Warrior's Cross (17 page)

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Authors: Madeleine Urban,Abigail Roux

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

BOOK: Warrior's Cross
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“Well, it’s Tuesday,” Julian murmured with a smile as he slowly turned them in a circle. “You always make me happy on Tuesdays.”

“Technically, it’s Wednesday,” Cameron corrected.

Julian hummed in acknowledgment. “Spoilsport,” he accused softly.

Cameron’s smile was unrivaled. “But you’ve been with me all the Tuesday nights and Wednesday mornings lately,” he pointed out.

“That’s true,” Julian acknowledged with a grin as he set Cameron on his feet again. “Perhaps we’ve earned ourselves another day.”

“Yeah?” Cameron asked hopefully. He’d love to see Julian more than one night a week. He’d wondered sometimes why Julian couldn’t be here more often, besides the obvious explanation of work. Julian had to sleep at some point, didn’t he? Why couldn’t he do it here? But Cameron kept those questions to himself. They’d almost argued once over Cameron pushing for information, for explanations. He didn’t want to risk it happening again.

“I’ve seen you at the restaurant every Tuesday for months,” Julian was saying as Cameron thought about the situation. He looked down at Cameron curiously. “Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve… Do you ever

Cameron gave him an amused smile. “I guess we have that in common, don’t we?”

Julian shrugged. “Do you work so much because you like it or because of the money?”


Madeleine Urban & Abigail Roux

“I do like it a lot,” Cameron admitted as he slid his hands into his pockets. “And the money’s nice, but I inherited the condo, and I’ve got more than enough money saved up for just me and the dogs that I wouldn’t have to work for awhile if I didn’t want to. Mostly it’s because I don’t have anything else to do.”

“I’d like to see you more,” Julian told him bluntly. “Perhaps we could both pick a day to be free?” he asked. “Then you could have something else to do.”

Happiness clutched at Cameron’s chest. His joy at that idea was clear on his face. “I’d really like that.”

Julian grinned widely and nodded. “Good. Is it easy for you to get nights off?”

“It’s my job to make the schedule,” Cameron answered with a small smile.

“Any night but Sunday and Monday,” Julian told him with a smirk.

“Damn.” Cameron huffed. “The restaurant’s closed on Mondays; that would have worked well,” he told Julian with a frown.

“The restaurant’s closed on Mondays because Blake is busy with his other business responsibilities,” Julian answered vaguely, smiling slightly.

“Oh. Well, will we still have Tuesday nights?” Cameron chanced, knowing better than to delve further into that little tidbit of information.

“I wouldn’t miss them,” Julian answered.

“How about Fridays for a regular day off? For all I know, you look different by sunlight,” Cameron prodded.

“I’m actually a blond,” Julian deadpanned. Then he smiled crookedly. “I like it.”

Cameron chuckled over the joke and then hummed agreeably, closing his arms around Julian’s middle and hugging him close. “You mentioned taking me to bed?”

“Yes, I did.” Julian picked Cameron up completely and turned fluidly, tossing him onto the bed without the slightest effort.

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Cameron yelped in surprise and laughed as he bounced on the mattress and looked up at Julian. “You enjoy that, don’t you?”

“Immensely,” Julian growled with an evil smirk as he crawled onto the bed.

BLAKE NICHOLS sat in his office, tapping his pen against the desk as he watched the little television in the corner. Cameron sat across from him, patiently waiting until the news story ended before he spoke.

“Authorities are still baffled by the murder of Theodore Young,”

the news anchor said. “Young, a research assistant at Chicago’s Field Museum, was found Thursday night in the men’s room in the Museum’s basement after an alarm alerted museum security to a breakin. He was shot three times in the chest. While the Chicago PD is remaining silent in regards to the circumstances of the murder, an insider claims the killing looks to be a, professional hit. The thirty-eight-year-old Young was said to be assisting on—”

Blake reached over and turned off the television before the anchor could drone on. “Some people just have no luck, hmm?” he said to Cameron with a wry smile. “Can’t even take a piss without getting it,”

he mumbled as he fiddled with some papers on his desk and then looked up at Cameron again. “Now, what was it you needed?”

Cameron shifted forward now that he had Blake’s attention. “You wanted the comparisons on the wine vendors? The house wine supplier jumped the price per bottle by twenty dollars?”

