Read Warped Online

Authors: Alicia Taylor

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

Warped (15 page)

BOOK: Warped
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I lean against Damon’s hard chest as I run my fingers through the cooling bath water. We’ve been laying in here for close to an hour. Damon has been emptying the water partway and refilling it with hot water, just slowly bringing my body temperature back up.

My body stopped trembling about ten minutes ago, and now I’m so comfortable and relaxed I keep nodding off. I’ve never thought it would be possible to fall sleep on top of Damon. I would have thought his hard muscles would feel like sleeping on a concrete, but he’s surprisingly soft.

I could stay like this forever.

We’ve not spoken much, we’ve just absorbed each other’s presence, and I’ve soaked in the comfort of his strong arms. I’ve never felt what I feel for Damon. Up until now I’ve been too scared to put into words what I feel for him.

Seeing him on his knees on the muddy ground as rain poured all over him, speaking to jellybean, sealed my heart as his. I know what I feel for him now. I know what I’ve felt for a while and not allowed myself to enjoy. Now I want to bask in his love, and mine.

Damon’s been fascinated with my small belly since he saw me undress. His hands gently cup my stomach, stroking and caressing the bump.

“We’re wrinkling, beauty, we need to get out,” Damon says. His voice is quiet, sleepy. I groan, not wanting to move. I’m perfectly fine where I am.

“I need to wash you then we can snuggle in bed, and sleep for a little while.”

“The water is dirty. I need a shower to clean up,” I mumble.

“Come on then.” He helps me up, and walks us to the walk in shower.

Damon adjusts the temperature settings and checks it’s not too hot before letting me step into the stream of water. The beating of the water hitting my skin is so soothing. It pounds into me, and each hit is loosening my tightly strung muscles.

Damon’s hands slide around my waist from behind, and his fingers glide across my skin, heating my insides. His touch affects me every time. I bring my hands up to clasp onto his wrists as he slowly moves his hands in circular motions all over my small protruding stomach, and up past my breasts, to my neck.

Only then do I realise he has body wash on his hands. My hands follow each of his movements as I cling to his arms, and a soft moan escapes my throat when his hands finally settle on my tender tits.

My nipples tighten, drawing to stiff peaks, but Damon pays them no attention. He just continues cleaning me. I whimper as he moves away from my achy breasts, but my heart rate picks up as he glides down over my bump to the top of my thighs.

I writhe against him, feeling him harden against my back, but still he doesn’t pay attention to our needs. I try to guide his hand to where I need it most, but Damon refrains still. I cry out in frustration, causing him to chuckle.

“Damon,” I whine. Yes, I actually fucking whine. So sue me. I’m pregnant and horny.

“Ella,” he answers with a mirth filled voice.

“Fuck me, Damon.”

“No.” That one word is enough to make me tense up. “Not tonight, beauty. I just want to hold you and not let go. I want you sleeping in my arms so I know you’re mine and safe.” His softly spoken words melt me.

I turn in his arms, and his hands settle on my butt, holding me to him. He looks down to where our bodies meet, and love and awe shines in his dark eyes.

“I have to be honest. I can’t wait until you’re round with my baby, swollen and full,” his eyes come up to mine, a brow raised, “More for me to love.”

I grin at him. He makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the universe, just by the way he looks at me.

“Fuck baby, you make it hard to say no, but I just need to hold you.” I nod at him, but I’m not going to make it easy for him.

“I need you,” I say as my hands glide over the planes of his chest, each muscle tightening under my palms.

“I know what you need, beauty,” he growls.

Damon squeezes my arse before one of his hands slides down the back of my thigh. He grips the back of my knee and brings my leg up to hook around his hip. I cling to his shoulders and dig the heel of my foot into his firm arse cheek to steady myself.

His hard cock bobs against my stomach, making me desperate for him. Damon presses his chest to mine and claims my mouth in a hungry kiss. His tongue collides with mine, and they battle together. 

My blood heats to volcanic temperatures, my pussy clenching and dripping. I need him in me, filling me. Instead, Damon’s fingers make contact with my throbbing clit. He rubs around the hood in a soft circle before slipping down my wet folds to my entrance, where he slowly runs a fingertip around the outer rim before plunging two fingers inside. I cry out and my body clenches around his thick digits.

“You’re so fucking wet, Ella. Fuck, you unravel me, baby.”

Damon starts a steady rhythm with his fingers as he kisses down my neck. I throw my head back and moan as he nibbles at my pulse point. I don’t know what it is about his nibbles but they turn my insides to mush. Moans pour from me as he pulls his fingers out and rubs hard on my hooded pearl.

My body trembles in his hold. Damon releases his grip on my arse to grip my hip, and walks me back a step, until my back presses against the cold, tiled shower wall. His assault on my pussy doesn’t stop. He alternates between finger fucking me and caressing my clit.

His other hand slips from my hip to my back, and slowly strokes up my spine. Goosebumps break out across my skin and I whimper. My nails dig into his neck as my orgasm builds, ready to break and make me float.

