn’t leave much to the imagination.

‘The bride repeated her request to me. She told me that being watched would make their celebrations really special.’

‘I’ll bet she did,’ Maria put in tartly.

‘By now, I was panting under Ken’s touch. I longed for him to take my nipples into his mouth and suck on them …’

‘What did you tell the bride?’ Maria asked, trying to ignore visions of Ken with Suzy.

‘I hesitated. I mean, they’d just got married. Why would they want me, the hotel manager, hanging around? When the groom repeated that they wanted me to watch them fucking, I was speechless. I know I should have said no and walked away then. But I couldn’t because I’d always wanted to watch a couple in action … It’s always been my fantasy.

‘Ken started doing stuff then, flicking my flesh with his tongue, running his hands down the sides of my body and shoving my legs apart.

‘The bride was very persuasive. Excited, I sat down on the edge of the bed. Once they knew I was staying, the groom stripped the bride naked. It only took a second. There was a zip running right the way down the back of the dress. He just pulled the tag and the dress was off in an instant. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath … At that point, Ken’s fingertips found their way inside my panties, brushed my clit.

‘The bride grabbed the dress. She stood in front of me and started massaging herself with it. I’d never seen another woman naked before, never mind one who was so aroused and I really, really wanted to touch her body. I was hoping they’d ask me to join in – you know, a threesome. Then the guy took off his clothes and, well, he had this huge cock and …

‘Ken shoved aside the crotch of my panties, his fingers probing my wet vagina. He pulled gently at the lips. Panting with lust, I arched my back, willing his fingers to stray inside me. I was desperate to come. With my hands flat on the grass, I bucked against his palm until I peaked for what seemed like an eternity.’

Maria could hardly believe it of her husband. Listening to Suzy’s account of Ken turning her on was the most erotic thing she’d ever heard. She wished she’d been there to see it. Since when had he supplied so much passion? She recalled their first session of the previous evening when he wouldn’t even make her come and she’d had to do it herself.

‘So what happened next in the bridal suite?’ Maria asked. Intrigued as she was by thoughts of Ken seducing Suzy, she was more interested in the seedy hotel story.

‘I … I watched them on the bed. And when he finally entered her, I was ecstatic. I just couldn’t wait to see them climax. It was what I’d always dreamed about.

‘So what was it like, watching them come?’

‘I don’t know; I didn’t get to see it happen. That’s when the boss wandered into the room looking for me. After reading the reservations book, he wasn’t expecting anybody to be in the bridal suite, let alone two naked guests fucking on the bed and the manager he’d placed so much trust in sitting there watching them. I took one look at his face and ran. He shouted something after me but I didn’t hang around to find out what it was. I just raced out of the hotel, got into my car, and drove to my flat. I slung a few bits in a bag and hit the road. Grandma left me this cottage in her will when she died earlier this year. Good job I didn’t sell it.’

‘So what did Ken say after you told him all that?’ Maria asked.

Suzy shrugged.

‘Nothing – he straightened my panties, pulled down my skirt, and handed over my bra.’

‘So you quit your job and your ex-boss is after your blood? Is that right?’ Maria was still trying to make sense of what she’d heard.

‘Yes. God knows what Alex will do if he ever finds me. He’ll probably sue for professional misconduct or something. And I’d suppose he’d have every right. Poppy had already left the hotel when I went upstairs, so the front door was wide open and there was cash both in the reception till and the till in the bar. Anybody could have walked in and robbed the place. I was supposed to be in charge. But I didn’t care. All I could think about was watching the couple fucking. Alex kept ringing me,’ she added, ‘but I’ve switched off my mobile now and nobody knows I’m here.’

‘Except Ken and me and all the punters you’ve stripped for,’ Maria pointed out drily. ‘What about your parents?’

‘They’re in America and won’t be home for months.’

‘So do you still want to watch couples fucking?’ Maria could hardly believe she’d voiced the question.

‘It’s all I ever think about,’ Suzy admitted as she drained the wine in her glass. ‘But how do you track down couples looking for an audience? I was considering going on the Internet, joining a site or something. But Ken reckoned he could sort it for me. He said it’d take time but that he’d got contacts. He said he’d make a few discreet enquiries and find a willing couple. I hardly dared believe him. I tell you, that afternoon turned out to be quite something. Not only was I feeling relaxed from the warmth and alcohol but Ken had made me come and he’d offered to help fulfil my wildest fantasies. You can’t believe how elated I felt. He said he needed a favour in return, though. I eyed his crotch expecting him to ask for a blowjob at the very least. Instead, he asked me to do some waitressing! He said that if I just handed round a bit of food and drink at local dinner parties, he’d fix me up as a watcher. That was the deal we made. Well, I’ve kept my half of the bargain. In fact, I’ve gone a lot further, as you know. Yet he still hasn’t found me a couple to watch.’

Maria was speechless. She’d never heard anything like it. Still, a deal was a deal when all was said and done. ‘Well, Ken’s never been much good at organising things,’ she said, feeling she should try and stick up for her man. ‘So I’m guessing he’s slow in honouring the agreement because he wants you to carry on with the act. I mean, once your fantasy is fulfilled, you might decide to walk away, go back to Mannings, sort things with Alex. Ken is obviously keen to keep the show going – and who can blame him?’ she added. ‘Watching you has been a real treat for the folk around here. They’re queuing up to see you. That performance of yours at the Smith-Harrisons’ party boosted Ken’s plans in a way he could never have imagined. He has a lot to thank you for. So I’m not surprised he’s been slow in keeping his promise. He just wants to keep the bookings coming in. and of course he loves watching you – but how much further are you prepared to go, Suzy? It’s just I know that some of the clients are asking for more explicit action.’

‘I don’t care how far I go,’ Suzy said. ‘The further, the better. I absolutely love exposing myself and climaxing in public. I can’t get enough of it. I had no idea I’d enjoy being watched, but it’s a fantastic experience. Coming without an audience just seems pointless now. But I’d still love to watch another couple in action, provide that same thrill for them …’

Maria, feeling both shocked and delighted by what she’d heard, left Suzy’s with two new goals in mind.

One was to make the girl’s dream come true and the other was to contact Alex.

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