“Right, right,” Blake responded with a nod. He leaned back and laced his fingers behind his head. “Switch to someone cheaper; call their bluff.”

Cameron winced. “We don’t want to piss the supplier off. We have a lot of regulars who drink the house wine every time they come in.”

Blake smiled slowly. “Anyone in particular you’re thinking of?”

he asked.


Madeleine Urban & Abigail Roux

Cameron blinked several times. “Particular?” he echoed. “Uh.

Well… I guess so,” he admitted as his cheeks colored. “But a lot of other customers really do drink it too.”

Blake continued to smile, watching Cameron and waiting for him to say what he really wanted to say.

“Blake, I… I have a question, but I don’t… I don’t want to pry, you know, too much,” Cameron waffled.

“So I’ll tell you when you cross a line,” Blake invited with a wave of his hand.

Cameron screwed up his courage. He’d come this far; he might as well ask. “Julian said that he’d do something here in the restaurant—

about me—but that you told him he couldn’t,” he said in a rush.

Blake stared at him blankly for a moment before frowning slightly.

“Remind me,” he requested finally.

“He said… he said he’d wanted to get down on his knees and beg me to go home with him.” Cameron winced once the words were out. It sounded silly now, but he was having a really difficult time absorbing it. He hoped Blake would be able to confirm Julian’s sincerity.

Blake laughed, quickly covering his smile with his hand as he turned in his chair. “Did you want me to let him?” he asked in amusement.

Cameron’s eyes widened. “It’s true? Really?”

“Well, he did say it,” Blake affirmed with a nod, still smirking.

“Whether he’d really do it, I don’t know,” he added. “But I’ve learned to anticipate him.”

“Anticipation denotes expectation based on previous

performance,” Cameron said weakly, leaning back in his chair, flustered.

Blake continued to smile as he looked Cameron over. “What’s brought this on, Cam?” he asked with a hint of concern.

“It just surprised me,” Cameron admitted. “I mean, really surprised me. No one’s ever—”

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“Cameron, back up,” Blake said softly. “Pretend that I have no idea what you’re talking about, okay? When did Julian tell you this?

Have you become seriously involved with him?” he asked in surprise.

“He told me a few weeks, ah, well, a month ago or so. And as to serious? I’m not quite sure,” Cameron said as his brow furrowed.

Blake cocked his head and pursed his lips thoughtfully. “You’ve been seeing him for over a month?” he asked finally.

Cameron nodded slowly. “Sort of,” he murmured.

“He must be pretty serious about you,” Blake murmured as he continued to look at Cameron thoughtfully.

“What?” Cameron asked. “Is that a surprise?” Now he wondered just how good of friends Blake and Julian really were.

“Honestly?” Blake said as he leaned forward and frowned. “Yeah, it is.” He looked at Cameron as if just realizing what he’d said, and he held out a hand. “I mean, not because it’s you,” he said quickly. “Jules just isn’t the long-term type, usually.”

Cameron managed a half-hearted smile, though Blake’s words echoed in his ears. Jules? He couldn’t imagine anyone calling Julian that. “A month is hardly long term,” he argued weakly.

“Then you still have a lot to learn about Julian Cross,” Blake advised with a kind smile.

“Believe me, I know that,” Cameron murmured.

“You want to talk about it?” Blake asked carefully.

“Yes, but I’m not going to,” Cameron answered, shifting his weight to stand. “If he wants me to know something, he’ll tell me.” He hoped.

Blake rested his chin in his hand and raised an eyebrow at him.

Cameron crossed his arms and tried not to shuffle, but it didn’t take long for him to relent. “Okay, so he won’t. But he won’t appreciate me asking you instead of him.”

“Asking me what?” Blake asked nonchalantly.

“Anything remotely personal,” Cameron replied.


Madeleine Urban & Abigail Roux

“I wouldn’t answer anything he wouldn’t want me telling,” Blake offered, his brow furrowing worriedly. “Are you afraid of him?” he asked.

Cameron’s shoulders immediately straightened. “No, I’m not. He asked me that too,” he said. “Why do you ask that?”

“A lot of people are,” Blake answered carelessly.

Cameron gave Blake an obstinate glare. Blake looked back at him in surprise, and Cameron’s eyebrow jutted up in response. “And?”

Cameron asked.

