Warrant (Righteous Outlaws #1) (13 page)

BOOK: Warrant (Righteous Outlaws #1)
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he Hill Foundation’s Paws
for a Cause was a bi-yearly event the club ran to show the good citizens of Black Hills that we weren’t the bad guys. People fucking loved animals, and guys with dogs made woman melt. It was a perfect front for us.

We invited a bunch of the rich folk in the area to give donations and raise money for the local animal shelter. It was a no-kill joint on the south side of town that rescued dogs from puppy mills and scumbag breeders. There was an abundance of pits, and the shelter was hoping to get a few adopted today.

It was held in the parking lot of Tavern.

Kade and I made our rounds, making sure nothing looked suspicious. We passed by Dice and Beast who were flirting up one of the shelter volunteers, a blonde that looked like she wasn’t even fucking legal yet. Those two fucks were going to get their asses thrown in jail for statutory rape if they kept it up.

Kade smacked my chest and pointed across the way to Phil. He stood off to the side of his old lady, who was currently surrounded by dogs. Poor bastard swore up and down he wasn’t taking home another one. Every damn year, his old lady left with a dog like it was just another trip to the store. They were up to five fucking mutts at their house, and this would make six.

“So much for it’s never going to happen!” I yelled out to Phil, and he gave me a death glare. He shook his head and lit a cigarette while his old lady picked up a yapper.

“Ten bucks says he goes home with one,” Kade said, holding his hand out.

“Make it twenty, and I say he goes home with not one but two.” We shook on it and watched Phil and his old lady for a few more minutes before moving on.

“There’s the doc,” Kade said, nodding his head over to a booth where they were selling hotdogs and funnel cake, but my attention was drawn to the booth beside it. I almost didn’t believe my goddamned eyes.

There, in white shorts and a yellow top, was my Sunshine. Fury spread through my veins as my eyes landed on that fucking prick I knocked out that first night we met. His hand rested on her lower back, and I wanted to fucking break it off.

I might not have deserved her, but she sure as hell deserved better than some polo shirt wearing douche bag. Everything about him pissed me off from his overly starched pants to that fucking pussy ass haircut. I wanted to knock that fucking smirk of his face, and break a few of his overly white teeth in the process.

He turned toward her, his other hand reaching up and taking a cup out from her grasp. He sipped out of her straw, and anger surged through my veins. She took the drink back, and he said something that made them both laugh.

The bastard took it as his opportunity to drape his arm across her shoulders. She rested her head against him, and something inside of me snapped. We decided that my world wasn’t safe for her, but I didn’t push her away so she could land in the arms of that fucking prick. He might be able to provide her with a big house, and all the fucking shit she wanted, but there was no way in fucking hell I was going to let that happen.

If she wanted him, she would have chosen him that night, but she chose me. She walked away from him and got on the back of my bike. I’d be fucking damned if I was going to let her go back to the thing she ran away from.

I was about to storm over there and throw her over my shoulder. Take her far away from that shithead, find the nearest place where I could stick my cock inside her, and remind her of what I could give her. Who needed money when I could fuck her stupid and make her come like a goddamned geyser? But, Nick walked in front of us, halting me in place.

“We have company,” he said, and I focused my attention to where he nodded. On the far side of the street, there was a car with three guys leaning against it. Their arms were crossed over their chests, looking like they were waiting to cause trouble.

“Who the fuck are they?” I asked.

“My guess is Gordita’s crew. I have Stanson and his guy going over there now to check it out. Figured it’s best to send a uniform, hoping they’ll keep it civil. The last thing we need is for shit to go down right now. This event is to prove we’re not those guys. Those fucks can completely blow our cover.”

He wasn’t telling us anything we didn’t know. We kept the town safe and profited on that promise. Blowing our cover would only be the beginning of a fucking shit storm if those pieces of shit tried anything.

Stanson and his guy approached the three guys, and I couldn’t help but notice they all some resemblance to Anthony. Suddenly, my mind went back to Aubree holding that gun, and Anthony’s dead body beneath me. What if they knew? What if they were here for her? No. That was fucking crazy talk. Kade covered that whole shit up. There was no way it could be traced back to any of us.

Still, my eyes snapped away from the powwow across the way, and back to where Aubree just was, but she was no longer there. I scanned the other booths, and the playpens with the dogs, but I couldn’t spot my sunshine.

Kade elbowed me in the side. “They’re leaving.”

I darted my gaze back to the car and watched as the three guys got back in. The edge didn’t wear off until they pulled away and were out of sight.

Stanson and his guy went separate ways, and Stanson came toward us. Nick met him halfway and me and Kade flanked him.

“Just a bunch of thugs who have nothing better to do,” Stanson explained.

“I doubt they were just thugs,” Nick said, but the rest of his words were lost to me as I spotted Aubree going into the building alone.

“I”ll be back,” I said, and took off. I was done sitting back and watching her parade around with that douche. I know I should keep my distance. Stay the fuck away from her, but the desire to see her is too strong, and I just didn’t feel like fighting it any longer.

I slipped into the building, and watched her enter the restroom. I waited for her outside the door and, when she walked out, I grabbed her arm, put my hand over her mouth, and pulled her down a hallway.

She struggled against me and, when we were out of the main area, I spun her around and pressed her against the wall. The fear in her eyes gave way to surprise and lust. “Cash? What are…” I kissed the words right off her mouth. She pushed at my chest, but it only fueled my needs. I snaked my hand around her waist and pulled her tight against my throbbing cock.

I thrust my tongue past her crease, dipping it into her mouth, and claiming what was mine. Her hands dug into my back and then ran around to my front. She smacked them hard against me, shoving me off of her.