“Damon,” I cry. I just need something more, it’s not enough. Damon seems to notice, and his hand leaves my back to grasp my hair. He tugs, pulling my head back, and my chin juts into the air. Damon’s lips travel up my neck to rest at the tip of my chin.

His hand cups my pussy, his palm presses into my clit, his finger hooks in me. He hits my secret bundle of nerves, making me scream. Fuck, it feels so go.

I grind into his palm as he closes his lips around my chin and gently bites, pulling my hair at the same time. A deep feral growl erupts from him, vibrating into me, tearing a moan from me.

“Damon... oh fuck.... Damon... I’m gonna... ohhhh,” I pant out.

My upper body erupts with chills as Damon pulls away from me slightly, only to latch on to my nipple, biting with enough sting to send me over the edge. I scream his name as wave after wave of pure bliss rolls through me. 

When I come down from my high, I look into his eyes and the stagnant anger that lives in me slowly ebbs away. I stand on my toes and bring my lips to his soft plump mouth for a gentle kiss. It's not passionate or hungry, it's a kiss of acceptance. I belong to this man. He owns my heart and soul.

I own him too.

Damon pulls away but my eyes remain shut, just revelling in the feelings floating around my system, revelling in my acknowledgement of my love for this man.

My eyes slowly open, my greens clashing with his browns, and what I see takes my breath away. The intensity swimming in his chocolate eyes holds me captive to his stare. He leans down and rests his forehead against mine, shutting his eyes and breathing deeply.

"I love you, beauty. So fucking much it hurts." I swallow past the lump on my throat.

"I love you too, Damon," I whisper. His eyes spring open, pinning me again.

It's the first time I've ever told him. I've never said it before because I didn't know I loved him. I was blocking it, but I do. I know I do love him. I want him to know that.

He cradles me in his arms for a long time. I begin to drift off to sleep. When Damon notices he finishes washing me, quickly dries me, then carries me to bed.

He holds me exactly like he said he wanted.







Rolling over in bed, I reach my hand out for Damon, but only find a cold empty space. I turn over and frown at the place where my perfect man should be lying, but isn’t. When I spot a piece of paper on his pillow, I reach out and pick it up to read.

Making breakfast, don't leave the bed. I have plans for you after we eat.


D xx

Jumping out of bed I head to the bathroom, desperate to relieve my bladder. I feel like I’m ready to burst. I brush my teeth and freshen up. After washing my hands, I walk back into the bedroom just as Damon walks in through the door.

“I thought I said not to leave the bed,” he growls, amusement lighting up his eyes. I love this side of Damon, happy and carefree. Playful. Since we made up I don’t think I have seen the smile leave his face. It’s infectious. Damon being happy makes me happy.

“I needed to freshen up Damon. I didn't think you meant I literally had to stay in bed,” I say as I roll my eyes at him. I watch as he sets the tray down on the bedside table, and then crosses the room to me in three strides. He hooks his arms under my legs, sweeping me off my feet. He helps settle my legs around his waist as he carries me back to bed and sets me down, coming to lie on top of me. He doesn’t rest his full weight on my stomach. Instead, his whole upper body is supported by resting on his elbows.

“I said Ella, to stay in bed,” he says as his mouth runs along my jaw, nipping, licking, and kissing. “I have plans for you.” He continues to kiss until he gets to just below my ear. “Plans that mean you won’t leave this bed until I'm done.” The last words come out almost as a whisper. Shivers run down my spine at the thought of what those plans may be, and goosebumps rise down my neck at the feel of his warm breath against my skin.

Damon is quick to catch my change in mood and lets out a chuckle as my legs wrap around his waist, trying to pull him closer on top of me.

“Not yet beauty. First we eat.” I let out a frustrated sigh as he moves from between my legs, which makes Damon chuckle again. Looking at his beautiful body is enough to make my mouth water. I don’t need food, all I need his him.

His bare chest ripples as he moves, each muscle defined, and his abs are tight. The lounge pants he has on hang low on his hips, showcasing his delicious V.

“Like what you see beauty?” I nod my head in appreciation, before bringing my eyes up to meet his. His body is god like, all sculptured to perfection.

“I love what I see Damon.” My voice comes out throaty, and barely above a whisper.

“Ella if you keep talking to me like that I won’t be responsible for what I do next, and you need to eat. You and our beautiful baby need food, so behave.” At the mention of the baby my hand automatically moves to stroke my stomach. Damon smiles as he watches me. A grin spreads across my face as I take in his happiness.

“When did you find out you’re expecting?” He blurts. My smile drops.

“A while ago,” I admit, quietly.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I was going to tell you the night of my birthday.” My voice drops to a whisper. “But you left.”

Damon pulls me to him, cradling me in his arms. One hand rests on my bump whilst the other holds me close. “I’m so sorry. Never again, baby. Never fucking again.”