Blake shrugged, his eyes straying to the silent television briefly.

people are,” he corrected, watching Cameron carefully.

Cameron’s shoulder edged up. “Well, I’m not,” he stated.

Blake nodded and then smiled widely. “Good. So why does it bother you that he wanted to make a fool of himself in public for you?”

he asked in an entirely different tone. An amused tone.

“But that’s—that’s crazy!” Cameron exclaimed. “Not only crazy, but it would get him, and me, all sorts of attention. I don’t want to sha—” He cut himself off with a surprised blink. Where did that come from?

“I’m sorry. Don’t want to what?” Blake asked.

Cameron flushed and sank back into the chair. “Shit, I’ve got it bad,” he murmured.

“I can see that,” Blake agreed with a laugh. His smile faded, and he leaned back in his chair again, bringing his hands together against his stomach as he looked at Cameron thoughtfully. “Try to fall slower,”

he advised, that tone now serious.

Cameron went still. “Are you going to tell me why you say that?”

he asked, meeting Blake’s eyes.

Blake tapped his finger against the back of his hand. “You told me you didn’t want to know,” he pointed out.

After a long moment of quiet, Cameron nodded and stood. “Yeah.

I did.” He moved to the door.

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“Cameron?” Blake said softly.

Cameron turned his chin to look over his shoulder as he paused with his hand on the doorknob.

“I hear there’s been trouble with the vineyards this year,” Blake said to him. “Keep the house wine. We’ll stick with them for a bit longer.”

The corner of Cameron’s mouth turned up. “Good night, Blake.”

“Sleep well, Cam,” Blake responded with a sigh.

Cameron nodded and stepped out into the hall, pulling the door shut behind him. He stood there a moment, then opened the door again and stuck his head back in. Blake hadn’t moved. He still sat there looking at Cameron expectantly.

“What does the name of the restaurant have to do with the god of war?” Cameron asked him curiously.

Blake snorted. “Google it, Cam,” he advised with a smirk. “Good night.”

Cameron grunted in annoyance and closed the door again. He dropped his head back against the door and decided it was time to go home.

AS THE weeks passed, Julian spent Tuesday nights after the restaurant closed at Cameron’s, and he showed up every Friday morning like clockwork, staying as long as he was able. Sometimes it was early Saturday morning before he left.

Now, another Tuesday had come around, and it was two nights before Valentine’s Day.

The restaurant’s décor was classy, as always, but now fresh roses in a myriad of reds, pinks and whites filled vases around the floor, and all the ladies took a few home with them. The dessert menu featured triple the number of items, strolling violinists promoted the romantic atmosphere, and the staff had a hard time keeping champagne cold 120

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because the bottles were going out so fast. Tuesdays was booked to capacity with a waiting list every day of the week.

When Julian stepped into the restaurant, he lost his usual air of mystery for a brief moment as he looked around at his surroundings with wide eyes. He hadn’t expected the restaurant to be decked out like it was. He recovered quickly, though, and schooled his face back to its polite mask.

Keri, well used to seeing him, greeted him with a smile and invited him in, leading him to one of the quieter alcoves. Julian was silent as he followed, and he reached out discreetly to snag one of the roses from a vase as he passed. As Keri showed him his table, he produced it out of the folds of his coat as if by magic and handed it to her with a small smile.

She smiled widely and thanked him before telling him Miri would be right with him, and then she took up the extra place setting and was on her way. Julian watched her go before he shifted to steal another rose and seated himself. He couldn’t help but be disappointed that he wasn’t in Cameron’s section, but sometimes it was fun to watch him from afar. He supposed he could live with the nosy waitress for tonight.

Perhaps she’d be too busy to pry. Julian was feeling very amenable tonight.

It wasn’t long before Miri appeared. “Good evening, sir. Your regular?” she asked.

“If you please,” Julian answered with a nod. He produced the rose he’d hidden with a flourish and handed it to her with a tiny smile.

“Thank you.”

“Oh, thank you,” she said, smiling a little more than usual. “I’ll be back with your wine in a bit.” As she walked toward the service area, she passed Blake, who said a few words to her. She nodded in response and went on her way, and Blake made his way to Julian’s table, pulled out the opposite chair, and sat down heavily.

“Damn Valentine’s crap,” Blake muttered to Julian as soon as he was seated.

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