“Are you crazy?!” she exclaimed, taking deep steadying breaths, and trying her hardest not to act like that was exactly what she wanted.

I pushed my hand against the wall behind her and leaned down to her lips. She smelled so fucking good, and it took all that I had to keep from pinning her against the wall and taking what was mine. “I am fucking crazy. Crazy about you.”

She blinked up her eyes full of despair. “I’m here with William,” she whispered.

“I know and I don’t like it,” I growled. “I don’t like him, and I don’t like you with him.”

“It doesn’t matter what you like. We both decided going our separate ways was for the best. You not only agreed with me, you let me walk away.”

“Because it’s what you wanted. I made my decision when I asked you to stay everything after that was on you.”

“Don’t,” she spat. “Don’t put this on me. That’s not fair.”

“Who said anything about fair, Sunshine? I’m just telling it as it is.”

She took a deep breath, and then looked up at me with those pretty brown eyes. “Look, Cash. It was amazing while it lasted, but we need to accept that it’s over.”

I brushed her hair off her face, tucking it behind her ear, and letting my hand linger on her cheek. “Is that really what you want though? Because I gotta tell you, Sunshine, I’m having second thoughts.”

“It might not be what I want, but it’s what it has to be.” A sadness washed over her, and it ripped at my fucking insides.

I leaned my weight on my arm against the wall and let myself move closer to her, until I could smell her sweetness. “Are you happy? Because if you can stand here, look me in the eye, and tell me you’re happy, I’ll fucking walk away. Right now. I’ll just go. But if you can’t… If you’re not happy, I’m going to pick you up and bring you to the closest room and show you just how fucking much I’ve missed you.”


“Come on, Sunshine spit it out. It’s either yes or no. Doesn’t get much more cut and dry than that.”

Her eyelashes fluttered and she caught my eye. “No,” she whispered and, as soon as the word was out of her mouth, my hands were in her hair, my lips on hers. I grabbed her ass and hoisted her up on me. Her legs linked around my waist, and I fumbled to the nearest room.

My hand latched onto a knob, and I pushed into the room, slamming the door behind us and pinning Sunshine to the hard wood.

“I’ve missed you,” she said, as I dragged my tongue down her neck, nipping at her collarbone.

“I’ve missed you too, Sunshine. So fucking much.” Her hands grabbed my face and she planted her lips on mine. I loved that she wasn’t afraid to take what she wanted. I slipped my fingers under her shirt and snapped her bra strap with one flick.

I pinched her nipple through the thin material of her shirt, and her body arched. Her legs slid down me, and she got to her feet, her hands working at my pants. “I need to feel you now,” she breathed.

I grabbed her hands, and pinned them over her head. “Not so fast,” I growled, devouring her with a kiss, and not wanting to rush this. I waited so damn long to taste her sweetness, to feel her soft skin beneath me, and I wasn’t going to let it slip away from me so quickly. I was going to savor every fucking second.

My knee went between her legs, and spread them wide, as I kissed a trail down her neck to the V of her shirt. Her fingers knotted in my hair, and it was battle of give and take. I ran my hand up her sides, skimming the roundness of her tits as I made my way to her face.

I crushed my lips back to hers, plunging my tongue into her mouth. My cock throbbed, begging to be released. I scooped Aubree off her feet and brought her to a desk, laying her down on top. I stood back for a moment, admiring just how fucking gorgeous she was. My beautiful sunshine.

“Talk to dirty to me,” I said, as I pushed her shirt up and pressed a kiss to her stomach.

“I don’t know what to say,” she said coyly and, if it wasn’t the cutest fucking thing. She was positive, determined and confident in so many things, and now she chose to play shy. It drove me fucking crazy.

I snatched her up, pulling her to the end of the desk and hitching her legs around my waist. I grazed my mouth across her ear. “Tell me you want me,” I said.

“I want you,” she cried out.

“Tell me you want my big hard cock inside you.”

A moan slipped from her pretty lips, and her body arced, as if my words were a direct link to her very core.

“I want your big, hard cock inside me,” she whispered, grabbing hold of my neck and yanking me to her. Her fingers laced back in my hair, and her head fell back. I hooked my fingers into either side of her shirt and ripped. The buttons popped open, and I dipped my head, trailing my tongue down her perfectly round tit.

“I want to make you my dirty little girl,” I growled against her skin. “Do you want me to?”

“Yes!” she cried out, and I wrapped my hand around her back, pulling her flush against me.

“You drive me fucking crazy, you know that? I can’t stop thinking about you. Not seeing you has been my own personal hell.”

She pulled back, holding my face in her hands. She looked deep into my eyes, deeper than any girl has ever looked. “I want you,” she breathed and it was my undoing.

I captured her lips in one quick motion determined to make her mine in every sense of the word.

I heard a click, but ignored it, too consumed in my need for my Sunshine. “Aubree, are you in here?” A voice came from behind us and Aubree went still.

“What the hell is going on in here?!”

I spun around, belt falling from its loops, and hitting the floor with a thud. My unzipped pants hung open, my throbbing cock pressing hard against my jeans.

My eyes focused taking in the familiar man. “Doc, what the fuck are you doing here?” I asked.

Aubree sat up behind me, pulling her clothes back into place. Her lips parted, and tears filled her eyes. “Daddy, I can explain.”

“Daddy?” I exclaimed, looking from Aubree to the doc.

“I’m going to fucking kill you!” the doc said just before he lunged at me.

BOOK: Warrant (Righteous Outlaws #1)
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