For a week Damon and I have been living in a bubble, just enjoying each other. His hands are on my small bump as much as possible, always caressing me, and looking at me in awe. Pulling back I let him see I’m okay. Releasing me, he moves off the bed.

When he returns to the bedside table to retrieve our food, I watch his firm backside. He turns with the tray and catches the direction of my gaze. Damon chuckles at me whilst shaking his head.

Placing the tray down on my lap, he climbs in the bed next to me. I smile before looking at our breakfast. There are croissants, a bowl of strawberries, and two glasses of orange juice.

My mouth waters at the same time as my stomach rumbles, and I giggle as I feel a blush creep up my cheeks. Damon picks up a croissant and breaks half off, shoving it in his mouth before handing the other piece to me. I take a mouthful, savouring the flavour, and my taste buds explode as the sweet pastry hits my tongue. My stomach grumbles in appreciation.

Damon picks up a strawberry and runs it along my bottom lip. I open my mouth taking a bite, and juice runs down my chin. He moves forward to lick it away, causing a breathy moan escape my lips at the feel of his mouth brushing against mine.

Trying to deepen the kiss, I open my mouth, inviting him to give me more, but instead Damon pulls away. I lean forward, desperate for him.

Damon continues to eat but stops when he notices that I’m watching him instead of eating. He picks up my croissant and lifts it to my lips, “Eat, baby.” Taking it from him, we continue to eat in silence, just watching each other.

When we’ve both finished eating Damon removes the tray, placing it back on the bedside table. He lies back and pulls me to him, helping me settle in the crook of his arm. I snuggle into him as his hand comes to stroke my now full belly. I place my hand on his as we laze together.

I start running my fingers along the outline of his abs in a circular motion, and hear his breath catch as I move my hand lower, gently grazing the tip of his penis. I'm about to run my palm along his thick cock but he grips my wrist, holding my hand in place.

“Ella, wait. I need to talk to you.” Worry must cross my face as I move out of his arms and sit indian style on the bed facing him, because he quickly cups my face in his hands.

“Is everything okay Damon?” I ask. He nods his head and gives me a small smile.

“Everything is perfect beauty. I just want to talk to you.” I feel myself start to relax as he pulls me back towards him so I'm lying back in the crook of his arm.

“Ella, I love you so much. Nothing else matters to me. You and the baby are all I’ll ever want, all I need. I know I could have fucked things up–” I start to speak but he silences me with a finger pressed to my lips. “Beauty, please, let me finish. I need you to hear what I have to say.” I nod my head up at him, letting him know he has my complete attention.

He leans forward to kiss me softly, sucking my bottom lip into the warm cavern of his mouth. I moan and Damon pulls away an inch, keeping close to my face still, his nose brushing mine.

“Ella, I know things between us have been kinda crazy, and everything has been happening so fast, but I love you so much, more than I thought possible to love anyone. My life before you was,” he pauses then sighs. “It was fucked up baby. I’ve made mistakes, and I haven’t always been the best to women, until now, until you. You’re the most beautiful, kind hearted person I know. I know you have a past, and so do I. That makes us perfect for each other and I don’t want to let our past ruin what we have. Fuck it. I want to do this right.”

Damon reaches over to his bedside table, pulling the drawer open and retrieving a ring box. A box that I know holds my engagement ring. He kneels on the bed and I mirror him. Tears stream from my eyes, and his hand comes up to cup my face as he wipes my cheeks with his thumbs.

“Ella, I love you baby. Marry me. Be my wife, be my home. We’re perfect for each other beauty. You’re my little firecracker. You keep my on my toes. Fuck beauty, you keep me grounded. You make me want to wake every morning just so I get to see your face.”

My breath hitches at his words, as tears continue to wet my cheeks. I have never had anyone say these things to me before. Such beautiful words. I love him so much, and to hear he feels the same about me makes my heart swell with happiness.

“Ella, will you marry me? Can I keep you?”

I nod my head yes because I can’t speak, before throwing myself into his arms. Damon takes the ring from the box and slips it on my finger. It’s breathtaking. A single square diamond sits in the centre, surrounded by a cluster of smaller diamonds that go all around and down the platinum band. It really is stunning.

“Do you like it baby?” I nod my head. All of my ability to form coherent words is lost in my sobs. “It was my grandmother’s, it’s been in our family for so many years, and my mum said it was meant for you. I agree beauty, because you are meant for me.”

“It’s beautiful.”

I reach my hand up behind his head to pull his face down to mine, kissing him with everything I am. I try to deepen the kiss but Damon pulls away, I moan and Damon chuckles to himself.

“You want me beauty?” I press myself against his rock hard chest, nuzzling his neck.

“Yes,” I whisper. “I want you so much Damon.” My voice sounds throaty with need.

I think he’s about to pull me onto him but instead Damon climbs out of bed with a slap to my arse. I fall on my back and sigh in frustration. This man is killing me.

His laughter trails behind him as he walks out of the room. A grin splits my face.

“Tease,” I call after him.


BOOK: Warped
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